Showing 501-550 of 80212 results

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McNamara notebooks

This series consists primarily of copies of Chenery's memoranda to McNamara, many of which were returned to Chenery heavily annotated with McNamara's handwritten notes and/or a red stamp indicating the President has seen. Some Chenery memoranda to McNamara are marked returned by McNamara's Office on a specific date with no notes or stamp. Also included are McNamara's memoranda to Chenery, memoranda sent to McNamara by other Bank staff (e.g. Ernest Stern) and copied to Chenery, letters and memoranda McNamara sent to Bank staff and copied to Chenery, and copies of letters Chenery drafted for McNamara's signature. Also included are Chenery's agenda for meetings with McNamara, Chenery's memoranda to the files summarizing discussions with McNamara, Chenery's handwritten notes from his meetings with McNamara, and copies of Chenery's memoranda to his managers summarizing either his discussions with McNamara or meetings that he attended of the President's Council.

In May 1973, Chenery asked McNamara for time to finish his book, The Developing Economy. McNamara agreed that following Chenery's August vacation, he would be allowed to spend sixty percent of his time until December 31 on that book. To permit Chenery to do this, Ernest Stern took over most of the day-to-day direction of the Development Policy Staff, and many of the August to December 1973 memoranda in this series were sent to McNamara by Stern rather than Chenery.

The records cover a wide range of subjects including the work program, organization, budget,and staffing for the Economics Department and the Development Policy Staff; the recruitment and assignment of economists in the Bank Group; the preparation, format, review, and scheduling of country economic programs and sector program papers; ex-post project evaluation work in the Bank; topics for and draft content of the President's annual meeting speeches and the preparation of other speeches for the President; the 1972 Bank reorganization; Bank coordination with the Ford Foundation and the International Monetary Fund; the review of country program papers; the preparation of seminars led by external experts for high-level Bank management; the preparation and review of papers on development policy; the World Bank's research program and budget; drafting of policy papers prepared in response to specific requests from McNamara; comments on policy papers scheduled for discussion by the Executive Directors; policy planning and the role of the Policy Review Committee; economic projections generated by the Development Policy Staff; the coordination of statistical work in the Bank; background information on individuals (and their country's issues) who were scheduled to meet with McNamara; management of the World Development Report team and plans for WDR topics and content; the treatment of Taiwan in World Bank reports; the initiation of the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS); and the selection of Chenery's successor. Beginning in 1977, many memoranda concern the reports of the external Research Advisory Panels and the implementation of recommendations made by those panels.

Personal papers of Hollis B. Chenery

  • Fonds
  • August 1970 - November 1979, January 1980 - June 1981

This fonds contains the memoranda and other papers exchanged between Hollis Chenery and World Bank President Robert McNamara between August 1970 and June 1981.

Chenery, Hollis B.

Economic Development Institute chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Advisor on Senior Policy Seminars in the Economic Development Institute (EDI). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes; a small number of draft reports accompany the correspondence. Records primarily relate to the development and planning of Senior Policy Seminars and their evaluation. Records related to the development and planning of seminars include: correspondence with potential seminar leaders and attendees; Terms of Reference related to Chernick's trips to plan or oversee seminars; back-to-office reports; reports to other members of EDI describing planned seminars; suggestions for, and discussions of, potential seminar topics; activity briefs; and logistics. Records related to the evaluation of seminars include: Terms of Reference for Impact Evaluation of EDI activities; a draft of a seminar evaluation package; blank evaluation questionnaires; and EDI EvaluationPolicy Committee meeting records (including a report on the Committee itself [1987]).

Other records include: a report on the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (1987); Chernick's proposed work program for 1987; materials related to World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program meetings; a report authored by Chernick entitled A Briefing Note on Foreign Exchange Risk (1985); reports and correspondence discussing the relationship between OED and EDI; EDI submissions to the World Bank Annual Report (submitted by Chernick); materials related to EDI Advisory Board meetings; and materials related to EDI Senior Staff meetings.

South Asia Country Programs Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Senior Economist in the South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes. Records reflect various activities undertaken by Chernick, including: research; commenting on Bank research and policy papers and project and loan reports; writing of country program papers (CPPs); staffing of ASADR; information sharing; and seminar planning. A small number of reports are included in this series; these include: Current and Mid-Term Assessment of South Asian Countries; Indicative Statements of Economic and Sector Work for the South Asia Region; Disbursement Estimates; and Country Reports. There is, notably, a significant amount of material related to a problematic Maldives Country Report from 1986.

Country Policy Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Assistant Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD). The type of activities undertaken by Chernick in the CPD was quite similar to those during his years in PPPRD and, consequently, the types of records are also very similar. The majority of the records consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, paper copies, and telexes. Nearly all correspondence was authored by Chernick and there is very little incoming correspondence. Reports sometimes accompany correspondence or are included in the files without accompanying correspondence.

Records relating to country program papers (CPPs) are included in this series, but not in great number. Records generally discuss the scheduling of Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) and Management Review meetings. In addition, Chernick served as Secretariat of the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC). The OPSC was also involved in the review of CPPs and records related to the OPSC in this seriesdiscuss this activity.

Series also consists of regular status reports on Structural Adjustment Lending (SAL) and Program Lending (PL) operations. Other SAL-related records are included, such as Proposed Structural Adjustment Loan and Related Technical Assistance Project reports and SAL Progress Reports.

Between 1982 and 1983, Chernick was on the Steering Group Committee for the Bank's 'Pioneers' of development economics lecture series. His responsibilities included booking guests/speakers, making announcements, booking rooms, and planning Steering Group Committee meetings. Records related to these activities are included in this series.

Records in this series also relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: seminar attendance and planning; Department retreat planning; and publication of country Economic Memoranda. Other records include: Terms of Reference for Country and Economic and SAL Supervision missions; comments by Chernick on reports and project proposals; Country Economic and Sector Work quality control reports; and administrative and staffing records.

Policy, Planning and Program Review Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Division Chief, Senior Advisor, and Acting Director of the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department (PPPRD) between 1972 and 1982. Chronological files contain correspondence in different formats; carbon copies of correspondence sent by Chernick are the most common, while paper copies and telexes are also included. The amount of outgoing correspondence, authored by Chernick, is far more substantial than correspondence received byChernick. While much of the correspondence refers to attachments (reports, country program papers [CPPs], meeting minutes, etc.), very few are included in the files.

Records related to Chernick's role as Division Chief of PPPRD's Program Review Division (PPRPR) from 1973 to 1976 are numerous. The Division's primary roles were to provide guidelines for economic analysis in economic reports and country programs and review CPPs before their submission to the President in order to ensure quality and consistency with the Bank's development objectives. CPPs are confidential reports authored by the regional departments, usually on an annual basis. They include a discussion of a given country's political and economic situation and a history of the Bank's loans and external financing and on that basis propose a five-year lending program for the country. Other, special studies (usually discussing a specific sector within a country or a general development issue) and economic reports were also reviewed by the PPPRD. Chernick's role was to manage his Division's review of CPPs and to arrange Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) meetings and Management Review meetings. As such, correspondence includes: assignment of reviews; schedule of review meetings; discussion of reviews; and policy development and explanation.

Series also consists of correspondence relating to the development and revision of Operational Manual Statements (OMSs). Assignment of tasks related to OMSs is included as are a small amount of OMS drafts and comments on drafts.

Records related to a Working Group on Bank/Fund Collaboration are found in this series. This includes Bank President McNamara's initial request for a report. Chernick's role in the research and writing of this report is unclear; he is copied on related correspondence and drafts were sent to him for review.

Chernick played a significant role in the Development Committee between 1980 and 1982. Created in 1974, the Committee was designed to provide a focal point at a high political level in the structure of economic cooperation for the formation of a comprehensive overview of international activities in the development area, for efficient and prompt consideration of development issues and for coordination of international efforts to deal with problems of financing development. Drafts of Committee meeting agendas are included; in some cases, these drafts are sent from Chernick, as Acting Director of PPPRD, to Bank President McNamara. Correspondence related to scheduling and Committee reviews and projects is also included.

Records in this series relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: staff hiring and reviews; staff meetings; mission planning; work programs; conference participation and planning; and policy development related to Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs). Also included are: regular summaries of Board meetings authored by Chernick for Hollis Chenery, Vice President of Development Policy (DPS); ad hoc reports and reviews created by Chernick or his staff for superiors within the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS) and externally; comments on reports; and a small amount of correspondence related to the research and publication of Chernick's book The Commonwealth Caribbean: The Integration Experience (1978).

Personal papers of Sidney E. Chernick

  • Fonds
  • 1972 - 1989

Fonds consists of Sidney Chernick's chronological files from his time in numerous World Bank departments, including: the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department (PPPRD); Country Policy Department (CPD); South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR); and the Economic Development Institute (EDI). Chronological files contain few gaps and appear to have functioned as Chernick's personal record of outgoing correspondence.

Chernick, Sidney E.

Chronological files

Throughout most of his career, Calika kept copies of the memos, letters, reports, and studies that he wrote, either for his signature or that of senior Bank officials. He maintained these copies in a personal file in chronological order.Occasionally he included copies of incoming letters and memoranda. Some drafts of speeches or proposed remarks are in the file, as are copies of minutes or other official documents.

The documents in these files are largely duplicates of those in the official files of the Bank, but their chronological arrangement allows the user to follow issues as they unfolded, from the point of view of a Bank officer. The files are particularly rich for the African period of Calika's career. Calika began active involvement with the region as chief of the unit dealing with the British Commonwealth. His files exist from the latter part of that period; while they contain some information on countries such as Malta or British Guiana, most of the documents relate to Kenya, Tanganyika, Swaziland, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, and Mauritius. During Calika's years in the Africa Department, the Bank decided to set up two local offices (permanent missions), one in East Africa and one in West Africa. Calika monitored the activities in those offices, traveling to them and overseeing the cooperative programs they undertook. The files for the Africa years include, for example, a July 1967 memo on river blindness, memos on the progress of the Agricultural Development Service, and correspondence with partners such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program, UNESCO, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the African Development Bank.

Calika served in the Education Project Department during the years surrounding Robert McNamara's 1970 launch of a new approach to lending for education. Calika's role in the department included hiring and training new staff to meet the new lending goals, and the administrative issues of the expanding department are reflected in the files. The papers from Calika's period in Latin America are thinner, with the year 1975 entirely missing and the papers from 1979 very thin.

The Calika papers are particularly useful to researchers interested in the history of the Bank's relationship with Africa throughout the 1960s. They also help a researcher follow the internal administration of the Bank's effort to expand its role in education.

Personal papers of O. Hursit Calika

  • Fonds
  • 1961 - 1974, 1976 - 1979

Series consists of the chronological files Calika personally created and maintained during his career at the World Bank.

Calika, O. Hursit

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