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Showing 1-50 of 2278 results

Records of Individual Staff Members

237 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Olga Jonas files
Olga Jonas files
Zmarak Shalizi files
Zmarak Shalizi files
Subject files
Subject files
Moeen Qureshi files
Moeen Qureshi files
India: Mission Reports and other Reports on Bombay - 9/1/64 - 3/31/71
India: Mission Reports and other Reports on Bombay - 9/1/64 - 3/31/71
Safeguard Policies - Status and Outlook at the World Bank Group - December 2001
Safeguard Policies - Status and Outlook at the World Bank Group - December 2001
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 3
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 3
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 4
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 4
Shelton H. Davis - Fortalecimiento Institucional de Organizaciones Juveniles - Disc 3
Shelton H. Davis - Fortalecimiento Institucional de Organizaciones Juveniles - Disc 3
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 2
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 2
Shelton H. Davis - Fortalecimiento Institucional de Organizaciones Juveniles - Disc 2
Shelton H. Davis - Fortalecimiento Institucional de Organizaciones Juveniles - Disc 2
Presentaciones y Trabajos de Grupos
Presentaciones y Trabajos de Grupos
Shelton H. Davis - Performance Portfolio Review [PPR] Working Paper - AMBIO
Shelton H. Davis - Performance Portfolio Review [PPR] Working Paper - AMBIO
Lista y Fotos al los Participantes
Lista y Fotos al los Participantes
Copy of Safeguard Policy Presentation based on A. Molnar, K. Johnswartz, I. Taborotf and S. Davis Materials - FYI and Files
Copy of Safeguard Policy Presentation based on A. Molnar, K. Johnswartz, I. Taborotf and S. Davis Materials - FYI and Files
Shelton H. Davis - Youth, Culture and Identity - 14 Files
Shelton H. Davis - Youth, Culture and Identity - 14 Files
Meaningful Consultation - Portuguese - Reviewed Version
Meaningful Consultation - Portuguese - Reviewed Version
Meaningful Consultation - Ambiente - Spanish and Portuguese
Meaningful Consultation - Ambiente - Spanish and Portuguese
Capacitacion para el Dialogo Tripartito - Quito / Berlin - 2003 - Internationale Weiterbidung und Entwicklung gGmbH - Futuro Latin Americano - Weatherhead Center for International Affairs - Harvard University
Capacitacion para el Dialogo Tripartito - Quito / Berlin - 2003 - Internationale Weiterbidung und Entwicklung gGmbH - Futuro Latin Americano - Weatherhead Center for International Affairs - Harvard University
Seguimiento al Taller Internacional sobre Participacion y Empoderamiento para un Desarrollo Inclusivo - June 9-11, 2001 - Lima, Peru - Civil Society Team - Latin America and Caribbean Region - The World Bank
Seguimiento al Taller Internacional sobre Participacion y Empoderamiento para un Desarrollo Inclusivo - June 9-11, 2001 - Lima, Peru - Civil Society Team - Latin America and Caribbean Region - The World Bank
Ottawa Presentation - Shelton H. Davis - March 28-30, 2001
Ottawa Presentation - Shelton H. Davis - March 28-30, 2001
Jeanette Sutherland
Jeanette Sutherland
Shelton Davis - Speech - Williamsburg, Virginia - July 30-31, 1998
Shelton Davis - Speech - Williamsburg, Virginia - July 30-31, 1998
Preventing and Responding to Urban Crime and Violence in the Latin America and Caribbean Region - The Role of Municipal Governments and Local Communities - April 30, 2003
Preventing and Responding to Urban Crime and Violence in the Latin America and Caribbean Region - The Role of Municipal Governments and Local Communities - April 30, 2003
Perfiles Indigenas - El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica Regional - March 2004
Perfiles Indigenas - El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica Regional - March 2004
Contribuciones Analiticas sobre Legislaciones Indigenas y Ambientales y su Relacion con el Desarrollo Sostenible
Contribuciones Analiticas sobre Legislaciones Indigenas y Ambientales y su Relacion con el Desarrollo Sostenible
Consulta Tecnica sobre la Politica del Banco Mundial Relativa a Los Pueblos Indigenas - Reunion en Mexico en la Trinidad, Tlaxcala - December 3-4, 2001
Consulta Tecnica sobre la Politica del Banco Mundial Relativa a Los Pueblos Indigenas - Reunion en Mexico en la Trinidad, Tlaxcala - December 3-4, 2001
Official Graphics - FY01, FY02
Official Graphics - FY01, FY02
Bretton Woods Documents - Amendment to Bretton Woods Agreement - June 5, 1963
Bretton Woods Documents - Amendment to Bretton Woods Agreement - June 5, 1963
Bretton Woods Documents - Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Statuts de la Banque Internationale Pour La Reconstruction et le Developpement - May 1947 - Sec 645 - French Translation
Bretton Woods Documents - Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Statuts de la Banque Internationale Pour La Reconstruction et le Developpement - May 1947 - Sec 645 - French Translation
Bretton Woods Documents - Encyclopedia Americana - Article on International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] - February 19, 1947
Bretton Woods Documents - Encyclopedia Americana - Article on International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] - February 19, 1947
Bretton Woods Documents - United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] Copy of Bretton Woods Final Act and Related Documents - September 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] Copy of Bretton Woods Final Act and Related Documents - September 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - What the United Nations Organization means to American Farmers, by Norman Burns - June 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - What the United Nations Organization means to American Farmers, by Norman Burns - June 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - Finance - Article on the World Bank - June 10, 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - Finance - Article on the World Bank - June 10, 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - Foreign Commerce Weekly - Article on World Fund and Bank - Potent Trade Instruments - May 18, 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - Foreign Commerce Weekly - Article on World Fund and Bank - Potent Trade Instruments - May 18, 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - Provisional Rules of Procedures for Meetings of Executive Directors - S...
Bretton Woods Documents - Provisional Rules of Procedures for Meetings of Executive Directors - Second Draft - May 15, 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - The Commercial and Financial Chronicle - Volume 163 - Number 4474 - The Fund and the Bank as New Institutions by Andre Istel - March 21, 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - The Commercial and Financial Chronicle - Volume 163 - Number 4474 - The Fund and the Bank as New Institutions by Andre Istel - March 21, 1946
Bretton Woods Documents - Paper on National Central Banking and the International Economy - Paper
Bretton Woods Documents - Paper on National Central Banking and the International Economy - Paper
Bretton Woods Documents - Journal Officiel (France) Announcement of Laws Enacted Regarding the IMF and IBRD - December 26-27, 1945
Bretton Woods Documents - Journal Officiel (France) Announcement of Laws Enacted Regarding the IMF and IBRD - December 26-27, 1945
Bretton Woods Documents - W Randolph Burgess Comments on International Financial Cooperation - May 3, 1945
Bretton Woods Documents - W Randolph Burgess Comments on International Financial Cooperation - May 3, 1945
Bretton Woods Documents - Chamber of Commerce Report on Bretton Woods Program - Report
Bretton Woods Documents - Chamber of Commerce Report on Bretton Woods Program - Report
Bretton Woods Documents - Monetary and Credit Agreements Entered into at Bretton Woods - April 1945 - Reprinted from Federal Reserve Bulletin - Issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System - Washington
Bretton Woods Documents - Monetary and Credit Agreements Entered into at Bretton Woods - April 1945 - Reprinted from Federal Reserve Bulletin - Issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System - Washington
Bretton Woods Documents - Proposals - Treasury Questions and Answers on the Fund and Bank - March...
Bretton Woods Documents - Proposals - Treasury Questions and Answers on the Fund and Bank - March 15, 1945
Bretton Woods Documents - Hackett Comments on Bretton Woods - Comments
Bretton Woods Documents - Hackett Comments on Bretton Woods - Comments
Bretton Woods Documents - Federal Reserve Report on the IMF - Report
Bretton Woods Documents - Federal Reserve Report on the IMF - Report
Bretton Woods Documents - Chamber of Commerce of the United States Report on Bretton Woods Propos...
Bretton Woods Documents - Chamber of Commerce of the United States Report on Bretton Woods Proposals - February 1945 - Finance Department
Bretton Woods Documents - Roosevelt Address to Congress on Bretton Woods - February 20, 1945 - Un...
Bretton Woods Documents - Roosevelt Address to Congress on Bretton Woods - February 20, 1945 - United States Treasury - Washington, DC
Bretton Woods Documents - Treasury Report on Bretton Woods Proposal - Report
Bretton Woods Documents - Treasury Report on Bretton Woods Proposal - Report
Bretton Woods Documents - Henry Morgenthaus Foreign Affair Article on Bretton Woods - Article - An American Quarterly Review - January 1945
Bretton Woods Documents - Henry Morgenthaus Foreign Affair Article on Bretton Woods - Article - An American Quarterly Review - January 1945
Bretton Woods Documents - Conference at Bretton Woods Prepares Plans For International Finance - John Parke Young - United States Government Printing Office, Washington - 1944
Bretton Woods Documents - Conference at Bretton Woods Prepares Plans For International Finance - John Parke Young - United States Government Printing Office, Washington - 1944
Résultats 1 à 50 sur 2278