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Records of the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency

Records of the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency

  • Fundos
  • 1993 - 1997

The fonds consists of chronological files created by ESDVP. Separate chronological files were created for incoming and outgoing correspondence as well as for incoming faxes. Correspondence relates to: the research and writing of departmental reviews; conference planning and attendance (specifically the Hunger Conference of November 30 to December 1, 1993); the publication of research; plans related to the Bank's 50th anniversary celebration; IT issues within ESD; cross-sectoral and Regional support and collaboration; staff training; budget planning; Bank-wide policy reviews (including the Bank-wide Review of Involuntary Resettlement [1986-1993]); personnel decisions; collaboration and communications with external agencies, institutions, governments, etc.; participation in and organization of meetings; and grants and trust funds.

The fonds also contains the chronological files of ESD Vice President Ismail M. Serageldin from January 1993, to December 1996. Records include correspondence between Serageldin and: ESD's sector department directors; other thematic vice presidencies in the Bank; Bank President Lewis Preston; other Bank departments and units; and external agencies, institutions, government officials, and NGOs outside of the Bank. Records relate to: the planning, research, and review of annual reports, research reports, policy papers, and projects/operations reviews; conference attendance and planning; meetings; budget planning and resource allocation; and cross support between ESD and other vice presidencies and the Regions. General discussion of Serageldin's new position as ESD Vice President and the function and purpose of the newly created ESD is also the subject of some correspondence.

The fonds also contains records of the Transport, Water, and Urban Development Department (TWU) from January 1993, to December 1995. Records include chronological files. Files consist exclusively of electronic message print-outs. Correspondence is between the Department and other ESD departments and Bank departments.Correspondence is created by and addressed to the various TWU divisions. Records relate to: Bank projects; information exchange; meeting and working group participation; cross support between departments, vice presidencies, and the Regions; training of Department staff; conference attendance and organization; hiring and staffing; review of Country Assistance Strategy reports; and mission proposals.

Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency