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Records of the Energy Sector Anglais

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Governance, management and oversight

Series contains records of the Industry and Energy Office of the Director (IENDR), its predecessors, and divisions that relate to planning, organizing, and directing subordinate units as well as developing business plans, work programs, and budgets. Most records were maintained by Director Richard Stern, Senior Adviser Dennis Anderson, and Division Chief Afsaneh Mashayekhi. The series also contains the chronological and subject files of Assistant Director Efrain Friedmann that represent the department's energy sector work in the early 1970s as well as subject files of the mining units under IEN and later, the joint Bank/International Finance Corporation (IFC) Oil, Gas, Mining and Chemicals Department (COC).

Strategic planning, business development, and management

Records in the series document changes in divisional structure, reporting lines, resources, and activities of the responsible units. Individual subject files relate to IEN reorganization (1993 - 1997), energy practice management (1993 - 1996), and others.

Specific types of records include internal memoranda, All-in-1 message hard copies, organizational charts, vision and mission statements, budget sheets, reports regarding IEN departmental structure, IEN background and staff profiles, job descriptions, functional descriptions (outlining organization, functional areas, reporting, division management) and reports on activities of the Oil and Gas Division (IENOG).

Another set of records (1990 - 1997) relate to the department's midyear review,retrospective review, portfolio management, business plan and budget, and preparation of the Annual Report on Portfolio Performance (ARPP). Record types include: copies of ARPP by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED); minutes of review meetings; drafts and final text of IEN divisions; and portfolio improvement program review reports by the Quality Assurance Group (EXCQA) unit.

Two correspondence files containing incoming and outgoing memoranda with FPDVP (1992 - 1997) cover the period when Richard D. Stern was ESMAP Manager (ESMMR), then IEN director. Some memos are in the form of briefing notes and background for meetings and discuss department activities, papers produced, reorganizations, ESMAP products, and private sector investment in infrastructure projects. Also in the files are sector papers on topics including industrial restructuring, and a comparative survey of public and private ownership of gas companies.

There are also files maintained by IEN divisions and predecessors regarding the organization and activities of divisions carrying out United Nations Development Programme / World Bank Group Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Included are: files related to ESMAP operations (1989 - 1993); Office of the ESMAP Manager (ESMMR, in existence from 1991 - 1992); ESMAP reorganization (1990 - 1992); ESMAP activities and schedules (1990 - 1991); and ESMAP procedures and guidelines for operations coordination (1991, 1993). General files (1986 - 1995) contain mostly internal memoranda and accompanying reports that cover a variety of topics such as meeting summaries, ESMAP operations, knowledge and learning events, sector work program, division status reports, recruitment, reporting to vice presidencies, and general administrative information such as for cross support activities.

Other files relate to industry and mining budgeting, work programs, and business planning (1994 - 2005), the latter maintained by unit staff of the Mining Department (CMN) and successor Oil, Gas, Mining and Chemical Department (COC) senior staff including Division Chief, later Manager Peter van der Veen. Also included is a briefing book prepared for IFC Vice President Peter L. Woicke related to a 2003 visit to Bolivia.

Operational support oversight

A smaller volume of files titled "cross support" created by IENDR (1992 - 1996) contain mostly internal memoranda between Director Stern, IEN divisions, Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP), and regional units concerning projects and support to the regions in terms of delivery plans, allocation of tasks, and enhancing collaboration. Some memoranda also provide information about regional unit reorganizations, trust fund management issues, and network performance measures. Filed with the correspondence are back-to-office reports (BTORs), meeting minutes, data tables, and other records.

Another set of records document communications between Director Stern, IEN units, and Bank senior management regarding certain Bank projects (1980 - 1997), such as the Arun Hydroelectric Power Project in Nepal. Files include correspondence, draft discussion papers, external press articles, President's Memorandum, project documents (staff appraisal report, project agreement etc.), and other material.

Several files related to general energy and environmental sector work contain correspondence and other records (1994 - 1996) maintained by Senior Adviser Anderson (IENDR). Included are invitations and follow ups to meetings, events, publications and reviews written by Anderson, communication about the Bank's energy work, current and potential studies, comments on internal or external papers and reports, and other matters.

Efrain Friedmann chronological and subject files

The series contains records created and received by Efrain Friedmann during the period 1972 to 1980 when he held the following positions: energy specialist, then energy adviser in Public Utilities Department Director's Office (PBPDR, 1972 - 1977, later Energy, Water, Telecommunications Department [EWT]); assistant director, Energy and Fuels (EWTDR, 1977 - 1979); and senior adviser in the Energy Policy Advisory Staff (EGYEP, 1979 - 1980).

Chronological files span the periods from November 1972 to August 1974 and April 1977 to March 1980 and includes internal memoranda, cables, and incoming and outgoing correspondence with representatives of the United States government and other country or international organization officials, oil companies, engineers, and academics regarding the world energy situation and the Bank's mineral and energy programs. Correspondence covers topics such as oil surveys, energy projects and studies, research and policy development activities, department work program and budget, staff development seminars on energy planning, hiring of consultants, international conferences, meetings with oil companies, participation in missions, comments on draft correspondence to be sent by vice president, Operations Policy, and administrative matters. Also included among the correspondence is a paper prepared by Friedmann for Bank Group President Robert McNamara's meeting with U.N. General Secretary Waldheim in December 1979 which presents the Bank's views on energy conservation and the search for new energy supplies, and a memorandum on a White House meeting with President Carter, which indicates Carter's growing interest in developing oil reserves in developing countries.

Friedmann subject files represent his various activities such as: liaison with consultant O.B. Falls regarding Impact of Primary Energy Cost on Electric Power study (1974); liaison and meetings with banks and development banks (1977 - 1979); meeting on assistance to the energy sector in developing countries, Paris (1979), attendance at various conferences (1978 - 1979), and sector work (1979). There are also several files concerning nuclear power (1972 - 1976) and a nuclear study (1975 - 1976) which mostly contain memoranda and correspondence with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or national atomic energy agencies.

Record types in the Friedmann files include memoranda, cables, incoming and outgoing letters, summaries of meetings and consultations, Terms of Reference (TORs), BTORS including copies from regional staff, approach papers, briefing notes, sector reports, externally authored conference papers and reports, draft study outlines (some annotated), and press clippings. The Paris World Energy meeting files contain agenda and list of delegates, copy of "Program to Accelerate Petroleum Production in Developing Countries" Bank report, list of oil and gas production projects, summary of development partners' energy assistance and activities, and other items.

NRIC and EISIC correspondence and related records

Also included in the series are several correspondence files (1978 - 1986) sent and received by division chiefs, senior advisers or occasionally directors that were originally sent to the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and arranged under the Bank-wide classification system. Files are titled "general" and include mostly internal memoranda (some in the form of BTORs), letters, and cables that cover management of the various sector activities and division objectives such as: workshop or roundtable preparation and participation; selection of consultants for projects; direction of energy policy and lending including comments on policy papers and draft guidelines for lending; ESMAP program; and collaboration with external organizations. Reports, discussion papers and other records are sometimesfiled with the related correspondence. Two files that are thin in volume relate to a proposed World Bank energy affiliate (1981 - 1982) and contains memoranda from Senior Vice President of Operations Ernest Stern to Bank Group President Clausen.

Series also contains a set of thematic, or subject files (1974 - 1987) that were originally maintained in the Energy and Industry Information Center (EISIC). Files contain internal memoranda and cables, many are copies sent by the Energy and Industry Vice Presidency (EISVP), the Office of the Senior Vice Presidency, Operations (SVPOP), by regional directors, and unit or sector staff. There are also some original incoming letters to industry and energy directors or division chiefs. Correspondence is occasionally attached to draft and final internal reports, discussion or issues papers, BTORs, Board reports, briefing notes, summary of discussions, and other items.

The more voluminous files relate to activities regarding petroleum, natural gas, environment, ecology, cofinancing, budget and work program, project implementation review, and project performance audit. Because of the EISIC filing system that interfiled sector records, these files also represent the industry sector including industrial development finance (IDF) operations. Files titled "general energy correspondence" cover a broad range of topics ranging from routine to substantive matters. The latter includes: confirmations on appointments and divisional assignments or responsibilities from regional chiefs copied to sector; Bank programs and activities in related sectors; procedural changes (i.e. project pre-briefs); training requirements, and Industry Department implementation review. Routine administrative matters cover staffing, Bank employment, word processing, travel schedules, and Board schedules.

A set of "energy and industry staff" files relate to the EIS departments that reported to EISVP under SVPOP between 1982 and 1987. These department files discuss recruitment, management and divisional retreat summaries, sector work, ESMAP tasks and country work, and assignment of responsibilities. Memoranda between Vice President Jean-Loup Dherse (EISVP), SVPOP, and Director Rovani and others discuss operational initiatives such as an issues paper regarding project financing on limited recourse basis in Bank projects, proposal of EIS support, and other business activities.

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