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Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation

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Working Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), for the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), that relate to the drafting of the Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE). The files generally contain: copies of the DGO's correspondence with other Bank units (the Regional units, the Sectors, the Economic Development Institute, and IFC's evaluation unit) regarding their contributions to the report; draft initiating notes and outlines for the report; notes to the OED Management Team and other intra-OED memoranda regarding the report; comments on drafts of the report; copies of the draft management response to the report; printing requests for the report; copies of the DGO's statement to the Executive Directors regarding the report; summaries of discussions of the report at meetings of the Executive Directors; and post-publication correspondence regarding the report. Files for reports generated under DGOs Kapur and Picciotto consist almost exclusively of electrostatic copies; files for DGO Rovani containoriginal documents.

Working Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), for the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), documenting the drafting of the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE) for 1983 - 1985. The files primarily contain electrostatic copies of the correspondence of Alexander F. Kirk, chief of OEDD3, the unit assigned responsibility for compiling the report. Included are: memoranda from the sectors, regions, and other Bank units containing information for possible inclusion in the reports; intra-OED memoranda regarding the content and format of the reports; drafts of the reports and comments on the drafts; copies of the statements the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), made regarding the reports to the Executive Directors; and minutes of the meetings of the Executive Directors at which the AROE and the Annual Review of Project Performance Results were discussed. Also included is information regarding the input OED provided to the Bank's Annual Report.

Country Assistance Evaluations

The series consists of Country Assistance Reviews (CARs), Country Assistance Notes (CANs), Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs), and related records created by the OED. Country Assistance Reviews (CARs) were launched in 1994 when they were endorsed by the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) Subcommittee on OED Reports. OED's first CAR focused on Ghana and was completed late in FY 95. The CARs were, in essence, countrywide impact evaluations that concentrated on the overall impact and development effectiveness of the Bank's whole program of assistance (for both lending and non-lending activities) to a country over a number of years, usually a decade. They evaluated the Bank's overall assistance program to a country in the same way that performance audits evaluated individual projects. CARs processing schedules were eventually timed and designed so as to be useful inputs into the preparatory work for the corresponding Country Assistance Strategy by both Bank staff and government officials and to provide the ExecutiveBoard with an up-to-date, independent evaluation of past results of Bank assistance one to three months in advance of the scheduled CAS consideration.

Country Assistance Notes (CANs) were introduced in 1997 as a way to speed the process of country assistance evaluations. CANs were meant to be mini-CARs and thus were more limited in the scope and/or time frame covered. For example, CARs covered all relevant sectors of a country, whereas the CANs were more selective. The rationale for introducing the CANs was to achieve greater coverage of countries in the short term. After the introduction of CANs, CARs were limited to the largest borrowers, in total or per capita, or to outliers in terms of performance and GDP per capita. CANs were produced for countries undergoing a second evaluation and for which a CAR had previously been produced. The length of both the CARs and CANs changed over time. The first CARs were typically about 100 pages; later CARs were limited to 15 to 30 pages of main report. The CANs were shortened to 5 to 15 pages. As time went by, OED softened the distinction between CARs and CANs and by the late 1990s, the country-wide evaluations were simply referred to as Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs), but OED did generate mini CAEs that were the equivalent of CANs.

CARs, CANs, and CAEs were based largely on a review of OED and Bank Reports available in Washington: Staff Appraisal Reports; Performance Audit and Implementation Completion Reports; Country Assistance Program/Strategy Papers; Country Briefs; Country Economic Memoranda; sector reports; Country Risk Assessments; management briefs for the Annual Meetings and for high-level field visits; and project and general country files. They also relied on direct interviews with key current and former government officials, other relevant national and/or association representatives, donor representatives, and current and former Bank staff members. CANs did not usually involve an OED mission to the client country and personal contact with other donors, whereas CARs may have involved more than one mission and increasingly included evaluation participants from other donor agencies. CARs, CANs, and CAEs were all prepared in close consultation with the Regional operational staff.

The content of the files for the country assistance evaluations varies somewhat but the more complete files contain: copies of the previous OED and Bank studies and reports for the country; Terms of Reference for the OED staff members and/or consultants assigned to the project team; drafts of the Approach Paper and Study Design Paper; memoranda and correspondence regarding the team's travel plans if a mission to the client country was required; a Back-to-Office Report regarding the mission; intra-OED correspondence regarding the format for the evaluation; various drafts of the evaluation; minutes of One-Stop Review Meetings at which the top OED managers evaluated progress on or reviewed a draft of the evaluation; comments on the drafts from OED and Regional staff, officials in the client country, and representatives from other aid/lending organization; drafts of the DGO's comments to CODE regarding the evaluation; minutes of CODE meetings at which the evaluation was discussed; drafts of the DGO's transmittal memorandum to the Executive Directors and the President; summaries of the Executive Directors' discussion of the report and copies of the chairman's published comments; drafts of the management response to the evaluation; a draft of the OED Fast Track Brief and Precis regarding the evaluation; the final, published (grey cover) evaluation; and letters transmitting the final, published evaluation to officials in the client country. A few files also contain questionnaires completed by stakeholders, paper copies made from computer-assisted presentations, and copies of records used in workshops held for various stakeholders.

All of the country assistance evaluations in this series were generated by the OED's Country Evaluation and Regional Relations Division/Group (OEDCR) and its predecessor, the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2). The series contains reports and related working files for many countries, including: the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Paraguay, El Salvador, Brazil, Peru, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile, Guinea, Niger, Eritrea, Zambia, Lesotho, Jordan, Mongolia, India, Zambia, Yemen, Tunisia, Nepal, Pakistan, Costa Rica, Malawi, Kenya, Thailand, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Uruguay, Croatia, Uganda, Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire, Cambodia, Mozambique, West Bank and Gaza, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Ecuador, Tanzania, India, Poland, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Maldives, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Morocco, Mexico, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Tgo, Ukraine, Brazil, Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Nepal, China, and Turkey. Of special note in this series is the extensive documentation for the CAR for India completed by a team headed by Gianni Zanini and issued in 2001. In addition to the usual documentation generatedfor a country assistance evaluation, the files for the India CAR include an extensive collection of Bank reports on India, materials from workshops organized by OED and the South Asia Region from March to May 2000, and twenty or more background papers prepared by OED staff and consultants. Also of note are the voluminous files for the Russian Federation CAR which, in addition to the usual CAE records, include schedules and briefing papers for President Wolfensohn's visits to Moscow in May 1998 and February2000.

Subject Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation

This series consists of subject files containing: copies of the Director-General's outgoing correspondence; and the reports, articles, minutes, agenda of meetings, and other records received by the DGO. Much of the series relates to routine OED administrative matters but the files cover a broad range of topics: the 1993 review of OED's processes and structure (filed under OED Process Review); changes in the Operational Directives affecting OED (filed under Operational Directives); the establishment of an independent Inspection Panel in the Bank (filed under Operations Inspections in the Bank); the establishment of the OED's Publication Committee; Failed States and UN/World Bank cooperation in post-conflict reconstruction; and rules of conduct for OED staff. Specific documents include: summaries, drafted by OED attendees, of discussions of OED-related topics covered in Executive Board meetings (filed under Board of Executive Directors); invitations, trip itineraries, copies of presentations made by OED staff, agenda, and other documents regarding conferences and seminars attended by OED personnel (filed under Conferences and Seminars); Apex reports for OED; copies of statements and presentations made by the Director-General (filed under Presentations) agenda, articles, and other documents relating to the 1994 Joint DAC/UNDP/World Bank Seminar on Technical Cooperation; the program packages provided to staff members prior to 1993 and 1995 OED staff retreats; and copies of notes summarizing the weekly meetings the Director-General had with the OED managers, November 1989 - May 1992 and September 1992 - June 1995 (filed under Management Team Meetings). Filed under Miscellaneous are personal notes sent to the Director-General and much of his correspondence with job applicants and other non-Bank personnel. The files for the Task Force on Portfolio Management contain copies of memoranda regarding the changing mandate of OED.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Files Relating Primarily to Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Boards on which he served

The series consists of files compiled by DGO Robert Picciotto that relate to topics not directly connected with the work of OED; most of the files concern committees, commissions, task forces, or boards on which Picciotto served. The majority of files concerns the Bank-wide Social Development Task Force (SDTF) which was established early in 1996 as an acknowledgement of the social dimensions of development in project design and to take a considered look at the various initiatives and approaches underway onsocial development and to make recommendations on further actions to advance [that] work. Picciotto served as chair of the Task Force's Satellite Group 9 on Bank Instruments of Lending. Picciotto's Task Force records include: agenda for meetings and retreats; copies of and comments on the drafts of the Group 9 report; correspondence with other members of Group 9 and with other Task Force members; and copies of input from the other Task Force groups.

Related to the SDTF are records filed under Adapting Lending Products and Adaptable Lending Products. Picciotto was a member of the New Products Steering Committee which was organized to implement the recommendations of the SDTF. That led to the Adaptable Lending Group which first met in March 1997 to create a new line of lending products recommended for Bank-wide adaptation to implement SDTF goals. The Executive Directors approved the Adaptable Lending Instruments in September 1997. The files contain Picciotto's correspondence regarding the development of the new lending products.

Filed under Project Implementation Commission - Brazil are Picciotto's records, dated July 1999 - August 1996, for the Brazil/World Bank Commission on Improving the Developmental Effectiveness of World Bank Financial Projects. Picciotto was a member of the joint Bank/Brazil Commission which was created to improve the Bank's portfolio in three sectors (education, rural poverty, and health) in the Northeast Region of Brazil and in the environment sector across Brazil. Picciotto's recordsinclude: correspondence with Commission members; Terms of Reference for consultants assigned to work with the Commission; minutes of Commission meetings; intra-OED correspondence regarding audits of Brazilian projects and the establishment of new projects in Brazil; draft outlines of the Commission's final report; drafts of the Executive Summary of the report; and comments regarding drafts of the final report. Drafts of the entire report are not in the files.

Picciotto served on the Joint Fund-Bank Committee on Finance and Development which was the advisory board for Finance and Development (F and D), the quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund and the Bank. His Board records (filed under Internal Correspondence - Finance and Development) date from December 1987 when he was Vice President for Corporate Planning and Budgeting. Included are: his correspondence with the editor of F and D; agenda and minutes of Board meetings; copies of book reviews he provided for publication; resumes of job applicants for positions with the publication; articles submitted for publication which were forwarded to Picciotto for comment; and a copy of an article, A New Project Cycle for the World Bank? which he and Rachel Weaving submitted for publication in October 1994.

In addition to board, task force, and committee records, this series includes files on several other non-OED topics. Filed under Socratic Seminar Files are Picciotto's records regarding his coordination work for a television program, Banking on the Poor, which was part of a public television series The Fred Friendly Seminars. Picciotto had the lead in planning for the October 1, 1994, program which took place in Madrid, Spain, at the time of the Bank's annual meeting. It was the third in a series sponsored by the Bank to examine the role of international finance in fighting poverty. The program followed the Socratic Seminar format, created in the 1970s by Fred Friendly and Stuart Sucherman. Picciotto's records are dated May to October 1994 and include concept papers and e-mails regarding logistical planning for the program.

This series also includes copies of June 1996 - June 1998 correspondence (filed under Knowledge Center - Management) Picciotto received regarding the Knowledge Management Board that was established in July 1997 as well as copies of his comments on proposals for knowledge management within the Bank.

Correspondence Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Relating to the Establishment of and Participation in DAC and OECD

The series consists of correspondence files containing communications between the DGO and representatives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The correspondence relates to aid evaluation and the promotion of evaluation functions in client countries. This exchange culminated on December 1, 1980, in DGO Mervyn Weiner's nomination of Shiv Kapur, OEDDR, as the Bank's correspondent for DAC's work in aid effectiveness. Following Kapur's selection as DGO, Yukinori Watanabe, OEDDR,was nominated on October 15, 1984, as the Bank's representative to DAC's Expert Group on Evaluation.

Correspondence and other documents for the period 1981 - 1995 relate to the establishment of DAC's Expert Group on Aid Coordination (later Evaluation) which held its first meeting in Paris on March 8 and 9, 1983, and include meeting schedules and agenda, meeting summaries, reports, seminar papers and other correspondence of the Directors-General who served as the Bank's representatives at high level meetings of the DAC Expert Group on Aid Evaluation during this period. Topics include: primary health care; technical cooperation; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); the economic environment; gender issues; public support for aid; and aid effectiveness. Correspondence regarding DGO Robert Picciotto's participation in the Third Annual Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Development held in October 1995 is also included.

Subject files covering the period 1984 - 1989 consist primarily of issue papers and proposals prepared for discussions at DAC meetings and seminars as well as correspondence dealing with issues of coordination, evaluation and the environment. Subjects covered in the records relate to institution building, health, the environmental impact of development projects and the Economic Development Institute (EDI) evaluation function. Documents prepared for a November 1988 meeting with NGOs are also in the files.

Transparencies for Presentations Made by the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation

Series consists of transparencies and/or transparency master (hard) copies prepared for presentations made by the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), within the Bank and to external groups. Most of the presentations dealt with the role played by OED in supporting the Bank's development agenda. Some of the transparencies are accompanied by copies of speeches or presentation outlines.

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