Showing 601-650 of 760 results

Personal papers of Gloria Davis

150 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Survey Agro Ekonomi - Studi Dinamika Pedesaan - Bogor, Indonesia
Survey Agro Ekonomi - Studi Dinamika Pedesaan - Bogor, Indonesia
Pre Feasibility Study Proposals for the Development of the Entire Coastal Fringe of South Kalimantan Province
Pre Feasibility Study Proposals for the Development of the Entire Coastal Fringe of South Kalimantan Province
Way Abung (2)
Way Abung (2)
Indonesia Transmigration Project - Loan 1318 - Progress Reports 9 - 10
Indonesia Transmigration Project - Loan 1318 - Progress Reports 9 - 10
Pringle, Robert - Land / Labor / Food Crisis of Indonesia - Malthus in Eden: The land-labor-food crisis of Inner Indonesia
Pringle, Robert - Land / Labor / Food Crisis of Indonesia - Malthus in Eden: The land-labor-food crisis of Inner Indonesia
Davis - Memorandum on Monitoring and Evaluation for Future Transmigration Projects
Davis - Memorandum on Monitoring and Evaluation for Future Transmigration Projects
Vayda - Human Ecology and Human Settlements in Kalimantan and Samatra: Patterns and problems
Vayda - Human Ecology and Human Settlements in Kalimantan and Samatra: Patterns and problems
Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 3
Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 3
White, Ben - Political Aspects of Poverty, Income Distribution and their measurement: Some examples from rural Java
White, Ben - Political Aspects of Poverty, Income Distribution and their measurement: Some examples from rural Java
Patten, Dick - Vegetative Elimination of Alang-alang in preparation for projects which combine transmigration, animal husbandry and paper pulp production
Patten, Dick - Vegetative Elimination of Alang-alang in preparation for projects which combine transmigration, animal husbandry and paper pulp production
Davis -Correspondence and Notes
Davis -Correspondence and Notes
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - The Transmigration Village of Suka Negara (1953)
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - The Transmigration Village of Suka Negara (1953)
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - The transmigration Village of Harjomulyo (1974)
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - The transmigration Village of Harjomulyo (1974)
Indonesia Transmigration Project - Loan 1318 - Progress Reports 6 - 8
Indonesia Transmigration Project - Loan 1318 - Progress Reports 6 - 8
Polak, Joosi - Transmigration Report
Polak, Joosi - Transmigration Report
Strauch, Judith - Chinese New Villages of the Malayan emergency: A case study of first-generation adaptation to military relocation (1978)
Strauch, Judith - Chinese New Villages of the Malayan emergency: A case study of first-generation adaptation to military relocation (1978)
MacAndrew, Colin - Change and Adaptability: Land Settlement in Southeast Asia (ASA)
MacAndrew, Colin - Change and Adaptability: Land Settlement in Southeast Asia (ASA)
Survey Agro Ekonomi - Studi Dinamika Pedesaan Di Jawa Barat
Survey Agro Ekonomi - Studi Dinamika Pedesaan Di Jawa Barat
Studi Standard Sistim Pemukiman Transmigrasi - Maret 1978 - Kerjasama Antara
Studi Standard Sistim Pemukiman Transmigrasi - Maret 1978 - Kerjasama Antara
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - The Story of Pak Romli a Transmigrant
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - The Story of Pak Romli a Transmigrant
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - Wagimin and his Family a Transmigrant
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - Wagimin and his Family a Transmigrant
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - The Family of MBAH Martowikromo a Transmigrant
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - The Family of MBAH Martowikromo a Transmigrant
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - Rural Radio Report in the Belitang area of South Sumtra
Institute of Rural and Regional Studies - Gadjah Mada University - Rural Radio Report in the Belitang area of South Sumtra
Survey Agro Ekonomi - Labour Supply and Demand in the Agricultural Sector - Report of Year III, 1...
Survey Agro Ekonomi - Labour Supply and Demand in the Agricultural Sector - Report of Year III, 1977/1978 - Analysis of Rural Household Labour Utilization in the Cimanuk River Basin, West Java - A. Rozany Nuermanef, Memed Gunawan, and Sri Hartoyo
The Final Result on Cropping Systems Research in Transmigration Areas - Southern Sumatera (1976-1...
The Final Result on Cropping Systems Research in Transmigration Areas - Southern Sumatera (1976-1977) - March 1978 - Cooperation Work between the Directorate General of Transmigration and Central Research Institute for Agriculture
Roots and Tubers Cassava (From Pikering, March 1978)
Roots and Tubers Cassava (From Pikering, March 1978)
Seminar Proyek Survai Transmigrasi Belitang - Fakultas Pertanian Unsri Palembank - 28 Februari - 1 Maret 1978
Seminar Proyek Survai Transmigrasi Belitang - Fakultas Pertanian Unsri Palembank - 28 Februari - 1 Maret 1978
Way Abung (1)
Way Abung (1)
Author unknown - Five reports
Author unknown - Five reports
Project Preparation of Rimbo Bujang Transmigration Project Volume 2
Project Preparation of Rimbo Bujang Transmigration Project Volume 2
Project Preparation of Rimbo Bujang Transmigration Project Volume 1
Project Preparation of Rimbo Bujang Transmigration Project Volume 1
University of Indonesia - Institute for Ecomonic and Social Research
University of Indonesia - Institute for Ecomonic and Social Research
Pematang Panggang
Pematang Panggang
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigrasi Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid III - Pengkajian Adaptasi Pertanian
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigrasi Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid III - Pengkajian Adaptasi Pertanian
Laporan Survai Daerah Calon Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi Toili - Sulawesi Tengah Kapabilitas Tanah
Laporan Survai Daerah Calon Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi Toili - Sulawesi Tengah Kapabilitas Tanah
Agro- Economic Survey - Rural Institutions Serving Small Farmers and Labourers
Agro- Economic Survey - Rural Institutions Serving Small Farmers and Labourers
Hanson, A.J. - Remote Sensing Application in SE Sumatra Coastal Environment (1977), Transmigration for Marginal Land Development
Hanson, A.J. - Remote Sensing Application in SE Sumatra Coastal Environment (1977), Transmigration for Marginal Land Development
Collier, William L. (5) - Income, employment, and food systems in Javanese coastal villages.
Collier, William L. (5) - Income, employment, and food systems in Javanese coastal villages.
Original Sit, Up and RB Forms - Units V and VI
Original Sit, Up and RB Forms - Units V and VI
Laporan - Studi Sistim Evaluasi Proyek Pengembangan Daerah Transmigraso di Kabupaten Luwu Sulawesi Selatan (Buku II, Bidang Ekonomi & Pertanian)
Laporan - Studi Sistim Evaluasi Proyek Pengembangan Daerah Transmigraso di Kabupaten Luwu Sulawesi Selatan (Buku II, Bidang Ekonomi & Pertanian)
Laporan - Studi Agrokimatologi Di Areal Proyek Baturaja - Martapura Dan Tulang Bawang Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Laporan - Studi Agrokimatologi Di Areal Proyek Baturaja - Martapura Dan Tulang Bawang Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigraso Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid I Laporan Utama
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigraso Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid I Laporan Utama
De la Salle University, Philippines
De la Salle University, Philippines
Transmigrants in South Kalimantan and South Sulawesi
Transmigrants in South Kalimantan and South Sulawesi
Crop Names - Indonesian
Crop Names - Indonesian
Hardjano, Joan M. (1) - Two reports
Hardjano, Joan M. (1) - Two reports
Resultados 601 a 650 de 760