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Personal papers of Gloria Davis Bestanddeel With digital objects
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Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 1
Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 1
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar IV.1 - Pengawasan Lapangan
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar IV.1 - Pengawasan Lapangan
Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi Penepatan Pelita III (1979/80-1983/84) Dan Pelita IV TH.I (1984/85)
Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi Penepatan Pelita III (1979/80-1983/84) Dan Pelita IV TH.I (1984/85)
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar III - Keterangan Unit Pemukima...
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar III - Keterangan Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (UPT/Desa)
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar II - Keterangan Pendapatan Rum...
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar II - Keterangan Pendapatan Rumahtangga
Survei Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Daera Transmigrasi 1984 - Pedoman Pengawasan - 03130.8401
Survei Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Daera Transmigrasi 1984 - Pedoman Pengawasan - 03130.8401
Petunjuk Pelaksanaan - Penyuluhan Transmigraso Lokal - Propinsi Dati I Lampung - Pemerintah Propi...
Petunjuk Pelaksanaan - Penyuluhan Transmigraso Lokal - Propinsi Dati I Lampung - Pemerintah Propinsi Dati I Lampung - Satbintrans TK 1 - 1983
Laporan - Studi Pengembangan Perkebunan di Lahan Usaha II Daerah Transmigrasi - Pamenang Dan Alai...
Laporan - Studi Pengembangan Perkebunan di Lahan Usaha II Daerah Transmigrasi - Pamenang Dan Alai Hilir - Oleh - Team Survei Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan - 1983
Laporan - Studi Pengembangan Perkebunan di Lahan Usaha II Daerah Transmigrasi - Ketahun II Dan V ...
Laporan - Studi Pengembangan Perkebunan di Lahan Usaha II Daerah Transmigrasi - Ketahun II Dan V - Oleh - Team Survei Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan - 1983
Transmigration Programme Second Phase Evaluation - UNDP/OPE INS/79/001 - First Draft
Transmigration Programme Second Phase Evaluation - UNDP/OPE INS/79/001 - First Draft
Semi Annual  Report Number 2 - Transmigration Management and Monitoring Project - January - June ...
Semi Annual Report Number 2 - Transmigration Management and Monitoring Project - January - June 1981 - UNDP/OPE Projects INS/79/001 - Pacific Architects and Engineers, Incorporated and Resources Management International, Incorporated
Guideline Proposals for a Communication Support Component in Transmigration Projects - A Consulta...
Guideline Proposals for a Communication Support Component in Transmigration Projects - A Consultancy Report on a Study and Observation of the FAO/Technical Cooperation Project [TCP] in Pematang Panggang, South Sumatra, Indonesia 6/INS/01/T
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1986 - 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1986 - 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1981
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1981
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1978
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1978
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1986 - 1
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1986 - 1
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 4
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 4
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file 1982- 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file 1982- 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file 1982 - 1
Gloria Davis - Chronological file 1982 - 1
Sitiung and Upang - Means and Crosstabs
Sitiung and Upang - Means and Crosstabs
Gloria Davis - Indonesia Transmigration Program Review -  Data and Statistics - Rimbo Bujang Surv...
Gloria Davis - Indonesia Transmigration Program Review - Data and Statistics - Rimbo Bujang Survey Results 1978
Study on Evaluation and Long Term Monitoring of Baturaja and Way Abung Transmigration and Rural D...
Study on Evaluation and Long Term Monitoring of Baturaja and Way Abung Transmigration and Rural Development Project - Problems and Solutions in Agricultural Production in the Batumarta Transmigration Area - South Sumatra
Income Survey in Transmigration Areas - Cooperation between The Ministry of Transmigration and Th...
Income Survey in Transmigration Areas - Cooperation between The Ministry of Transmigration and The Central Bureau of Statistics - August 8, 1985 - Translated from Indonesian to English - Provisional Report - Draft Internal
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and S...
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and South Kalimantan Provinces - Surveys, Evaluation of Project Schemes - Final Report - Volume II - June 1984 - Nedeco - Euroconsult in Association with IDC
Screening Study (Phase II) for Transmigration Settlement Development - Data Supplement - Jambi Pr...
Screening Study (Phase II) for Transmigration Settlement Development - Data Supplement - Jambi Province and Agricultural Supplement - SKP in Kab Musi Rawas, Sumatera Selatan - May 1983 - Halcrow Fox and Associates in co-operation with Indulexco
Project Identification of Transmigration III and IV - Republic of Indonesia - April 1979
Project Identification of Transmigration III and IV - Republic of Indonesia - April 1979
Summary Report - On three case studies in Transmigration areas with different Agricultural Patterns
Summary Report - On three case studies in Transmigration areas with different Agricultural Patterns
Luwu - South Sulawesi
Luwu - South Sulawesi
80 Years of Transmigration in Indonesia - 1905 to 1985 - P Levang and O Sevin - Orstom Indonesia ...
80 Years of Transmigration in Indonesia - 1905 to 1985 - P Levang and O Sevin - Orstom Indonesia Transmigration - 1990
A Social History of the Balinese Movement to Central Sulawesi 1907 - 1974.  A Dissertation submit...
A Social History of the Balinese Movement to Central Sulawesi 1907 - 1974. A Dissertation submitted by Gloria Davis - 1
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - Group 1-9 - Mertasari, Parigi
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - Group 1-9 - Mertasari, Parigi
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - Group 1-8 - Tolai - Nambaru
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - Group 1-8 - Tolai - Nambaru
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - Group 1-7 - Massari and Tanoh Lanto
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - Group 1-7 - Massari and Tanoh Lanto
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - Group 1-5 - Tolai - Astina Volume 1
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - Group 1-5 - Tolai - Astina Volume 1
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - 1-4 Tolai
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - 1-4 Tolai
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - 1-3 Tolai
Dissertation Data Collection Forms - 1-3 Tolai
Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 2
Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 2
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar IV.2 - Pemeriksaan Daftar
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar IV.2 - Pemeriksaan Daftar
Susenas Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional 1984 - Pedoman Pencacahan - Biro Pusat Statistik - Jakarta...
Susenas Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional 1984 - Pedoman Pencacahan - Biro Pusat Statistik - Jakarta - Indonesia
Struktur Organisasi Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Transigraso RI - Nomor - KEP 55 A/MEN/1983 - De...
Struktur Organisasi Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Transigraso RI - Nomor - KEP 55 A/MEN/1983 - Departemen Transmigrasi - 1983
Tata Ruang Pemukiman Transmigrasi - Bahan Kuliah - Kursus Pejabat Inti Proyek P.T.P.T - Risman Ma...
Tata Ruang Pemukiman Transmigrasi - Bahan Kuliah - Kursus Pejabat Inti Proyek P.T.P.T - Risman Maris Msce, toto Hendroto, Rubaman - Departemen Pekerjaan Umum - Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga
Summary of Report on Implementation Guidelines for Development of Food Crops Agriculture in Trans...
Summary of Report on Implementation Guidelines for Development of Food Crops Agriculture in Transmigration Projects 1982/1983 and 1983/1984 - Report Number 3 - R. Soedarsono / N. Owens - INS/79/001
South East Sulawesi Transmigration area Development Project - Agricultural Development - Volume 4...
South East Sulawesi Transmigration area Development Project - Agricultural Development - Volume 4 - Hunting Technical Services Limited and Huszar Brammah and Associates
Transmigration Settlement Planning Project, Indonesia - Final Report - February - May 1983 - ID H...
Transmigration Settlement Planning Project, Indonesia - Final Report - February - May 1983 - ID Hill - Land Resource Development Centre - INDON-08-2/82 - Januari 1983
Report on Formal and Informal Leadership in Selected Transmigration Villages in the area of Luwu ...
Report on Formal and Informal Leadership in Selected Transmigration Villages in the area of Luwu - South Sulawesi No. 2
Agro-Economic Survey - Land Tenure and Labor Markets in East Java, Indonesia - Soentoro, William ...
Agro-Economic Survey - Land Tenure and Labor Markets in East Java, Indonesia - Soentoro, William L. Collier and Sri Hartoyo - August 1981
Agro-Economic Survey - Rural Dynamics Study - Studi Dinamika Pedesaan - Bogor, Indonesia - Declin...
Agro-Economic Survey - Rural Dynamics Study - Studi Dinamika Pedesaan - Bogor, Indonesia - Declining Labor Absorption (1878 to 1980) in Javanese Rice Production - William L. Collier - Number 2 - Presented at the Agricultural Economics Society of South
Report on the Penyiapan Lahan Pemukiman [PLP] Unit of Departemen Transmigrasi during PELTA III - ...
Report on the Penyiapan Lahan Pemukiman [PLP] Unit of Departemen Transmigrasi during PELTA III - June 1984
Indonesia - Government Decrees, Statutes and Regulations
Indonesia - Government Decrees, Statutes and Regulations
Resultaten 1 tot 50 van 150