Séries - Administration and organization

Organization - Economic Department - Research Programs - Volume 1 Organization - Economic Department - Research Programs - Volume 2 Organization - Economic Department - Progress Reports Organization - Legal Department - 1947 / 1965 General Correspondence Organization - Legal Department - 1966 / 1968 General Correspondence Organization - Development -  IDA International Development Association - Correspondence - Volume 1 Organization - International Development Association [IDA] - General - Volume 2 Organization - Development -  IDA International Development Association - Correspondence - Volume 2 Administration - Mr. Shoaib's Study Committee - Correspondence - Volume 1 Bank Administration and Policy - Economic Department Activities - 1969 / 1971 Correspondence Organization - Field Offices - Regional Representatives - Forbes - Correspondence Bank Administration and Policy - Administration Reorganization Steering Committee, Organization a... Bank Administration and Policy - Programming and Budgeting Department - 1969 / 1971 General Bank Administration and Policy - Administration Reorganization Steering Committee, Organization a... Organization - Economic Department: World Tables - 1v Bank Administration and Policy - Economics Department - Research Program - 1969 / 1971 Correspond... Organization - Economic Department - Seminars - Correspondence Bank Administration and Policy - Economic Department - 1969 / 1971 Progress Reports Bank Administration and Policy - Economic Department - 1969 / 1971 General - Volume 2 Organization - Departments and Offices : Economics Department - Activities - set (2 of 2) Bank Administration and Policy - Economics Department - Research Program - 1969 / 1971 Correspond... Organization - Economic Department - General - 1965 Organization - Departments and Offices : Economics Department - Activities - set (1 of 2) Organization - Economics Department - General - 1947 - 1964 Organization - Economic Department - Computer Program - Volume 2 Organization - Departments and Offices : Economics Department - Guy Orcutt  - set Organization - Economic Department - Progress Reports - Volume 2 Organization - Economic Department - Progress Reports - Volume 3 Bank Administration and Policy - Economic Department - 1969 / 1971 General - Volume 1 Organization - Economic Department - Computer Program - Volume 1 Organization - Economic Department : Status of study and document requests - Volume 2 Bank Administration and Policy - Economic Department - 1969 / 1971 General - Volume 3 Organization - Economic Department - General - 1966 through 1968 Bank Administration and Policy - Economic Department - 1969 / 1971 Documents Bank Administration and Policy - Programming and Budgeting Department - Organization - 1969 / 197... Organization - Economic Department : Status of study and document requests - Volume 1

Zona de identificação

Código de referência



Administration and organization


  • 1937, 1942 - 1980 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

90.48 linear feet of textual records

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Records were maintained in the Central Files recordkeeping system by the Records Management Section where they were arranged into the Bank-wide classification schemes. To create room for the increasing volume of records in the Central Files, the pre-1966 files were sent to a records center close to the Bank premises in 1969. With the formal opening of the Archives repository in 1980, the Records Management Section began to transfer files to the Archives. Central Files had been renamed the Bank Administration and Policy (BAP) Records Station followed by the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC), and in 1982, the administrative records managed in the NRIC were removed and incorporated in the Administrative Services Directorate Information Center (ASDIC). While a selection of the NRIC administrative records dated 1977 and later continued to be maintained in the ASDIC with the Administration Department front office and other records, most of the inactive administrative records forming part of this Central Filesfonds were transferred to Archives.

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Series consists of records related to the internal administration and organization of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA) maintained in the centralized filing system from 1946 to 1980. Records related to the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are less voluminous and were created between 1956 and 1974.

Records originated in the departments and offices whose files were centralized over time including, but not limited to: Administration; Organization and Planning; Development Services Department; Controller's Department; Program and Budgeting; Information Solutions; and the Office of the President and Office of the Vice President whose files were centralized until 1968. Although Secretary's Department records were considered specialized according to the Administration Manual and were decentralized beginning from 1947, there is a significant volume of correspondence between the Secretary's Department and other centralized departments in this series. The types of records comprising the series include internal memoranda occasionally filed with accompanying Board or committee reports and other internal reports and drafts, as well as cables, incoming and outgoing letters, minutes of meetings and proceedings, copies and drafts of contracts and agreements, press releases, press clippings, external reports and articles, and architectural plans and drawings.

The series contains records related to the organization and procedures of theBank as well as the establishment of its departments and subordinate offices. A small volume of files related to the President's Office and Vice President's Office (1947 - 1971) document general and personal activities and congratulatory letters, as well as two files regarding the organization of the President's Council (1969 - 1968) and subjects for discussion at the council meetings, together with organizational charts and bulletins. The records also document Bank-wide reorganizations as well as work programs, budgets, staffing requirements, internal relations, and activity reports of various Bank departments and divisions from 1946 to the 1970s including: Administration, Economic Department, Loan Department, Legal Department, Development Services and its successor Information and Public Affairs, Technical Operations and its successor Projects Department, Programming and Budgeting, Technical Assistance and Planning Staff, Secretary's, and Treasurer's. Several files relate to the organization of the Bank's early economic research program as well as meeting summaries and monthly progress reports of the Loan Department and Economic Department and its' sector division staff. These department files mostly contain memoranda that is occasionally attached to administrative circulars announcing staffing assignments and organizational changes, press clippings, or other records. A few files in the series relate to Economic Development Institute (EDI) administration, inquiries, and library project (1969 - 1971). Field offices files document administrative procedures for the setting-up and operations of offices. Correspondence is mostly between the Bank's representatives or field office staff, and senior management and staff at headquarters. The more substantive letters in the representative files describe the economic situation in the countries. Field offices files include the following record date ranges: Paris Office, also referred to as the European Office, first opened in Europe (1947 - 1979), New York (1947 - 1971), Beirut (1952 - 1954), London (1956 - 1979), Geneva (1965 - 1968), Copenhagen (1969 - 1971), and Treasurer Department's various offices in Europe (1947 - 1949). A small number of resident mission files (1969 - 1980) mostly relate to the offices' functions, leasing of premises, and other administrative matters.

Other records in the series document policies and operations of the Bank's administrative and support services such as: records management and the maintenance and disposition of World Bank records and official documents; Joint Library and Legal Library; internal audit; translation and document printing services; communications; the use of devices and computers; and data processing.

Series also contains records related to the Articles of Agreement and By-Laws of IBRD and IDA (1946 - 1971). Included are: internal memoranda; cables; copies of the Articles including in French and Spanish; printed by-laws; drafts and official Board documents and decisions; reports of the Committee on Interpretations and Committee on Procedure; and correspondence concerning the interpretation and amendments of these instruments as well as the IFC Articles of Agreement and Charter; and voting of countries on the articles and by-laws. Other files concern the IBRD, IDA, and IFC budget (1948 - 1971) language (1950 - 1968), and seals (1956 - 1965).

There are records such as internal memoranda and reports, United Nations resolutions and minutes, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) reports, press clippings, and speeches related to the history and inauguration of IFC (1956 - 1974), history of the Bank, and history projects such as the Brookings Institution publication and oral history planning (1942, 1944, 1947 - 1974). There is a single file related to the origin of IDA, labeled as General Counsel "Mr. Sommers' working file on IDA" including legislation, summaries of President Black's meetings, statements of Board of Governors, and country member notes on the IDA proposal (1959 - 1960). Also included is a list of bibliographic sources from pre-Bretton Woods period. The 1942 and 1944 documents are copies of outlines and draft "Proposal for a Bank of Reconstruction and Development of the United and Associated Nations" by the United States Treasury research department. Also includes correspondence regarding the planning of anniversary celebrations (1956 - 1971), draft statements, and press coverage booklets of the tenth and twentieth anniversaries of IBRD (1966).

Donations and organizational membership records in the series (1956 - 1968) relate to policy discussion about Bank financial contributions to international and local institutions, professional societies, as well as club memberships and membership dues.

Series also contains records of various Bank meetings and the functions and procedures of committees beginning from 1946 to 1977. Includes correspondence and minutes of professional staff meetings (1951 - 1968), senior staff meetings (1969 - 1971), department heads meetings outside of Washington, or "lost weekends" (1952 - 1968), Administration Department staff meetings (1947 - 1968), and other department meetings (1966 - 1968). Committee records include minutes or reports of: the Board Committee on Administration and Administrative Policy (1946 - 1957); Board Committee on Interpretation and Procedure (1946 - 1949); Joint Bank-Fund Committee on Integrated Services and Functions (1949 -1953); Joint Library Committee (1946 - 1947); Committee on Bank Organization (1952); Committee on Staff Utilization (1955); PublicationsCommittee (1969 - 1971); and others.

The series contains a substantial volume of records concerning the preparation and amendment of directives and manuals that set out the policies, procedures, and standards for the overall management and administration of the World Bank from 1946. Includes correspondence and statements regarding the preparation of the Administrative Manual, Organizational Bulletin and Policies and Procedures Statements (1947 - 1966), IFC Administrative Manual (1956 - 1966), Basic Documents Manual (1961 - 1971), and Organizational Manual (1966 -1971). There are also sets of the Administrative Order and Information Circular (1946 - 1947), Administrative Circulars (1947 - 1974) and Weekly Bulletins (1965 - 1971), and related memoranda. The Weekly Bulletins replaced the Information Bulletin in December 1952 and were prepared successively by the Administrative Planning Division, the Organization and Procedures Division (1970), the Administrative Services Department's Document Services Division (1972), and Information and Public Affairs (1973). There are also copies of the Development Services Department newsletter (1969 - 1971).

The series contains memoranda and other records concerning agreements (1949 - 1975) of an administrative nature such as cost-sharing between IBRD and IDA, Bank and IFC, and between the Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Other agreements pertain to library services of the Joint Library and the Legal Library, United Nations and the Bank, and leasing of space and office rentals. There are also records related to authorized signatures for written instruments.

Series contains correspondence, copies of contracts, building and floor plans, technical drawings, and other records relating to the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of World Bank Group buildings and management of premises in Washington, Paris, London, and New York (1949 - 1977). There are several files documenting the construction of the Bank "D" building at 1809 G Street, Washington. Also included are New York office plans dated 1963 and reproductions of 1937 plans.

Series also contains records related to Bank assets such as vehicles and apartments and facilities for Economic Development Institute (EDI) participation, insurance coverage of buildings and vehicles, as well as other administrative files on office services, conference rooms and cafeterias, maintenance contracts, office space and security, parking facilities, and the creation of the Bank-Fund Credit Union.

There are also records related to general staff services and policies, financial assistance, privileges and immunities, taxation including Bank staff exemptions, travel policy and travel services, retirement plan, staff health and welfare, insurance coverage, and the Staff Association. Includes privileges and immunities files for IFC (1955 - 1968). Other files deal with contributions to charity, allowances for official entertainment, and policy regarding the acceptance of gifts, civil defense, and other matters.

Series also contains a small portion of reports, correspondence, and other records relating to varied topics including: studies of the Bank's organization and procedures conducted by General Counsel Davidson Sommers (1962 - 1966) and Vice President Mohamed Shoaib's Study Committee (1966 - 1967); the Bank's involvement in the establishment of the Washington International School (1969 - 1971); public relations (1972 - 1974); and copy of the report "The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1946 - 1953".

Avaliação, selecção e eliminação

Ingressos adicionais

Sistema de arranjo

Arrangement follows the original order instituted in the centralized General Files (1946 - 1968, later Central Files). Files are mostly arranged alphabetically, by subject. A portion of files maintained in the renamed Bank Administration and Policy Records Station (BAP) from 1972 to 1974 included a grouping of records classified as "Alphabetical files". The files were reviewed during archival arrangement and the sub-groupings that are administrative in nature, including "Personnel" and "Internal administrative matters" are arranged as part of this series which also follows the original arrangement of similar files, as established in the General Files. The "Meetings and Missions" sub-grouping of files that were also classified under the Alphabetical files "series" are now arranged as part of the Operational policy and procedures (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-04) series and "General A-Z" have been arranged in the Liaison with external organizations (WB IBRD IDA ADMCF-08) series.

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

Records are subject to the World Bank Access to Information Policy. Records relating to the International Finance Corporation are subject to the IFC Access to Information Policy.

Condiçoes de reprodução

Records are subject to the Copyright Policy of the World Bank Group. Records relating to the International Finance Corporation are subject to the Copyright Policy of IFC.

Idioma do material

  • inglês
  • francês
  • espanhol
  • árabe

Script do material

Notas ao idioma e script

Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descrição

An inventory list is available here.

Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

Existência e localização de cópias

Unidades de descrição relacionadas

which incorporates the records of the Director's Front Office and the Non-Regional Information Center's administrative series when the Administrative Services Department Information Center (ASDIC) was established in 1982. Administrative records dating as early as 1977 that were previously centralized form part of this fonds. The fonds has not yet been arranged and described.

  • See Central Files - Operations policy and procedure (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-04) for records related to the establishment and operations of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) that were arranged in this series by the Central Files recordkeeping unit. Also see this series for records of World Bank operational committees, Technical Assistance Committee, and other records related to the activities of resident offices and missions.

  • See Central Files - Board of Governors support and reference (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-01) and Central Files - Board of Directors support and reference (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-02) for records related to executive committees.

  • See Secretary's Department for early Board Committee records as well as for records related to the IBRD and IDA Articles of Agreement and for IBRD, IDA and IFC agreements with United Nations and other international agencies.

  • See IFC Access to Information page for additional records of IFC committees and staff meeting records.

  • See World Bank Buildings Exhibit files for photographs and other records relating to the location and construction of Bank buildings.

  • See Records of the Office of External Relations - Liaison with external organizations (EXT-08) for records concerning activities of the Bank's European, New York and Tokyo offices and Records of the Office of External Relations - Photograph library (EXT-02) for photographs of World Bank buildings in Washington, D.C. and Paris and photographs of meetings and various events.

  • See Records of Individual Staff Members - Moeen Qureshi files - Administrative Circulars and For Your Information announcements (WB IBRD/IDA STAFF-26-04) for a full set of circular announcements, 1973 - 1993.

  • See Reference Collection on World Bank History (WB IBRD/IDA REF) for copies of records from other repositories that relate to the history of the World Bank.

Descrições relacionadas

Zona das notas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Pontos de acesso de género

Zona do controlo da descrição

Identificador da descrição

Identificador da instituição

Regras ou convenções utilizadas

Internal World Bank Group Archives rules

Disclosure status

Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

15 April 2021

Línguas e escritas



Zona da incorporação

Assuntos relacionados

Pessoas e organizações relacionadas

Géneros relacionados

Locais relacionados