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Records of the Water Sector Item
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Manila West - Concession Contract - 1997 - Water and Sanitation Program
Manila West - Concession Contract - 1997 - Water and Sanitation Program
The Water Sector in Central Europe - Challenges and Opportunities for Investors and Suppliers - Simon Nelson and Nick Sljivic - Financial Times Management Reports
The Water Sector in Central Europe - Challenges and Opportunities for Investors and Suppliers - Simon Nelson and Nick Sljivic - Financial Times Management Reports
Community Water Project - Report on United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] 50 Well Survey - November 1998 - Pragmatic Outcomes Incorporated
Community Water Project - Report on United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] 50 Well Survey - November 1998 - Pragmatic Outcomes Incorporated
Handbook for Mainstreaming - A Gender Perspective in the Water Resources Management Sector - Publications on Water Resources Number 6 - Department for Natural Resources and the Environment - Helen Thomas, Johanna Schalkwyk and Beth Woroniuk
Handbook for Mainstreaming - A Gender Perspective in the Water Resources Management Sector - Publications on Water Resources Number 6 - Department for Natural Resources and the Environment - Helen Thomas, Johanna Schalkwyk and Beth Woroniuk
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Least Cost Design of Branched Water Distribution Networks - User Instruction for Branch Version 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Least Cost Design of Branched Water Distribution Networks - User Instruction for Branch Version 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Looped Water Distribution Networks - User Interface for LOOP Version 4.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Looped Water Distribution Networks - User Interface for LOOP Version 4.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
NSGO in Water and Sanitation
NSGO in Water and Sanitation
Statements and Recommendations from Major International Meetings on Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation - October 1994 - The Science, Technology and Private Sector Division, United Nations Development Programme
Statements and Recommendations from Major International Meetings on Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation - October 1994 - The Science, Technology and Private Sector Division, United Nations Development Programme
Demand Aggregation - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project [PADEAR] - Case Study
Demand Aggregation - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project [PADEAR] - Case Study
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation [RWSS] Strategy Development in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic - Nationally-Led Strategic Guidance and its Progressive Application - Community Water and Sanitation Conference - May 5-8, 1998
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation [RWSS] Strategy Development in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic - Nationally-Led Strategic Guidance and its Progressive Application - Community Water and Sanitation Conference - May 5-8, 1998
Indonesia - Participatory Training-of-Trainers Workshop - Alternative Strategies for Involving Rural Women in the Water Decade - March 1986 - PKK with assistance from United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / PROWWESS Publication
Indonesia - Participatory Training-of-Trainers Workshop - Alternative Strategies for Involving Rural Women in the Water Decade - March 1986 - PKK with assistance from United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / PROWWESS Publication
Water Sector Credentials - July 1998 - N M Rothschild and Sons
Water Sector Credentials - July 1998 - N M Rothschild and Sons
Matching Supply and Demand for Improved Sanitation using Willingness-to-Play Data - February 1995 - Donald T. Lauria
Matching Supply and Demand for Improved Sanitation using Willingness-to-Play Data - February 1995 - Donald T. Lauria
The Water and Wastewater Sector in Poland - 1999 - State Office of Housing and Urban Development
The Water and Wastewater Sector in Poland - 1999 - State Office of Housing and Urban Development
No Trastee mas Agua Perfore su Propio Pozo por Wolfgang E. Buchner
No Trastee mas Agua Perfore su Propio Pozo por Wolfgang E. Buchner
Competition in Water - A Paper prepared for the Department for International Development - April 1998 - London Economics [LE]
Competition in Water - A Paper prepared for the Department for International Development - April 1998 - London Economics [LE]
Taking the Pulse for Community Management in Water and Sanitation - Prowwess - September 1990 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Taking the Pulse for Community Management in Water and Sanitation - Prowwess - September 1990 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
The Laos Experience - Indigenous, Sustainable, Replicable
The Laos Experience - Indigenous, Sustainable, Replicable
Training in Community Participation - Report of an African Regional Workshop for Programme Staff - February 1989 - Part of the Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving Women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons,
Training in Community Participation - Report of an African Regional Workshop for Programme Staff - February 1989 - Part of the Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving Women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons,
Indonesia - Evaluating Community Management - A Case Study by Deepa Narayan Parker - August 1989 - Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons, Strategies, Tools
Indonesia - Evaluating Community Management - A Case Study by Deepa Narayan Parker - August 1989 - Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons, Strategies, Tools
Willingness to Charge for the Water and Sanitation Services - Outcomes from Three Workshops - September 29, October 1 and November 14-15, 2002 - Hyderabad, Bangalore and Kolkata, India - South Asia Region
Willingness to Charge for the Water and Sanitation Services - Outcomes from Three Workshops - September 29, October 1 and November 14-15, 2002 - Hyderabad, Bangalore and Kolkata, India - South Asia Region
Rural and Small Systems Training Guide - Water Rates - Information for Decision Makers - TGR-16-95 - 1990 - National Rural Water Association
Rural and Small Systems Training Guide - Water Rates - Information for Decision Makers - TGR-16-95 - 1990 - National Rural Water Association
Les Femmes, L' Eau et L' Assainissement - Ou Computer les Pompes mais aussi les Tomates - Mai 1989 - Siri Melchior - PROWWESS / PNUD Publications Techniques - Les Femmes, L' Eau et L' Assainissement Lecons, Strategies et Moyens d' Action
Les Femmes, L' Eau et L' Assainissement - Ou Computer les Pompes mais aussi les Tomates - Mai 1989 - Siri Melchior - PROWWESS / PNUD Publications Techniques - Les Femmes, L' Eau et L' Assainissement Lecons, Strategies et Moyens d' Action
Case Study on Womens Involvement in Community Water Systems - The PKK Experience - NTT Province Indonesia - 1988 - Promotion and Support for Womens Participation in the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - World Health Organization
Case Study on Womens Involvement in Community Water Systems - The PKK Experience - NTT Province Indonesia - 1988 - Promotion and Support for Womens Participation in the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - World Health Organization
Memoria - Taller - Situacion y Desafios del Saneamiento Basico Rural en el Peru - 2-3 de Julio de 1998 - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento PNUD / Banco Mundial
Memoria - Taller - Situacion y Desafios del Saneamiento Basico Rural en el Peru - 2-3 de Julio de 1998 - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento PNUD / Banco Mundial
Decentralised Total Sanitation Project - Implementation Guide on Upazilla Total Sanitation - Water and Sanitation Program [WSP]
Decentralised Total Sanitation Project - Implementation Guide on Upazilla Total Sanitation - Water and Sanitation Program [WSP]
Managing Leakage - Report B - Reporting Comparative Leakage Performance - October 1994 - Engineering and Operations Committee - UK Water Industry
Managing Leakage - Report B - Reporting Comparative Leakage Performance - October 1994 - Engineering and Operations Committee - UK Water Industry
Handbook for District Sanitation Coordinators - Tag Technical Note Number 9 - Kebadire Basaako, Ronald D. Parker, Robert B. Waller and James G. Wilson - December 1983 - Copy 2 of 2
Handbook for District Sanitation Coordinators - Tag Technical Note Number 9 - Kebadire Basaako, Ronald D. Parker, Robert B. Waller and James G. Wilson - December 1983 - Copy 2 of 2
Progress Report on Phase 1 - October - November 1999 - December 14, 1999 - Technology Transfer Division Bombas de Mecate S.A.
Progress Report on Phase 1 - October - November 1999 - December 14, 1999 - Technology Transfer Division Bombas de Mecate S.A.
Abastecimiento de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en Paises en Vias de Desarrollo - Los Documentos de Politica Sectorial y Tematica - Septiembre 1999
Abastecimiento de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en Paises en Vias de Desarrollo - Los Documentos de Politica Sectorial y Tematica - Septiembre 1999
Evaluacion Global de los Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento - 2000 - Informe Analitico Resumen Peru
Evaluacion Global de los Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento - 2000 - Informe Analitico Resumen Peru
Atelier National de Formation des Formatrices du Projet Femmes, Sante et Emploi du Mali aux Methodes Participatives - Prowwess / Afrique - RAF / 87 / 043 - PNUD / Prowwess / Afrique et Ministere de l' Education Nationale du Mali
Atelier National de Formation des Formatrices du Projet Femmes, Sante et Emploi du Mali aux Methodes Participatives - Prowwess / Afrique - RAF / 87 / 043 - PNUD / Prowwess / Afrique et Ministere de l' Education Nationale du Mali
Repertoire de l' Eau et de l' Assainissement en Afrique de l' Ouest et du Centre - Octobre 1998
Repertoire de l' Eau et de l' Assainissement en Afrique de l' Ouest et du Centre - Octobre 1998
Seal-Less Pistons and Diodic Valves - Pistons with No Moving Parts - A.9202 - January 14, 1988 - Consumer Research Laboratory
Seal-Less Pistons and Diodic Valves - Pistons with No Moving Parts - A.9202 - January 14, 1988 - Consumer Research Laboratory
Fiber Reinforced Plastic System for Water Cisterns and Latrines - Phase 1 - TNO Report 108/92 - Ing. G. Hamm, A.S. Verheus, Ing. V.L. Vlasblom - July 9, 1992
Fiber Reinforced Plastic System for Water Cisterns and Latrines - Phase 1 - TNO Report 108/92 - Ing. G. Hamm, A.S. Verheus, Ing. V.L. Vlasblom - July 9, 1992
uPVC and Solvent Cements Research - Interim Report - A.9047 - July 2, 1992 - Consumer Research Laboratory
uPVC and Solvent Cements Research - Interim Report - A.9047 - July 2, 1992 - Consumer Research Laboratory
uPVC R/D Solvent Cements - CRL Report A.9047 - Scott Devereux, Phillip Hargreaves - October 1994
uPVC R/D Solvent Cements - CRL Report A.9047 - Scott Devereux, Phillip Hargreaves - October 1994
Third Global Forum - People and Water - Partners for Life - Meeting Report - Draft - January 1996 - Third Meeting of the Collaborative Council - Barbados Water Authority - Government of Barbados
Third Global Forum - People and Water - Partners for Life - Meeting Report - Draft - January 1996 - Third Meeting of the Collaborative Council - Barbados Water Authority - Government of Barbados
Barbados Global Forum - Report of Working Session Discussions on CLC and National Sector Strategies - Draft
Barbados Global Forum - Report of Working Session Discussions on CLC and National Sector Strategies - Draft
Water and Environmental Sanitation - Improved Programming through Communication, Mobilization, Participation - A Programme Approach on a New Footing - Draft - May 1995 - The Hague
Water and Environmental Sanitation - Improved Programming through Communication, Mobilization, Participation - A Programme Approach on a New Footing - Draft - May 1995 - The Hague
Water Supply and Sanitation in Central and East European Countries, New Independent States and Mongolia - Concise Country Issue Papers - Draft Final Report - October 1995 - Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
Water Supply and Sanitation in Central and East European Countries, New Independent States and Mongolia - Concise Country Issue Papers - Draft Final Report - October 1995 - Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
India - Master Plan Report on Low Cost Waterseal Latrine Programme in 15 Towns of Assam State - Volume 1 - July 1981
India - Master Plan Report on Low Cost Waterseal Latrine Programme in 15 Towns of Assam State - Volume 1 - July 1981
Ethiopia Country Report
Ethiopia Country Report
Country Focus in Indonesia
Country Focus in Indonesia
Pakistan Country Report
Pakistan Country Report
Bolivia Country Report
Bolivia Country Report
Uganda's Water Sector Development - Towards Sustainable Systems - HTN Working Paper WP02/96 - Greg Wishart - January 1996 - SKAT F3050-Uganda-EB - Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management
Uganda's Water Sector Development - Towards Sustainable Systems - HTN Working Paper WP02/96 - Greg Wishart - January 1996 - SKAT F3050-Uganda-EB - Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management
Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a Proposed Loan to the Republic of Indonesia for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project - RRP INO26314 - December 1994 - Asian Development Bank
Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a Proposed Loan to the Republic of Indonesia for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project - RRP INO26314 - December 1994 - Asian Development Bank
PROSANEAR - One Route to Agenda 21
PROSANEAR - One Route to Agenda 21
A Survey of the Production and Use of Handpumps in China - The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences - Beijing - Sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Handpump Project INT/81/026
A Survey of the Production and Use of Handpumps in China - The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences - Beijing - Sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Handpump Project INT/81/026
Results 251 to 300 of 382