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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

492 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Perf and Files from I6207412
Perf and Files from I6207412
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
Audit of Administrative Expenses PPR - set
Audit of Administrative Expenses PPR - set
Audit FY91 - set
Audit FY91 - set
Research Material on Economic Prospects - box
Research Material on Economic Prospects - box
Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects, Etc. EPDIT 06-06 - 1v
Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects, Etc. EPDIT 06-06 - 1v
World Trade by Origin and Destination by Lutz and Lee - 1v
World Trade by Origin and Destination by Lutz and Lee - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism in Industrialized Countries and it's Global Effects : A Survey of Issues. by E. Lutz, M. Bale - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism in Industrialized Countries and it's Global Effects : A Survey of Issues. by E. Lutz, M. Bale - 1v
Research Material on Economic Prospects : Patterns of World Agricultural Trade by Lutz, Kharas - 1v
Research Material on Economic Prospects : Patterns of World Agricultural Trade by Lutz, Kharas - 1v
WDR VI Country Classification - 1v
WDR VI Country Classification - 1v
Research Materials on Economic Prospects - 1v
Research Materials on Economic Prospects - 1v
Protectionism and other Policy Issues in Trade in Services by Andre Sapir and Ernest Lutz - 1v
Protectionism and other Policy Issues in Trade in Services by Andre Sapir and Ernest Lutz - 1v
Trade Deflators used by the World Bank A Preliminary Note, EPDIT-13-04 by Lutz - 1v
Trade Deflators used by the World Bank A Preliminary Note, EPDIT-13-04 by Lutz - 1v
The Economic Relations of the United Kingdom with Developing Countries by E. Lutz and A. Lee - 1v
The Economic Relations of the United Kingdom with Developing Countries by E. Lutz and A. Lee - 1v
Trade in Non - Factor Services by A. Sapir, E. Lutz - 1v
Trade in Non - Factor Services by A. Sapir, E. Lutz - 1v
Research Paper on United Kingdom Trade - 1v
Research Paper on United Kingdom Trade - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism, Structural Change by Lutz and Duncan - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism, Structural Change by Lutz and Duncan - 1v
Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects by Origin, Destination ( Lutz and Sapir ) - 1v
Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects by Origin, Destination ( Lutz and Sapir ) - 1v
Research Papers on Protectionism by Finger - 1v
Research Papers on Protectionism by Finger - 1v
Research Papers on Economic Peospects : Shwartz - 1v
Research Papers on Economic Peospects : Shwartz - 1v
World Economic and Social Indicators, and Survey of Economic Trends - 1v
World Economic and Social Indicators, and Survey of Economic Trends - 1v
Monitoring Trends in Protectionism by James Reidel - 1v
Monitoring Trends in Protectionism by James Reidel - 1v
AWA Model - 1v
AWA Model - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism and Import Penetration by Developing Countries in Industrial Country Markets by Ron Duncan and Ernest Lutz - 1v
Agricultural Protectionism and Import Penetration by Developing Countries in Industrial Country Markets by Ron Duncan and Ernest Lutz - 1v
International Labor Migration and Workers Remittances  Issues and Prospects  by Gurushri Swamy - 1v
International Labor Migration and Workers Remittances Issues and Prospects by Gurushri Swamy - 1v
Protection Levels and Policies in Developing and Industrial Countries, Annotated Bibliography and Data Bank Summary by Oli Havrylyshyn and Iradj Alikhani - 1v
Protection Levels and Policies in Developing and Industrial Countries, Annotated Bibliography and Data Bank Summary by Oli Havrylyshyn and Iradj Alikhani - 1v
Policy Research Papers / Martin Wolf - set
Policy Research Papers / Martin Wolf - set
Policy Research Papers / Yasugi - 1v
Policy Research Papers / Yasugi - 1v
Policy Research Papers / Maria Christina Germany - 1v
Policy Research Papers / Maria Christina Germany - 1v
The political economy of administered protection - E
The political economy of administered protection - E
Modeling the transport effect as a determinant of international trade patterns - E
Modeling the transport effect as a determinant of international trade patterns - E
The benefits and costs of official export credit programs - E
The benefits and costs of official export credit programs - E
Forgiving poverty: the political economy of the international debt relief negotiations - E
Forgiving poverty: the political economy of the international debt relief negotiations - E
Market distortions and export performance: India's exports of manufactures in the 1970s - E
Market distortions and export performance: India's exports of manufactures in the 1970s - E
Overseas operations of multinational banks: lending and foreign direct investment - E
Overseas operations of multinational banks: lending and foreign direct investment - E
Trade, growth and income distribution: the Korean experience - E
Trade, growth and income distribution: the Korean experience - E
Trade as the engine of growth in developing countries, revisited - E
Trade as the engine of growth in developing countries, revisited - E
Accounting and aggregation in global analysis - E
Accounting and aggregation in global analysis - E
Demand as the contraint to export growth in developing countries - E
Demand as the contraint to export growth in developing countries - E
Can the East Asian export model of development be generalized ? - E
Can the East Asian export model of development be generalized ? - E
Restructuring the global economy and stabilization policy - E
Restructuring the global economy and stabilization policy - E
A note on the classification of newly industrialized economies - E
A note on the classification of newly industrialized economies - E
The global environment with examples from Malaysia - E
The global environment with examples from Malaysia - E
Protection levels and policies in developing and industrial countries, annotated bibliography and data bank summary - E
Protection levels and policies in developing and industrial countries, annotated bibliography and data bank summary - E
The collapse of demand for LDC exports of manufactures in the mid-1970s re-examined - E
The collapse of demand for LDC exports of manufactures in the mid-1970s re-examined - E
Trade in non-factor services: past trends and current issues - E
Trade in non-factor services: past trends and current issues - E
The determinants of financial flows to developing countries: theory and empirical evidence - E
The determinants of financial flows to developing countries: theory and empirical evidence - E
The impact of fluctuations in world demand on export supply in a small open economy: a Hong Kong case study - E
The impact of fluctuations in world demand on export supply in a small open economy: a Hong Kong case study - E
The growing risk to the loan portfolio: long-term projections of World Bank exposure - E
The growing risk to the loan portfolio: long-term projections of World Bank exposure - E
The Tokyo round: results and implications for developing countries - E
The Tokyo round: results and implications for developing countries - E
Resultados 1 a 50 de 4676