President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 2 - April 1963
Urban Assistance Conference - Correspondence
India - Sweden Trust Fund TF051599 - Urban Reforms in India - Swedish International Cooperation Development Agency [SIDA] - Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Correspondence ;
Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Australia Aid [AusAID] - Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Performance Enhancement Project [WPEP] - South Asia - Trust Fund TF022957 - Proposal, Signed Grant Agreement, Initiating Brief for a Trust Fund
Participation - Evolution of participation in the Bank
Leakage from World Bank Project Budgets: Summary of RSI Staff views
Shelton H. Davis - 1999 - 2003 Chronological File
Shelton H. Davis - Afro Descendant Publications - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Natural Resource Management [NRM] - Correspondence - Volume 1
The Cities Alliance - Millennium Development Goals [MDG] - Volume 1 - Monitoring, Water / Sanitation for Targets, General Correspondence and Habitat Indicators and Workshop - 1999 - 2003
PSAS - Business Plan / Work Program Disputes - TRS Adjustments, New Staff Information, HRS Reminder - Fiscal Year 2001
Topical Information - Nigeria - Energy Sector - Gas Strategy - Reports on the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector Reform Implementation Committee [OGIC] Established by the National Council on Privatization - Volume 2
Shelton H. Davis - Culture and Development - Correspondence
Quality Enhancement Review (QER) - Nigeria - Health Systems Development Project - Background Documents
Shelton H. Davis - Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Cultural Heritage - Correspondence
Policy Development Records - World Bank Engagement with Civil Society - Report - October 3, 2001
India - Country Assistance Evaluations [CAEs] - Background Papers
India - Country Assistance Evaluation [CAE] - Energy Workshop - March 30, 2000
India - Country Assistance Evaluations [CAEs] - Background Papers sent to Edwin Lim and the Government of India
Evaluation at the World Bank - India Presentation Number 86 - Speech - Visit to India - April 5-7, 2000
India - Energy Sector Impact Study - Implementation Completion Studies Audit Files - Fiscal Year [FY] 1999
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - General - Reports (Foreign Language)
Shelton H. Davis - Bolivia - Indigenous Peoples - Popular Participation - Reports
Shelton H. Davis -Afro-Latin American - Proposal - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Culture and Development Background - Correspondence
Tanzania - Port Rehabilitation Project (Credit 1536-TAN) - PerformanceAudit Report (PAR)
ECOSOC Informal Meeting on Development Indicators, May 10-11 1999 - Indicators - A Critical Review of the Development of Indicators in the Context of Conference Follow-up - Measuring Development Progress
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization - Education
Kenya - Health Rehabilitation Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Kenya - Fourth Population Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Tanzania - Health and Nutrition Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File