Showing 1951-2000 of 4042 results

Con objetos digitales
Survei Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Pedoman Pengawasan - 0313.8402
Survei Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Pedoman Pengawasan - 0313.8402
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerak Transmigrasi 1984 Pedoman Pengolahan - 03130.8401
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerak Transmigrasi 1984 Pedoman Pengolahan - 03130.8401
Studi Standard Sistim Pemukiman Transmigrasi - Maret 1978 - Kerjasama Antara
Studi Standard Sistim Pemukiman Transmigrasi - Maret 1978 - Kerjasama Antara
Lokasi Penempatan Trransmigrasi Periode Kolonisasi (1905-1945) PRA-Pelita (1950-1968) Pelita I,II...
Lokasi Penempatan Trransmigrasi Periode Kolonisasi (1905-1945) PRA-Pelita (1950-1968) Pelita I,II,III (1979/80-1983/84)
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar I - Keterangan Pendaftaran Rum...
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar I - Keterangan Pendaftaran Rumahtangga
Survey Agro Ekonomi - Labour Supply and Demand in the Agricultural Sector - Report of Year III, 1...
Survey Agro Ekonomi - Labour Supply and Demand in the Agricultural Sector - Report of Year III, 1977/1978 - Analysis of Rural Household Labour Utilization in the Cimanuk River Basin, West Java - A. Rozany Nuermanef, Memed Gunawan, and Sri Hartoyo
Agro-Economic Survey - Land Tenure and Labor Markets in East Java, Indonesia - Soentoro, William ...
Agro-Economic Survey - Land Tenure and Labor Markets in East Java, Indonesia - Soentoro, William L. Collier and Sri Hartoyo - August 1981
Agro-Economic Survey - Rural Dynamics Study - Studi Dinamika Pedesaan - Bogor, Indonesia - Declin...
Agro-Economic Survey - Rural Dynamics Study - Studi Dinamika Pedesaan - Bogor, Indonesia - Declining Labor Absorption (1878 to 1980) in Javanese Rice Production - William L. Collier - Number 2 - Presented at the Agricultural Economics Society of South
Guideline Proposals for a Communication Support Component in Transmigration Projects - A Consulta...
Guideline Proposals for a Communication Support Component in Transmigration Projects - A Consultancy Report on a Study and Observation of the FAO/Technical Cooperation Project [TCP] in Pematang Panggang, South Sumatra, Indonesia 6/INS/01/T
South East Sulawesi Transmigration area Development Project - Agricultural Development - Volume 4...
South East Sulawesi Transmigration area Development Project - Agricultural Development - Volume 4 - Hunting Technical Services Limited and Huszar Brammah and Associates
South East Sulawesi Transmigration Area Development  Project - Volume 3 - Hunting Technical Servi...
South East Sulawesi Transmigration Area Development Project - Volume 3 - Hunting Technical Services Limited and Huszar Brammah and Associates
Baseline Survey Results of Village Cooperatives in Transmigration Areas of Southeast Sulawesi - S...
Baseline Survey Results of Village Cooperatives in Transmigration Areas of Southeast Sulawesi - SESTADP Occasional Paper Number 4 - E. Slamet, Dr. J. Levine, and A. Prouty - Pacific Architects and Engineers, Incorporated - Resources Management
Transmigration Settlement Planning Project, Indonesia - Final Report - February - May 1983 - ID H...
Transmigration Settlement Planning Project, Indonesia - Final Report - February - May 1983 - ID Hill - Land Resource Development Centre - INDON-08-2/82 - Januari 1983
Sausu, Malonas, Tolai - Lessons in Successful Transmigration - Agro-Economic Study of Three Trans...
Sausu, Malonas, Tolai - Lessons in Successful Transmigration - Agro-Economic Study of Three Transmigration Centers in the Sulawesi Tengah Province - Indonesia - Orstom Transmigration Project PTA-44 - May 1986
TAD-Report Number 1 Transmigration - Manfred Holthus - East Kalimantan Transmigration Area Develo...
TAD-Report Number 1 Transmigration - Manfred Holthus - East Kalimantan Transmigration Area Development Project - PTA 46/ATA140
Summary Report - On three case studies in Transmigration areas with different Agricultural Patterns
Summary Report - On three case studies in Transmigration areas with different Agricultural Patterns
Indonesia - Government Decrees, Statutes and Regulations
Indonesia - Government Decrees, Statutes and Regulations
Transmigration Programme - An Overview - May 1981 - Government of Indonesia
Transmigration Programme - An Overview - May 1981 - Government of Indonesia
Project Identification of Transmigration III and IV - Republic of Indonesia - April 1979
Project Identification of Transmigration III and IV - Republic of Indonesia - April 1979
The Final Result on Cropping Systems Research in Transmigration Areas - Southern Sumatera (1976-1...
The Final Result on Cropping Systems Research in Transmigration Areas - Southern Sumatera (1976-1977) - March 1978 - Cooperation Work between the Directorate General of Transmigration and Central Research Institute for Agriculture
Transmigration Management Development and Monitoring Services Project - RMI Consultants Monthly R...
Transmigration Management Development and Monitoring Services Project - RMI Consultants Monthly Report No. 27 for July1982 in Respect of the Overall Transmigration Programme and the Trans II Project - UNDP/OPE INS/79/001 - Original English Version
Transmigration Management Development and Monitoring Services Project - RMI Consultants Monthly R...
Transmigration Management Development and Monitoring Services Project - RMI Consultants Monthly Report No. 26 for June 1982 in Respect of the Overall Transmigration Programme and the Trans II Project - UNDP/OPE INS/79/001 - Original English Version
Transmigration Management Development and Monitoring Services Project - RMI Consultants Monthly R...
Transmigration Management Development and Monitoring Services Project - RMI Consultants Monthly Report No. 24 for April 1982 in Respect of the Overall Transmigration Programme and the Trans II Project - UNDP/OPE INS/79/001 - Original English Version
Information About Transmigration and Area Development Project in East Kalimantan Indonesia - Proj...
Information About Transmigration and Area Development Project in East Kalimantan Indonesia - Project of Technical Cooperation between the Republic of Indonesia and the Federal Republic of Germany - November 1982
Study on Evaluation and Long Term Monitoring of Baturaja and Way Abung Transmigration and Rural D...
Study on Evaluation and Long Term Monitoring of Baturaja and Way Abung Transmigration and Rural Development Project - Problems and Solutions in Agricultural Production in the Batumarta Transmigration Area - South Sumatra
Transmigration II Project - Jambi Province - Interim Report - January 1983 - Euroconsult in assoc...
Transmigration II Project - Jambi Province - Interim Report - January 1983 - Euroconsult in association with ID Consultants
Summary of Report on Implementation Guidelines for Development of Food Crops Agriculture in Trans...
Summary of Report on Implementation Guidelines for Development of Food Crops Agriculture in Transmigration Projects 1982/1983 and 1983/1984 - Report Number 3 - R. Soedarsono / N. Owens - INS/79/001
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and S...
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and South Kalimantan Provinces - Feasibility Studies, Programmes - Final Report - Volume III - June 1984 - Nedeco - Euroconsult in association with IDC
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and S...
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and South Kalimantan Provinces - Executive Summary - Final Report - Volume I - June 1984 - Nedeco - Euroconsult in Association with IDC
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and S...
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and South Kalimantan Provinces - Surveys, Evaluation of Project Schemes - Final Report - Volume II - June 1984 - Nedeco - Euroconsult in Association with IDC
Summary of Report - Pola Pembinaan Dan Pengembangan Perkebunan Di Daerah Transmigrasi - Agricultu...
Summary of Report - Pola Pembinaan Dan Pengembangan Perkebunan Di Daerah Transmigrasi - Agricultural Services Report Number 6 - Results of Technical Discussion on Estate Crop Development in Transmigration Areas - June 1979 - Dg. Estates
Working Paper - Report on Land Clearing for Transmigration in the Outer Islands of Indonesia by L...
Working Paper - Report on Land Clearing for Transmigration in the Outer Islands of Indonesia by L.J. Clarke - UNDP/FAO Project INS/78/012 - Department of Manpower and Transmigration - Jakarta - Indonesia - January 1980
Report on the Penyiapan Lahan Pemukiman [PLP] Unit of Departemen Transmigrasi during PELTA III - ...
Report on the Penyiapan Lahan Pemukiman [PLP] Unit of Departemen Transmigrasi during PELTA III - June 1984
Phase II Studies, Phase IIIA Studies and Technical Assistance for Transmigration Settlement Devel...
Phase II Studies, Phase IIIA Studies and Technical Assistance for Transmigration Settlement Development - Transmigration Pilot Project - Spontaneous Transmigration Development - Stage I Report - Halcrow Fox and Associates in association with Indulexco
Screening Study (Phase II) for Transmigration Settlement Development - Data Supplement - Jambi Pr...
Screening Study (Phase II) for Transmigration Settlement Development - Data Supplement - Jambi Province and Agricultural Supplement - SKP in Kab Musi Rawas, Sumatera Selatan - May 1983 - Halcrow Fox and Associates in co-operation with Indulexco
Semi Annual  Report Number 2 - Transmigration Management and Monitoring Project - January - June ...
Semi Annual Report Number 2 - Transmigration Management and Monitoring Project - January - June 1981 - UNDP/OPE Projects INS/79/001 - Pacific Architects and Engineers, Incorporated and Resources Management International, Incorporated
Report on Formal and Informal Leadership in Selected Transmigration Villages in the area of Luwu ...
Report on Formal and Informal Leadership in Selected Transmigration Villages in the area of Luwu - South Sulawesi No. 2
Transmigration Programme Second Phase Evaluation - UNDP/OPE INS/79/001 - First Draft
Transmigration Programme Second Phase Evaluation - UNDP/OPE INS/79/001 - First Draft
Transmigration Project Preparation - Proposal for World Bank Participation under Transmigration V...
Transmigration Project Preparation - Proposal for World Bank Participation under Transmigration V Loan - November 1984 - Government of Indonesia - Ministry of Migration - Directorate General Settlement Preparation
Transmigration Planning Advisory Group - SFSE - 82 Mid-Term Review and Quarterly Progress Report ...
Transmigration Planning Advisory Group - SFSE - 82 Mid-Term Review and Quarterly Progress Report - August - October 1984 - Sir MacDonald and Partners Asia in association with Hunting Technical Services, Water and Power Consultancy Services, and
Preliminary Draft - Evaluation of the Transmigration Programme - Mid-Term Repelita III - Phase I ...
Preliminary Draft - Evaluation of the Transmigration Programme - Mid-Term Repelita III - Phase I - March 22, 1982 - R. Vaughan Evans - Transmigration Management and Monitoring Services Project UNDP/OPE - INS/79/001
Income Survey in Transmigration Areas - Cooperation between The Ministry of Transmigration and Th...
Income Survey in Transmigration Areas - Cooperation between The Ministry of Transmigration and The Central Bureau of Statistics - August 8, 1985 - Translated from Indonesian to English - Provisional Report - Draft Internal
Income - Reports and Tables
Income - Reports and Tables
Transmigration and Development Budgets Allocated and Realized 1984-1988 - Sector and Province - D...
Transmigration and Development Budgets Allocated and Realized 1984-1988 - Sector and Province - Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia - Kantor Pusat Direktorat Jendral Anggaran - JLN Lapangan Banteng Timor Number 2 (Kotak Pos 139)
Costs - Reports and Charts
Costs - Reports and Charts
Budget Information - Charts and Reports
Budget Information - Charts and Reports
Survey Data 1983 - Units V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII - Reports and Charts
Survey Data 1983 - Units V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII - Reports and Charts
Pearson Correlation Coefficients
Pearson Correlation Coefficients
Village 5 Variables
Village 5 Variables
Village 3 Variables
Village 3 Variables
Resultados 1951 a 2000 de 4042