Perf and Files from I6207412
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Perf and Files from I6207412
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
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All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
Audit of Administrative Expenses PPR - set
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Audit of Administrative Expenses PPR - set
Audit FY91 - set
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Audit FY91 - set
Research Material on Economic Prospects - box
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Research Material on Economic Prospects - box
Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects, Etc. EPDIT 06-06 - 1v
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Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects, Etc. EPDIT 06-06 - 1v
World Trade by Origin and Destination by Lutz and Lee - 1v
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World Trade by Origin and Destination by Lutz and Lee - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism in Industrialized Countries and it's Global Effects : A Survey of Issues. by E. Lutz, M. Bale - 1v
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Agricultural Protectionism in Industrialized Countries and it's Global Effects : A Survey of Issues. by E. Lutz, M. Bale - 1v
Research Material on Economic Prospects : Patterns of World Agricultural Trade by Lutz, Kharas - 1v
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Research Material on Economic Prospects : Patterns of World Agricultural Trade by Lutz, Kharas - 1v
WDR VI Country Classification - 1v
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WDR VI Country Classification - 1v
Research Materials on Economic Prospects - 1v
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Research Materials on Economic Prospects - 1v
Protectionism and other Policy Issues in Trade in Services by Andre Sapir and Ernest Lutz - 1v
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Protectionism and other Policy Issues in Trade in Services by Andre Sapir and Ernest Lutz - 1v
Trade Deflators used by the World Bank A Preliminary Note, EPDIT-13-04 by Lutz - 1v
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Trade Deflators used by the World Bank A Preliminary Note, EPDIT-13-04 by Lutz - 1v
The Economic Relations of the United Kingdom with Developing Countries by E. Lutz and A. Lee - 1v
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The Economic Relations of the United Kingdom with Developing Countries by E. Lutz and A. Lee - 1v
Trade in Non - Factor Services by A. Sapir, E. Lutz - 1v
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Trade in Non - Factor Services by A. Sapir, E. Lutz - 1v
Research Paper on United Kingdom Trade - 1v
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Research Paper on United Kingdom Trade - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism, Structural Change by Lutz and Duncan - 1v
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Agricultural Protectionism, Structural Change by Lutz and Duncan - 1v
Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects by Origin, Destination ( Lutz and Sapir ) - 1v
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Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects by Origin, Destination ( Lutz and Sapir ) - 1v
Research Papers on Protectionism by Finger - 1v
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Research Papers on Protectionism by Finger - 1v
Research Papers on Economic Peospects : Shwartz - 1v
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Research Papers on Economic Peospects : Shwartz - 1v
World Economic and Social Indicators, and Survey of Economic Trends - 1v
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World Economic and Social Indicators, and Survey of Economic Trends - 1v
Monitoring Trends in Protectionism by James Reidel - 1v
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Monitoring Trends in Protectionism by James Reidel - 1v
AWA Model - 1v
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AWA Model - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism and Import Penetration by Developing Countries in Industrial Country Markets by Ron Duncan and Ernest Lutz - 1v
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Agricultural Protectionism and Import Penetration by Developing Countries in Industrial Country Markets by Ron Duncan and Ernest Lutz - 1v
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International Labor Migration and Workers Remittances Issues and Prospects by Gurushri Swamy - 1v
Protection Levels and Policies in Developing and Industrial Countries, Annotated Bibliography and Data Bank Summary by Oli Havrylyshyn and Iradj Alikhani - 1v
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Protection Levels and Policies in Developing and Industrial Countries, Annotated Bibliography and Data Bank Summary by Oli Havrylyshyn and Iradj Alikhani - 1v
Policy Research Papers / Martin Wolf - set
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Policy Research Papers / Martin Wolf - set
Policy Research Papers / Yasugi - 1v
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Policy Research Papers / Yasugi - 1v
Policy Research Papers / Maria Christina Germany - 1v
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Policy Research Papers / Maria Christina Germany - 1v
The political economy of administered protection - E
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The political economy of administered protection - E
Modeling the transport effect as a determinant of international trade patterns - E
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Modeling the transport effect as a determinant of international trade patterns - E
The benefits and costs of official export credit programs - E
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The benefits and costs of official export credit programs - E
Forgiving poverty: the political economy of the international debt relief negotiations - E
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Forgiving poverty: the political economy of the international debt relief negotiations - E
Market distortions and export performance: India's exports of manufactures in the 1970s - E
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Market distortions and export performance: India's exports of manufactures in the 1970s - E
Overseas operations of multinational banks: lending and foreign direct investment - E
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Overseas operations of multinational banks: lending and foreign direct investment - E
Trade, growth and income distribution: the Korean experience - E
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Trade, growth and income distribution: the Korean experience - E
Trade as the engine of growth in developing countries, revisited - E
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Trade as the engine of growth in developing countries, revisited - E
Accounting and aggregation in global analysis - E
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Accounting and aggregation in global analysis - E
Demand as the contraint to export growth in developing countries - E
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Demand as the contraint to export growth in developing countries - E
Can the East Asian export model of development be generalized ? - E
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Can the East Asian export model of development be generalized ? - E
Restructuring the global economy and stabilization policy - E
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Restructuring the global economy and stabilization policy - E
A note on the classification of newly industrialized economies - E
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A note on the classification of newly industrialized economies - E
The global environment with examples from Malaysia - E
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The global environment with examples from Malaysia - E
Protection levels and policies in developing and industrial countries, annotated bibliography and data bank summary - E
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Protection levels and policies in developing and industrial countries, annotated bibliography and data bank summary - E
The collapse of demand for LDC exports of manufactures in the mid-1970s re-examined - E
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The collapse of demand for LDC exports of manufactures in the mid-1970s re-examined - E
Trade in non-factor services: past trends and current issues - E
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Trade in non-factor services: past trends and current issues - E
The determinants of financial flows to developing countries: theory and empirical evidence - E
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The determinants of financial flows to developing countries: theory and empirical evidence - E
The impact of fluctuations in world demand on export supply in a small open economy: a Hong Kong case study - E
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The impact of fluctuations in world demand on export supply in a small open economy: a Hong Kong case study - E
The growing risk to the loan portfolio: long-term projections of World Bank exposure - E
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The growing risk to the loan portfolio: long-term projections of World Bank exposure - E
The Tokyo round: results and implications for developing countries - E
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The Tokyo round: results and implications for developing countries - E