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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

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Divisional Reading File of the International Economics Department (IEC)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within IEC, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank units on many subjects. A large proportion of the documents concern debt reporting, debt management operations, borrowing arrangements for countries, World Debt Tables, and World Development Indicators. Also included are comments on reports and papers, Unified Survey projects for various countries, Staff Appraisal Reports, and Draft Memoranda of the President for loans for projects. The series also includes requests for information in preparation for representation at Berne Union meetings and documents pertaining to modeling and analytical tools in IECIT [International Trade Division], external debt missions, and The Old Age Crisis Report. Summaries and reports of Bank Board meetings, comments on brainstorming sessions, and meeting announcements circulated by the Department Director or Division Chiefs are also part of the series.

Correspondence and Other Records of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Relating to Finance and Development and to Phase II of IEC's Renewal Program

This series consists of two parts. The first part contains International Economics Department (IEC) Director Masood Ahmed's records relating to the publication Finance & Development (F &D). Ahmed was a member of the Joint Fund-Bank Committee on Finance & Development from 1994 until January 1997. His files relating to Finance & Development consist mostly of correspondence with the editor-in-chief of F & D; copies of articles that were considered for publication in F & D; and comments on the proposed articles from Ahmed, IEC staff members, and other members of the Joint Committee. A few agenda and minutes of meetings of the Joint Committee are included in the series. Also included is correspondence sent to Ahmed that details the Bank's decision to discontinue the F & D in March 1997.

The second part of the series contains Director Masood Ahmed's files relating to Phase II of the International Economics Department's Renewal Program, which focus on the data and systems area of the department (established inspring 1995 and called the Development Data Group -IECDD). The files in this series include: intra-IEC memoranda and copies of IEC memoranda to other Bank units concerning the Renewal Program; minutes of meetings of the Redesign Team, the Steering Committee, the Data/System Management Team, and the various Sub Teams; copies of slides from computer-assisted presentations regarding the program made to the Steering Committee, the Departmental Management Team, and the IEC staff; copies of the IECDD briefing packet distributed to staff; notes from planning sessions; and memoranda regarding the reorganization of the Development Data Group.

Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC), Relating to EDI and the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank

This series contains files that IEC Director Masood Ahmed compiled on the Economic Development Institute (EDI) and the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank. Ahmed agreed in November 1993 to be a member of an informal network to review and comment on some of the internal Bank work regarding plans for the 50th Anniversary. The network was directed by Sarwar Lateef, who was also head of the secretariat to coordinate the Bank-wide 50th anniversary program. The 50th Anniversary files include correspondence withSarwar Lateef, staff in DECVP, and other members of the informal network; agenda for network meetings; comments on drafts of The World Bank at the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century: Learning from the Past/Embracing the Future; and copies of various background articles and papers prepared for the Committee on the Future of the Bretton Woods Institutions and for the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank. In October 1994 Ahmed was tapped to be a member of the Advisory Committee to EDI. The records relatingto EDI in this series include Ahmed's correspondence with the Director of EDI and other members of the Advisory Committee regarding the relaunching of EDI, copies of minutes of meetings of the Advisory Committee, and copies of various issuances regarding EDI from its establishment in 1955.

Reading File Maintained by Mary Shirley While Serving as Chief, Finance and Private Sector Development (PRDFD) and During Prior Bank Assignments

The correspondence in this series was maintained as a personal reading file by Mary Shirley during successive assignments at the World Bank from 1980 to 1995 serving as: Economist/Loan Officer, Country Programs Department I (LC1D), Office of the Regional Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1980 - 1982; Senior Economist, Projects Advisory Staff (PAS), Office of the Vice President, Operations Policy (OPSVP), 1983; Senior Economist and later Public Enterprises Adviser, Public Sector Management Unit (PPDPS), OPSVP, 1983 - 1987; Public Enterprises Adviser, Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS), Country Economics Department, Office of the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP), 1987 - 1990; Chief, CECPS, 1990 - 1993; and Chief, Finance and Private Sector Development (PRDFP), Policy Research Department (PRD), 1993 - 1995.

Incoming correspondence is sometimes filed with copies of letters, memoranda, reports, papers, and informal communications prepared by Shirley. Shirley's earliest correspondence while assigned to LC1D was primarily with Division Chief Francisco Aguirre-Sacasa and government officials. The majority of the correspondence in the reading file centers on her work after leaving LC1D in 1982. The subjects of much of this later correspondence, exchanged primarily with Bank staff, relate to public enterprise issues, particularly in developing countries; private sector development; and privatization. Research and projects in all of these areas are covered in her correspondence.

Throughout the series are Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs) prepared by Shirley following numerous missions she led to various parts of Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. She also represented the Bank at meetings of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in Paris (1987, 1990) when issues relating to private sector development were discussed. BTOs for these meetings are part of the file. Correspondence concerning Shirley's participation in the Committee on Private Sector Development and other Bank initiatives, along with a small amount of correspondence concerning her work on the World Development Report at the end of her LC1D assignment in 1982, are in the series. Throughout the series are letters of invitation for speaking engagements from academic institutions and professional groups both within the United States and abroad and Shirley's responses.

Correspondence of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning Joint World Bank-IMF Development Committees, Annual Meetings , and Seminars

This series consists of five parts and includes records related to the Joint World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) committees, meetings, and seminars in which Masood Ahmed participated during his time as Director of the International Economics Department (IEC). IEC played a key role in joint Bank-IMF initiatives by providing statistical data and publications on macroeconomic projections, multilateral-debt, and trade forecasting. Much of this was done in collaboration with the IMF's Statistical Department, where IEC and the IMF shared and reviewed data and publications such as the IEC Global Economic Prospects (GEP), World Debt Tables (WDT), and the IMF Statistical Department's World Economic Outlook (WEO). The data provided by IEC and IMF Statistical Department helped to set the agenda for Joint IMF-Bank meetings, and informed subsequent policy development. In addition, IEC senior officials directly participated and advised Bank-IMF efforts, and helped develop the joint Bank-IMF board papers eventually produced by the Development Committee.

The first part of this series includes records from Ahmed's involvement with the joint Bank-IMF Development Committee from January 1994 to December 1997. The records consist of agenda and minutes of meetings, memoranda, and correspondence; copies of statements given by participants in committees; and published reports and joint Bank-IMF papers. Some of the correspondence is internal Bank communications to the Office of the President (EXC), DEC staff, and IEC staff reporting on Committee meetings, or discussing issues or actions related to the meetings. The records primarily focus on the topic of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and the joint Bank-IMF HIPC Initiative of 1996. Ahmed played a key role in policy advisement for the HIPC Initiative and its subsequent implementation and policy revisions.

The second part of the series consists of files from the joint Bank-IMF Annual Meetings Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1997, including meetings held in: Madrid, 1994; Washington, DC, 1995 and 1996; and Hong Kong, 1997. The records include: briefing books outlining events, topics, and background information; briefs for ad hoc meetings or smaller committee meetings; delegation lists and biographies of participating agencies and individuals; handwritten notes; speech transcripts by Masood Ahmed and others; and correspondence and memoranda related to involvement by IEC units for the Annual Meetings, and related to subsequent reporting in the Annual Meetings to Officeof the President (EXC), the DEC Vice President, IEC officials, or other internal Bank staff.

The third segment of this series is records from the IMF Interim Committee meetings Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1997. The Interim Committee meetings were IMF member only meetings, but the Bank President and other senior officials were invited as observers for each meeting. The Office of the President (EXC) usually had the DEC Vice President or Ahmed attend these meetings in the President's absence. The records consist of agenda and meeting minutes and correspondence sent from the IMF and correspondence and memoranda sent internally between EXC, DEC, and IEC regarding arrangements or attendance at the meeting, and reporting of the meeting.

The fourth part of the series includes records from joint Bank-IMF organized seminars and workshops in which Ahmed participated. These records consist of Severely Indebted Low Income Countries (SILIC) seminars and workshops Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1995 where he helped develop a joint IMF-Bank SILIC paper. Memoranda, correspondence, and drafts document Ahmed's collaboration with the IMF to develop SILIC policy, and also his reporting of his work to the Office of the President (EXC), the DEC Vice President, and other internal Bank staff. Similar records contain transcripts for the Workshop on the Analytical Aspects of the Debt Problems of Heavily-Indebted Countries, 7 February 1996. Agenda, memoranda, correspondence, and copies of presentation speeches are also included for the IMF/Bank Seminar on External Financing for Low Income Countries, 9-12 December 1996.

The last part of the series consists of correspondence, memoranda, and photo static copies of statistical reports and publications sent from the IMF to Ahmed from January 1995 to December 1997. The records document the collaboration between IEC and the IMF Statistical Department.

Records Relating to Adjustment Programs

This series, which was compiled by Vinod Dubey, Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD), contains records relating to adjustment programs in a number of different countries. CPD was responsible for, among other functions, providing advice and support to the regions on structural adjustment lending. This function was transferred to EAS when CPD was terminated in 1987.

The records relate to adjustment programs in Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia. The documents for a country vary but included are: Medium-Term Growth Strategy Papers, Country Studies, Baker Initiative Papers, Selected Analytical Variables for Economists and Managers (SAVEM) Tables, and printouts of the major economic indicators for a country. Dubey forwarded many of the country papers and studies to the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) for discussion, and some minutes of OPSC meetings are included in the files.

Records of Evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank Research Observer Maintained by the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series includes: Terms of Reference for the 1995 evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and The World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), both of which were first published in 1986; six individual evaluations of WBER and WBRO that were submitted during July and August 1995 to Moshe Syrquin, Editor, The World Bank Journals; and a March 1997 report on WBER and WBRO submitted by Syrquin to Joseph E. Stiglitz, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, DEC. Syrquin's report included findings of evaluations of the two journals conducted in 1991 and in 1995.

Development Research Group's Reading File Relating to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Second Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trading System

This appears to be the reading file maintained in DECRG for the delegation representing the Bank at the Second WTO Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration of WTO in Geneva, 18 May 1998 - 20 May 1998. Members of the delegation were: Masood Ahmed, Vice President and Head of Network, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PRM), head of delegation; L. Alan Winters, Research Manager, Trade, DECRG; and John Croome, consultant, Permanent Observer to the WTO at Geneva.

Copies of schedules and programs of events; Croome's e-mails regarding arrangements for the conference and celebration; a number of background documents and reports including President Wolfensohn's 27 April 1998 memorandum and report on the WTO initiated Integrated Program for Least-Developed Countries Trade Development which was endorsed by the Executive Board; e-mails and other correspondence and papers exchanged between Ahmed and Winters regarding preparations for the Conference and the Wolfensohn report; and Ahmed's statement to the Second Ministerial Conference are part of the series. The reading file also includes: a copy of a summary of the one-day conference held on 21 May 1998 at Geneva on What About Regionalism hosted by Ahmed and the Graduate Institute for International Studies; a Back-to-Office Report for the Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration prepared by Gloria Bartoli, Senior Economist, Africa Region; copies of e-mails and other correspondence concerning the opening of a World Bank Frankfurt Office in June 1998 and the issue of reopening the Geneva office; and post-Conference/50th Anniversary correspondence relating to WTO.

Files Relating to IDA Policies and Programs Maintained by the Senior Adviser, Development Policy Group (DPG)

This series, which contains files relating to the policies and programs of IDA, was compiled primarily by Anandarup Ray while he was a Senior Adviser first with the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS) and then with the Development Policy Group. Most of the documents are Ray's comments on or correspondence regarding the preparation of IDA documents for presentation to the Board of Executive Directors. Specific documents and subjects include: the preparation of statements of eligibility for IDA credits for individual countries, 1988 - 1992; EAS staff comments on a Bank publication, The Evolving Role of IDA, 1989; general correspondence on IDA policies and resources, 1987-1991; the preparation of papers for the Implementation of the IDA-9 and IDA-10 replenishments, 1989 - 1993 and 1996; and annual country performance ratings, 1996.

Project Managers' Research Project Files

This series contains files for the earliest projects approved under the World Bank's research program. These particular files are primarily those that were maintained by the managers responsible for directing the projects. Most were directed by staff from departments under the Development Policy Staff (the Development Research Center, the Development Economics Department, the Economic Analysis and Projections Department) and under the Economics and Research Staff (the Economics and Analysis and Projection Department and the Development Research Department), but others were conducted by staff from the sectors or the Regions. The files are in two sections: those that were completed and for which completion reports and evaluations had been filed and those for which the final reports and evaluations had not been filed.

A project file typically contains draft research proposals with comments on the drafts, the formal research proposal submitted on a standardized form, memoranda establishing a review panel to vet the proposal and to convey the decision of the review panel, minutes of the Research Committee meeting at which the proposal was discussed, the Research Committee's decision on the proposal, correspondence with consultants who worked on the project, Back-to-Office reports from missions connected with the project, requests for computer support, requests for additional funding and/or an extension of the research schedule and the Research Committee's decisions regarding those requests, intra-office correspondence of the unit directing the project, a summary of the project results for inclusion in Research News, and possibly a project completion report on a standard form. For most projects, there is a separate folder containing quarterly status reports and possibly also the project completion report. The files in the completed projects section of the series also include evaluation reports. Most of the files for projects under the 672 and 673 series contain only completion reports.

Project files Numbered 671-93 to 671-98 were used for documentation relating to the General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP) and five of the Special Research Advisory Panels. For the official GRAP files, see (add link to series 4031).

Research Proposals that were Withdrawn or Rejected

The files for the 1985 - 1988 period for research proposals that were rejected or were withdrawn by the staff members who submitted the original proposals appear to have been maintained by the Secretary to the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC). Research funding was limited to departments which normally did not have in-house research capacity such as the Regional departments. For the 1989 - 1997 period, files for research project proposals that were rejected by either Research Advisory Staff (RAD) or the Research Committee (RC) or were withdrawn by the staff member who submitted the original proposal were maintained by RAD.

Among the documents that can be found in rejected files for the 1985 - 1988 period are: the research project proposal submitted to the Research Administrator (RA), comments made on the proposal by RA or by internal or external referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, responses to referees' comments, the report of the REPAC subcommittee to all REPAC members on the proposal; and minutes of the REPAC meeting or correspondence indicating action taken on the project proposal. Appeals of rejections by REPAC are in some files along with REPAC's responses.

A number of files for the 1989 - 1997 period contain requests for information regarding the procedures for requesting funding for a research proposal or for advice as to whether a specific proposal fit within the guidelines of the RC for projects funded from the Research Support Budget. The more complete files for rejected projects for the 1989 -1997 period include: a formal project proposal; correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager; RAD's correspondence with referees; the referees' comments and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issues raised by the referees; intra-RAD memoranda regarding the project proposal; a report from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; handwritten notes from RAD staff; and the official memorandum from RAD stating that the project had not been approved. There are a few files for pending proposals for which no final action was taken or for which no formal proposal was submitted.

Files Maintained by Vinod Dubey, Director, Economic advisory Staff, while Also Serving as the First Liaison Officer to the Paris Club

Much of the correspondence at the beginning of the series concerns Bank efforts to play a greater role in the Paris Club's rescheduling of debts, including admission to informal meetings with credit participants.The appointment of Vinod Dubey as liaison officer was a response to the Paris Club's need, in return, for a central contact point in the Bank. The Paris Club refers to meetings held since 1956 that have arranged, when necessary, for the renegotiation of debt owed to official creditors or guaranteed to them. Neither the World Bank nor the IMF are members of the Paris Club, but the IMF has played an important role in developing debt restructure packages with commercial Banks. both the Paris Club and the commercial Banks require deBTOr countries to have agreed on a stabilization program with the IMF as part of the renegotiation process.

Copies of Senior Vice President, Operations Ernest Stern's letter of October 10, 1984 to Philippe Jurgensen, Chairman of the Paris Club, announcing Dubey's appointment as the Bank's liaison officer to the Paris Club regarding all matters affecting specific country negotiations and Stern's November 1, 1984 memo to Operational Vice Presidents on the same subject are in the files. Dubey was serving as Senior Advisor, Country Policy Department at the time of his appointment.

Following his appointment, Dubey continued to receive copies of correspondence forwarded to him concerning the need to increase the Bank's role at Paris Club meetings. Copies of correspondence between Stern and Jurgensen regarding a misunderstanding of the Bank's view of the Paris Club and the Bank's request to provide presentations to the Club on medium-term prospects of some indebted countries are in the files along with other correspondence between Dubey and Vice President, Operations Policy S. Shaid Husain regarding scheduling of these presentations. The files include copies of Dubey's correspondence with Bank regional officials concerning preparations for meetings, drafts of statements and speeches forwarded to Dubey for review before the meetings, background materials concerning countries seeking debt rescheduling, meeting invitations, Dubey's responses to the invitations which list the Bank's delegations to the meetings, back-to Office Reports prepared by Dubey and others representing the Bank at the meetings, and copies of press communiques regarding meetings.

A proof of a lengthy article entitled The Paris Club, 1978-1983 scheduled to appear in the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is inthe files. A 30 October 1984 note found in the files indicates that the author, Alexis Rieffel, formerly the representative of the U.S. Treasury Department to the Paris Club, was brought to Dubey's attention by Alexander Shakow, Director, International Relations Department (IRDD). A report of a 26 November 1984 meeting of the Coordinating Group of Creditor Countries for Yougoslavia prepared by Dubey and Joseph Ingram, Senior Loan Officer, Country Programs Department was placed in the files along with memos from Ingram regarding Yugoslavia sent to Dubey after the meeting.

Dubey was succeeded as liaison by basil Kavalsky, Assistant Director, Country Policy Department in January 1986 after Dubey was designated Director of that department. Only a small amount of correspondence after that date is in the files and there is no correspondence for 1987.

Also contained in this series are correspondence, memoranda, background papers, reports, handwritten notes, feedback on reports, meeting agendas and summaries, and other materials related to Vinod Dubey's participation in the World Bank's Debt Task Force. The Debt Task Force first met on July 6th, 1987 and was led by Jean Baneth. The Task Force was to re-examine the debt problems of middle-income countries. It was to provide an interim report, undertake country analyses and projections, and examine possible modalities of debt relief schemes and the role the World Bank would play in those schemes. Records date from July 8 to September 22 of 1987.

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