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- Office of the President, 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- John J. McCloy (President, 1947 - 1949), 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- Eugene R. Black (President, 1949 - 1962), 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- George D. Woods (President, 1963 - 1968), 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- A. W. Clausen (President, 1981 - 1986), 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- Robert S. McNamara (President, 1968 - 1981), 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- Barber B. Conable (President, 1986 - 1991), 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- Lewis T. Preston (President, 1991 - 1995), 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- Barber B. Conable -- J. William Stanton (Executive Counselor to the President), 1 resultados
- Office of the President -- Barber B. Conable -- Marianne Haug (Executive Assistant to the President), 1 resultados