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FSEVP budget monitoring and planning records

  • Séries
  • 1998 - 2002

The series consists of budget monitoring records for the fiscal years 1999 to 2002 for FSEVP and its subordinate departments and units. The budget records include correspondence and memoranda; work program budgets; budget guidelines reports; quarterly and mid-year budget review reports; staffing expense reports; budget allocation; status budget reports; and budget deliverables. Proposed and planned budget records are also included for projects funded by the New Spending Authority (NSA) as part of the WorldBank and IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) for the years 1998 to 2001. The FSAP records include retrospective reports, strategic compact funding, and cross support budget records.

Records of the Financial Sector Vice Presidency

  • Fundos
  • 1998 - 2002

Fonds includes the budget monitoring and planning records for FSEVP and its subordinate departments, units, and specialty programs.

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Copies of George D. Woods used for the biography

Spanning Woods' life both before and after he was President of the World Bank, this material provides insight into his principal interests, as seen by his biographer. Particularly well represented in the copies are memoranda and correspondence on India. A number of items concern Woods' part in the IBRD negotiations of the Suez Canal dispute in 1958, prior to his tenure at the Bank. Internal Bank documents include notes on the Economic Development Institute and the economic work of the Bank, correspondence relating to the IDA replenishment deadlock of 1965-1966, and documents regarding the nomination of a new president. Later documents include his 1974 statement to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on IDA replenishment and correspondence with notable figures such as Barbara Ward.

The topic file consist of: Aid (E. Martin, DAC), Brookings Institution SDR [Special Drawing Rights], Study Group, Columbia University, John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, First Boston Corporation, Foreign - Miscellaneous (India - Egypt), Foreign Economic Assistance Task Force, India, IBRD, Miscellaneous personal messages, Notre Dame University, New York Times, Suez Canal, UN, and White House, Trip to Europe, Yugoslavia and Egypt.

Interviews for George D. Woods biography

  • Séries
  • 1985 - 1990 (1985 - predominant)

In the Preface to his biography of George D. Woods, Oliver writes, I relied most heavily on the interviews in writing the life of Woods. The interviews he conducted, all titled by Oliver Conversations about George Woods and the World Bank, illuminate the events and personalities during Woods' tenure as President.

Background material for George D. Woods biography

The background material in this series includes such varied items as a photograph of the Woods on their honeymoon; Louise Woods' card as a volunteer nurses aide in the U.S. Citizens Defense Corps of the City of New York, 1949; Louise Woods' voter registration card for the City of New York 1957; a copy of Life magazine of June 12, 1958, with George Woods on the cover; formal photographic portraits of George D. and Louise Woods, alone and together; copies of photographs from various sources, most with annotations by Oliver; copies of the Columbia University Oral History Research Offices interviews with Louise Woods and Edward Townsend; and two books, As I Went Along, by Alan Pope, President of First Boston Corporation, given to associates at Christmas 1947 and 75 Years of Banking, distributed by the Mellon National Bank in 1944. The bulk of the series is the George D. Woods clippings files, both from his unsuccessful nomination in September 1961 to head the Agency for International Development and his October1962 appointment to the World Bank.

Robert W. Oliver Collection on George D. Woods

  • Fundos
  • 1935 - 1986

The collection includes copies of the oral interviews Oliver conducted in preparing his biography and copies of a portion of the Woods papers that he had at his disposal when writing the biography. It also contains the clippings files that George Woods maintained during his failed attempt to become the head of the Agency for International Development in 1961 and his successful appointment as head of the World Bank in 1962. Original photographs of George and Louise Woods and copies of photographs from various sources, including the World Bank, are included. The copy photographs were made for reproduction in Oliver's biography of George Woods, and many are annotated by Oliver. A small quantity of memorabilia and published materials relating to both George D. and Louise Woods is included.

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Records of the Financial Sector Development Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1971 - 2007 (predominately 1983-2001)

The fonds consists primarily of Economic and Sector Work (ESW) records produced by the various financial sector development department, division, and unit incarnations, including: the Financial Development Unit (INDFD) and the Financial Development Division (INDFD) located in the Industry Department (IND) of the Energy and Industry Vice Presidency (EIS) from 1983 to 1987; the Financial Policy and Systems Division (CECFP) located in the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) from 1987 to 1992; the Financial Sector Development Department (FSD) located in the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP) from 1993 to 1997; the FSD located in the Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network (FPSI) from 1997 to 1998; the FSD located in the Financial Operations Vice Presidency (FIOVP) from 1999; and the FSD located in the Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP) from 1999 to 2001. ESW work was done on a country-wide basis and usually performed in collaboration with financial and economic operational staff located in regional offices of the Bank. Reports produced from ESW research helped inform subsequent financial sector development policy and lending decisions utilized for financial sector reform.

The financial sector development ESW records consist of country mission research records with extensive background research, including: newspaper clippings, journals, and articles related to financial sector issues; and statistical and financial data, research studies, annual reports, financial statements, and financial laws and regulations reports published by the central bank of a specific country, a particular country ministry office, or by other financial institutions specific to a country. External and Bank produced financial sector reports and studies specific to a country are also included with research records. The records also consist of ESW mission planning, reporting, and proposal records, including: project proposals; project initiating memoranda; back-to-office reports; mission reports; mission notes; terms-of-reference; project appraisal reports; and aide-memoires. Correspondence and memoranda between financial sector development devoted units, regional staff, and members of financial ministries or other financial sector institutions within in a country are also included.

The ESW records also consist of the reports and records produced after ESW mission work, which relate to subsequent financial sector development policy and lending decisions. This includes meetingagenda and minutes for meetings between financial sector ESW collaborators, and also reporting to the Executive Board of Directors, the Office of the President (EXC), and other World Bank officials concerning financial sector ESW progress, policy development, and lending. The ESW records additionally contain country analysis and case study reports produced from ESW research. The reports focus on financial sector related issues, such as: bank restructuring and privatization; capital market development; financial sector infrastructure; pension reform; financial laws and regulations; and insurance. Financial sector lending proposals, reports, and loan agreement records are also included for numerous types of financial sector development loan programs, including: Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs); Sector Adjustment Loans (SADs); Technical Assistance Loans (TA); and Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loans (FESAL).

The fonds also consists of records from the conferences, seminars, and workshops organized or attended by financial sector development related units of the CECFP from 1987 to 1992 and the FSD department of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP) from 1993 to 1997. The records include speech transcripts of presenters from CECFP, FSD, and presenters from outside agencies or other World Bank units. The records also consist of printed presentation slides, transparencies, and conference and seminar programs. CECFP and FSD organized workshop and seminar records include correspondence regarding planning and post reporting of events, training materials, presentation slides, and speech transcripts. Topics of conferences, seminars, and workshops cover financial sector related issues, such as banking, payment systems, regulation, restructuring, and supervision of financial conglomerates.

Chronological correspondence files maintained for FSD within the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997 are also included in the fonds. These files consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence that cover numerous topics including: support of country missions; ESW operational work; financial development policy reports; lending instruments proposals; and FSD management and organization.

The fonds also consist of background records related to operational policy "OP 8.30 - Financial Sector Operations", which was adopted by the World Bank in 1992 as an operational directive "OD 8.30 -Financial Sector Operations", and revised and adopted as an operational policy in 1998. The records include extensive correspondence and memoranda with attachments, including draft "OD/OP 8.30" policy revisions from April 1991 to November 1997. The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between FSD staff, Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) staff, the Office of the President (EXC), and members of the Operations Policy Committee. Background reports on financial sector work within the Bank are also included. The records also include meeting minutes and agenda for the Operational Policy Committee and the Board of Executive Directors.

The fonds additionally includes records of Diana McNaughton from when she served as the Senior Manager for FSD within the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997. The records consist of her presentation materials, including: printed slides, transparencies, speech transcripts, background research, and correspondence regarding presentation preparation. The presentation records focus on numerous topics, such as bank restructuring, capital market development, and financial sector reform. The records also include theplanning records, training module materials, and correspondence for seminars and workshops organized by FSD or attended by McNaughton as part of FSD liaison with external organizations. The records also consist of management and organization records related to FSD. This includes correspondence, meeting minutes, and agenda for FSD planning retreats; business and strategic framework plans related to the FSD activities of bank and enterprise restructuring, finance intermediation, capital markets development, and financial sector infrastructure; and reporting presentations planned for the Executive Board of Directors of the World Bank Group.

The fonds also includes the records of Rodney Lester from when he served as Lead Specialist for FSD within the Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP) from 1999 to 2001. Most records are related to the Economic Sector Work (ESW) and Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) country projects. This includes reference material, including: annual reports; financial statistical data reports; and financial statements produced by numerous country central banks, country offices, or other financial institutions within that country for both ESW and FSAP projects. FSAP records additionally include IMF produced FSAP country reports and terms-of-reference reports. Lester's records also include background correspondence focused on the Bank Crisis Management Program of FSD from 1993 to 1998, and records related to the East Asia Financial Crisis of 1997. Lastly, the Lester records also consist of Strategic Compact planning records for the financial sector development operations of the World Bank from 1994 to 1999. This includes Executive Board of Directors meeting minutes and agenda, business plans, work programs, progress reports, and implementation plans related to organization and planning of financial sector functions and activities within the Bank.

Lastly, similar to the Rodney Lester records, more extensive records related to the FSAP country projects are also included in the fonds for the years 2000 to 2007. These records include: annual reports, financial and statistical data reports, and financial regulation and laws reports produced by numerous country central banks, country offices, or other financial institutions within that country. The records also consist of technical notes, and FSAP reports produced jointly by the IMF Monetary and Financial Systems Department and the World Bank Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP). Project mission terms-of-reference, back-to-office reports, and aide memoire reporting records are also included for FSAP records.

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PRMPO and PRMPR Trust Fund Cycle project records

  • Séries
  • 1998-2007

This series includes PREM Poverty Division (PRMPO) and its successor the PREM Poverty Reduction Group (PRMPR) records related to projects supported by trust funds. The series consists of records related to proposed projects funded by numerous trust fund donors, including: the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA); the Bank of Netherlands Partnership Programme (BNPP or Dutch Trust Fund); the World Bank's President Contingency Fund; the Korea Consultant Trust Fund (CTF); and other smaller donors. Records are maintained for SIDA funded projects planned for the fiscal years 2005 to 2009. SIDA records include administration agreement records and set-up documents. BNPP trust fund project records are maintained for the years 1998-2001. Additional proposed project records include records for Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) projects for the years 1998 to 2003. PRSP records include: correspondence between the donors and recipients; Letter of Representation (LOR); reports; records related to the closing and end of date extensions; expense records; and records of hired consultants. Records related to proposed study projects for the Moving Out of Poverty: Understanding Growth, Well-being, and Freedom from the Bottom-up initiative from 2005 to 2007 are also included. The records for these projects consist of: award notification and trust fund set-up documents; amendment documents; request for funds proposals; original project proposals; proposals for overflow funds; reporting records; request for transfer money to trust fund; and BNPP donor correspondence.

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