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Showing 351-400 of 760 results

Personal papers of Gloria Davis

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Monografi - Proyek Transmigrasi - 1980
Monografi - Proyek Transmigrasi - 1980
Proposal Project - Calon Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi "Kalukku" Kecamatan Kalukku Kabupaten Manuju
Proposal Project - Calon Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi "Kalukku" Kecamatan Kalukku Kabupaten Manuju
Transmigrasi Di Kalimantan Selatan - 1979 - Kanwil Dit Jen Transmigrasi Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Transmigrasi Di Kalimantan Selatan - 1979 - Kanwil Dit Jen Transmigrasi Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Prosedur Standar Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah - September 1979
Prosedur Standar Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah - September 1979
Buku Tahunan - 1978/1979
Buku Tahunan - 1978/1979
INDUK - Rencana Kerja 10 Tahun Direktorat tata Guna Tanah - 1979/1980 - 1988/1989
INDUK - Rencana Kerja 10 Tahun Direktorat tata Guna Tanah - 1979/1980 - 1988/1989
Laporan Pelita II
Laporan Pelita II
Transmigrasi Sebagai satu sistem pembangunan terpadu dan salah satu sarana pemerataan
Transmigrasi Sebagai satu sistem pembangunan terpadu dan salah satu sarana pemerataan
Transmigrasi Sebagai Satu Sistem Pembangunan Terpadu
Transmigrasi Sebagai Satu Sistem Pembangunan Terpadu
Realisasi Pelaksanaan - Angkutan Transmigran Melalui Laut Pada Pelita III
Realisasi Pelaksanaan - Angkutan Transmigran Melalui Laut Pada Pelita III
Realiasi Pelaksanaan - Angkutan transmigran Melalui Darat Pada Pelita III
Realiasi Pelaksanaan - Angkutan transmigran Melalui Darat Pada Pelita III
Laporan - Studi Agrokimatologi Di Areal Proyek Baturaja - Martapura Dan Tulang Bawang Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Laporan - Studi Agrokimatologi Di Areal Proyek Baturaja - Martapura Dan Tulang Bawang Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Realisasi Pelaksanaan - Angkutan Transmigran Melaliu Udara Pada Pelita III
Realisasi Pelaksanaan - Angkutan Transmigran Melaliu Udara Pada Pelita III
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigrasi Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid IV - Tataniga
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigrasi Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid IV - Tataniga
Laporan Pekerjaan Interpretasi Peta Topografi Dan Landsat Imagery Sesuai Dengan - Surat Perintah Kerja No. 02/SPK/DATIK/IV/77-78
Laporan Pekerjaan Interpretasi Peta Topografi Dan Landsat Imagery Sesuai Dengan - Surat Perintah Kerja No. 02/SPK/DATIK/IV/77-78
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigrasi Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid III - Pengkajian Adaptasi Pertanian
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigrasi Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid III - Pengkajian Adaptasi Pertanian
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigrasi Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid II - Kondisi Lingkungan Dan Ciri-Ciri Keluarga
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigrasi Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid II - Kondisi Lingkungan Dan Ciri-Ciri Keluarga
Laporan Survai Daerah Calon Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi Toili - Sulawesi Tengah Kapabilitas Tanah
Laporan Survai Daerah Calon Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi Toili - Sulawesi Tengah Kapabilitas Tanah
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigraso Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid I Laporan Utama
Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Proyek-Proyek Transmigraso Baturaja Dan Way Abung (1976/1977) - Jilid I Laporan Utama
Kebutuhan & Pengembangan Tenaga Iimiah Dan Penaliti Indonesia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Buku II
Kebutuhan & Pengembangan Tenaga Iimiah Dan Penaliti Indonesia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Buku II
Department Tenaga Kerja Transmigrasi Dan Koperasi Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Transmigrasi Propinsi Sati I Jambi - Laporan Survey Identifikasi Calon Lokasi Transmigrasi
Department Tenaga Kerja Transmigrasi Dan Koperasi Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Transmigrasi Propinsi Sati I Jambi - Laporan Survey Identifikasi Calon Lokasi Transmigrasi
Kebutuhan & Pengembangan Tenaga Iimiah Dan Penaliti Indonesia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Buku I
Kebutuhan & Pengembangan Tenaga Iimiah Dan Penaliti Indonesia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Buku I
Aneka Pikiran Mengenai Masalah dan Kebijaksanaan Pertanahan
Aneka Pikiran Mengenai Masalah dan Kebijaksanaan Pertanahan
Author unknown - Five reports
Author unknown - Five reports
Seminar papers
Seminar papers
Wood, William - Cultural-Ecological perspectives on Southeast Asia
Wood, William - Cultural-Ecological perspectives on Southeast Asia
Wijarso - Developments in the oil and gas sector in Indonesia
Wijarso - Developments in the oil and gas sector in Indonesia
Wiggens, Geoffrey - Coconut versus Rice Production in tidal swamp transmigration sites
Wiggens, Geoffrey - Coconut versus Rice Production in tidal swamp transmigration sites
White, Ben - Political Aspects of Poverty, Income Distribution and their measurement: Some examples from rural Java
White, Ben - Political Aspects of Poverty, Income Distribution and their measurement: Some examples from rural Java
Walter, Michael A.H.B - Initial report on the IASER conference: What do we do about plantations?
Walter, Michael A.H.B - Initial report on the IASER conference: What do we do about plantations?
Weitz, Raanan, David Pelley and Levia Applebaum - New settlement and employment
Weitz, Raanan, David Pelley and Levia Applebaum - New settlement and employment
Rimmer - Food Policy Analysis in a Multi-Stable Food Economy
Rimmer - Food Policy Analysis in a Multi-Stable Food Economy
Vayda - Human Ecology and Human Settlements in Kalimantan and Samatra: Patterns and problems
Vayda - Human Ecology and Human Settlements in Kalimantan and Samatra: Patterns and problems
Tempelman, Gerald J. - Colonization and transmigration in the outer islands of Indonesia
Tempelman, Gerald J. - Colonization and transmigration in the outer islands of Indonesia
Strauch, Judith - Chinese New Villages of the Malayan emergency: A case study of first-generation adaptation to military relocation (1978)
Strauch, Judith - Chinese New Villages of the Malayan emergency: A case study of first-generation adaptation to military relocation (1978)
Suryadinata, Leo - Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia and China's foreign policy: An interpretative essay
Suryadinata, Leo - Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia and China's foreign policy: An interpretative essay
Speare, Alden Jr. - Interpreting the migration data from the 1971 census
Speare, Alden Jr. - Interpreting the migration data from the 1971 census
Sommers, Paul - The UNICEF Home Gardens Handbook for people promoting mixed gardening in the humid tropics
Sommers, Paul - The UNICEF Home Gardens Handbook for people promoting mixed gardening in the humid tropics
Soemarwoto, Otto - Bibliographies, correspondence and two reports
Soemarwoto, Otto - Bibliographies, correspondence and two reports
Sedjo, Roger A. - Forestry policies, incentives and distortions in Indonesia
Sedjo, Roger A. - Forestry policies, incentives and distortions in Indonesia
Semour, Francis J. - The Ford Foundation's rural poverty and resources programming in Indonesia: A strategy for making a difference
Semour, Francis J. - The Ford Foundation's rural poverty and resources programming in Indonesia: A strategy for making a difference
Scudder, Thayer - Two reports
Scudder, Thayer - Two reports
Schulte Nordholt, Nico G. - Integrated rural development: Some comments based on the Javanese situation
Schulte Nordholt, Nico G. - Integrated rural development: Some comments based on the Javanese situation
Sandbukt, Oyrind - Abstract of Kubu Adaptive Modalities
Sandbukt, Oyrind - Abstract of Kubu Adaptive Modalities
Ross, M. S. - Forestry in land use policy for Indonesia
Ross, M. S. - Forestry in land use policy for Indonesia
Roche, Frederick C. - Sustainable farm development in Java's critical lands: Is a "green revolution" really necessary?
Roche, Frederick C. - Sustainable farm development in Java's critical lands: Is a "green revolution" really necessary?
Roberts, John Edward - Participatory Rural Regional Development in the outer islands of Indonesia: Transmigration, assimilation and development
Roberts, John Edward - Participatory Rural Regional Development in the outer islands of Indonesia: Transmigration, assimilation and development
Pringle, Robert - Land / Labor / Food Crisis of Indonesia - Malthus in Eden: The land-labor-food crisis of Inner Indonesia
Pringle, Robert - Land / Labor / Food Crisis of Indonesia - Malthus in Eden: The land-labor-food crisis of Inner Indonesia
Rambo, A. Terry - Orang Asli Adaptive Strategies - Implications for Malaysian natural resource development planning
Rambo, A. Terry - Orang Asli Adaptive Strategies - Implications for Malaysian natural resource development planning
Polak, Joosi - Transmigration Report
Polak, Joosi - Transmigration Report
Results 351 to 400 of 760