Fondo - Records of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector

Agriculture [AGR] - Agricultural Policy Division [AP] - China - Agriculture - General - 1992 Corr... Advisory Committee [for Study of International Fisheries Research] - Correspondence Study of international fisheries research - Budget (summary of expenses) - Summary of expenses Comments - Aquaculture Meeting - Correspondence FIPIS - Fishery Project Information System - Correspondence Correspondence and proposal Study of International Fisheries Research: Committee Meeting, October 1989 - Correspondence World Bank Executive Directors Seminar on Agricultural Research - Correspondence Subject Files of the Forestry Program: Tropical Forestry Action Plan - Reports - Drafts - Corresp... Subject Files of the Forestry Program: Forestry Projects - Vietnam - Correspondence Subject Files of the Forestry Program: Forestry Projects - Sri Lanka - Correspondence Agricultural Technology and Services Division [AGRTN] - China - Agriculture - General - 1992 Corr... Agriculture [AGR] - Agricultural Policy Division [AP] - India - Agriculture Sector - General - 19... Agriculture [AGR] - DR - Dissemination - Conference and Workshop - General - 1992 - Chronological... Agriculture [AGR] - Agricultural Policy Division [AP] - Conference and Workshop - General - 1992 ... Kenya - Agriculture - DR - General - 1992 Correspondence - Volume 1 Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment - General - Volume 7 - West Africa - January 1993 Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment - General - Volume 6 - West Africa - January 1991 - De... Agricultural Development - Structural Transformation, Report Prepared by Wilfred David and Pasqua... Agriculture - Patterns of Protection, by P.L. Scandizzo - Draft paper Brandt Commission - Recommendation on Agriculture and Food - Papers and correspondence Carbohydrate Research Project - Papers and correspondence Agriculture and Rural Development - Central Projects Staff (CPS) Catalog - Catalogue and correspo... Agriculture and Rural Development - Conferences - US Department of Agriculture - Correspondence Agriculture and Rural Development - Conferences - The White House - Correspondence Environmental Guidelines for Forestry Projects - May 1990 - Non Traditional Business (Forestry) -... The India Papers - Aspects of Non-Governmental Organization [NGO] Participation in Social Forestr... The Case for Multiple-Use Management of Tropical Hardwood Forests - A Study prepared by the Harva...

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Records of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector


  • 1970 - 1998 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción


Volumen y soporte

63.58 linear feet of textual records

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor

Historia biográfica

The origins of agricultural and rural development sector work in the Bank began with the establishment of the Agriculture Division (TODAG) in the Technical Operations Department (TOD) in 1953. TODAG was created alongside the Transportation Division (TODTP), Industry Division (TODIN), and Public Utilities Division (TODPU). TOD responsibilities included:

  • investigating and appraising the development efforts of member countries and advising area departments of developmental priorities;

  • appraising proposed projects and advising area department on their organizational, managerial economic, financial and engineering feasibility;

  • assisting in the negotiation of projects;

  • supervising approved projects;

  • assisting borrowers in their procurement efforts;

  • monitoring developments in the various sectors of member countries' economies and preparing studies as required; and

  • selecting consultants for the examination of projects.

In 1965, the TOD was terminated and its divisions were transferred to the newly established Projects Department (PRJ) with division functions unchanged. TODAG became the Projects Department Agriculture Division (PRJAG).

In November 1968, PRJAG was upgraded to the Agriculture Projects Department (AGP). The AGP was created in a 1968 reorganization of all projects staff, which provided for the upgrading of the former projects divisions into projects departments. This was done to recognize their increased responsibilities and workload, and to strengthen the working relationship with the area departments responsible for project operations by according them equal status. AGP reported to the Office of the Director for the Projects Department (DRP). In November 1968, Lionel J. C. Evans assumed the role of AGP Director. The AGP responsibilities included:

  • providing advice on agriculture sector problems to the area departments;

  • preparing pre-investment studies to identify developmental priorities in the agriculture sector of member countries;

  • appraising proposed projects, or assisting in the preparation of projects for countries unable to do so;

  • providing operational support in the negotiation and administration of loans and credits, in procurement matters, in selecting consultants and in writing terms of reference;

  • supervising projects as regards their construction and operation; monitoring developments in the sectors of member countries' economies; and

  • cooperating with other international agencies on programs of common interest.

On the date of its establishment, the AGP consisted of the following divisions: the Irrigation Division I (AGPD1); the Irrigation Division II (AGPD2); the Agricultural Credit Division I (AGPC1); the General Agriculture Division (AGPG1); the Agricultural Industry Division (AGPND); the Livestock Division (AGPLK); the Economics Division (AGPED); and Technical Assistance Division (AGPTA). In late 1970, the AGPED and the AGPTA were merged into the Economics and Pre-Investment Division (AGPEC). In March 1971, the General Agriculture Division I(AGPG1) was split, and half of its staff transferred into the new General Agriculture Division II (AGPG2).

As part of the World Bank reorganization in October 1972, most of the AGP's staff was transferred to regional projects departments in the newly established Regional Vice Presidencies in order to more effectively fuse country knowledge and technical skills. This left AGP with a core staff performing essentially advisory services for the Regions at their request, in addition to ongoing operational policy development and research and quality control with regard to agriculture project and sector work. As a sector department, it was also responsible for the formulation of development policy and defining possible strategies for long-term growth in the agricultural sector. The AGP that emerged from the 1972 reorganization did not have any formal divisional structure, and reported to the Central Projects Vice Presidency (CPS). In 1973, Montague Yudelman replaced Lionel J. C. Evans, and assumed the role of AGPDirector.

On September 1, 1973, a Rural Development Division (AGPRD) was established in the renamed Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGP). The new division was given the task of formulating and implementing new project concepts aimed at assisting the rural poor in developing countries. This new division was a response to a speech given by Bank President Robert McNamara in Nairobi, Kenya of the same year, which addressed the issues of the rural poor. Related to the new focus on rural poor,the Secretariat of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (AGPCG) was also transferred in November 1973 from the International Relations Department (IRD) to the Agriculture Department, but removed shortly after in 1974 when it was upgraded to an independent department.

In early 1975, a new Economics and Resources Unit (AGPER) was established in the AGP. On November 1, 1975, the AGP absorbed the nutrition functions from the Population and Nutrition Department (PNP), and placed them in a new Nutrition Division (AGPNU). It also established a new Rural Operations Review and Support Unit (AGPOR) to monitor its rural development program and assist the Regions on rural development project missions through the provision of staff, consultants, and briefs.

On July 1, 1977, new acronyms were assigned to the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR), and its subordinate divisions of the Rural Development Division (AGRRD), the Nutrition Division (AGRNU), the Rural Operations Review and Support Division (AGROR), and Economics and Policy Division (AGREP). On April 1, 1979, the support unit for the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) was transferred from the Front Office of the Vice President of Central Projects (CPSIF) to AGR, and retained its name with the new acronym AGRIF.

In October 1979, the Nutrition Division of the Agriculture Department (AGRNU) was closed and its staff transferred to the newly created Population, Health and Nutrition Department (PHN0001). On July 1, 1980, the Operational Review and Support Unit (AGROR) in the Agriculture Department was replaced by the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (AGRME).

As part of the reorganization of the Central Projects Staff (CPS) into the Operations Policy Staff (OPS) in February 1982, the AGR regionalized its Rural Development Division (AGRRD), and established a new Agriculture Research Unit (AGRES). In mid-1984, the advisory staff of AGR was structured into three new units: the Finance Agro-Industries and Fisheries Unit (AGRFA); the Production and Technology Unit (AGRPT); and the Water and Resources Unit (AGRWR).

In September 1984, Donald C. Pickering replaced Montague Yudelman as AGR Director. Pickering was soon after replaced by G. Edward Schuh as AGR Director in December 1984.

In spring 1986, the Water and Resources Unit (AGRWR) and the Production and Technology Unit (AGRPT) were merged into the Production, Technology and Resources Division (AGRPR). A unit for the Special Program for African Agricultural Research, or SPAAR, was also established in AGR under the new acronym AGRSP.

As part of the 1987 Bank reorganization, the majority of AGR sector staff were transferred to a restructured Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) in the newly established Policy and Research Vice Presidency (PRE). Other AGR staff were transferred to operational units within the Bank's project-focused Regional Vice Presidencies where they were placed in the Agriculture Division of each Region's Technical Department (formerly Projects Department) or in Agriculture Operations Divisions within the new Country Departments. Staff remaining in AGR were responsible for:

  • formulating policies and strategies for the agricultural sector and developing new initiatives and Bank products;

  • conducting the supporting research, including the improvement of research capabilities in developing countries, and management of external research funded by the Research Support Budget;

  • improving methodology and identifying best practices;

  • performing ex-post evaluation of the Bank's agriculture sector work;

  • providing operational support;

  • liaising with Non-Bank organizations and professionals active in this sector; and

  • assisting in recruitment and training of staff.

The reorganized AGR consisted of two divisions: the Agriculture Development Division (AGRDE) and the Agriculture Production and Services Division (AGRPS). Further, the Special Program for African Agricultural Research (AGRSP) was subordinated to the front office of AGR. In 1988, AGRDE was replaced by the Agricultural Policies Division (AGRAP). In May 1987, Viljay S. Vyas replaced G. Edward Schuh as AGR Director, and served as Acting AGR Director until 1988. Vyas was replaced by Michel J. Petit in 1988.

On January 1, 1990, AGR started reporting to the Vice President of Sector Policy and Research (PRS). This reporting structure was maintained after PRS was renamed Vice President of Sector and Operations Policy (OSP) on December 1, 1991. The Agriculture Production and Services Division (AGRPS) was also replaced in December 1991 by the Agriculture Technology and Natural Resources Division (AGRTN).

As part of the Bank-wide 1993 reorganization, the Agriculture and Rural Development Department was renamed Agriculture Technology and Natural Resources Department (AGR), and transferred to the newly-established Vice Presidency for Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD). Further, the natural resources function was taken out of the Agriculture Technology and Natural Resources Division (AGRTN), which was renamed Agriculture Technology and Services Division (AGRTN), and established as an independent Natural Resources Division (AGRNR).

In 1994, Alexander F. McCalla assumed the role of AGR Director. In May 1995, AGR was restructured and the divisions were replaced by the Agriculture and Forestry Systems Division (AGRAF), and the Sector Policy and Water Resources Division (AGRPW).

As part of the 1997 World Bank reorganization, the AGR was terminated and its functions transferred to the Rural Development Department (RDV) located in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network (ESSD). RDV was created alongside the Environment Department (ENV) and Social Development Department (SDV). At its establishment, the RDV consisted of a Global Water Unit, and the Agricultural Research and Extension Group (ESDAR). In May 1999, RDV added the following thematic groups: agricultural production systems intensification; natural resource management; rural institutions and markets; and strategy and policy.

In late 2000, Robert L. Thompson replaced Alexander McCalla as RDV Director. In 2001, the thematic areas were replaced by new groups and themes, including: the Commodities Group (RDVCG); rural portfolio; policy and strategy; science and technology; water resource management; land management; forestry management; and commodities risk management.

In 2002, RDV was renamed the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (ARD). Kevin Cleaver assumed the role of ARD Director the same year. In 2003, ARD added thematic areas in agriculture trade, water for agriculture, and fisheries. Sometime around 2008, ARD thematic areas were restructured to include the following groups: agribusiness; agricultural technology; commodities risk management; fisheries; forestry; land tenure; land use management; livestock; policy and strategy; portfolio management; rural finance; and water and food.

Institución archivística

Historia archivística

Origen del ingreso o transferencia

Transferred from the Sector.

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

The content of this fonds reflects a very small portion of the work of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector. Subject files of the director of the Economics and Policy Division, of the forestry and fisheries specialists, and of the irrigation engineering adviser are included. Of these, the records relating to forestry are the most complete and have good potential for research use, as do the records of water policy found in both the records of the irrigation and drainage seminars and in the fisheries records. Records relating to UNDP projects executed by AGR are also included.

Valorización, destrucción y programación

During the years 1972-1986 the official files of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector were kept by the Non-Regional Information Center. Most of these records are located in the Central Files fonds, although some can be found in this fonds. In addition, however, many offices kept separate working files and the working files of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector make up the records in this fonds, along with records created after 1986. The records of the Sector were appraised and scheduled in 1991. Subsequent moves by the Sector resulted in the destruction of many records, both scheduled and unscheduled, with the result that only the records of one division director and two specialists have been transferred to the archives. In addition, although the surviving records show that the sector staff was using computers by 1975 and by 1982 had a "data bank" on agriculture, none of the databases are in the archives.


Accruals are expected.

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Área de condiciones de acceso y uso

Condiciones de acceso

Records are subject to the World Bank Policy on Access to Information


Records are subject to the Copyright Policy of the World Bank Group.

Idioma del material

  • inglés
  • francés
  • español

Escritura del material

Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras

Características físicas y requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descripción

Área de materiales relacionados

Existencia y localización de originales

Existencia y localización de copias

Unidades de descripción relacionadas

  • See Records of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research -- Central Files (WB IBRD/IDA CGIAR-4177S).

  • See Central Files - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research planning files (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-06) for records forwarded to the Bank's centralized filing system by Bank departments that document the origins and first year of operation of CGIAR.

  • See Central Files - Operational sectors (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-07) for records of the agriculture sector that were maintained in the Bank's centralized filing system, 1946 to mid-1987 that relate to lending policy, research, and other activities of the sector.

  • See Records of the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency (WB IBRD/IDA WB_IBRD/IDA_90).

  • See Records of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network (WB IBRD/IDA WB_IBRD/IDA_92).

  • See Records of the Sector Policy and Research Vice Presidency (PREVP) and the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP) (WB IBRD/IDA WB_IBRD/IDA_93).

  • See the following oral histories: Warren C. Baum; Hollis B. Chenery; Montague Yudelman; and Willi Wappenhans.

  • See Records of the Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries (WB IBRD/IDA CGFP).

  • See various Regional Vice Presidency fonds for records related to agricultural and rural development Technical Assistance units located in Regional Technical Departments. Records relate to region- and country- specific sector studies and planning, operational support, staff training, and the provision of advice and materials to Bank staff, clients, and donors.

Descripciones relacionadas

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Puntos de acceso por autoridad

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Internal World Bank Group Archives rules based on ISAD(G).

Disclosure status

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Fechas de creación revisión eliminación

22 January 2003




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