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Showing 1-50 of 8849 results

Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation

223 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

India - Country Assistance Strategies [CASs] - Original Surveys
India - Country Assistance Strategies [CASs] - Original Surveys
India - Country Assistance Evaluations [CAEs] - Background Papers sent to Edwin Lim and the Gover...
India - Country Assistance Evaluations [CAEs] - Background Papers sent to Edwin Lim and the Government of India
India - Country Assistance Evaluations [CAEs] - Background Papers
India - Country Assistance Evaluations [CAEs] - Background Papers
India - Country Assistance Evaluation [CAE] - Energy Workshop - March 30, 2000
India - Country Assistance Evaluation [CAE] - Energy Workshop - March 30, 2000
Operation Evaluation Department [OED] - General
Operation Evaluation Department [OED] - General
Supervision / Supervision Documents - Vol. 2
Supervision / Supervision Documents - Vol. 2
Saudi Arabia - Country Evaluation Reports and Correspondence
Saudi Arabia - Country Evaluation Reports and Correspondence
CAMEROON: Sixth Highway Project ICR - 1v
CAMEROON: Sixth Highway Project ICR - 1v
Feeder Roads Project - Cameroon - Credit 0749 - Loan 1494 - P000344 / Railway Project (04) - Came...
Feeder Roads Project - Cameroon - Credit 0749 - Loan 1494 - P000344 / Railway Project (04) - Cameroon - Credit 0936 - Loan 1734 - P000346 / Highway Project (04) - Cameroon - Credit 0926 - Loan 1723 - P000345 - Reports
Kenya - Health Rehabilitation Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Repo...
Kenya - Health Rehabilitation Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Hinvi Agriculture Project - Benin - Credit 0144 - P000062 - Correspondence - Report 2053
Hinvi Agriculture Project - Benin - Credit 0144 - P000062 - Correspondence - Report 2053
Togo - Health and Population Sector Adjustment Credit - Implementation Completion Report / Perfor...
Togo - Health and Population Sector Adjustment Credit - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Tanzania - Health and Nutrition Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Re...
Tanzania - Health and Nutrition Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Turkey - Keban Power Project - Loan 568 / Power Transmission Project (TEK) - Loan 0763  - Report ...
Turkey - Keban Power Project - Loan 568 / Power Transmission Project (TEK) - Loan 0763 - Report 3695
Hinvi Agriculture Project - Benin - Credit 0144 - P000062 - Background Documents
Hinvi Agriculture Project - Benin - Credit 0144 - P000062 - Background Documents
Caqueta Land Colonization Project - Colombia - Loan 0739 - P006725 - Project Performance Audit Re...
Caqueta Land Colonization Project - Colombia - Loan 0739 - P006725 - Project Performance Audit Report - Draft
Population Project (01) - Kenya - Credit 0468 - P001241 - Correspondence
Population Project (01) - Kenya - Credit 0468 - P001241 - Correspondence
Kenya - Wildlife and Tourism Project - PAR - 1v
Kenya - Wildlife and Tourism Project - PAR - 1v
Morocco - Health Development Project - Correspondence 01
Morocco - Health Development Project - Correspondence 01
Madagascar (Malagasy) - Highway 2 - Report 0811 - set
Madagascar (Malagasy) - Highway 2 - Report 0811 - set
Douala Port Project - Cameroon - Credit 0229 - P000319 / Douala Port Project (02) - Cameroon - Cr...
Douala Port Project - Cameroon - Credit 0229 - P000319 / Douala Port Project (02) - Cameroon - Credit 0657 - Loan 1321 - P000337 - Corridor Study - 1972 - 1975 - Volume 1
KENYA - Livestock Project (02) - Credit 0477 - P001238 - Report 6160 - Correspondence and Notes
KENYA - Livestock Project (02) - Credit 0477 - P001238 - Report 6160 - Correspondence and Notes
Malawi - Second Family Health Proj. (Cr. 1768-MAI) - 1v
Malawi - Second Family Health Proj. (Cr. 1768-MAI) - 1v
Morocco - Health Development Project - Correspondence 03
Morocco - Health Development Project - Correspondence 03
Tunisia - Population and Family Health Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance A...
Tunisia - Population and Family Health Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Malawi - Health and Family Health II - Correspondence 01
Malawi - Health and Family Health II - Correspondence 01
Douala Port Project (03) - Cameroon - Loan 2259 - P000357 - Project Completion Report [PCR] - 198...
Douala Port Project (03) - Cameroon - Loan 2259 - P000357 - Project Completion Report [PCR] - 1983 - 1993;
Bangladesh: Third Population and Family Health Project (PCR) - 1v
Bangladesh: Third Population and Family Health Project (PCR) - 1v
Kenya - Protected Areas and Wildlife Project - Implementation Completion Report
Kenya - Protected Areas and Wildlife Project - Implementation Completion Report
Yemen - Health Development Project - PCR Files - 1v
Yemen - Health Development Project - PCR Files - 1v
Caqueta Land Colonization Project - Colombia - Loan 0739 - P006725 - Correspondence with Report
Caqueta Land Colonization Project - Colombia - Loan 0739 - P006725 - Correspondence with Report
Mexico: Reports and Background Material for PCR/PPAR - 1v
Mexico: Reports and Background Material for PCR/PPAR - 1v
Gambia - National Health Development Project - Correspondence 01
Gambia - National Health Development Project - Correspondence 01
Brazil: National Health Policy Studies Project (PCR) - 1v
Brazil: National Health Policy Studies Project (PCR) - 1v
Hinvi Agriculture Project - Benin - Credit 0144 - P000062 - Project Performance Audit Reports - D...
Hinvi Agriculture Project - Benin - Credit 0144 - P000062 - Project Performance Audit Reports - Drafts
Guyana - Health, Nutrition, Water and Sanitation Project (SIMAP) - Implementation Completion Repo...
Guyana - Health, Nutrition, Water and Sanitation Project (SIMAP) - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Indonesiaa: Second Nutrition and Community Health Proejct (PCR) - 1v
Indonesiaa: Second Nutrition and Community Health Proejct (PCR) - 1v
Cameroon - Sixth Highway Project - Correspondence 01
Cameroon - Sixth Highway Project - Correspondence 01
Kenya : Parastatal Reform Technical Assistance Project (Credit 2440) - Management and Oversight -...
Kenya : Parastatal Reform Technical Assistance Project (Credit 2440) - Management and Oversight - Project Evaluations - ICR Review Process
Brazil - Second Northeast Basic Health Service Project - Implementation Completion Report / Perfo...
Brazil - Second Northeast Basic Health Service Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Colombia - Upper Magdalena Watershed Management Project - PCR - 1v
Colombia - Upper Magdalena Watershed Management Project - PCR - 1v
Kenya - Third and Fourth Population Projects - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Aud...
Kenya - Third and Fourth Population Projects - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Malawi - Health Sector Project - PCR Files - 1v
Malawi - Health Sector Project - PCR Files - 1v
Kenya : Structural Adjustment Credit Project (Credit 2884) - Implementation Completion Report - C...
Kenya : Structural Adjustment Credit Project (Credit 2884) - Implementation Completion Report - Correspondence
Nicaragua - Correspondence File - Project Evaluation - Project Performance Audit Report [PPAR] - ...
Nicaragua - Correspondence File - Project Evaluation - Project Performance Audit Report [PPAR] - Volume 1
Philippines - Health Development Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit R...
Philippines - Health Development Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Caqueta Land Colonization Project - Colombia - Loan 0739 - P006725 - Project Performance Audit Re...
Caqueta Land Colonization Project - Colombia - Loan 0739 - P006725 - Project Performance Audit Report - Draft
Kenya - Natural Resources Management - Implementation Completion Report
Kenya - Natural Resources Management - Implementation Completion Report
Douala Port Project - Cameroon - Credit 0229 - P000319 / Douala Port Project (02) - Cameroon - Cr...
Douala Port Project - Cameroon - Credit 0229 - P000319 / Douala Port Project (02) - Cameroon - Credit 0657 - Loan 1321 - P000337 - Corridor Study - 1975 - 1981 - Volume 2
Resultados 1 a 50 de 8849