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Proceedings of the World Bank Sub Saharan Africa Water Resources Technical Workshop - Dakar, Senegal - February 19-22, 1996
Proceedings of the World Bank Sub Saharan Africa Water Resources Technical Workshop - Dakar, Senegal - February 19-22, 1996
The Mvula Trust - Annual Report - 1995/96
The Mvula Trust - Annual Report - 1995/96
Project Planning and Development - A Training Module for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Personnel - Participation Notes - June 30, 1995 - Institute of Water and Sanitation and Development
Project Planning and Development - A Training Module for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Personnel - Participation Notes - June 30, 1995 - Institute of Water and Sanitation and Development
The Mvula Trust - Specific Policies for Water and Sanitation Project Development - Version 6.0 - September 1995
The Mvula Trust - Specific Policies for Water and Sanitation Project Development - Version 6.0 - September 1995
External Evaluation of the Mvula Trust - Main Report - Volume 1 - September 1996 - Johannesburg
External Evaluation of the Mvula Trust - Main Report - Volume 1 - September 1996 - Johannesburg
Network for Water and Sanitation - Eastern and Southern Africa [NETWAS-ESA] - Monitoring Review - Strategic Planning 1999 - 2000 - Council Meeting - Mission Report September 1998 - Bern - October 1998 - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation [SDC]
Network for Water and Sanitation - Eastern and Southern Africa [NETWAS-ESA] - Monitoring Review - Strategic Planning 1999 - 2000 - Council Meeting - Mission Report September 1998 - Bern - October 1998 - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation [SDC]
African Water Resources - Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development - Draft - January 1996
African Water Resources - Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development - Draft - January 1996
External Evaluation of the Mvula Trust - Volume 2 - Annexes - Evaluation Management Team - John Blaxall, Peter Morgan, Gunnar Schultzberg - September 20, 1996 - Johannesburg
External Evaluation of the Mvula Trust - Volume 2 - Annexes - Evaluation Management Team - John Blaxall, Peter Morgan, Gunnar Schultzberg - September 20, 1996 - Johannesburg
Promotion of the Role of Women in Water and Environmental Sanitation Services [PROWWESS] - Project INT/83/003 - Mid Term Review - Wendy M. Hamond - April 1988 - NORAD and United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Promotion of the Role of Women in Water and Environmental Sanitation Services [PROWWESS] - Project INT/83/003 - Mid Term Review - Wendy M. Hamond - April 1988 - NORAD and United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Programme and Projects Manual - Part 3 - Implementation of UNDP Technical Cooperation - January 1991 - This Repring Incorprates Amendments UNDP/PPM.II/TL/1, UNDP/PPM/TL10
United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Programme and Projects Manual - Part 3 - Implementation of UNDP Technical Cooperation - January 1991 - This Repring Incorprates Amendments UNDP/PPM.II/TL/1, UNDP/PPM/TL10
United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Programme and Projects Manual - Part 2 - Programming UNDP Technical Cooperation
United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Programme and Projects Manual - Part 2 - Programming UNDP Technical Cooperation
United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Programme and Projects Manual - Part 1 - The System of UNDP Technical Cooperation
United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Programme and Projects Manual - Part 1 - The System of UNDP Technical Cooperation
African Development Bank - African Development Fund - 1993 Annual Report
African Development Bank - African Development Fund - 1993 Annual Report
The Role of Desalination and Water Management in Sustaining Economic Growth in the Gulf - Taysir Ali Dabbagh - November 18-24, 1995 - World Congress on Desalination and Water Sciences - International Desalination Association - Abu Dhabi U.A.E.
The Role of Desalination and Water Management in Sustaining Economic Growth in the Gulf - Taysir Ali Dabbagh - November 18-24, 1995 - World Congress on Desalination and Water Sciences - International Desalination Association - Abu Dhabi U.A.E.
Desalination - The Neglected Option - Taysir Dabbagh, Peter Sadler, Abdulaziz Al-Saqabi, Mohamed Sadeqi - Water in the Arab World - Symposium at Harvard University - October 1-3, 1993 - Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
Desalination - The Neglected Option - Taysir Dabbagh, Peter Sadler, Abdulaziz Al-Saqabi, Mohamed Sadeqi - Water in the Arab World - Symposium at Harvard University - October 1-3, 1993 - Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
Communication and Acceptance in Water Supply and Sanitation Projects - Gerhard J. Astor, Rudiger Vincent Graichen, Paul Kohorst, Hans-Jorg Protextor, Anna Soehring, Odile Vairel, Eberhard Wenzel - Research Reports of the Federal Ministry for Economic
Communication and Acceptance in Water Supply and Sanitation Projects - Gerhard J. Astor, Rudiger Vincent Graichen, Paul Kohorst, Hans-Jorg Protextor, Anna Soehring, Odile Vairel, Eberhard Wenzel - Research Reports of the Federal Ministry for Economic
Operations in East Africa - Country Profile - African Bank Group - African Development Bank
Operations in East Africa - Country Profile - African Bank Group - African Development Bank
Urban Development Policy - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Urban Development Policy - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Policy - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Policy - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
A Framework for Public Utility Tariff Policy - Electric Power, Telecommunications, Water Supply and Sewerage - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
A Framework for Public Utility Tariff Policy - Electric Power, Telecommunications, Water Supply and Sewerage - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Policy Paper on Women in Development - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Policy Paper on Women in Development - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Health Sector Policy Paper - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Health Sector Policy Paper - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
The World Bank - Economic Development Institute - Development Economics - 1996 Annual Report
The World Bank - Economic Development Institute - Development Economics - 1996 Annual Report
Guidelines for Project Preparation and Appraisal in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector - March 22, 1991 - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Guidelines for Project Preparation and Appraisal in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector - March 22, 1991 - African Development Bank - African Development Fund
Review of International Training Network [ITN] and Support Needs - Desk Review - Draft
Review of International Training Network [ITN] and Support Needs - Desk Review - Draft
International Training Network for Water and Waste Management - Status Report and Recommendations for the Future - August 1994 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Water and Sanitation Program
International Training Network for Water and Waste Management - Status Report and Recommendations for the Future - August 1994 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Water and Sanitation Program
Network for Water and Sanitation [NETWAS] - Monitoring Mission - Nairobi - September 4-14, 1995 - Mission Report - Frank Haupt - September 1995 - Swiss Development Cooperation - Infraconsult Limited C492
Network for Water and Sanitation [NETWAS] - Monitoring Mission - Nairobi - September 4-14, 1995 - Mission Report - Frank Haupt - September 1995 - Swiss Development Cooperation - Infraconsult Limited C492
International Training Network for Rural Water and Waste Management in India - Project Report - April 1991 - October 1995 - ITN Centre, India - Department of Sanitary Engineering - Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition - All India Institute of Hygiene
International Training Network for Rural Water and Waste Management in India - Project Report - April 1991 - October 1995 - ITN Centre, India - Department of Sanitary Engineering - Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition - All India Institute of Hygiene
Community Management of Water and Sanitation - ITN Conference - December 5-8, 1995 - Conference Report and Particpant List
Community Management of Water and Sanitation - ITN Conference - December 5-8, 1995 - Conference Report and Particpant List
Network for Water and Sanitation [NETWAS] - Progress Revieww - First Members Meeting - Monitoring Mission - February 3-11, 1996 - Mission Report - Frank Haupt - February 1996 - Swiss Development Cooperation
Network for Water and Sanitation [NETWAS] - Progress Revieww - First Members Meeting - Monitoring Mission - February 3-11, 1996 - Mission Report - Frank Haupt - February 1996 - Swiss Development Cooperation
Network on Water and Sanitation [NETWAS] International - Progress Review - Planning Workshop of Phase 6 - Mission Report - Frank Haupt - September 1996 - Swiss Development Cooperation
Network on Water and Sanitation [NETWAS] International - Progress Review - Planning Workshop of Phase 6 - Mission Report - Frank Haupt - September 1996 - Swiss Development Cooperation
Community Management of Water and Sanitation Services - A Training Module for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation - December 1995 - Institute of Water and Sanitation Development
Community Management of Water and Sanitation Services - A Training Module for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation - December 1995 - Institute of Water and Sanitation Development
Swiss Development Cooperation [SDC] - Sector Policy on Water Supply and Sanitation - May 1994
Swiss Development Cooperation [SDC] - Sector Policy on Water Supply and Sanitation - May 1994
The Indian Training Network [ITN] - Report of a Joint Review - July 1996 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme - Government of India
The Indian Training Network [ITN] - Report of a Joint Review - July 1996 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme - Government of India
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development - Annual Report - W/O 23/93 - 1995
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development - Annual Report - W/O 23/93 - 1995
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development - Annual Report - 1998
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development - Annual Report - 1998
A Review of United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] and Financial Activities at the Bank - N. Raphaeli - May 20, 1985
A Review of United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] and Financial Activities at the Bank - N. Raphaeli - May 20, 1985
Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] in the Nineteen Nineties - The Findings of the Commission to Review ESMAP - October 1990 - United Nations Development Program [UNDP]
Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] in the Nineteen Nineties - The Findings of the Commission to Review ESMAP - October 1990 - United Nations Development Program [UNDP]
Joint Evaluation Mission - United Nations Development Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - UNDP Project INT/81/047 - Development and Implementation of Low Cost Investment Projects - Michael G. McGarry, John
Joint Evaluation Mission - United Nations Development Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - UNDP Project INT/81/047 - Development and Implementation of Low Cost Investment Projects - Michael G. McGarry, John
Preparation of Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Projects - Report of the Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP / World Bank Evaluation Mission - RAS/81/001 - April 1987
Preparation of Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Projects - Report of the Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP / World Bank Evaluation Mission - RAS/81/001 - April 1987
United Nations Development Programme - Inter-Country Project - Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development Team for Asia - RAS/86/160 - Report of the Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Evaluation Mission - Part 2 - Country
United Nations Development Programme - Inter-Country Project - Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development Team for Asia - RAS/86/160 - Report of the Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Evaluation Mission - Part 2 - Country
United Nations Development Programme - Inter-Country Project - Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development Team for Asia - RAS/86/160 - Report of the Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Evaluation Mission - Part 1 - General
United Nations Development Programme - Inter-Country Project - Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development Team for Asia - RAS/86/160 - Report of the Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Evaluation Mission - Part 1 - General
Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development Team for Asia - RAS/86/160 - Annual Report - January 1 - December 31, 1989
Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development Team for Asia - RAS/86/160 - Annual Report - January 1 - December 31, 1989
Review of the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Project on Low Cost Water Supply and Sanitation - A Contribution to the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - GLO/78/006 - M.G. McGarry, M. Potashnik
Review of the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Project on Low Cost Water Supply and Sanitation - A Contribution to the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - GLO/78/006 - M.G. McGarry, M. Potashnik
Survey and Analysis of Multi and Bilateral Aid to the Water and Sanitation Sector in Sri Lanka - September 1982
Survey and Analysis of Multi and Bilateral Aid to the Water and Sanitation Sector in Sri Lanka - September 1982
RAF/86/024 - Copy
RAF/86/024 - Copy
RAF/86/024 - Blaxall - 1986 - 1987
RAF/86/024 - Blaxall - 1986 - 1987
Joint Danida / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Review - The International Training Network [ITN] Centre for Water Supply and Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Bangladesh - Review Report
Joint Danida / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Review - The International Training Network [ITN] Centre for Water Supply and Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Bangladesh - Review Report
Ninth International Training Network [ITN] Africa Meeting - November 28-29, 1997 - Republic of South Africa - Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout [CREPA] Annual Report - 1997 - Reseau International de Formation
Ninth International Training Network [ITN] Africa Meeting - November 28-29, 1997 - Republic of South Africa - Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout [CREPA] Annual Report - 1997 - Reseau International de Formation
Second Curricula Development Workshop on Water Supply and Waste Management - Proceedings - September 16, 1997 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology - Dhaka
Second Curricula Development Workshop on Water Supply and Waste Management - Proceedings - September 16, 1997 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology - Dhaka
Resultados 101 a 150 de 4581