Showing 1101-1150 of 4581 results


25 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Regional and Country Report - Documents which have been prepared by or had Important Inputs from Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and Pacific [RWSG-EA] - September 22, 1995
Regional and Country Report - Documents which have been prepared by or had Important Inputs from Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and Pacific [RWSG-EA] - September 22, 1995
Proceedings of the Urban and Peri-Urban Strategic Sanitation Conference - East Asia Region - March 25 - 27, 1996 - Jakarta - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Proceedings of the Urban and Peri-Urban Strategic Sanitation Conference - East Asia Region - March 25 - 27, 1996 - Jakarta - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Being Demand-Responsive - Process and Outputs of a Conference in Dalat, Vietnam - January 22 - 25, 1997 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and the Pacific
Being Demand-Responsive - Process and Outputs of a Conference in Dalat, Vietnam - January 22 - 25, 1997 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and the Pacific
Evaluation of New York City Toilet Rebate Program - Customer Satisfaction Survey - Final Report - December 16, 1996 - Westat, Incorporated
Evaluation of New York City Toilet Rebate Program - Customer Satisfaction Survey - Final Report - December 16, 1996 - Westat, Incorporated
The Water and Wastewater Sector in Poland - 1999 - State Office of Housing and Urban Development
The Water and Wastewater Sector in Poland - 1999 - State Office of Housing and Urban Development
Instrumentos para Regulacao eo Controle da Prestacao dos Servicos de Saneamento - Ministerio de Planejamento e Orcamento Secretaria de Politica Urbana - Serie Modermizacao do Setor Saneamento
Instrumentos para Regulacao eo Controle da Prestacao dos Servicos de Saneamento - Ministerio de Planejamento e Orcamento Secretaria de Politica Urbana - Serie Modermizacao do Setor Saneamento
Case Study on Womens Involvement in Community Water Systems - The PKK Experience - NTT Province, Indonesia - ICP CWS 005 - UNDP INT / 83 / 003 - 1988 - Prowwess - World Health Organization
Case Study on Womens Involvement in Community Water Systems - The PKK Experience - NTT Province, Indonesia - ICP CWS 005 - UNDP INT / 83 / 003 - 1988 - Prowwess - World Health Organization
Learning What Works - Aprendiendo de la Experiencia - Les Lecons de l' Experience - Water and Sanitation Program
Learning What Works - Aprendiendo de la Experiencia - Les Lecons de l' Experience - Water and Sanitation Program
Guia para la Capacitacion en el Manejo de las Diarreas - Conasupo - United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF]
Guia para la Capacitacion en el Manejo de las Diarreas - Conasupo - United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF]
European Public Services Committee [EPSC] Survey on the European Water Industry - Final Report - Public Services for the People of Europe - The Commission of the European Communities, DG V
European Public Services Committee [EPSC] Survey on the European Water Industry - Final Report - Public Services for the People of Europe - The Commission of the European Communities, DG V
Programa PNUD / Banco Mundial de Agua y Saneamiento - Bolivia
Programa PNUD / Banco Mundial de Agua y Saneamiento - Bolivia
Matching Supply and Demand for Improved Sanitation using Willingness-to-Play Data - February 1995 - Donald T. Lauria
Matching Supply and Demand for Improved Sanitation using Willingness-to-Play Data - February 1995 - Donald T. Lauria
Water Sector Credentials - July 1998 - N M Rothschild and Sons
Water Sector Credentials - July 1998 - N M Rothschild and Sons
Guiding Principles - Kibera Infrastructure Project [KIP] / Kibera Urban Environmental Sanitation Pilot Project [UESP] - September 3, 1997
Guiding Principles - Kibera Infrastructure Project [KIP] / Kibera Urban Environmental Sanitation Pilot Project [UESP] - September 3, 1997
Better Sanitation, A Responsibility for All - Republic of Uganda - Briefing Notes for Decision Makers - Ministry of Health
Better Sanitation, A Responsibility for All - Republic of Uganda - Briefing Notes for Decision Makers - Ministry of Health
Care International in Rwanda - A Project to install a Water Systems in the Region of Giti, Muhura, and Murambi - Report of the Process Evaluation Mission in Connection with the PROWWESS Programme of the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - April
Care International in Rwanda - A Project to install a Water Systems in the Region of Giti, Muhura, and Murambi - Report of the Process Evaluation Mission in Connection with the PROWWESS Programme of the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - April
Indonesia - Participatory Training-of-Trainers Workshop - Alternative Strategies for Involving Rural Women in the Water Decade - March 1986 - PKK with assistance from United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / PROWWESS Publication
Indonesia - Participatory Training-of-Trainers Workshop - Alternative Strategies for Involving Rural Women in the Water Decade - March 1986 - PKK with assistance from United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / PROWWESS Publication
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation [RWSS] Strategy Development in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic - Nationally-Led Strategic Guidance and its Progressive Application - Community Water and Sanitation Conference - May 5-8, 1998
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation [RWSS] Strategy Development in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic - Nationally-Led Strategic Guidance and its Progressive Application - Community Water and Sanitation Conference - May 5-8, 1998
Demand Aggregation - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project [PADEAR] - Case Study
Demand Aggregation - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project [PADEAR] - Case Study
Statements and Recommendations from Major International Meetings on Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation - October 1994 - The Science, Technology and Private Sector Division, United Nations Development Programme
Statements and Recommendations from Major International Meetings on Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation - October 1994 - The Science, Technology and Private Sector Division, United Nations Development Programme
The Katwe Urban Pilot Project - Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned - August 1995 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
The Katwe Urban Pilot Project - Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned - August 1995 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Sink or Swim - Water, Resource Security and State Co-operation - Number 6 - October 1996 - Institute for Defence Policy [IDP] Monograph Series
Sink or Swim - Water, Resource Security and State Co-operation - Number 6 - October 1996 - Institute for Defence Policy [IDP] Monograph Series
Alternative Solutions for Supply of Water and Sewerage in Sectors with Low Financial Resources - World Bank - February 25, 1998 - Washington, DC - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
Alternative Solutions for Supply of Water and Sewerage in Sectors with Low Financial Resources - World Bank - February 25, 1998 - Washington, DC - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
NSGO in Water and Sanitation
NSGO in Water and Sanitation
Here is a Document that can change the Way - 1998 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG] East Asia and the Pacific [EAP] Communications Strategy
Here is a Document that can change the Way - 1998 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG] East Asia and the Pacific [EAP] Communications Strategy
Being Demand Responsive - Process and Outputs of a Conference in Dalat, Vietnam - January 22-25, 1997 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and the Pacific
Being Demand Responsive - Process and Outputs of a Conference in Dalat, Vietnam - January 22-25, 1997 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and the Pacific
Creating Performance Incentives through Regulation and Benchmarking - 1999 Water Supply and Sanit...
Creating Performance Incentives through Regulation and Benchmarking - 1999 Water Supply and Sanitation Forum - April 8 - 9, 1999 - Water and Sanitation Division, The World Bank
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Sanitary Sewer Networks - User Instructions for SEWER Versions 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Sanitary Sewer Networks - User Instructions for SEWER Versions 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Looped Water Distribution Networks - User Interface for LOOP Version 4.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Looped Water Distribution Networks - User Interface for LOOP Version 4.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Least Cost Design of Branched Water Distribution Networks - User Instruction for Branch Version 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Least Cost Design of Branched Water Distribution Networks - User Instruction for Branch Version 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
Handbook for Mainstreaming - A Gender Perspective in the Water Resources Management Sector - Publications on Water Resources Number 6 - Department for Natural Resources and the Environment - Helen Thomas, Johanna Schalkwyk and Beth Woroniuk
Handbook for Mainstreaming - A Gender Perspective in the Water Resources Management Sector - Publications on Water Resources Number 6 - Department for Natural Resources and the Environment - Helen Thomas, Johanna Schalkwyk and Beth Woroniuk
Report and Proposed Strategy on Community-Based Monitoring of the Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project Uganda - Kathleen Shordt, David Saunders, Patricia Nginya, Edward Bwengye in collaboration with Regional Water and Sanitation Group
Report and Proposed Strategy on Community-Based Monitoring of the Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project Uganda - Kathleen Shordt, David Saunders, Patricia Nginya, Edward Bwengye in collaboration with Regional Water and Sanitation Group
Major Mid Term Issues in the Water and Sanitation Sector - What Role for the Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG]-WA - Report of the RWSG-WA Retreat, Abidjan December 15-17, 1993 - February 1994 - Philip Langley
Major Mid Term Issues in the Water and Sanitation Sector - What Role for the Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG]-WA - Report of the RWSG-WA Retreat, Abidjan December 15-17, 1993 - February 1994 - Philip Langley
Community Water Supply and Sanitation Conference - May 5-8, 1998 - Washington, DC - The World Bank and United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank water and Sanitation Program
Community Water Supply and Sanitation Conference - May 5-8, 1998 - Washington, DC - The World Bank and United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank water and Sanitation Program
Evaluacion Global de los Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento 2000 - Informe Analitico - Resumen Peru
Evaluacion Global de los Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento 2000 - Informe Analitico - Resumen Peru
The Water and Sanitation Analysis Group - Ganas - Bolivia - December 1997 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
The Water and Sanitation Analysis Group - Ganas - Bolivia - December 1997 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Projet d' Amelioration des Conditions de Vie Urbaine Ouagadougou Bobo Dioulasso - Assainissement Urbain a Ouagadougou - Draft - 1 Juin 1994 - Burkina Faso - Ministere des Travaux Publics de l' Habitat et de l' Urbanisme
Projet d' Amelioration des Conditions de Vie Urbaine Ouagadougou Bobo Dioulasso - Assainissement Urbain a Ouagadougou - Draft - 1 Juin 1994 - Burkina Faso - Ministere des Travaux Publics de l' Habitat et de l' Urbanisme
Draft Sample Bidding Documents for the Procurement of Handpumps - Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project - Applied Research and Technology (WUDAT) - Note Number 1 - A Joint United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Contribution to the
Draft Sample Bidding Documents for the Procurement of Handpumps - Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project - Applied Research and Technology (WUDAT) - Note Number 1 - A Joint United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Contribution to the
Proposal to The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency [SIDA] for support Inputs in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic [PDR] and Cambodia by the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Phase B
Proposal to The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency [SIDA] for support Inputs in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic [PDR] and Cambodia by the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Phase B
Community Water Project - Report on United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] 50 Well Survey - November 1998 - Pragmatic Outcomes Incorporated
Community Water Project - Report on United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] 50 Well Survey - November 1998 - Pragmatic Outcomes Incorporated
Most Worthwhile Use of Water - Efficiency, Equity and Ecologically Sound Use - Pre-Requisites for Twenty First Century Management - Jan Lundqvist and Klas Sandstrom - Publications on Water Resources Number 7 - Department for
Most Worthwhile Use of Water - Efficiency, Equity and Ecologically Sound Use - Pre-Requisites for Twenty First Century Management - Jan Lundqvist and Klas Sandstrom - Publications on Water Resources Number 7 - Department for
Privatisation and Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean - The Experience in Water and Sewerage - Coopers and Lybrand - Private Investment, Infrastructure Reform and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean Workshop
Privatisation and Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean - The Experience in Water and Sewerage - Coopers and Lybrand - Private Investment, Infrastructure Reform and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean Workshop
Privatisation in Small and Medium Water Systems - Analysis of Case Studies - Ruben Dario Avendano - Draft - Colombia - Lecciones de Cuatro Casos de Participacion del Sector Privado en Agua Potable y Alcantarillado - Septiembre de 1997
Privatisation in Small and Medium Water Systems - Analysis of Case Studies - Ruben Dario Avendano - Draft - Colombia - Lecciones de Cuatro Casos de Participacion del Sector Privado en Agua Potable y Alcantarillado - Septiembre de 1997
Technologie Appropriee, Alimentation en Eau et Assainissement - Aspects Socio-Culturels de l' Alimentation en Eau et de l' Evacuation des Exreta Humains - Volume 5 - Decembre 1980 - Departement des Transports, des Eaux des Telecommunications de la Banque
Technologie Appropriee, Alimentation en Eau et Assainissement - Aspects Socio-Culturels de l' Alimentation en Eau et de l' Evacuation des Exreta Humains - Volume 5 - Decembre 1980 - Departement des Transports, des Eaux des Telecommunications de la Banque
The National Association of Water Companies [NAWC] Privatization Study - A Survey of the Use of Public-Private Partnerships in the Drinking water Utility Sector - June 1999 - The Hudson Institute
The National Association of Water Companies [NAWC] Privatization Study - A Survey of the Use of Public-Private Partnerships in the Drinking water Utility Sector - June 1999 - The Hudson Institute
Cooperation Agreement (In Accordance with Renegotiation Results of February 2000) - Clean Water Supply and Service Improvement for the Western Part of Jakarta - Main Contract - Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum dengan PT Pam Lyonnaise Jaya
Cooperation Agreement (In Accordance with Renegotiation Results of February 2000) - Clean Water Supply and Service Improvement for the Western Part of Jakarta - Main Contract - Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum dengan PT Pam Lyonnaise Jaya
Manila East - Concession Contract - 1997 - Water and Sanitation Program
Manila East - Concession Contract - 1997 - Water and Sanitation Program
Programme d' Approvisionnement en Eau des Quartiers Populaires de Port-au-Prince - Rapport de la Mission d' Evaluation - Fevrier 1998 - Bernard Collignon - Hydro Conseil
Programme d' Approvisionnement en Eau des Quartiers Populaires de Port-au-Prince - Rapport de la Mission d' Evaluation - Fevrier 1998 - Bernard Collignon - Hydro Conseil
Energy and Power - Rothschilds Credentials - July 1998 - N M Rothschild and Sons
Energy and Power - Rothschilds Credentials - July 1998 - N M Rothschild and Sons
Les Operateurs Prives de la Distribution d' Eau dans les Quartiers Defavorises de Dakar (Senegal) - Financement - Octobre 1997 - Severine Champetier Philippe Durand avec la Collaboration de Youssouph Mbargane Guisse
Les Operateurs Prives de la Distribution d' Eau dans les Quartiers Defavorises de Dakar (Senegal) - Financement - Octobre 1997 - Severine Champetier Philippe Durand avec la Collaboration de Youssouph Mbargane Guisse
Resultados 1101 a 1150 de 4581