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Records of Individual Staff Members

166 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Correspondence with World Bank Presidents

The series consists of correspondence between Stern and World Bank Presidents McNamara, Clausen, Conable, and Preston accumulated over the course of his time at the Bank. Correspondence includes copies of memoranda and attachments authored by Stern and sent to the President as well as some of the President's incoming and outgoing correspondence from others, which was forwarded to Stern. Correspondence serves a variety of purposes: information dissemination; briefing for President's meetings; responding to requests for information; authoring correspondence for the President; and submitting reports, announcements, and correspondence for the President's approval. A small portion of the memoranda are originals sent by Stern or the President, and many also contain attached reports and papers or articles. Other record types include telexes and letters. The files document a broad range of policy and management issues during Stern's various appointments such as country economic issues, debt repayment, World Bank program review and budget, Bank-Fund relations, annual meetings, and women in development. One folder from 1987 to 1990 exclusively relates to activities of the Finance Vice Presidency.

Correspondence with Executive Directors

Series contains primarily outgoing copies of memoranda and typewritten or handwritten notes sent or received by Stern relating to his business with Executive Directors. The records span the period when Stern was Senior President of Operations (SVPOP), Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV), and Managing Director and therefore documents a crossover of operational, financial, and executive management matters. Correspondence is addressed to and from individual or all Executives Directors as a group, or is authored by other senior officials and sent to Stern for his consideration or comments. A significant volume of the correspondence contains attached letters, reports and telexes and covers issues including: county projects, loans and repayments; aid coordination; International Development Association (IDA) resources; and governance and operational policy and procedures such as Board management and overdue loans and arrears.

Zmarak Shalizi files

The records are largely electrostatic copies of correspondence and papers, filed by the type of function that generated the records. The majority of the records date from 1992-1995 when Shalizi was chief of the Transport Division.

The records are arranged in four sections. The first section has administrative records; the conference files include the background readings for a 1991 seminar for Bank staff on air quality in urban transportation.

The second section is records of research projects funded by the regular budget, trust funds or other special funds. Four of the research proposal files consist primarily of reviews of proposed Bank positions on taxation policies and on poverty lending in the urban sector, 1980-1991, and three additional files concern Bank transport sector policy and performance reviews, 1992-1995. The chronological file consists principally of notes and correspondence regarding the review of taxation and poverty policies found in the research proposals. The papers and a small quantity of correspondence were written by persons other than Shalizi and sent to him for his comments or use. The topics range from road pricing to automotive emissions in developing countries to railways to informal gold mining and mercury pollution in Brazil. The publications are primarily those produced by the Bank, although a few others from sources such as the Journal of Transport Economics and Policy are included. The principal topics are railways and transport-related air pollution; some correspondence related to the publications is included.

The third section consists of records of operational support for projects. One of the four files consists of country studies of taxation in Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Indonesia, and Malawi. This is followed by three files of correspondence, arranged chronologically, commenting on projects and studies, proposed and ongoing.

The fourth section is records of research projects funded by the Bank's Research Support Budget. The majority of the files relate to Shalizi's 1989-1991 project on a "Practical framework for evaluating mineral payment/taxation schemes" and are linked to the taxation files found in the second section. In the publications file is a copy of the project document on "Trade and transport in West and Central African States" dated April 1993, while the files of original research data include two papers co-authored by Shalizi, "Contract Policy and the Variability of Government Revenue form Mining Projects" (1990, with R. Conrad and J. Syme) and "The Role of Extraction Charges in Mineral Contracts (1991, with R. Conrad and M. Engers). The research files also include three files on the project on taxation in developing countries, one file on a framework for tax policy analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa, two files on uniform rates of effective protection and efficient taxes, and three files on an analysis of the tax system in developing countries as applied to Pakistan and Mexico.

Timothy Campbell files

Fonds consists of chronological files created by Timothy Campbell during his employment in the Latin America and Caribbean Region and Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department. Records from his time in the World Bank Institute (WBI) are not present. The majority of the records in this fonds provide evidence of Campbell's research activities and his communication and collaboration with agencies and institutions external to the Bank. As such, the majority of the records take the form of researchmaterials, drafts of articles and reports, and correspondence.

Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Infrastructure and Energy Division chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work in the Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Infrastructure and Energy Division (LATIE), as Senior Urban Planner and, briefly, as Chief, Urban and Water Unit. Series consists of correspondence and reports, among other formats. Records relate to project planning and evaluation activities as well as to urban development-related research conducted by Campbell and task forces and workshops on which Campbell participated. Records include: Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; records related to missions to countries for project planning and information gathered (including Brazil, Mexico, and Guatemala); Campbell's comments on Departmental and external reports and policy papers; comments on Campbell's reports by Departmental colleagues and other Bank staff; Campbell's reviews of Project Completion Reports (PCRs); annual Urban Sector review; briefing notes; externally authored reports; meeting and seminar summaries; presentation notes and slides. Series also contains two reports authored by Campbell: Environmental Dilemmas and the Urban Poor (draft, 1989, prepared for the Overseas Development Council and not for the Bank); Decentralization to Local Government in LAC: National Strategies and Local Response in Planning, Spending and Management (1991, an LATIE Regional Study, accompanied by drafts and research materials); and Modes of Accountability in Local Governments of LAC (1992).

Latin America and Caribbean Advisory Group chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work as the Principal Urban Sector Specialist in the Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Advisory Group (LATAD). Records relate to: conference attendance and participation; travel plans; Campbell's presentations to a variety of audiences; and staffing. Records include: Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Bank reports forwarded to Campbell; FY94 LATAD Retrospective; presentation slides; a number of innovation Case Studies relating toCuritiba, Brazil; LAC - FY97-99 Business Plan; and Campbell's FY97-99 Work Program. Records also include correspondence with external agencies and institutions that relate to information exchange, communications, and planning and coordination.

Records relate to a number of conferences and seminars that Campbell participated in or helped organize. These include: Institutional Development (ID) and Decentralized Governance: Looking Back on Lending, Looking Ahead to a Contestability Model of ID in LAC (1994);conferences of Latin American Mayors in Washington, DC, and Miami, Florida (1994 and 1996); a seminar called Decentralization: Policies and Practices that Work (1994); a seminar called Managing Decentralization: Best Practices and Policy Lessons in LAC (1996); a sub-regional conference on Best Practice and Policy Lessons in Decentralization (1995).

Series also contains a number of reports and articles authored by Campbell, including: Participation, Choice, and Accountability in Local Government: LAC andthe U.S. (May 1993); The Politics of Participation in Tijuana, Mexico: Inventing a New Style of Governance (1996, draft); Mendoza Provincial Program for Basic Social Infrastructure (MENPROSIF): Case Study (1995); and Innovations and Risk Taking: The Engine of Reform in Local Government of LAC (1996, accompanied by notes for a presentation on the paper).

Résultats 451 à 500 sur 2267