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Reference Collection on World Bank History

Reference Collection on World Bank History

  • Fundos
  • 1938 - 1985

This fonds hold copies of records from other repositories that relate to the history of the World Bank. One group of records copied from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library deals with the Bretton Woods conference. A second group, copied from the Harry S Truman Presidential Library, consists of selected documents on the Bretton Woods conference and the early years of the Bank. A third body is copies of records from the United States Government's Office of Agriculture, Technical Advisory Bureau, Agency for International Development, dating from 1970-1976. The records relate to agricultural research and to the founding of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. The final body is a copy of the J. Burke Knapp papers at the Hoover Institution, which were copied for a history of the Bank prepared by the Brookings Institution. When the copies were not longer needed by the history project they were given to the Archives. Finally, the Bank obtained copies of a few oral history interviews from the Truman Library and the Columbia University Oral History Research Office.

Reference Collection on World Bank History