K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 8 - December 5, 1974
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - July 7, 1977 - December 27, 1977
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - June 1980 - December 1980
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - June 1, 1982 - December 22, 1982
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Sector Assistance Strategy (SAS) - Initiation Memorandum - 1v
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Guinea - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Philippines - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Panama - Nutrition - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - General - 1989 Chronological File - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Training Seminar - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Policy Development and Research - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - General - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Nicaragua - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Venezuela - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Uzbekistan - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Pakistan - Nutrition - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Zambia - Nutrition - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Lesotho - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Cote d'Ivoire - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Bolivia - Nutrition - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Burundi - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - Correspondence - Volume 1
Sectoral Analysis and Linkages - Kenya Health and Worker Productivity Studies - Files
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Population Council - Volume 2
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Population Council - Volume 3
Background Paper on Health - October 17, 1974 - Development Economics Department and Population and Nutrition Projects Department - Report Number 554a
Operational Policy - P - Population, Health and Nutrition [PPHN] - World Health Organization [WHO] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] Cooperative Program 1981 - 1983
Miscellaneous - Population Handbook - Davies - September 1977 - December 1977 - Cernada Draft