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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist
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Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning the Development of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM)

In early 1996, Masood Ahmed began a transition from the position of the Director of International Economics Department (IEC) to Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). The IEC was terminated within the DEC Vice-Presidency in July 1997, and PREM was launched in July 1997. The DEC VP oversaw much of Ahmed's transition into PREM, primarily because a large portion of IEC, its subordinate department, was absorbed by the new network, and DEC was re-organized as a result. This series consists of records from this transition period, and Ahmed's involvement in planning and implementing PREM.

The series consists of chronological files, including communications between Ahmed and the DEC Vice-President Joseph Stiglitz. The records primarily relate to: the re-organization of DEC with the closure of IEC; PREM's possible collaboration with or inclusion in DEC; updates on the planning of PREM; and what functions and actions will be mapped into potential sector departments in PREM. These records date from December 1996 to June 1997. Additional chronological files consist of correspondence and memoranda related to various discussions, topics, and meetings concerning PREM's launch, and administrative structure. Ahmed's handwritten notes are also interfiled among the chronological files. These records date from November 1996 to December 1997.

The second part of the series contains records related to PREM planning meetings and retreats. These records concern the Operations Vice Presidents (OVPs) -meetings and retreats attended by Network Heads from other newly launched networks. The OVP meetings records contain: agenda and meeting minutes; correspondence; memoranda; budgeting reports; business plan reports for each network; and network update reports for various meetings and retreats from December 1996 to August 1997. Separate subject files for the other two networks involved in the OVP meetings (Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network [ESSD] and the Human DevelopmentNetwork [HDN]) are also included. Other planning materials relate to: development of sector departments and boards; development of PREM functions; short-term outputs for the PREM launch; development of PREM technical standards; budgeting for PREM; development of PREM knowledge and information infrastructure; and development of PREM evaluation and monitoring. These meeting records include agenda and meeting minutes, memoranda, correspondences, and handwritten notes. PREM produced reports, business strategy plans, and printed presentation slides are also included. These records date from January 1997 to December 1997.

The last part of this series includes records related to selection of management for PREM and mapping of staff for potential sector departments. These records consist of Ahmed's handwritten notes; potential candidate lists; background information, including CVs and biographical information; memoranda; agenda and meeting minutes from selection management meetings; and correspondence discussing candidates. Some of the records relate to the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP). This department briefly fell under the IEC's supervision following the closure of the Human Capital Development Vice Presidency (HCD) in December 1996. The PSP became the Poverty, Gender, and Management Units (PGP) during this short period in the first half of 1997. PGP staff was eventually mapped into the new sector departments of PREM. The PSP records discuss this staff mapping from PGP into PREM and also the absorption of past PSP functions and activities into PREM. Similarly, mapping and management selection records discuss disbursement of staff from Ahmed's own IEC, which was closed in mid-1997. PREM additionally mapped and selected candidates from other sources. Records related to the Bank Human Resources and management selection meetings discuss potential candidates and selection procedures. The mapping and management selection records are dated January 1997 to December 1997.

Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning the Office of the President and the Board of Executive Directors

This series consists of six parts and contains records related to Masood Ahmed's collaboration, communications, reporting, and presentations to the Office of the President (EXC) and the Board of Executive Directors. The first part of the series includes chronological files related to the EXC kept by Ahmed from January 1994 to December 1996. Records consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence between Ahmed, IEC staff, DEC Vice President, and EXC; presentation slides, speech drafts, and reports intendedfor EXC; memoranda, meeting minutes, and monthly EXC reports; and scattered Executive Board reports.

The second part of the series contains files titled "Board General" from April 1994 to December 1997, and these consist of agendas and meetings minutes, memoranda, and correspondence as well as Executive Board reports and biographies of Executive Directors. IEC reported regularly to the Board and this series contains memoranda and correspondence related to this activity. In addition to those found in the "Board General" records, Executive Director biography files were kept by Ahmed that dated January 1994 to December 1997.

The third part of the series consists of records from the Induction Program for Executive Directors and Alternates, 20-21 November 1996, in which DEC officials gave a presentation to incoming Executive Directors on the roles, functions, and activities of DEC and its departmental units. The records include correspondence and memoranda between the DEC Vice President, IEC senior officials,and other Bank units discussing preparations and planning for the presentation. Copies of the presentation slides are also included.

The fourth part of the series concerns records related to the World Development Report (WDR), 1997. IEC was responsible for providing and drafting much of the analytical and statistical data in this report. Ahmed's WDR records include memoranda, and correspondence with attached draft WDRs that discuss revisions, edits, updates, and other issues related to the report. The correspondence and memoranda are between EXC, the DEC Vice President, IEC senior officials, and the Staff Director of the WDR. Other memoranda and correspondence discuss the presentation of the WDR to the EXC and the Board, and subsequent Executive Directors discussion of the report.

The fifth part of the series consists of readings compiled by Ahmed for World Bank President James Wolfensohn from January 1995 to December 1995. These include various articles, reports, and other publications. Most of the readings are publications external to the Bank, and discuss international finance, debt, and trade.

The sixth part of the series includes records related to Wolfensohn's Change Management Group, a Bank-wide initiative that organized 30 focus groups from selected individuals in offices and units across the Bank to assess management issues and draft strategies for potential re-organization of management in the Bank. The records are dated August 1995 to May 1996. The records consist of agenda and meeting minutes from meetings and retreats; correspondence with various individuals in different Bank units who participated in the multi-unit focus groups; and published articles related to business and management change.

Correspondence of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning Joint World Bank-IMF Development Committees, Annual Meetings , and Seminars

This series consists of five parts and includes records related to the Joint World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) committees, meetings, and seminars in which Masood Ahmed participated during his time as Director of the International Economics Department (IEC). IEC played a key role in joint Bank-IMF initiatives by providing statistical data and publications on macroeconomic projections, multilateral-debt, and trade forecasting. Much of this was done in collaboration with the IMF's Statistical Department, where IEC and the IMF shared and reviewed data and publications such as the IEC Global Economic Prospects (GEP), World Debt Tables (WDT), and the IMF Statistical Department's World Economic Outlook (WEO). The data provided by IEC and IMF Statistical Department helped to set the agenda for Joint IMF-Bank meetings, and informed subsequent policy development. In addition, IEC senior officials directly participated and advised Bank-IMF efforts, and helped develop the joint Bank-IMF board papers eventually produced by the Development Committee.

The first part of this series includes records from Ahmed's involvement with the joint Bank-IMF Development Committee from January 1994 to December 1997. The records consist of agenda and minutes of meetings, memoranda, and correspondence; copies of statements given by participants in committees; and published reports and joint Bank-IMF papers. Some of the correspondence is internal Bank communications to the Office of the President (EXC), DEC staff, and IEC staff reporting on Committee meetings, or discussing issues or actions related to the meetings. The records primarily focus on the topic of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and the joint Bank-IMF HIPC Initiative of 1996. Ahmed played a key role in policy advisement for the HIPC Initiative and its subsequent implementation and policy revisions.

The second part of the series consists of files from the joint Bank-IMF Annual Meetings Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1997, including meetings held in: Madrid, 1994; Washington, DC, 1995 and 1996; and Hong Kong, 1997. The records include: briefing books outlining events, topics, and background information; briefs for ad hoc meetings or smaller committee meetings; delegation lists and biographies of participating agencies and individuals; handwritten notes; speech transcripts by Masood Ahmed and others; and correspondence and memoranda related to involvement by IEC units for the Annual Meetings, and related to subsequent reporting in the Annual Meetings to Officeof the President (EXC), the DEC Vice President, IEC officials, or other internal Bank staff.

The third segment of this series is records from the IMF Interim Committee meetings Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1997. The Interim Committee meetings were IMF member only meetings, but the Bank President and other senior officials were invited as observers for each meeting. The Office of the President (EXC) usually had the DEC Vice President or Ahmed attend these meetings in the President's absence. The records consist of agenda and meeting minutes and correspondence sent from the IMF and correspondence and memoranda sent internally between EXC, DEC, and IEC regarding arrangements or attendance at the meeting, and reporting of the meeting.

The fourth part of the series includes records from joint Bank-IMF organized seminars and workshops in which Ahmed participated. These records consist of Severely Indebted Low Income Countries (SILIC) seminars and workshops Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1995 where he helped develop a joint IMF-Bank SILIC paper. Memoranda, correspondence, and drafts document Ahmed's collaboration with the IMF to develop SILIC policy, and also his reporting of his work to the Office of the President (EXC), the DEC Vice President, and other internal Bank staff. Similar records contain transcripts for the Workshop on the Analytical Aspects of the Debt Problems of Heavily-Indebted Countries, 7 February 1996. Agenda, memoranda, correspondence, and copies of presentation speeches are also included for the IMF/Bank Seminar on External Financing for Low Income Countries, 9-12 December 1996.

The last part of the series consists of correspondence, memoranda, and photo static copies of statistical reports and publications sent from the IMF to Ahmed from January 1995 to December 1997. The records document the collaboration between IEC and the IMF Statistical Department.

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