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Showing 3651-3700 of 80212 results

4042 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

PROSANEAR - One Route to Agenda 21
PROSANEAR - One Route to Agenda 21
PROSANEAR - Findings from Demand Assessment Studies in Fortaleza and Belem - Mir Anjum Altaf - 1993
PROSANEAR - Findings from Demand Assessment Studies in Fortaleza and Belem - Mir Anjum Altaf - 1993
South Asia and East Asia and Pacific Regions - Asia Water Resources Study - Stage 1 - Volume 2 - Annexes - Draft - April 29, 1992
South Asia and East Asia and Pacific Regions - Asia Water Resources Study - Stage 1 - Volume 2 - Annexes - Draft - April 29, 1992
Major Issues in the Water and Sanitation Sector - Paris Conference - December 1988 - The World Bank - Infrastructure and Urban Development Department
Major Issues in the Water and Sanitation Sector - Paris Conference - December 1988 - The World Bank - Infrastructure and Urban Development Department
Community Management of Rural Water Supply - A Study of Seven Projects in Francophone West Africa - November 1989 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group - West Africa
Community Management of Rural Water Supply - A Study of Seven Projects in Francophone West Africa - November 1989 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group - West Africa
The Inter-Regional Handpumps Project and the Vlom Approach - First National Workshop on Handpumps - December 14, 1989 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The Inter-Regional Handpumps Project and the Vlom Approach - First National Workshop on Handpumps - December 14, 1989 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme - Proceedings of Workshop on Sanitation for Poor People in Urban Areas
United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme - Proceedings of Workshop on Sanitation for Poor People in Urban Areas
Preparing and Implementing Large Scale Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in Asia - Report on a Regional Workshop - September 27-30, 1994 - Colombo - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Preparing and Implementing Large Scale Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in Asia - Report on a Regional Workshop - September 27-30, 1994 - Colombo - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Patterns in the Data Reported on Completed Water Supply Projects - April 1987 - Operations Policy and Research Division - Water Supply and Urban Development Department
Patterns in the Data Reported on Completed Water Supply Projects - April 1987 - Operations Policy and Research Division - Water Supply and Urban Development Department
Saneamiento Basico Rural en el Peru - Memoria del Taller de Concertacion Sectorial - June 1997 - Lima - Ministerio de la Presidnecia - Programa de Agua Saneamiento PNUD - Banco Mundial
Saneamiento Basico Rural en el Peru - Memoria del Taller de Concertacion Sectorial - June 1997 - Lima - Ministerio de la Presidnecia - Programa de Agua Saneamiento PNUD - Banco Mundial
Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a Proposed Loan to the Republic of Indonesia for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project - RRP INO26314 - December 1994 - Asian Development Bank
Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a Proposed Loan to the Republic of Indonesia for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project - RRP INO26314 - December 1994 - Asian Development Bank
Uganda's Water Sector Development - Towards Sustainable Systems - HTN Working Paper WP02/96 - Greg Wishart - January 1996 - SKAT F3050-Uganda-EB - Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management
Uganda's Water Sector Development - Towards Sustainable Systems - HTN Working Paper WP02/96 - Greg Wishart - January 1996 - SKAT F3050-Uganda-EB - Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management
Country Level Evaluation of United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Ethiopia - Water and Sanitation Focus Group Meeting - Brief Notes of Meeting Held on November 1, 1995 - November 1995 - Nairobi
Country Level Evaluation of United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Ethiopia - Water and Sanitation Focus Group Meeting - Brief Notes of Meeting Held on November 1, 1995 - November 1995 - Nairobi
Memorandum and Recommendation of the President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Credit in the Amount of SDR 24.0 Million to Ethiopia for a Water Supply Development and Rehabilitation Project - Report
Memorandum and Recommendation of the President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Credit in the Amount of SDR 24.0 Million to Ethiopia for a Water Supply Development and Rehabilitation Project - Report
Staff Appraisal Report - Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia - Water Supply Development and Rehabilitation Project - Report 14401-ET - March 8, 1996 - Energy and Infrastructure Operation Division - Eastern Africa Department - The World Bank
Staff Appraisal Report - Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia - Water Supply Development and Rehabilitation Project - Report 14401-ET - March 8, 1996 - Energy and Infrastructure Operation Division - Eastern Africa Department - The World Bank
Bolivia Country Report
Bolivia Country Report
Pakistan Country Report
Pakistan Country Report
Benin Country Report
Benin Country Report
Ghana Country Report
Ghana Country Report
Philippines Country Report - W. Cosgrove
Philippines Country Report - W. Cosgrove
Uganda Country Report
Uganda Country Report
Ethiopia Country Report
Ethiopia Country Report
Country Focus in Indonesia
Country Focus in Indonesia
Outputs from the India Focus Group Meeting
Outputs from the India Focus Group Meeting
China - Nightsoil Management Improvement Study in Hubei - July 1995 - RWSGEAP - Environmental Sanitation Study - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
China - Nightsoil Management Improvement Study in Hubei - July 1995 - RWSGEAP - Environmental Sanitation Study - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Community Involvement in Primary Collection of Solid Waste in Four Indonesian Cities - Yayasan Dian Desa - Yogyakarta - December 1993 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Regional Water and Sanitation
Community Involvement in Primary Collection of Solid Waste in Four Indonesian Cities - Yayasan Dian Desa - Yogyakarta - December 1993 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Regional Water and Sanitation
Indonesia - Community Water and Sanitation Project - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Project INS/88/005 - Terminal Report - Technical and Financial Assistance Provided by The United Nations Development Programme and the Government
Indonesia - Community Water and Sanitation Project - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Project INS/88/005 - Terminal Report - Technical and Financial Assistance Provided by The United Nations Development Programme and the Government
Implementation Strategy for Community Managed Water and Sanitation - Community Water and Sanitation Project INS/88/005 - UNDP / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Ministry of Public Works - Ministry of Home Affairs - Ministry of Health
Implementation Strategy for Community Managed Water and Sanitation - Community Water and Sanitation Project INS/88/005 - UNDP / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Ministry of Public Works - Ministry of Home Affairs - Ministry of Health
Contingent Valuation and Actual Behavior - Predicting Connections to New Water Systems in the State of Kerala - Charles C. Griffin, John Briscoe, Bhanwar Singh, Radhika Ramasubban, Ramesh Bhatia
Contingent Valuation and Actual Behavior - Predicting Connections to New Water Systems in the State of Kerala - Charles C. Griffin, John Briscoe, Bhanwar Singh, Radhika Ramasubban, Ramesh Bhatia
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - August 30, 1971
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - August 30, 1971
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - Appendices - August 30, 1971
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - Appendices - August 30, 1971
Functional Railway Cost Accounting and Statistical System for Traffic and Managerial Control - July 31, 1970
Functional Railway Cost Accounting and Statistical System for Traffic and Managerial Control - July 31, 1970
Capacity of a Single Railway Line - June 1970 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Capacity of a Single Railway Line - June 1970 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The Urbanization Problem in the Less Developed Countries - Causes, Impacts and Policy Implications for the Bank Group - R.M. Westebbe - Draft - April 6, 1970
The Urbanization Problem in the Less Developed Countries - Causes, Impacts and Policy Implications for the Bank Group - R.M. Westebbe - Draft - April 6, 1970
Migration to Urban Areas - Economic Staff Working Paper 107 - Pamela H. Brigg - June 15, 1971 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - International Development Association
Migration to Urban Areas - Economic Staff Working Paper 107 - Pamela H. Brigg - June 15, 1971 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - International Development Association
Project De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment...
Project De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment Precageme - August 27, 2001 - Report in Foreign Language
Perf and Files from I6207412
Perf and Files from I6207412
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
Zelin Data - Fuel - Rec. - Week 1
Zelin Data - Fuel - Rec. - Week 1
Zelin Data - Wood, Kerosene (Kr-Oil), Cow Dung (C-Dng), Coal
Zelin Data - Wood, Kerosene (Kr-Oil), Cow Dung (C-Dng), Coal
Pakistan Food Security Management Project - Urban Survey Data
Pakistan Food Security Management Project - Urban Survey Data
Aftab Residential Fuel Use Survey - FuelNew DBF
Aftab Residential Fuel Use Survey - FuelNew DBF
Botswana Household Energy Strategy Study - Lincoln Bailey Energy - Buhes VY1.COD, Buhes VY2. COD
Botswana Household Energy Strategy Study - Lincoln Bailey Energy - Buhes VY1.COD, Buhes VY2. COD
Botswana - Household Energy Strategy Study - Keith Openshaw - Botswana HES - Pricing Section - WP5.0
Botswana - Household Energy Strategy Study - Keith Openshaw - Botswana HES - Pricing Section - WP5.0
Design of Economically Viable Small Pulp and Paper Mills - A M Hurter
Design of Economically Viable Small Pulp and Paper Mills - A M Hurter
Domtar Pulp and Paper Incorporated - T-90 Pulp - Appendix 2 - December 1970
Domtar Pulp and Paper Incorporated - T-90 Pulp - Appendix 2 - December 1970
Feasibility Study - Long Fibre Pulp Project - Utilize Forest Resources of North West Frontier Province of West Pakistan - Zafar and Associates and Stadler Hurter Limited
Feasibility Study - Long Fibre Pulp Project - Utilize Forest Resources of North West Frontier Province of West Pakistan - Zafar and Associates and Stadler Hurter Limited
Mill Development Project - Chintheche - Malawi - Viphya Pulp and Paper Corporation Limited - Proposal Number 8130 - May 9, 1977
Mill Development Project - Chintheche - Malawi - Viphya Pulp and Paper Corporation Limited - Proposal Number 8130 - May 9, 1977
Malawi - The Viphya Pulp Mill Project - March 1978
Malawi - The Viphya Pulp Mill Project - March 1978
Supplementary Information Regarding Marketing of Softwood Kraft Woodpulp form Malawi Pulp Mill Project - Ekman Marketing Services - August 1978
Supplementary Information Regarding Marketing of Softwood Kraft Woodpulp form Malawi Pulp Mill Project - Ekman Marketing Services - August 1978
Results 3651 to 3700 of 80212