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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

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Records of the Country Policy Department (CPD)

The series includes records maintained by the Country Policy Department (CPD) and its subordinate divisions and units from 1981 to 1986. The records include correspondence and memoranda maintained by the CPD Directors, divisionalstaff, and unit staff. The records also include discussion papers, policy papers, and reports produced by the CPD divisions and units with comments for review.

EAS Working Group and Task Force files

This series includes records related to Economic Advisory Staff (EAS)participation in Bank working groups and task forces. This includes records related to the Country Risk Management and Portfolio Review Working Group from 1989 to 1991. The Working Group was led by the Bank's Risk Management and Financial Policy Department (FRS), but the Working Group consisted of representatives from EAS, and many other units in the Bank. The records relate to review of country risk monitoring and financial risk assessment functions performed by FRS. The records include: correspondence and memoranda from EAS staff, FRS staff, Working Group representatives, and senior Bank officials; meeting minutes and agenda from the Working Group, the Operations Committee (OC)of the Operations Senior Vice Presidency (OPNSV), and the Finance Committee of the Finance Senior Vice Presidency (FINSV); and reports with comments produced in support of the Working Group, including copies of the Country Risk Management and Portfolio Review report.

The series also includes records from the Task Force on Exposure Guidelines from 1989 to 1990. The task force was led by EAS Director Enzo Grilli, and done in close collaboration with the Bank's regional units and FRS. The task force was formed to re-evaluate and review the Bank's exposure guidelines used to assess member countries and the Bank's exposure to major financial risks such as debt obligations. The records include: memoranda and correspondence; Task Force meeting minutes and agenda; recordsrelated to Country Robustness Analysis surveys performed as part of the Exposure Guidelines Task Force exercise; and draft and final Exposure Guidelines reports with comments.

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