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Records of Individual Staff Members
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166 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Indonesian oil sector files

Series consists of records primarily created during Bernard R. Bell's tenure as Director, Resident Staff Indonesia from 1968 to 1972. The series contains a draft paper on the historical development of the oil sector in Indonesia, including notes on Indonesian oil companies. Correspondence and notes concerning Bank economic missions reviewing the oil sector are included, as well as notes of interviews with Indonesian government officials and oil company personnel. The series contains copies of articles on Indonesian oil, copies contracts dating from 1963, copies of Indonesian laws regulating the oil sector, and statistics on the financial status of P. N. Pertamina, the Indonesian National Oil and Natural Gas Mining State Enterprise.

Policy and research papers

Series consists of copies of various policy and research papers kept by Bernard R. Bell while he was Regional Vice President, East Asia and Pacific Region (EAPVP). Series includes a World Health Organization (WHO)-UNICEF study on health needs in developing countries in 1975, internal Bank memoranda and records relating to energy and the oil crisis from 1973 to 1974, two Bank papers on the economic evaluation of public utilities projects dating from 1974 to 1975, and Bank papers on topics of interest to Bell, ranging from rural roads to procedures for project documentation.

W. David Hopper files

The small correspondence series from 1986 includes files on many of the countries in the South Asia region. The files include correspondence with leaders in the countries and internal Bank memoranda on projects, planned or in operation. This is clearly a fragment of a larger chronological series that was maintained for Hopper by the office staff.

The bulk of the sub-fonds consists of the office correspondence file from Hopper's period as Senior Vice President for Policy Planning and Research; it is arranged chronologically. The series apparently was begun by L. Richard Meyers, who was Special Assistant to Hopper, as the early files are marked DM Chron. The topics in the records include poverty and family planning programs focusing on women, the Bank's new environmental initiative, appreciation and criticism of the Bank's environmental role, especially with regard to rain forests and indigenous peoples, agricultural development, including genetic research and application of developmental agriculture in Africa, and administrative details of the new Policy Planning and Research Department.

The series on the Senior Management Council and the series on the Personnel and Administration Committee both begin with a set of minutes, followed by agendas and reports and memos. The series on the SMC also includes a set of monthly financial reports. Records are missing for several months in both series. The topics in the records include personnel policies, the Disaster Recovery Plan, security, long-term facilities planning, and information resources management.

The file unit on the work of the Operations Managers Review Group contains six items on the selection of operations managers.

Benjamin B. King files

Benjamin King retained a copy of papers he wrote and correspondence he drafted, both for his signature and for the signature of other Bank officials. Although there are gaps in the records, the chronological series provides a good overview of the interests of King and the issues with which he dealt as a staff member of the Bank.

The first part of the chronological file, dating from 1952-1967, includes items relating to King's missions to the Gold Coast, Germany, and Norway and contains notes on the status of operations, planning and procedures, currency, lending resources, and external debt. King also wrote notes on the General Training Committee and a 1955 draft curriculum for the Economic Development Institute, which King joined in 1957. The second part of the chronological file includes papers on the economic work in the Bank; comments on economic reports; drafts of the Charter of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); materials relating to external debt in Iran, India and Pakistan; a study of the feasibility of using computers in the Bank; and a paper on allocation of funds to the International Development Association. The final part of the chronological file includes memoranda and letters to members of the Research Committee and to external research institutions commenting on research proposals and reports. After King was appointed as Director of the Development Economics Department in 1978, the file includes documents on personnel, recruitment, plan, project evaluations, comments on economic reports and clearances for publications. Of particular interest are a March 1979 memo on the Department and King's summaries of the Board meetings he attended The subject files are clearly a fragment of a larger file, because they include only files with subject headings A-E. Many of the same issues found in the chronological file material area found here, including investment criteria, creditworthiness, terms of aid, program lending, and the use of computers. Two files on the Bernard Bell study on India and an agriculture file on India are useful supplements to the official records on the Bell study and to the Bernard R. Bell files. The External Debt Review Committee was established at the end of 1967 to investigate the collection, processing and use of international debt statistics by the Bank. King chaired the Committee in 1967-1968, and his subject files contain memoranda regarding the Committee meetings, the operations of the External Debt Section, material relating to a questionnaire on statistics, and comments on the Committee report.

The country files contain Economic Committee documents, interspersed with some original material of King's regarding economic missions and economic reports.

John A. King files

The first series of records are King's files on Bank studies in which he participated. These include a review by the Projects Staff of completed sector and feasibility studies in order to improve the Bank's technical assistance to developing countries, a study of project management, and the studies undertaken as part of the 1972 Bank reorganization. The files include minutes of meetings, correspondence, memoranda, background data, and successive drafts of the final report. The files on the 1972 reorganization also include staff opinion surveys and reviews of the implementation of the reorganization plan.

The second series is a subject file that relates principally to King's work as the Assistant to the Vice President, Projects. The records include a number of files from Charles A. Morse, who was the procurement adviser to the Vice President. The majority of the records relate to procurement policy, but they also include correspondence with Executive Directors (clearly a fragment, as a list of items included in the file says Vol. IV), minutes and agendas from Program Coordinators' meetings, records on project preparation and project insurance, drafts of speeches and articles by both Morse and King, and memos and reports relating to the 1976-1977 Arab boycott of U.S. goods.

Jochen Kraske files

The records contain both correspondence and reference material maintained by Kraske relating to India. They include correspondence and draft papers from Kraske's period as chief of the Resident Mission in New Delhi; an historical reminiscence The New Delhi Office written by Kraske in 1993; copies of correspondence, memoranda, and draft papers on the history of the New Delhi office; copies of extracts from the debates in the Indian Parliament about the World Bank; clippings from the Asian Recorder on the Bank in India; two papers by Kraske on India, Some thoughts on the role of the New Delhi Office (1987) and The role of field-based staff in maintaining portfolio quality: The case of agriculture and the New Delhi Office (1992) and drafts of three speeches to African audiences; and publications by S.R. Sen, M. Narasimham, A.V. Desai, R. Mohan and others. Although quite small, this series is a rich source for the history of the World Bank in India.

Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski files

Sub-fonds consists of records created and received by Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski during his employment at the World Bank between 1971 and 1973. Records were filed according to subject title and record types, including: Latin American development; seminars; commodity trading and development; general economics; Bank operations and planning; speechwriting for the Office of the President; seminars; Country Program Papers (CPPs); and World Tables. Records related to the Bank's Research Committee are also included.

Subject files

Series contains subject records created and received by Kuczynski during his second period of employment at the World Bank (1971-1973). The records were accumulated during his time as both Chief Economist of the Central America and Caribbean Department (CACDR) and Chief of the Policy Planning Division (EPRPP). Many of the files were begun whilecontain records from Kuczynski's time at the served in CACDR and then were added to while he led EPRPP.

Records related to the economic development of Latin American countries and their relationship with the World Bank are included in this series. These records date from the period when Kuczynski was Chief Economist for the Central America and Caribbean Department (CACDR); in addition there are two reports from 1970, prior to when Kuczynski assumed the position. Topics discussed in these records include: taxation and trade in Latin America; Bank relations with and activity of the Inter-American Bank (IDB); the Common Market in Latin America; and staff recruitment in the CACDR. The majority of the records are correspondence which either involves Kuczynski or was forwarded to him for informational value. Other records include: back-to-office reports describing country visits and meetings and conferences attended by Bank staff; lending reports for Bank member countries; reports (including "The World Bank in the Americas" authored by Kuczynski in August 1971); comments on memoranda and/reports by Kuczynski and others; and summaries on Latin American operations for Bank President McNamara in preparation for his participation in the Latin American Caucus in 1970 and 1971.

Records related to the Seminar on the Collection, Processing and Reporting of External Debt Statistics in Latin America are also included. The seminar, held in March 1973, was organized by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Records include the seminar program guide as well as country presentations. Each country presentation was authored by country representatives and describe their country's debt administration and collection. Also included are report summaries and background information as well as correspondence discussing logistical details.

Records related to commodity production and trade are also included in Kuczynski's subject files. Commodities discussed include petroleum, coffee, tea, minerals, rubber, sugar, bauxite, rice, sulfur, cotton, and grains. Records also relate to: the Bank's role in the mineral sector; seminar planning on topics related to commodity production and trade; and the influence of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Records include: correspondence; memoranda; back-to-office reports; and Board papers (including commodity forecasts and studies). Also included are a number of reports including a series authored by John Foster of the Economic Analysis and Projects Department discussing oil revenue projects of OPEC member countries, collectively, and by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and Kuwait individually.

Kuczynski's subject files also include records related to topics in general economics. These include: income distribution; population growth and impact; joint and parallel financing of Bank projects; employment rates; and private lending to developing countries.

Records relating to Bank-related topics are filed alongside the general economics records. These include: impact of budget cuts on economic research; staffing; relations with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); research project planning; publication of Bank reports;Bank Board procedures; and country economic reporting. The majority of the records are correspondence and memoranda dating from 1972 and 1973. A single document, "Glossary of Population Terms", dates from 1967. Also included are comments on papers and summaries of Area Heads' meetings from 1972.

A file containing records related to Bank operations collected by Kuczynski while Chief Economist of CACDR is also included. Records contain correspondence and memoranda discussing: the Bank's operations program for 1972, 1973, and 1974; the Area Departments method of reporting; and the Bank-wide reorganization of 1972.

Records related to planning and future Bank lending are found in this series. Kuczynski collected these correspondence and reports (both final and draft) during 1971 and 1972. Reports discuss creditworthiness and Bank operations, capital flows, and the scale of future Bank operations. Of note is the memorandum entitled "The Scale of IBRD Financial Operations, FY74-78", which was presented to the Board by President McNamara in December 1971.

This series also contains records relating to the research and writing of the speech President McNamara delivered to the Board of Governors at the 1973 Annual Meetings in Nairobi, Kenya. Records include: memoranda discussing possible themes for the speech; a draft outline of the speech; multiple drafts, with contributions by Kuczynski, Mahbub ul Haq, Ernest Stern, and Hollis B. Chenery; comments on drafts, including an annotated draft by McNamara, dated June 19, 1973; memoranda by high-level staff discussing topics contained in the speech, including food production, agricultural sector, and the rural poor; a background paper presented by Chenery to President McNamara entitled "A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Poverty"; and various data collections in memoranda and table form.

Also contained in this series are records related to research seminars organized by Bank staff. These seminars were initiated by President McNamara in the spring of 1971 and then formalized into a series of seminars by Hollis B. Chenery in the fall of the same year. The seminars were intended for the Bank's senior staff. Both Bank staff and external participants presented on development-related topics. Records in this series are primarily from 1971 although they extend through 1973. Records include the full text or distributed notes on seminar presentations as well as invitations to sessions. A schedule of speakers for the fall 1971 series is included.

Also included in this seriesare Country Program Papers (CPPs) for most borrowing countries as well as correspondence related to the review of CPPs by the Program Review Division (EPRPR). (The EPRPR existed alongside the division led by Kuczynski, the Policy Planning Division (EPRPP), in the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department.) In addition to the CPPs, Country Program Notes and CPP "postscripts" are also included.

Finally, a copy of the World Tables produced in 1971 by the Bank's Economic Program Department's Socio-Economic Data Division is included.

Résultats 51 à 100 sur 2267