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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

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Files of the Director, Development Policy, Regarding the Development Committee and Related Committees

These records were compiled by the Director of Development Policy in the Office of the Vice President of Development Policy. That position was held by Ernest Stern from April 1974 to September 1975, Attila Karaosmanoglu from October 1975 to June 1979, and E. Bevan Waide from June 1979 to 1982.

The Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries, better known as the Development Committee, was established in 1974 to advise the Boards on development issues and to coordinate international efforts to finance development. The Interim Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary System, known since 1999 as the International Monetary and Finance Committee, was established by the International Monetary Fund in 1974 to advise the Board on the management of the international monetary system. The Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs, now officially the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development, was established in 1971 to coordinate the positions of developing countries on international monetary and development finance issues to ensure that their interests were adequately represented in negotiations on international monetary matters. The chairman of the Group of Twenty-Four customarily addresses Development Committee meetings, and the Development Committee, the Interim Committee, and the Group of 24 normally meet at the same times during the year.

The series consists of four groups of records:

    1. A general chronological file, 1977 - 1982, contains: a) correspondence between the Director, Development Policy and the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee, the Bank's liaison (Ernest Stern, Vice President of Operations) with the Development Committee, and other Bank managers, including President McNamara; b) copies of draft and final versions of Development Committee documents (agenda, press communiqu?s, reviews of Development Committeeperformance, annual reports, and work programs) forwarded to the Director of Development Policy or to the Executive Directors of IBRD.
    1. Chronological files on meetings of the Development Committee, 1977 - 1980, contain agenda of meetings, copies of Development Committee documents to be discussed at the meetings, copies of President McNamara's statements delivered at Development Committee meetings, and memoranda from the Director, Development Policy or the Bank's liaison with the Development Committeesummarizing meetings. These files include some agenda for and documents considered at meetings of the Working Group on Development Finance and Policy, the Working Group on Access to Capital Markets, the Group of Twenty-four, and the Senior Officials of the Development Committee.
    1. Files on committees and working groups generally contain agendas with copies of the documents to be discussed at the meeting attached, intra-Bank memoranda regarding the committee or working group, and reports and papers prepared by the committee, working group, or task force. Included are records for the Capital Markets Coordinating Committee, 1972 - 1977; the Working Group on Capital Market Access, 1975 - 1978; the Working Group on Development Finance and Policy, 1978; the Senior Officials' Meeting, September 1978; the Task Force on Private Foreign Investment, 1979 - 1981; the Task Force on Non-Concessional Flows, 1980-1981; the Group of Twenty-Four, 1978-1981; and the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary System , 1978, 1980 - 1981.
    1. Files related to Development Committee studies and reports include: correspondence, papers, and a report regarding cofinancing, 1978 -1980; a Bank study of aid groups sponsored by IBRD, 1978; a report on the implementations of the Special Action Program, 1978; the Joint Fund/Bank staff study on The Stabilization of Export Earnings, done at the invitation of the Development Committee and submitted to the Committee in 1978; and reviews of Development Committee performance, 1976 and1978.

Background Materials Compiled by the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS), Country Economics Department (CEC) for Privatization: The Lessons of Experience

These files contain the background materials compiled for use in a study carried out by Sunita Kikeri, John Nellis, Mary Shirley, and other staff from the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) of the Country Economics Department. Their study, published by the World Bank in August 1992 as Privatization: The Lessons of Experience reviewed the experiences of both developing and industrialized countries with state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and the privatization of those enterprises. The background materials in this series cover issues relating to state-owned enterprises and Bank-supported efforts to privatize such enterprises; public enterprise sector reform projects; structural adjustment programs; enterprise development projects; economic management capacity building projects; divestiture design studies; export development projects; and technical assistance for economic reforms. Most of the materials are Bank Group documents: Staff Appraisal Reports, Memoranda of the President, Initiating Memoranda, and minutes of meetings of the Operations Committee regarding proposed loans and credits; published reports and studies; published EDI [Economic Development Institute] and PRE [Policy, Research and External Affairs Complex] working papers; Back-to-Office Reports from supervision, economic, or technical assistance preparation missions; Country Economic Memoranda (CEM); copies of Intra-Bank correspondence; and World Bank daily news summaries. Non-Bank materials include news articles;copies of book chapters; academic conference papers and lectures; reports published by governments of client countries; IMF newsletters; and annual reports of state-owned utility companies, airlines, and telecom enterprises.

Project Files for the UNDP/World Bank Trade Expansion Programme (TEP) Maintained by the Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains the project files for Phase I, 1987-1991 (Project INT/86/033/A/01/42) and part of Phase II, 1991 - 1994 (Project INT/90/036/A/0142) of the joint UNDP/World Bank Trade Expansion Programme (TEP) to provide technical and policy advice to countries that intended to reform their trade regimes. These files were maintained successively by the Trade and Adjustment Policy Division (CPDTA) of the Country Policy Department, the Trade Policy Division (CECTP) of the Country Economics Department, the Trade Policy Division (PRDTP) of the Policy Research Department, and the International Trade Division (IECIT) of the International Economics Department. Jaime de Melo (CECTP) was the original project co-director with Thomas Cox (and later Timothy S. Rothermel) of the Division for Global and Interegional Projects, UNDP. Most of the files concern Phase I of the project and include copies of the formal signed Project Documents for Phase I and Phase II; CECTP staff (Jaime de Melo, Maria Lozos, Vinod Thomas, Oli Havrylshyn, and John Nash) correspondence with Cox, Regional Bank staff, project consultants, and officials in the countries involved in the project; Terms of Reference for project consultants; Back-to-Office reports from CECTP staff and consultants who completed missions in connection with the project; and a copy of the brochure for the project. Documents spanning both Phase I and Phase II include: copies of the 11 Occasional Papers about trade expansion issues written in conjunction with the project; copies of Country Reports chronicling the TEP experience in 16 countries; and summary Country Reports for Morocco, Poland, and Uruguay.

International Economics Department (IEC) Secretariat Records of the Planning Assumptions Committee MAintained in the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series contains copies of PAC Memoranda, summaries of meetings, and other records of the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) and related records of the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and later of the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP), the two units that maintained these records.

Originally formed in the early 1970s as the Deflator Committee, the Committee approved the deflator projections to be used in Bank financial planning and in project appraisals. Late in 1980, the name was changed to Planning Assumptions Committee, and its role was broadened to cover a wide range of key indicators of change in the global environment. By establishing common planning assumptions about the world economy, the Committee ensured that the various parts of the Bank used the same projections for economic and sector work, project analysis, financial and budget analysis, and the World Development Report. The Global Analysis Division (EPDGL) of EPD and later the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of IEC prepared the background analysis and projections for PAC. This series includes memoranda from those two units transmitting projections data to the PAC chairman. That data was incorporated into the PAC Memoranda which were issued twice a year, in the spring and the fall, to units throughout the Bank. By the late 1980s, these memoranda were issued directly by IECAP, through the Director of the International Economics Department (IECDR) as PlanningAssumptions for Major Macroeconomic Indicators and Financial Indicators. In addition to the official PAC memoranda, there are intra EPD and IEC memoranda documenting the process of compiling the planning data.

Reading File of the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within RAD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations by the Research Administrator and other RAD staff concerning the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), The World Bank Economic Review, the annual report of the World Bank Research Program, the World Bank Visiting Research Fellows Program (VRFP), research and conference funding, the Working Papers series, and research and conference proposals.

Working File for the Trade Policy Development Project Maintained in the Development Research Group

In November 1999, the World Bank established a new program of international standards, technical regulations, and trade policy with the support of the United Kingdom's Department of International Development's (DFID) Trust Fund. The DFID umbrella Trust Fund project had eight sub-components or projects: WTO 2000 and WBI Core Course developed by the World Bank Institute; WTO Agriculture; Services Trade; Trade Support; International Standards Support; Trade Policy Data System; and Impact Modeling. This file appears to have been initially maintained by Anthony Venables (Manager for Trade, Development Research Group [DECRG]) who was designated Task Manager to administer this three-year Trust Fund project.

Found in the series are copies of electronic messages (e-mails) exchanged in 1998 between L. Alan Winters, then Trade Manager, DECRG with David Batt, Head of DFID about a DFID-World Bank collaboration on trade policy in advance of the next round of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations in order to increase understanding of the policy implications and economic impact of standards and regulations on world trade development. A copy of Winter's 21 December 1998 letter to Botts expressing the Bank's interest in a Trade Policy Development Project is in the file. Also in the file are copies of e-mails and notes concerning the preparation process for a Bank Initiating brief for a Trust Fund for the Trade Policy Development Project and a copy of the Initiating brief executed on 29 March 1999 that describes the objectives of the Trust Fund.

In the series are descriptions of each sub-component project approved by DFID for financing, program updates/progress reports, and other project related correspondence including Venable's correspondence with personnel designated as Bank contact points for the sub-projects and with DFID and a copy of a later 2001 facsimile message requesting payment from DFID for expenditures for the period 1 October 2000 to 30 September 2001.

Research Materials Relating to Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey, and the Philippines Compiled by the Finance and Private Sector Development Division

The research materials in this series were compiled by the staff of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division (PRDFP) of the Policy Research Department (PRD) and concern public sector enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey and the Philippines and government efforts to reform and/or privatize those enterprises. The materials have been heavily tabbed and annotated by the PRDFP staff, but this series does not contain any drafts of the resulting PRD studies. Included are annual PSE audit reports; copies of performance contracts (also called Memoranda of Understanding) between a government and a PSE; government-issued data, surveys, and reports regarding PSEs; copies of World Bank documents (staff appraisal reports, completion reports) relating to loans or credits affecting PSEs; World Bank studies of PSEs and privatization efforts; academic articles; news clippings; book chapters; transcripts of lectures; and IMF documents and reports.

Reading File of Michael Lav, Economic Adviser, Development Policy Group (DPG) and Bank Liaison to the Paris Club and the Berne Union

The series consists of documents sent electronically by Michael Lav within DEC and to other parts of the Bank; a few documents were sent by other DPG staff and a staff member of PRDTP [Trade Policy Division, Policy Research Department]. The documents relate to Lav's responsibilities as Bank Liaison Officer to the Paris Club and to the Berne Union. Several of the e-mails concern transition arrangements for his successor, Ronald P. Brigish, as Bank Liaison Officer to the Paris Club as well as transition arrangements for the Bank Liaison Officer to the Berne Union. Organizational responsibilities for both were shifted to the International Economics Department (IEC) on November 22, 1993. Several of Lav's documents concern preparations for Paris Club and Berne Union meetings in 1993, papers and statistical information being prepared in the Bank for Paris Club meetings, and arrangements for a 30 November 1993 - 1 December 1993 visit to the Bank of a Berne Union President's Group representing some of the major export credit and investment agencies.

The series also includes documents concerning debt swaps and containing comments on Initiating Memoranda (IMs) for an adjustment operation, an adjustment loan, and a Sri Lanka project, and Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers. A November 19, 1993 document from a staff member from the Information, Technology and Facilities Department (ITF) to the Director of the Planning and budget Department (PBDDR) reports on the status of the renovation of the Edward R. Murrow Park (Reservation 30) in front of the World Bank Main Complex.

Chronological File of EAS Director

Series consists of chronological files maintained by EAS Director Vinod Dubey from between January 1989 and November 1990. After Dubey's appointment as director of EAS in June 1987, he continued many of the duties he had in the Country Policy Department (CPD): coordinating the Bank's interaction with the Paris Club, the Berne Union, the OECD Export Credit Group, and the International Monetary Fund; reviewing country strategy papers and Structural Adjustment Policy Framework Papers (PFPs); providing the SVP Operations with analysis on operational issues and policy initiatives; serving as the Secretariat to the Operations Committee; and providing advice and support to the Regional staff on major policy questions, especially regarding country strategies, adjustment operations, and country economic and sector work. Much of the records in this series relate to the duties listed above and take the form of agendas, schedules, and requests for comments or review for discussion. In the case of the latter, the reports and policy papers are rarely attached.

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