Shelton H. Davis - Bolivia - Indigenous Peoples - Popular Participation - Reports
- 30381098
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- 1994-01-01 - 2000-03-01
237 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
Shelton H. Davis - Bolivia - Indigenous Peoples - Popular Participation - Reports
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Natural Resource Management [NRM] - Correspondence - Volume 1
Shelton H. Davis - World Development Report [WDR] 1993 - Health - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Opening Session on Indigenous Peoples - Production and Trade
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Costa Rica - Plenary Session - Arenal Case Study - CIDA / WWF
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Intellectual Property Conference - Opening Remarks
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Mozambique - Global Environment Facility [GEF]
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Philippines - Global Environment Facility [GEF] Mission
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Paraguay Trip - Notebook 1
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Ecuador - Petroleum Pipeline - Notebook 1
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - Power Sector Loan - Notebook 2
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Brazil / Paraguay Trip
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - NRM
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Mexico - INA - Mexico City
Shelton H. Davis - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs [IWGIA] - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - International Union for Nature Conservation - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Gilday, Cindy - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Peru - LIL Mission
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Rio de Janeiro - Public Involvement in Industrial Pollution Control
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Mexico - Forestry
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - FEEMA Workshop - Notebook 1
Official Graphics - FY01, FY02
Ottawa Presentation - Shelton H. Davis - March 28-30, 2001
Meaningful Consultation - Portuguese - Reviewed Version
Shelton H. Davis - Youth, Culture and Identity - 14 Files
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 3
Sub-fonds consists of chronological correspondence files for Geffrey Lamb for the following positions and years: Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD) from 1980 to 1982; Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS) from 1983 to 1987; Adviser for the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) from 1988 to 1991; and Unit Chief for the Public Sector Management Unit (EMTPM) within the ECA/MENA Technical Department of the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA) for 1992. The sub-fonds also includes: DRD country strategy papers, study papers, and policy papers maintained and created by Lamb from 1980 to 1981; policy papers focused on institutional reform maintained by Lamb during his time in PPDPS from 1982 to 1987; records related to policy papers prepared by Lamb prior to his employment at the Bank; records related to papers prepared for and involvement in conferences and seminars from 1987 to 1991; and records related to Lamb's involvement with PRDPD work program planning and working group participation from 1990 to 1991.
PRDPD work program and working group records
This series includes records related to work programs and working groups Geoffrey Lamb participated in or helped develop as the Adviser for the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) of the Policy and Review Department (PRD). This includes records related to development and implementation of a work program related to economic policy reform in post-apartheid South Africa from 1990 to 1991. The development and implementation of the work program was done in close collaboration with PRDPD, the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) of the Country Economics Department (CEC) within the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC), and the Country Operations Division (AF6CO) of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFR). The records include correspondence and memoranda between Lamb, the Africa Region Vice President (AFRVP) Edward Jaycox, AFC60 staff, and CECPS staff. The records also include: back-to-office reports (BTOs) regarding economic missions in South Africa; extensive academic papers, reports, and newspaper articles produced outside the Bank related to South Africa and its economy; CECPS produced economic policy papers and reports; and meeting minutes and summaries regarding meetings with members of the African National Congress (ANC), and meetings between World Bank President Barber Conable and South African Government Ministers.
The series also includes records related to the Working Group on Military Expenditure in which Lamb participated in 1991. The Working Group was a response to the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) paper Military Expenditure and the Role of the Fund. The Working Group was given the responsibility to assess areas of Bank operations that address issues related to military expenditure, and create a report for the Bank President in preparation for the Joint Annual Meeting of the IMF and World Bank. The working group records include: correspondence and memoranda between the working group members; lists of working group board members; summaries of Fund Board meetings regarding the IMF Military Expenditure paper; summary reports on Bank work related to military expenditure; back-to-office reports (BTOs); meeting minutes of the Executive Director's Board regarding military expenditure; additional background papers and reports related to military expenditure; and letters prepared by Bank President Barber Conable, Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, and IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus regarding military expenditure.
Distributive Politics in Tanzania from the workshop
Geoffrey Lamb Chronological Files (2 volumes)
Geoffrey Lamb Chronological Files (1 volume)
Conference and seminar programming records
This series includes records related to Lamb's involvement with the International Development Exchange Program Seminar on Economic Policy Change and Governmental Process held November 9 -12, 1987 in Seoul, Korea. The seminar was organized jointly by the Korea Development Institute and the World Bank's Economic Development Institute (EDI). Lamb participated in the seminar, and helped prepare and edit the subsequent seminar publication Managing Policy Reform in the Real World: Asian Experiences (1991), whichwas prepared jointly by EDI and Country Economics' Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development (CECPS). Records related to this seminar include: a draft copy and numerous published copies of the seminar publication; photographs and handwritten notes of the seminar; discussion notes and speech transcripts from country case studies presented at the seminar; and reference material.
Geoffrey Lamb Chronological Files (1 volume)
Gautam Kaji - Chronological File
Gautam Kaji / Koch - Weser - Chronological File - 2v
Gautam Kaji - Chronological File
Gautam Kaji - Chronological File - 5v
The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as the Director in the Country Programs Department 1 of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR). The records primarily include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Karaosmanoglu and EM1 staff regarding the numerous activities of EM1. Correspondence and memoranda between Karaosmanoglu, the Office of the President (EXC), and members of the Executive Board of Directors are also included.
Chronological Record - Attila Karaosmanoglu - January 1985 through December 1985
Chronological Record - Attila Karaosmanoglu - June 1984 through November 1984
Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD) chronological correspondence files
The series includes chronological correspondence files from the period Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Director for Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD). The correspondence is primarily between Karaosmanoglu, the Office of the President (EXC), and members of the Board of Executive Directors. The correspondence focuses on numerous topics, including: planning of the annual World Development Report (WDR) publication; world economic and social indicators forecasting; and budgeting and planning for research initiatives.
Simple Lending Rate Formula - 1v
IDA Basic Data and Documents - 1v
Future Role of the Bank - Capital Increase - Discussions / Working Papers - 1v
Selective Capital Increase - Back-up Material - 1v
FPBVP and FPRVP chronological correspondence files
This series consists of chronological correspondence from when Joseph Wood served as the Vice President for the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP), and later as Vice President for the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP), the successor to FRBVP. The series primarily consists of correspondence and memoranda between Joseph Wood, the Office of the President (EXC), Senior Vice President of Finance Moeen Qureshi, Senior Vice President of Finance Ernest Stern (succeeded Moeen Qureshi in 1987), Executive Directors Board members, and other World Bank staff. Wood's handwritten notes and annotations are also included. The chronological correspondence focus on numerous topics, including: IBRD lending; the "Future Role of the Bank"; fiscal years budgets for 1986 to 1988; IDA commitments and agreements; and General Capital Increase (GCI).