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Records of the (Staff) Economic Committee

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Records of the (Staff) Economic Committee

  • Fondo
  • 1957 - 1972

Fonds contains records related to the activities of the Staff Economic Committee (SEC) and its successor the Economic Committee (EC). Records consist of communications from the committees' secretariat to committee members and the draft reports that the committee reviewed; other reports or background information that was not reviewed by the committee but used for informational purposes are also included. Records of the subcommittee, created in 1965, are also included, but in small number.

Records related to the first five years of SEC (1952-1957) are not included and are unaccounted for. Records relating to the work of the SEC from 1958 to 1964 are included, although in lesser number than those relating to the EC. Only committee communications for the SEC from 1958 to 1964 are included.

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Committee communications

  • Serie
  • 1957 - 1972

Series contains communications primarily circulated by the Staff Economic Committee (SEC, 1952-1965) and Economic Committee (EC, 1965-1972) secretariats to the members of the committee. In rare cases, records included in this series were circulated by the committee's chairperson. Beginning in July 1965 with the reconstitution of SEC as the EC, communications include an "Economic Committee" cover stencil and are classified according to what kind of document it is; in the case of the records in this series, EC/A (notice of meeting) and EC/M (notice of meeting, conclusions and recommendations, and minutes) are used.

Generally, only a single document is included in each folder; a single document may, however, include attachments in the form of reports or other documents that will be reviewed by the committee or used as reference. Communications include: minutes from the meeting (dated either the same day as the meeting or within two weeks) which usually document the highlights of a meeting listed in chronological order; notes from the meeting, which are more formal in that they have topical subsections often including a "conclusions and recommendations" section; and standalone "Conclusions and Recommendations". In small amounts, "Notice of Meeting" memoranda relating to upcoming meetings are included. These can include meeting agendas and logistical information. Notice of Meeting memoranda can also include attachments such as reports to be reviewed or supporting documentation to be considered.

A relatively small number of records relating to the communications of EC subcommittees dating from 1965 to 1967 are also included in this series. As part of the 1965 reconstitution of SEC into the new EC, subcommittees were created and given the responsibility to review drafts of country- and region-related reports for quality review prior to consideration by the full EC. The majority of the reports reviewed by the subcommittees are "Current Economic Position and Prospects" for individual countries. Records include the notes of the subcommittee meetings and a list of those in attendance. Most subcommittee records are classified as EC/F.

This series also contains three folders dating from 1970 to 1972 that include distribution lists of committee members, procedures on how to write and distribute committee materials, schedules of meetings, and memoranda discussing administrative matters of the secretariat.

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