Rural Development - Operations Policy File
- 01056051
- Folder
- 1972-01-04 - 1974-12-02
Rural Development - Operations Policy File
Appraisal and Preparation of Projects - Operations Policy File - Volume 1
Alphabet - El - 1972 / 1974 - Alphabetical File
Ecology - Operations Policy File - Reports and Documents
Public Utilities - Water and Sewerage - Operations Policy File - Volume 2
Appraisal and Preparation of Projects - Operations Policy File - Volume 02
Agricultural and Rural Development Advisory Panel - Operations Policy File
Agriculture Reports - Operations Policy File - Volume 02
Indebtedness - Operations Policy File
Public utilities - Water and Sewerage - Operations Policy File - Documents and Reports
Agriculture Reports - Operations Policy File - Volume 01
Appraisal and Preparation of Projects - Documents - Operations Policy File - Volume 2
Appraisal and Preparation of Projects - Documents - Operations Policy File - Volume 2
Agriculture - Operations Policy File - Volume 06
Bank Administration and Policy - Water Supply and Sewerage 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy - Environment 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Tunisia - IBRD Membership - Membership Obligations - Depository General - Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy - Indebtedness Documents and Reports - 1975 / 1977 - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy - Water Supply and Sewerage 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 2
Bank Administration and Policy - Environment - Documents 1975 / 1977 - Volume 1
Operational Sectors - S - Environment and Health - Volume 1
Operational Policy - P - Environment
Operational Sectors - S - Environment and Health - Volume 2
Operational Policy - P - Operations Evaluation
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 2
Operational Sectors - S - Environment and Health - Volume 3
Operational Policy - P - Operations Evaluation - Annual Report 1978 / 1980
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 3
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 4
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 5
Operational Sectors - S - Environment and Health - Volume 4
Operational Policy - P - Projects Monitoring and Evaluation
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 6
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture - General 1981 - 1983 - Volume 1
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 7