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Records of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector
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Subject files of the Office of the Director of the Economics and Policy Division

This series consists of the alphabetical subject files, A C, of the Economics and Policy Division. The records include memoranda, letters, reports, policy papers, numbered research proposals, and speeches, but primarily consist of drafts (some annotated) of papers and book chapters. A range of agricultural development issues are covered, such as credit and rural finance, price policies, technological innovation, and trade. The records include discussions of the Division's methods and techniques of analysis, the quality of its work and ways to improve it, and the relationship of the Division's work to the country-based work carried out in the Bank's regional offices. A few files deal with computers and their use by the Division for economic modeling and organizing economic reference data, and a few others are on conferences that members of the Division attended.

Eleven files are coded with a Research Project Output (RPO) code number, which was assigned to projects throughout the Bank by the Development Economics department. However, another four such RPO coded files, listed on the original transfer to the archives, are not among these records and probably were returned to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector after the initial transfer of the records to the archives in 1989. One research project, RPO 671 42, on agricultural prices and subsidies, is a broad study of many countries and their pricing policies, while others are on the pricing policy of a single country (Turkey in RPO 672 78, for example) or a single topic (agriculture technology and innovation in RPO 671 44).

The correspondence is mostly that of Graham Donaldson, who was chief of the division between 1977 and 1984, but a few correspondence files postdate his tenure. Also included is a set of files on agriculture and credit that seem to be those of J. D. Von Pischke, and a file labeled Agricultural development. Reports is for the most part the speeches of Montague Yudelman.

The principal value of these records for research is the view that the records provide of the process of research and policy paper development within the Division. Some material on particular countries is found in the records, including India, the Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Senegal, Mexico, and Indonesia, much of which has probably subsequently been published. A report on the World Food Program contractual study of agricultural development in Korea is in the file Agricultural development. Reports.

Conference and seminar files of irrigation engineering advisor

The series has two parts: records of the annual water seminars 1985 - 1994 and records of the water study tours 1976, 1987, 1991, and 1993. The records are the files of Herve L. Plusquellec, the irrigation engineering adviser in the Agriculture and Rural Development Department who was the organizer of the conferences.

In January 1985 the Agriculture and Rural Development Department started an annual seminar on irrigation and drainage. At that time irrigation was the largest component in the Bank's investment portfolio, and the Department believed it was the Bank's most stable and successful program in agriculture. The seminar was for Bank staff, and both Bank staff and external experts spoke. Only the Department director's speech to the seminar and the background papers exist from the first seminar. Thereafter the files include agendas, participant lists, a few administrative items and handwritten notes, speeches, and background materials. The papers and background readings include both broad topics (for example, A second look at irrigation development in the seventh annual seminar or Tradable water rights and water markets: Issues in the ninth) and case studies on a variety of countries and projects. In 1993 the annual seminar was retitled Water Resources Management Seminar, reflecting the breadth of issues the seminar had come to consider during its nine previous sessions. The last file is on the seminar of December 1994. The file for the sixth annual seminar is missing.

In 1976 the Bank sent a study tour mission of Bank staff to the southwestern and western United States to look at irrigation and agriculture projects and practices. In 1987 the Bank organized an irrigation study tour to Mexico and Arizona. This was followed by irrigation study tours to China in 1991 and to Mexico and Spain in 1993. The records include agendas, administrative correspondence, notes, lists of participants, and final reports of the missions.

Anyone researching water issues, whether irrigation, drainage, water supply, sanitation or water engineering, will find in these records the best contemporary information, both within the Bank and in the larger development community. In addition, researchers interested in the development of the Banks water policy will find these files an important source of information.

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