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Records of Individual Staff Members

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Chronological files

This series contains copies of Vinod Dubey's outgoing memoranda, letters, telexes, and routing slips that he generated while he was working in the Europe, Middle East and North Africa Region (EMENA), the Country Policy Department (CPD), and the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS). For some of the periods covered by this series, Dubey's incoming correspondence is filed with the copy of his related outgoing correspondence.

For the period that Dubey was a Senior Economist in EMENA, the files include copies of his outgoing letters, memoranda, and reports and copies of memoranda and letters that he prepared for the signatures of others. Very little incoming correspondence or attachments to outgoing correspondence is included for this period. Among the outgoing correspondence are his minutes of the EMENA senior economists' biweekly meetings; his comments on draft papers and reports, especially regarding Country Program Papers and economic and sector work; the Back-to-Office reports from his missions; his reviews of research proposals; and the minutes he prepared for the research proposal review panels on which he served. Most of his correspondence was sent to the Director, Development Policy Staff, the EMENA senior vice president, and other EMENA economists.

After Dubey became Chief Economist for EMENA in October 1975, the files primarily contain copies of incoming documents that he transmitted to the EMENA program departments and senior economists with requests for their comments. There is little showing his input into policy development; the files consist mostly of copies of his routing slips, some without an incoming document attached.

Dubey's files are much richer for the period beginning in January 1984 when he was a senior adviser in the Country Program Department (CPD). The records reflect his responsibilities for: coordinating Bank relations with the IMF, the Paris Club, and the OECD Export Credit Group; preparing policy papers for the director of CPD; advising the Regions on adjustment lending; directing the CPD Secretariat for the Loan Committee; and preparing the agenda for Loan Committee meetings.

Specific topics covered include preparations for the Bank-Fund Seminar on assisting member countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, May 22 - 24, 1985; planning for seminars on Policy Based Lending held June 18 - 20, 1985 and December 11 - 13, 1985; and the scheduling of Country Policy Papers for review by the Operations Policy Subcommittee. Much of Dubey's correspondence beginning in September 1984 concerns his drafting of a Board paper on Bank-Fund collaboration. None of the drafts is found in the files, but there is extensive correspondence with Bank and Fund staff concerning the preparation of the report which was issued in the spring1985.

Specific documents of note are: his May 23, 1984 report, Bank-Fund Collaboration: A Brief Historical Note, which is a compilation of the documents relating to Bank/Fund collaboration from May 1946 to April 1981; a November 28, 1984 memo to Files on the role of the World Bank in theParis Club; a December 14, 1984 draft of his paper Policy Based Lending and the World Bank; his reports from attendance at OECD Export Credit Group and Paris Club meetings; and the agenda he prepared for meetings of the Operations Policy Subcommittee and of the Loan Committee.

Most of his outgoing correspondence for this period was sent to Regional Chief Economists; the SVP for Operations (SVPOP); the Vice President for Operations Policy (OPSVP); the Director of CPD; the secretary of the Research Policy Committee; IMF managers; and staff/members of the Paris Club, the OECD, and the International Labor Organization (ILO). A number of his memoranda are written to the files and primarily concern meetings he attended on structural adjustment lending.

After Dubey became Director of the Country Policy Department in January 1986, his files reflect less of his role in policy development. The bulk of the files for this period consist of his agenda for meetings of the Loan Committee and the Operations Policy Subcommittee. The files often contain copies of his incoming correspondence, much of which was forwarded to CPD staff.

After Dubey's appointment as director of EAS in June 1987, he continued many of the duties he had in CPD: coordinating the Bank's interaction with the Paris Club, the Berne Union, the OECD Export Credit Group, and the International Monetary Fund; reviewing country strategy papers and Structural Adjustment Policy Framework Papers (PFPs); providing the SVP Operations with analysis on operational issues and policy initiatives; serving as the Secretariat to the Operations Committee; and providing advice and support to the Regional staff on major policy questions, especially regarding country strategies, adjustment operations, and country economic and sector work.

nA large portion of his records for the EAS period consists of agenda, schedules, and postscripts for Operations Committee meetings and correspondence regarding the preparation and review of documents for discussion by the Committee. Othercorrespondence concerns the preparation of documents for the signatures of the Senior Vice President, Operations and President Conable and his review of research proposals.

Bank organization and staffing reports

This series contains memoranda and reports compiled by L. Peter Chatenay, which primarily relate to the World Bank's early organization and staffing. Although his participation is not detailed nor confirmed in the records, it is apparent that Chatenay worked in some capacity on tasks associated with the Organization Study Team and that this is a file created in support of that activity. The Study Team (also referred to as the Study Committee) was chaired by Bank Vice President M. Shoaib and was charged with reviewing a Bank organization study completed by external consultants and studying other topics related to the 1972 Bank-wide reorganization.
Included in this series are copies of memoranda from Humphrey C. Winterton, Farrokh Kavarana and Philippe Beuzelin to the Study Team. Winterton and Beuzelin were two of the six members of the Study Team while Kavarana was part of the external consultant team. The rest of the records in this series consist of reports and reference materials on the organization and staffing of the Bank. These include: a FY 1971 chart and March 1972 memoranda comparing the time required to negotiate a project proposal in the various Regions and sectors; a February 1972 report on the status of the World Bank's current organization; a 15 March 1972 draft of a report: Dimensions of the "Main-Frame" Structural Problem which is an analysis the Bank's structure prior to the 1972 reorganization; a list showing major Bank organizational changes, 1952 - 1972 and tables showing changes in staffing (i.e. comparing the number of people allocated to the categories professional, special services, and general services) in 1961, 1971, and projections for 1976; and tables analyzing the Bank's administrative expenses, 1962 - 1971 with projections through 1978.

Sector and Operational energy and industry unit chronological files

This series consists of records related to Masood Ahmed's work with the Bank's energy and industry units from 1980 to 1991. During this time, he served in the following roles and divisions: Economist in the Energy Department (EGYDR), 1980-1981; Economist in the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), 1981-1982; Senior Economist in the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), 1983; Deputy Division Chief in the Energy Assessment Division (EYGEA), 1983-1985; Deputy Division Chief in the Energy Strategy and Pre-Investment Division I (EGYS1), 1985-1986; Deputy Division Chief in the Industrial Development and Finance Companies Division of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Projects Department (EMPID), 1986-1987; and Division Chief in the Industry and Energy Operations Division of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Country Department II (EM2IE), 1987-1991. Ahmed's records include correspondence and memoranda related to oversight, support and management of energy projects in various countries, and Ahmed's involvement with the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Records from 1987 to 1991 are related to lending and advisory services for development projects in the Maghreb countries of Northwest Africa. Additional records consist of travel, leave, and timesheet information dating from 1987 to 1991.

Briefing books, speeches, and presentations files

This series consists of Masood Ahmed's speech transcripts, presentation slides, and briefing books from his time as the Director of the International Economics Department (IEC) from 1993 to 1997 and the Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM) from July 1997 to December 1998. Many of his speeches and presentations are found in files from 1996 to 1998, overlapping his time in IEC and PREM. Additional records include speeches and presentations related to the IEC publication Global Economic Prospects (GEP) dating 1995 to 1996. Other IEC staff speeches and presentations records are dated 1996 to 1998. The series also includes reference files of speeches and presentations created by staff in other units in the World Bank from 1993 to 1996; primarily from meetings and events he attended. The briefing books in this series include records prepared by his unit for Ahmed prior to a meeting or event. These records include: programs; agendas; itineraries; logistical information; issues to be addressed; notes; and other pertinent information. The briefing books are also maintained in files from 1996 to 1998, and overlap his time in IEC and PREM.

LCR Social Development Unit and Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit chronological files

This series consists of the incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda created and compiled by Davis when he served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and as Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. The correspondence comes from external agencies, institutions, and individuals outside of the World Bank, which are inquiring about potential employment, or are interested in Davis's research or work related to indigenous rights, the environment, sustainability, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Other correspondence addresses collaborative initiatives, working groups, and panels Davis took part in, or for which he received invitations. The remaining correspondence and memoranda are internal communications related to Davis' work in the Bank, including oversight of development projects compliance to social safeguard policies, indigenous policy development, and collaboration with project partners, authorities, and local communities.

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