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Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation English

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Annual Reviews and Annual Reports

The series consists of records created and received by the Directors, Operation Evaluation Department (OEDDR), and the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), which relate to the creation of Annual Reviews of OED evaluations as well as Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE).

In September 1975, the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) began issuing a report known as the Annual Review of Project Performance Audit Results (ARPPARs) as a means of disseminating the results of the project performance audits it conducted. This review presented in summary the major findings of the audit reports for completed projects and the Bank's response to them. The findings of the ARPPARs were discussed by the Executive Board's Joint Audit Committee (JAC) and JAC's findings were then reviewed by the full Board. By July 1981, a selective system of performance auditing was implemented in OED in keeping with the increase in the number of projects funded. In 1986, the report was renamed the Annual Review of Project Performance Results (ARPPR), and by 1989, the ARPPR was replaced by the Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER) which provided a comprehensive summary of evaluation findings. By 1997, the name of the report had changed once again to the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE). In the ARDE, OED used the outcomes of evaluations of completed operations to provide a longer view of performance trends. Records in this series that relate to these types of Annual Reviews include drafts, correspondence, memoranda, press releases, comments, and meeting minutes.

The first Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE) covering the period July 1975 - June 1976 was published in October 1976. The main purpose of the report was to indicate the status of evaluation work in the Bank and to comment on the main findings of evaluation activities. Subsequent reports reviewed the independent evaluation work performed within OED and the self-evaluation conducted by the Bank's operating departments (for example, the AROE for 1985 covered OED evaluation activities and evaluations conducted within the International Finance Corporation [IFC], the Economic Development Institute [EDI], and the Bank's economics and research staff). The format of the AROE was determined by the DGO and the plan for developing the report was made in consultation with OED. Drafts of the report were circulated to Bank managers for comments and the final version was submitted to JAC for consideration by the Bank's Board of Executive Directors in conjunction with JAC's own report on evaluation and the ARPPAR (later ARER and ARDE). Records in this series that relate to the creation of AROEs include correspondence, memoranda, initiating notes and outlines, drafts, comments, and meeting minutes.

Working Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), for the Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), relating to the drafting of the 1st - 16th (1975 - 1990), and 18th - 20th (1992 - 1994) Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER). The content of these files varies somewhat but a typical file contains: correspondence among the OED division chiefs and among members of the Annual Review team regarding the format and content of the Review; OEDDR's correspondence with other Bank units requesting their inputfor the Review; a draft of the Review; comments on the draft from the Director-General (DGO), OED staff, and other Bank officials; OED replies to the comments; copies of the comments the DGO made to the Executive Directors at the Board meeting at which the Review was discussed; minutes of meetings of the Joint Audit Committee at which the Review was discussed; and summaries of discussions of the Review at meetings of the Joint Audit Committee and of the Executive Directors.

Filed at the beginning of the sub-series are notes of a December 1982 meeting held to discuss the publishing of OED impact evaluation reports and edited versions of the Annual Reviews for readers outside the Bank. A copy of an article from Consulting Engineer, September 1978, discussing the first Annual Review and the organization of OED is found in the file for the third Annual Review.

Working Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), for the Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), documenting the drafting of the Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER) for 1981 - 1993. The files for 1981 - 1984 primarily contain correspondence with OED staff members and with staff in the Agriculture and Rural Development Department concerning input for the agricultural section of the report. The later files concern input for the entire report.

Most of the documents found in this series are duplicatedin WB IBRD/IDA OPE-04-01 (Annual Review Working Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department [OEDDR]), but a few are unique to this series. In some cases, the DGO corresponded directly with the President or with other Bank Vice Presidents regarding the Annual Review without copying OEDDR or forwarding copies of the related replies to OEDDR. In other cases, his special assistants answered Annual Review inquiries, and their correspondence is not duplicated in the OEDDR files.

Working Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), for the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), documenting the drafting of the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE) for 1983 - 1985. The files primarily contain electrostatic copies of the correspondence of Alexander F. Kirk, chief of OEDD3, the unit assigned responsibility for compiling the report. Included are: memoranda from the sectors, regions, and other Bank units containing information for possible inclusion in the reports; intra-OED memoranda regarding the content and format of the reports; drafts of the reports and comments on the drafts; copies of the statements the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), made regarding the reports to the Executive Directors; and minutes of the meetings of the Executive Directors at which the AROE and the Annual Review of Project Performance Results were discussed. Also included is information regarding the input OED provided to the Bank's Annual Report.

Results 451 to 500 of 8849