Series - Project Managers' Research Project Files

Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-45 - Programming and Designing Investment: The Indus Basin - ... RPO Number 670-04 - Study in Multi-level Programming: Ivory Coast - Volume 2 RPO Number 671-46 -  Cost Savings in the Water and Disposal Sectors through the Use of Appropriat... RPO Number 671-46 - Cost Savings in the Water and Disposal Sectors through the Use of Appropriate... RPO Number 671-51 - Appropriate Industrial Technology - Volume 1 RPO Number 671-51 - Appropriate Industrial Technology - Status Reports RPO Number 671-77 - Appropriate Industrial Technology, Phase 2 - Volume 1 RPO Number 671-77 - Appropriate Industrial Technology, Phase 2 - Status Reports RPO Number 672-50A - Canal Command Model for Project Design and System Operation in Indus Basin -... Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-65 - Small Enterprise Financing: Role of Informal Credit Mark... Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-65 - Small Enterprise Financing: Role of Informal Credit Mark... Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-65 - Small Enterprise Financing: Role of Informal Credit Mark... Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-72 - Growth, Poverty and Basic Needs - Volume 1 Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-72 - Growth, Poverty and Basic Needs - Status Report Research Product Output [RPO] 670-93 - Evaluation Lilongwe Land Development Programme - Volume 1 Research Product Output [RPO] 670-93 - Lilongwe Land Development Programme - Status Report RPO Number 670-18 - Rural Development in Africa - Volume 1 RPO Number 670-18 - Rural Development in Africa - Volume 2 RPO Number 670-18 - Rural Development in Africa - Volume 3 RPO Number 670-18 - Rural Development in Africa - Volume 4 RPO Number 670-18 - Rural Development in Africa - Volume 5 RPO Number 670-37 - Village Water Supply - Volume 1 RPO Number 670-37 - Village Water Supply - Status Reports RPO Number 670-45 - Labor force Participation - Income and Unemployment - Volume 1 RPO Number 670-45 - Labor force Participation - Income and Unemployment -  Status Report RPO Number 670-47 - Costa Rica Unemployment Survey - Status Reports RPO Number 670-48 - Economic Issues of Health - Volume 1 RPO Number 670-48 - Economic Issues of Health - Status Reports RPO Number 670-54 - Employment and Capital-Labor Substitution - Volume 1 RPO Number 670-54 - Employment and Capital-Labor Substitution - Status Reports RPO Number 670-45 - Labor force Participation - Income and Unemployment - Volume 2 RPO Number 670-45 - Labor force Participation - Income and Unemployment - Panel C RPO Number 670-71 - Ethiopia Feeder Road Study - Volume 1 RPO Number 670-71 - Ethiopia Feeder Road Study - Status Reports RPO Number 670-84 - Growth, Employment and Size Distribution of Income - Volume 2 RPO Number 670-84 - Growth, Employment and Size Distribution of Income - Volume 3 RPO Number 671-08 - Income Distribution, Labor and Employment - Panel C

Identity area

Reference code



Project Managers' Research Project Files


  • July 1969 - June 1985 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

23.50 linear feet of textual records

Context area

Archival history

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Content and structure area

Scope and content

This series contains files for the earliest projects approved under the World Bank's research program. These particular files are primarily those that were maintained by the managers responsible for directing the projects. Most were directed by staff from departments under the Development Policy Staff (the Development Research Center, the Development Economics Department, the Economic Analysis and Projections Department) and under the Economics and Research Staff (the Economics and Analysis and Projection Department and the Development Research Department), but others were conducted by staff from the sectors or the Regions. The files are in two sections: those that were completed and for which completion reports and evaluations had been filed and those for which the final reports and evaluations had not been filed.

A project file typically contains draft research proposals with comments on the drafts, the formal research proposal submitted on a standardized form, memoranda establishing a review panel to vet the proposal and to convey the decision of the review panel, minutes of the Research Committee meeting at which the proposal was discussed, the Research Committee's decision on the proposal, correspondence with consultants who worked on the project, Back-to-Office reports from missions connected with the project, requests for computer support, requests for additional funding and/or an extension of the research schedule and the Research Committee's decisions regarding those requests, intra-office correspondence of the unit directing the project, a summary of the project results for inclusion in Research News, and possibly a project completion report on a standard form. For most projects, there is a separate folder containing quarterly status reports and possibly also the project completion report. The files in the completed projects section of the series also include evaluation reports. Most of the files for projects under the 672 and 673 series contain only completion reports.

Project files Numbered 671-93 to 671-98 were used for documentation relating to the General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP) and five of the Special Research Advisory Panels. For the official GRAP files, see (add link to series 4031).

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

Records are arranged In two parts: completed projects; and projects for which evaluations and/or completion reports had not been completed. The files in each part are arranged by RPO number but not always in clear numerical order.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Records are subject to the World Bank Policy on Access to Information.

Conditions governing reproduction

Records are subject to the Copyright Policy of the World Bank Group.

Language of material

Script of material

Language and script notes

Physical characteristics and technical requirements

Finding aids

An inventory list is available here.

Allied materials area

Existence and location of originals

Existence and location of copies

Related units of description

  • See Records of the Office of the Chief Economist -- Records of the Office of the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist and Later Senior Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP) -- Research Project Files Maintained in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Office of the Vice President, Economics and Research (VPERS) (WB IBRD/IDA DEC-03-75). These files do not contain the intra-unit correspondence from the project management unit, but they do contain evaluation reports and completion reports which are generally not found in the files in second part of this series. Also see Records of the Office of the Chief Economist -- Records of the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Development Policy Staff -- Correspondence and Files Created for Research Projects in Support of Operations (Operations Policy Files) (WB/IBRD IDA DEC-01-02) and; Records of the Office of the Chief Economist -- Records of the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Development Policy Staff -- Correspondence Concerning the World Bank's Research Program (WB/IBRD IDA DEC-01-03) for related Vice President, Development Policy correspondence.

Related descriptions

Notes area

Alternative identifier(s)

Access points

Subject access points

Place access points

Name access points

Genre access points

Description control area

Description identifier

Institution identifier

Rules and/or conventions used

Internal World Bank Group Archives rules based on ISAD(G).

Disclosure status

Level of detail

Dates of creation revision deletion

6 October 2011




Accession area