The Condition of Primary Education in Developing Countries by Marlaine E. Lockeed - 1v
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- 1989-09-01 - ?
4816 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
The Condition of Primary Education in Developing Countries by Marlaine E. Lockeed - 1v
Managing Adult Literacy Training: Issues and Experiences by Abdun Noor - 1v
Education in Sahel by M. Botti, M.D. Carelli, M. Saliba - 1v
Educational Expenditures in the 1970s by Manuel Zymelman - 1v
Preliminary Overview of Bank Assistance for Higher Education by M. Wodajo - 1v
Investing in Children by S. Heyneman - 1v
Social Selection in Education and Economic Development by C. Arnold Anderson - 1v
Education and Technical Efficiency in Small-Farm Production by Peter R. Moock - 1v
Educational Investment and Economic Productivity: Evidence from Malawi by S. Heyneman - 1
Can Education Promote Development by J. Simmons - 1v
Education Lending for the Poor by A. Noor - 1v
Further Evidence on Economics of Scale by K.H. Lee - 1v
The World Educational Crisis Revisited by P.H. Coombs - 1v
African Regional Seminar on Education Evaluation (IIEP/IBRD)
Political Economy of Education for Village Development by J. Simmons - 1v
Higher Education Research and development by J. P. Powell - 1v
Financing Public Higher Education in Developing Countries by A. Mingat and J. p. Tann - 1v
Journal of Development Economics: Public Inputs and Child Schooling in Brazil by N. Birdsall - 1v
Revista Colombiana de Educacion by E. V. Bustillo and P. L. Trouchon - 1v
The Economicss of Early Childhood Education and Day-Care by G. Psacharopoulos - 1v
Educational Planning: A Reappraisal by G. Psacharopoulos - 1v
Education and Structure of Earnings in Portugal by G. Psacharopoulos - 1v
Overview of the World Bank's Research on Education by P. R. Moock and R. S. Horn - 1v
China/World Bank: University Development by A. H. Ter Weele - 1v
Further Evidence on Economics of Scale in Higher Education by K. H. Lee - 1v
Equity and an Alternative Educational Method: A Korean Case Study by K. W. Lee - 1v
The Private Direct Cost of Secondary Schooling in Tanzania by J. P. Tan - 1v
The Quality of Schooling: Quantity Alone is Misleading by J. R. Behrman and N. Birdsall - 1v
Education Sector Support Strategy Paper by Mats Hultin - 1v
Comparative Education Review by A. Mingat and J. P. Tan - 1v
Education During a Period of Austerity: Uganda, 1971-1981 by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Making Vocational Training Effective by J. Middleton, A. Ziderman, and A. Adams - 1v