1994 SSA Proposal - Matrixes for Implementation Monitoring
- 30187456
- Folder
- 1994-07-12
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1994 SSA Proposal - Matrixes for Implementation Monitoring
Advisory Committee [for Study of International Fisheries Research] - Correspondence
Agricultural and Rural Development - Computer, Software Applications - Correspondence
Agricultural and Rural Development Department - PAG : General documents - set
Agricultural and Rural Development Department - PAG : General documents - set
Agricultural and Rural Development Department - PAG : General documents - set
Agricultural Development - Correspondence - Correspondence
Agricultural Development - Economic Growth - Draft report
Agricultural Development - Reports - Reports
Agricultural Incentives: Reports on Somalia and Sri Lanka - Reports
Agricultural Innovation and Rural Development, RPO no. 671-44 - Project papers
Agricultural Policy - Draft papers
Agricultural Policy: Correspondence - Correspondence
Agricultural Research - Reports
Agricultural Research Proposals - Research proposals
Agricultural Sector Analysis Framework Study: Bank Research Project no. 672-11 - Papers and reports
Agricultural Sector Policy Paper - Draft policy paper
Agricultural Sector Work - Correspondence
Agricultural Technology and Services Division [AGRTN] - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Agriculture - Models - Draft report
Agriculture - Patterns of Protection, by P.L. Scandizzo - Draft paper