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Records of Individual Staff Members

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Records of Individual Staff Members

  • collection
  • 1946 - 1992

A number of individuals accumulated bodies of records from various offices in which they served. When these individuals retired or resigned from the Bank, these records were transferred to the Archives. Because the records cover the individual's career in more than one office, the records cannot be assigned to a fonds for a single office. Consequently, this fonds is established to describe these records.

Some records in this fonds are duplicates of others found in the Central Files or in fonds for particular offices. Others, however, appear to be absolutely unique. For example, Bernard Bell served as the special representative of the Bank in Indonesia from 1968 to 1972, and when he returned to headquarters, he brought with him some of the records of the Indonesia office. In addition, he made a study for the Bank on contract before he was hired as a regular staff member, and materials relating to the study are also found in the records. In another instance, Leonard Rist was interested in the historyof the Bretton Woods agreement, and collected duplicate copies of documents relating to it. When Rist retired, the Archives received both his correspondence files from different offices in which he served and the collection of Bretton Woods items.

Researchers interested in the offices in which these individuals served should review the sub-fonds descriptions on the records.

Sans titre

Richard E. Barry files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1972 - 1989

The first set of records relates to the fifth session of the UN Advisory Committee for Coordination of Information systems, held in Geneva, Switzerland, September 18-21, 1989. The second set of records consists primarily of memoranda, papers and minutes of the Personnel and Administration Committee and the Managing Committee. Topics include systems development in the Finance complex, the budgets for fiscal years 1986 and 1987, the establishment of a facility in the Washington suburbs, cost effectiveness indicators, the Howard Baker proposal for the Bank, data security, a disaster recovery plan, institutional information technology standards and information resources management strategy. The third set of records is related to the 1972 reorganization of the Bank, conducted by McKinsey & Company, during which Barry was a member of the Bank study team. The record include copies of the discussion drafts of the recommended organization structure and the recommended program of changes, a set of interviews conducted by Barry and a McKinsey staff member on external perceptions of the Bank, and a file on planning and control functions. The final set of records relates to the 1987 reorganization. The records include the final report of the Information Technology and Facilities (ITF) support units task force, information for the President's task force from the ITF Office Systems Division, and a report on strategic options for meeting management information needs, with a report of the Information Systems Planning Study Team attached.

Bernard R. Bell files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1950, 1963 - 1976

Subfonds consists of records created by Bernard R. Bell primarily when he was the economic advisor to the representative resident in India during which time he examined Indian economic policy and the proposed Fourth Five-Year Plan during 1966 to 1967. Subfonds also contains subject files and correspondence kept while he served as director of resident staff, Indonesia and regional vice president, East Asia and Pacific Region.

India Fourth Five-Year Plan and economic policy files

Series consists of records maintained by Bernard R. Bell primarily relating to his work studying India's Fourth Five-Year plan while he was economic advisor to Andre de Lattre, President Woods' appointed representative to India. The study began with an appraisal mission headed by Bell which visited India in October-November 1966. The purposes of the mission were to examine the changes made in Indian economic policy in 1966 and how they were being implemented, and to survey the proposed Fourth Five-Year Plan and the aid requirements associated with it. The series contains: Bell's outgoing memoranda and cables with Woods and de Lattre and members of the 1966 appraisal mission to India; correspondence on the previous Bell Mission Report (1964-1966) on India's economy; correspondence with the government of India and documents from the U.S. government on India; a file on Woods' meeting with Ashok Mehta, the Indian Minister of Planning; and copies of official meeting documents of the India Consortium, a group of donor countries concerned with providing aid to India and India's development efforts. The consortium meeting records are filed with copies of memoranda primarily from Alexander Stevenson, Associate Director of Asia Department, and copied to Bell and others, covering the years 1966 to 1968.

Series also contains: subject files relating to the Fourth Plan, containing correspondence and background reference materials on agricultural policy, foreign debt, family planning, power, and other topics; a copy of Bell's fourteen volume Bell Mission report in 1965 published as "The Report to the President of the IBRD and IDA on India's Economic Development Effort"; and a copy of his 1967 Bank report titled, "Indian Economic Policy and the Fourth Five-Year Plan".

Also included in the series is a small volume of correspondence and other records, dating from 1964 to 1965, relating to the India coal transport study financed by the Bank, a report written by Bell's consulting firm in 1963 on statistics of Korea, and economic reports authored by the Bank, the Indian government or external research groups on India, its growth, and economic prospects, dating from 1973 to 1975.

Résultats 1 à 50 sur 2278