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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

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Back-to-Office Reports from Bank Liaison Officers to the Paris Club

These reports were prepared by Bank officials designated to serve as liaison officers to the Paris Club. The Paris Club refers to meetings held since 1956 that have arranged, when necessary, for the renegotiation of debt owed to official creditors or guaranteed to them. Neither the World Bank nor the IMF is a member of the Paris Club, but the IMF has played an important role in developing debt restructure packages with commercial Banks. Both the Paris Club and the commercial Banks require debt or countries to have agreed on a stabilization program with the IMF as part of the renegotiation process.

The reports for Paris Club meetings held from April 1990 to November 1991 were prepared by Per Ljung, Economic Adviser, Economic Advisory Staff (EAS) in the Office of the Senior Vice President, Operations (OPNSV). Reports were addressed to Moeen Quereshi, OPNSV. In a 6 February 1991 memo addressed to all Country Directors and Country Operations Department Chiefs, Ljung announced a change in distribution of theParis Club Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs). Previously, a BTO was distributed to a Country Director only when a country coming under that Director's purview had its debt rescheduled or was among the countries discussed during Tour d'Horizon sessions at the Paris Club Meeting. Future reports were to be distributed to all Country Departments, and separate copies were to be sent to the Director and to the Country Operations Chief. The report covering the 19 November - 22 November 1991 Paris Club meeting was prepared by Ljung and Ljung's successor, Michael Lav, Economic Adviser, EAS [Economic Advisory Staff, later Development Policy Group -DPG] under the Office of the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP).

Lav's (or his alternates') BTOs cover meetings attended from December 1991 to December 1993 and were addressed to DECVP. Most of the reports of Lav's successor, Ronald P. Brigish, who served as Operations Adviser, International Economics Department (IEC) were addressed to the Director, IEC. Brigish's reports cover Paris Club meetings attended from January 1994 to December 1995. The BTOs for the January-April 1996 meetings were prepared by Fred Kilby, Economic Adviser, and International Finance Division (IECIF) and were addressed to the Director; IECIF.

The BTOs identify the countries and subjects discussed at each meeting and decisions reached with regard to rescheduling countries' debts. Summaries (by country) of discussions at Tour d'Horizon sessions, copies of the Agreed Minute, copies of statements made at the meetings by representatives of countries requesting debt rescheduling and by various organizations represented at the meetings including the IMF, World Bank, and UNCTAD [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development], and copies of Club correspondence are parts of many of the reports. Some reports are marked Confidential. The Paris Club met monthly except during the month of August or when cancelled.

Business Plans for Fiscal Years 1991-1995 Maintained in the Policy and Review Department

These Business plans for all of the organizations comprising the Policy Research and External Affairs Complex (PRE) and the predecessor Policy, Planning and Research Complex (PPR) were maintained by Gregory Ingram, Principal Adviser, Review and Analysis Division (PRDRA), Policy and Review Department (PRD) and Ziaddin Choudhury and Zmarak Shalizi in the Program Management Unit (PRDPM) in PRD. The Business plan was a major component of Bank budget cycles and provided information from PRE that would become part of priorities and framework papers presented to the Board. The Business plan also served as the basis for PRE's next fiscal year work program and budget, described each PRE organization's plans for the following two or more fiscal years, described each organization's underlying strategy and work program, and indicated plans for special emphases and topics that cut across department and other organizational boundaries. Included in the files are draft and final Business plans, submissions from each PRE (or PPR) organization, including DEC, and background correspondence and data relating to the preparation of the plans.

Studies Generated by the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP), Strategic Planning and Review Department

Filed in this series are copies of studies generated by consultants and staff in the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department. Filed with some of the studies are memoranda between the author and SPRSP staff or between SPRSP staff and the SPR Director. Although some of the papers were issued as PRE Working Papers and/or SPR Discussion Papers, most were not published. Of special note is the paper, Strategic Planning in the World Bank, 1987-1990, by SPR staff member Norman Hicks, which provides a history of strategic planning in the Bank and the role of SPRSP in that process and analyzes the successes and failures of SPRSP. The annex to the paper contains a list of the major products of the Strategic Planning Division, most of which are filed in this series.

Correspondence Files of D.C. Rao, Director, International Economics Department

These files contain primarily copies of Director Rao's outgoing correspondence for the period March 1990 to April 1993. The files for the period May to November 1993 contain both Rao's incoming and outgoing correspondence. Enclosures to outgoing correspondence are generally not included. This series includes copies of Rao's correspondence while he was Acting Vice President, DEC, and the correspondence of Masood Ahmed and others who served as Acting Directors of IEC in Rao's absence. Rao did not become Director of IEC until May 1, 1990, but his March - April 1990 correspondence in this series relates entirely to IEC Business.

Memoranda and Reports Maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) Concerning Procedures and Schedules for Country Strategy Papers (CPSs)

The records in this series were maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) and its predecessor, the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS), and consist of the following seven small groupings of memoranda and reports concerning schedules and procedures for the drafting and review of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs):

    1. EAS status reports and memoranda concerning schedules for producing CPSs and slippages in those schedules, November 25, 1987 - February, 19, 1991.
    1. EAS correspondence with Regional staff regarding schedules for CSP Initiating Memoranda, May 24, 1989 - March 16, 1990.
    1. EAS and DPG memoranda regarding revisions of CSP guidelines for inclusion in the Operational Manual (OM) and copies of the relevant sections from the OM, January 5, 1987 - February 4, 1993.
    1. EAS copies of CSP reviews prepared in FY 88 and FY 90 and comments on those reviews, October 10, 1988 - April 27, 1990.
    1. EAS correspondence regarding guidelines for country strategy reviews for IDA countries, March 13, 1990 - June 4. 1993.
    1. EAS memoranda concerning plans for scheduling CSP in FY 1992, February 19 -July 5, 1991.
    1. EAS and DPG correspondence concerning CSP schedules and procedures regarding the content and the review process for CSPs, April 20, 1988 - April 6, 1994.
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