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Showing 1-50 of 150 results

Personal papers of Gloria Davis Avec objets numériques
A History of Social Development Network in the World Bank, 1973-2002
A History of Social Development Network in the World Bank, 1973-2002
Indigenous People - Concept Notes, Issue Papers and Cover Notes - Gloria Davis - Subject Files
Indigenous People - Concept Notes, Issue Papers and Cover Notes - Gloria Davis - Subject Files
Participatory Development - Reflecting on the Experience gained at GTZ in Searching for Innovation
Participatory Development - Reflecting on the Experience gained at GTZ in Searching for Innovation
Participation - Evolution of participation in the Bank
Participation - Evolution of participation in the Bank
Leakage from World Bank Project Budgets: Summary of RSI Staff views
Leakage from World Bank Project Budgets: Summary of RSI Staff views
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1990, 1992 and undated
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1990, 1992 and undated
80 Years of Transmigration in Indonesia - 1905 to 1985 - P Levang and O Sevin - Orstom Indonesia ...
80 Years of Transmigration in Indonesia - 1905 to 1985 - P Levang and O Sevin - Orstom Indonesia Transmigration - 1990
Fasbender, Karl and Susanne Erbe - Towards a New Home - Indonesia Managed Mass Migration - Transm...
Fasbender, Karl and Susanne Erbe - Towards a New Home - Indonesia Managed Mass Migration - Transmigration between Poverty, Economics, and Ecology - Verlag Weltarchiv GmbH - Hamburg - 1990
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1988 - 1989
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1988 - 1989
Indonesia - Natural Resources and Environmental Management - 1987-1993
Indonesia - Natural Resources and Environmental Management - 1987-1993
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1987
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1987
Ulasan Singkat - Hasil Survei Penduduk Antar Sensus 1985 - A Brief Note on the Results of the 198...
Ulasan Singkat - Hasil Survei Penduduk Antar Sensus 1985 - A Brief Note on the Results of the 1985 Intercensal Population Survey - SERI / Series SUPAS Number 4 - 04310.8701
Transmigration Sector Review - 1986
Transmigration Sector Review - 1986
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1986 - 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1986 - 2
Sausu, Malonas, Tolai - Lessons in Successful Transmigration - Agro-Economic Study of Three Trans...
Sausu, Malonas, Tolai - Lessons in Successful Transmigration - Agro-Economic Study of Three Transmigration Centers in the Sulawesi Tengah Province - Indonesia - Orstom Transmigration Project PTA-44 - May 1986
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1986 - 1
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1986 - 1
Costs - Reports and Charts
Costs - Reports and Charts
Indonesia Mapping - Forest conservation areas, hydrogeological map
Indonesia Mapping - Forest conservation areas, hydrogeological map
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 3
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 3
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 4
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 4
Byron, R. P. - Analysis of the 1984 Transmigration Survey
Byron, R. P. - Analysis of the 1984 Transmigration Survey
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 2
Income - Reports and Tables
Income - Reports and Tables
Income Survey in Transmigration Areas - Cooperation between The Ministry of Transmigration and Th...
Income Survey in Transmigration Areas - Cooperation between The Ministry of Transmigration and The Central Bureau of Statistics - August 8, 1985 - Translated from Indonesian to English - Provisional Report - Draft Internal
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 1
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1985 - 1
Transmigration Project Preparation - Proposal for World Bank Participation under Transmigration V...
Transmigration Project Preparation - Proposal for World Bank Participation under Transmigration V Loan - November 1984 - Government of Indonesia - Ministry of Migration - Directorate General Settlement Preparation
Hardjono, Joan M. (2) - Reports
Hardjono, Joan M. (2) - Reports
Arndt, H.W. - World Employment Programme Research - Working Paper
Arndt, H.W. - World Employment Programme Research - Working Paper
Indonesia - Government Decrees, Statutes and Regulations
Indonesia - Government Decrees, Statutes and Regulations
Transmigration Planning Advisory Group - SFSE - 82 Mid-Term Review and Quarterly Progress Report ...
Transmigration Planning Advisory Group - SFSE - 82 Mid-Term Review and Quarterly Progress Report - August - October 1984 - Sir MacDonald and Partners Asia in association with Hunting Technical Services, Water and Power Consultancy Services, and
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and S...
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and South Kalimantan Provinces - Executive Summary - Final Report - Volume I - June 1984 - Nedeco - Euroconsult in Association with IDC
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and S...
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and South Kalimantan Provinces - Surveys, Evaluation of Project Schemes - Final Report - Volume II - June 1984 - Nedeco - Euroconsult in Association with IDC
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and S...
Investigations on Existing Swamp Development for Upgrading in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central and South Kalimantan Provinces - Feasibility Studies, Programmes - Final Report - Volume III - June 1984 - Nedeco - Euroconsult in association with IDC
Report on the Penyiapan Lahan Pemukiman [PLP] Unit of Departemen Transmigrasi during PELTA III - ...
Report on the Penyiapan Lahan Pemukiman [PLP] Unit of Departemen Transmigrasi during PELTA III - June 1984
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1984
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1984
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerak Transmigrasi 1984 Pedoman Pengolahan - 03130.8401
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerak Transmigrasi 1984 Pedoman Pengolahan - 03130.8401
Phase II Studies, Phase IIIA Studies and Technical Assistance for Transmigration Settlement Devel...
Phase II Studies, Phase IIIA Studies and Technical Assistance for Transmigration Settlement Development - Transmigration Pilot Project - Spontaneous Transmigration Development - Stage I Report - Halcrow Fox and Associates in association with Indulexco
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar IV.1 - Pengawasan Lapangan
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar IV.1 - Pengawasan Lapangan
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar III - Keterangan Unit Pemukima...
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar III - Keterangan Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (UPT/Desa)
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar II - Keterangan Pendapatan Rum...
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar II - Keterangan Pendapatan Rumahtangga
Survei Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Daera Transmigrasi 1984 - Pedoman Pengawasan - 03130.8401
Survei Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Daera Transmigrasi 1984 - Pedoman Pengawasan - 03130.8401
Survei - Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi - 1984 - Appendix - Kerjasama Departemen T...
Survei - Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi - 1984 - Appendix - Kerjasama Departemen Transmigrasi dan Biro Pusat Statistik
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar I - Keterangan Pendaftaran Rum...
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar I - Keterangan Pendaftaran Rumahtangga
Survei Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Pedoman Pengawasan - 0313.8402
Survei Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Pedoman Pengawasan - 0313.8402
Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional 1984 - Rencana Tabulasi Konsumsi/Pengeluran Rumahtangga - Bagian S...
Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional 1984 - Rencana Tabulasi Konsumsi/Pengeluran Rumahtangga - Bagian Statistik Desa, Rumahtangga dan Lingkungan Hidup - Biro Pusat Statistik - Jakarta
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar IV.2 - Pemeriksaan Daftar
Survei Pendapatan Rumahtangga di Daerah Transmigrasi 1984 - Daftar IV.2 - Pemeriksaan Daftar
Susenas Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional 1984 - Pedoman Pencacahan - Biro Pusat Statistik - Jakarta...
Susenas Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional 1984 - Pedoman Pencacahan - Biro Pusat Statistik - Jakarta - Indonesia
Gloria Davis - Subject files - History - Background Materials - 1980
Gloria Davis - Subject files - History - Background Materials - 1980
Babcock, Tim - Transmigration - The Regional Impact of a Miracle Cure - July 1983
Babcock, Tim - Transmigration - The Regional Impact of a Miracle Cure - July 1983
Screening Study (Phase II) for Transmigration Settlement Development - Data Supplement - Jambi Pr...
Screening Study (Phase II) for Transmigration Settlement Development - Data Supplement - Jambi Province and Agricultural Supplement - SKP in Kab Musi Rawas, Sumatera Selatan - May 1983 - Halcrow Fox and Associates in co-operation with Indulexco
Résultats 1 à 50 sur 150