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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

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Files Maintained by Fred D. Levy, Senior Adviser, Economic Advisory Staff on the Berne Union

These files were maintained by Fred D. Levy, Senior Adviser, Economic Advisory Staff (EAS) while representing the Bank as an observer to the Berne Union and coordinating meetings of Berne Union representatives at the Bank. The International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers (Berne Union) was formed in 1934 with members from France, Italy, Spain the United Kingdom. By 1988 the number of members had increased to over 30. Its purpose was to foster international acceptance of sound principles of export credit insurance; to establish and maintain discipline in terms of credit for international trade; to maintain sound principles of foreign investment insurance; to encourage a favorable investment climate; and to exchange information, assistance, expertise, and advice in relation to the commercial and political risks associated with export credit and investment insurance.

  • At the beginning of the series are memoranda, telex messages, draft and final schedules of country reviews, and Levy's detailed handwritten notes taken at meetings between the Bank and representatives of the Berne Union [International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers] visiting with the Bank and the IMF, respectively, on November 2 and 3, 1987. These are followed by files containing Levy's reports to Moeen Quereshi, Senior Vice President, Operations of Berne Union Annual General Meetings and meetings of the Berne Union Export Credit Insurance Committee and Investment Insurance Committee from 1988 to 1990 at which he represented the Bank as an observer. The extensive reports cover discussions of countries under review at those meetings and are filed with Levy's handwritten notes taken during the meetings.

The files containing Levy's 1988-1990 Berne Union meeting reports also include draft and printed meeting agendas and lists of participants, copies of papers discussed at the meetings, and copies of formal meeting minutes provided by the Berne Union Secretariat. A file titled Berne Union Meeting briefing book contains handwritten notes arranged by country that appear to have been prepared by Levy in 1989 during briefings given by Regional Office staff. The name of the staff member giving the country briefing and the date are usually included in the notes. Printed statistical information, Country briefs, and correspondence are included for some countries.

Also part of the series is a Back-to-Office Report prepared for the files by Vinod Dubey, Director, EAS of a meeting of the Export Credit Group of OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] in Paris on June 13, 1989 at which he participated in a discussion of Export Credit cover for countries with payment difficulties. Copies of meeting papers and a list of meeting participants accompany the report. A copy of the report to the Director, EAS, of the 1987 Annual General Meeting of Berne Union prepared by Jeffrey Katz, Resource Mobilization Department (FRM), who represented the Bank as an observer, is also in the series.

International Economics Department (IEC) FY 1992-FY 1994 Budget and Work Program Proposals

This series contains memoranda regarding their work programs and budgets from the IEC division directors to Director D.C.Rao; copies of memoranda that Rao sent the Chief Economist outlining the proposed IEC budgets and work programs; and copies of memoranda from the Chief Economist and his staff outlining the guidelines for the annual budgets.

Memoranda of the Directors, International Economics Department (IEC) Regarding the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) Baseline Numbers

This series contains memoranda sent and received by Directors of the International Economics Department (IECDR) regarding the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) and the process of revising PAC Baseline Numbers. The Planning Assumptions Committee met twice a year, in the spring and the fall, to review and validate Bank-wide planning assumptions about international prices (particularly of manufactures), interest rates, and related global indicators. These assumptions became the PAC Baseline Numbers that were used in various Bank projections, e.g. in setting price and interest rate guidelines for Bank project work. IEC served as the secretariat to the PAC; the Chief Economist was chair. The memoranda in this series concern ways to improve the PAC process and the methods used to develop the baseline indicators and plans to develop a downside scenario as an alternative to the Baseline Numbers for 1990.

Records of the 1992 Tokyo Trip of D.C. Rao, Director, International Economics Department (IEC)

This series consists of the records that D.C. Rao, Director of the International Economics Department (IECDR), compiled from his trip to Tokyo, April 1 - 10, 1992, to attend the annual seminar on world debt arranged by the Japan Center for International Finance (JCIF). Included are: a copy of Rao's April 14, 1992 Back-to-Office Report sent to Chief Economist Lawrence Summers; a copy of the opening statement Rao delivered at the seminar; and briefing papers Bank staff provided him and Masood Ahmed, who accompanied Rao to Japan, prior to their departure.

Policy Research Department Poverty and Human Resources Division (PDRPH) Research

This series contains a variety of research materials accumulated in support of research projects undertaken by various staff in the Policy Research Department (PRD) and its predecessors, the Poverty Analysis and Policy Division (PHRPA) and later the Welfare and Human Resources Development Division (PHRWH) of the Population and Human Resources Department.

This series contains background materials, and administrative and research records from 1972 to 1991 (predominant 1985-1991) relating to the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) update for Peru in 1990. Records were compiled by Gillette Hall who was, along with Peruvian economist Richard Webb, responsible for the update. The original LSMS for Peru was conducted in 1985-1986 jointly by the Peruvian government and the World Bank (specifically the Education Department and the Development Research Department). These records consist of World Bank and Peruvian government studies, reports, and articles containing background materials on social and economicconditions in Peru, 1972 - 1985, that were gathered as part of the first survey. There is also a small amount of administrative material (back-to-office reports, notes regarding data entry, sample questionnaires, a summary of initial results from the survey, a list of studies based on the 1985 - 1986 data, and notes on fieldwork) relating to the first survey. Hall's records of the 1990 survey and of later research regarding Peru include: applications for funding; notes regarding the project's budget and sampling methods; background articles and reports on Peru published after the 1985 - 1986 survey; back-to-office reports for the Peru Social Sector Review, January 14 - 25, 1991 and for a mission to prepare for the update of the LSMS, June 17 - 18, 1991; correspondence concerning a fiscal year 1992 regional study to include programs in Peru; a copy of Hall's Cambridge University Master's thesis; notes prepared for a presentation on the 1990 survey; articles by Hall regarding conditions in Peru; and various drafts of an article on poverty in Peru by Hall and by Paul Glewwe of the PHRPA and later the PHRWH of the Population and Human Resources Department.

The series also contains records compiled by Elizabeth M. King relating to nine Bank published research papers pertaining to Peru that were authored, co-authored, or reviewed by King while working as an Economist first in the Education and Employment Division of the Population and Human Resources Department (PHREE) and later in PRDPH. The nine papers appear to have been based primarily on findings from the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) conducted in Peru. Six of the nine papers were published in the LSMS Working Papers series. Two papers were published in the Bank's Policy, Planning and Research Working Papers series and one paper was published as a Policy, Planning and Research Working Paper. In addition to drafts of the papers, which relate primarily to education and wages in Peru, the series includes: reference copies of other papers relating to Peru; computer generated tables relating to wages, GDP, and education in Peru; copies of a few papers presented by King at professional meetings; 5 1/4 inch floppy discs primarily containing different versions of reports as well as a small amount of research; and presentation materials. There is also some correspondence concerning a proposed book based on findings of the Peru LSMS.

Finally, records relating to World Bank staff research as part of the Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme (YTEPP) in Trinidad and Tobago are included in this series. Most of the records were created in the PHRWH, although activities related to the YTEPP were moved to PRDPH in 1993. Records include correspondence, back-to-office reports, Terms of Reference, memoranda, YTEPP publications, questionnaires and codebooks. Also contained are 3 1/2 inch floppy discs that appear to contain research data in various forms.

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