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Records of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector Engels
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Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment records

Series consists of records related to the Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment (SSAHA) project. The SSAHA was a United Nations Development Programme project (UNDP, Project # RAF/87/030). However, the World Bank served as the primary implementer of the project. The World Bank also helped finance the project, along with the UNDP, the African Development Bank (ADB), the French Ministry of Cooperation, and the European Community (EC).

The SSAHA was developed in response to requests from African governments to review the hydrological services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its aim was to assist sub-Saharan countries in the creation and/or improvement of a sound hydrometric base for the purposes of planning and evaluating water resources development programs and projects. The project would evaluate the status of all existing water resource data and information and make recommendations for the filling of important gaps and for the general enhancement of the capability to measure, retrieve, process and publish hydrological data and information (Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment Project Document; c. December, 1986; File #30187398). The project involved: preparing inventories of the present status of data collections, processing and publication including the listing of bibliographies; identifying the more important gaps that exist in present programs; and making recommendations on priority programs to fill the gaps including institutional and training aspects.

The SSAHA project was prepared by the World Bank in1986-1987 in consultation with the UNDP, the United Nations Department of Technical Co-Operation for Development (UNDTCD, later the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development [UNDESD]), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), regional African agencies, and African national governments. The UNDP approved the project in June, 1987 and the World Bank signed the Project Document as Executing Agency in the same month. The project became effective in September, 1987. A Steering Committee comprised of donor agencies, regional agencies, country representatives, WMO and UNESCO was established at this time. The UNDP chaired the Committee with the World Bank and ADB serving as co-chairs. It began to meet twice annually (or when convened by the Chairman) in November, 1987, to assist in the supervision of the project, to redirect approaches as needed, and to evaluate the project results.

Within the World Bank, the Agriculture and Rural Development Department's Production and Services Division (AGRPS) was designated the executing unit. Ulrich Kuffner served as task manager from 1987 until January 1, 1992 when Geoffrey Matthews, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Technology and Natural Resources (AGRTN), replaced him. Torbjorn Damhaug of the African Regional Office, Environmentally Sustainable Division (AFTES), was made a co-task manager in 1994 or earlier. A Project Management Committee (PMC) was established in 1987 to serve as a liaison between the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) and the African Regional Office (AGR).

Series contains records created and received by the AGRPS that relate to SSAHA project planning, financing, execution, oversight, and evaluation. The majority of the records are organized into numbered volumes according to: consultant firm; African region; project organizer and/or financer; Steering Committee meeting; and general correspondence files.

Records relating to Regional African Agencies are numerous and contain correspondence between the Bank andthe Agencies' representatives. Folders are labeled according to region: South African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC, in 1992 renamed the South African Development Community [SADC]), and the International Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD, in 1996 renamed the Intergovernmental Authority on Development [IGAD]), as well as Madagascar, which is not included in one of the aforementioned Regions. Records relate to: project planning and negotiation; consultants' reports; planning of meetings and workshops; and coordinating with consultants. Records contain: drafts of consultants' reports and Regions' comments; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; consultants' proposals and contracts; and aide memoires.

Records also contain correspondence with consultants who have been awarded a contract. Records relate to: payment; revisions to Terms of Reference or payment; negotiation of completion and reporting dates; publishing; and coordination of consultants with Regions and countries.

The series also contains multiple volumes labeled General Correspondence. These records include correspondence with Regional African Agencies as described earlier. Correspondence with consultants is also included, although the majority of this material was created before contracts were awarded and thus contain Terms of Reference, proposals, minutes of negotiations, and related records. General correspondence files also contain correspondence with: the Bank's country and regional offices; country officials and representatives; participating agencies (UNDP, WMO, EC, ADB, etc.); and short-term consultants. Records relate to: project planning; meetings; training exercises; workshops; project coordination and logistics; contracts; financial issues; Bank staff reporting; evaluation of consultants' reports; project funding; and project research and planning.

The series contains folders for each of the eight Steering Committee meetings held between November, 1987 and July, 1996. Records relate to meeting planning and coordination and the invitation of participants. Records include: agendas; minutes; list of participants; preparatory materials (i.e. reports); and back-to-office reports by meeting attendees. A lesser amount of records relating to the World Bank's Project Management Committee meetings are also included; records are of similar type to those previously described.

Separate folders for correspondence with WMO, UNESCO, and the Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEF) are also contained in this series.

Budget files containing reports, budgets, copies of contracts, revisions, and disbursement records are also included.

The series also contains numerous folders labeled General Files. Records include: reports and articles used as background or research; reviews of the SSAHA project written by Bank staff or consultants; copies of contracts with consultants; correspondence with consultants; budget and financing summaries; consultant negotiation materials; cost estimates; drafts of SSAHA pamphlets; correspondence related to meetings; comments on consultants' reports from Bank staff and external; Project Performance Evaluation Reports (PPER) for RAF/87/030 (1992 and 1994); correspondence between AGR staff related to project planning and development; multiple drafts of the original SSAHA Project Document; final versions of the original SSAHA Project Document; copy of signed WB/UNDP SSAHA agreement; meeting notes; progress reports of consultants; recommendations for future action; World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) project document and supporting materials, including materials related to its regional components; files on individual and short-term consultants; records related to SSAHA hydrological workshop (1994); copies of booklet, Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment (1993); text of the SSAHA Program Completion Brochure (1996); and a paper by Geoffrey J. Matthews, Communications for Bridging Different Water Perspectives.

Also included are numerous copies of draft and final SSAHA country and regional reports prepared by project consultants. These include: Madagascar: Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA), Pieces Annexes (1996); Madagascar: Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA), Rapport Principal (1996); Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment, SADC Countries - Country Report: Namibia (1995, draft report); Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment, SADC Countries - Country Report: South Africa (1996, draft report, two copies); Regional Strategic Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Development and Management in the SADC Countries (1999-2004) - SADC Water Co-ordination Unit, Maseru, Lesotho (1998, 1st draft); Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Subsaharie: Madagascar -- Proposition Technique et Financiere (1995); Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment West African Countries: Regional Report (1992, also a copy in French); and Madagascar: Evaluation hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA) - Addendum au rapport principal (1997).

Subject files of the Office of the Director of the Economics and Policy Division

This series consists of the alphabetical subject files, A C, of the Economics and Policy Division. The records include memoranda, letters, reports, policy papers, numbered research proposals, and speeches, but primarily consist of drafts (some annotated) of papers and book chapters. A range of agricultural development issues are covered, such as credit and rural finance, price policies, technological innovation, and trade. The records include discussions of the Division's methods and techniques of analysis, the quality of its work and ways to improve it, and the relationship of the Division's work to the country-based work carried out in the Bank's regional offices. A few files deal with computers and their use by the Division for economic modeling and organizing economic reference data, and a few others are on conferences that members of the Division attended.

Eleven files are coded with a Research Project Output (RPO) code number, which was assigned to projects throughout the Bank by the Development Economics department. However, another four such RPO coded files, listed on the original transfer to the archives, are not among these records and probably were returned to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector after the initial transfer of the records to the archives in 1989. One research project, RPO 671 42, on agricultural prices and subsidies, is a broad study of many countries and their pricing policies, while others are on the pricing policy of a single country (Turkey in RPO 672 78, for example) or a single topic (agriculture technology and innovation in RPO 671 44).

The correspondence is mostly that of Graham Donaldson, who was chief of the division between 1977 and 1984, but a few correspondence files postdate his tenure. Also included is a set of files on agriculture and credit that seem to be those of J. D. Von Pischke, and a file labeled Agricultural development. Reports is for the most part the speeches of Montague Yudelman.

The principal value of these records for research is the view that the records provide of the process of research and policy paper development within the Division. Some material on particular countries is found in the records, including India, the Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Senegal, Mexico, and Indonesia, much of which has probably subsequently been published. A report on the World Food Program contractual study of agricultural development in Korea is in the file Agricultural development. Reports.

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