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Records of the Office of the President
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President's committee files

Shortly after assuming the Presidency, A. W. Clausen established a Managing Committee to provide overall control of the Bank's administration. This Committee played a central role in the Clausen years and was the principal vehicle through which the President administered the Bank.

Clausen inherited a President's Council that had been created by George Woods in 1965, a larger body than the Managing Committee. The President's Council, renamed the Senior Management Council in 1982, continued to exist, although it met less frequently than it had in the past. A staff member in the President's office served as the secretary for both the Committee and the Council.

This series consists of Clausen's personal files on the Managing Committee and the Senior Management Council. The records include material on organization and procedures of the Committee, its agendas, minutes of the meetings of both the Committee and the Council, and indexes to topics discussed in the Managing Committee. The minutes of the ManagingCommittee cover only 1981-1982 and 1985 through July 1987 when Clausen's term ended; complete copies of the minutes are found in the official records of the Committee. Many items have Clausen's initials and the agendas have his annotations.

Managing Committee official files

This series consists of the official files of the Managing Committee. The records include agendas, schedules of meetings, minutes of the meetings, and memoranda and reports on a range of topics reflecting senior management concerns and overall World Bank administration. The records include correspondence with most of the Senior Vice Presidents on issues for committee consideration.

The minutes of the weekly Committee meetings were prepared from manuscript notes, then a draft was circulated (called pre-record minutes), and finally a record copy was issued. The series includes a file of manuscript notes by the Committee's secretary, covering both Managing Committee and Senior Management Council meetings, from February 22 to August 30, 1982. Draft minutes, with comments from the members, exist for the meetings from October 1981 through April 1983.

The Managing Committee had three subcommittees: Finance, Operations Policy, and Personnel and Administration. Issues coming to the Managing Committee were proposed by one of the subcommittees, by the President's office, or by one of the other primary offices in the Bank. Each issue had an accompanying paper, identified by the submitting office, year, and number; for example, an issues paper for the Managing Committee submitted by the Operations Policy Subcommittee in 1983 titled Power Sector Support Strategy was numbered OPS/MC83-06. This series has a full set of issues papers, arranged alphabetically by three-letter symbol for the submitting unit. The committee secretary prepared detailed indexes to the topics discussed in the Managing Committee, and the indexes provide easy access to these submissions.

Fragmentary records of the meetings of two of the three subcommittees make up the final section of this series. All these records are from 1982 and consist of one file of the working papers of the Personnel and Administration Subcommittee and six files from the Operations Policy Subcommittee. Additional information on the work of the subcommittees can be found in the set of submitted documents, because some of the subcommittee minutes were circulated to the entire Managing Committee for information.

These records are an essential source for a researcher who wishes to understand the internal decision-making in the Bank during the Clausen years.

Country files

The series contains records of President Preston's briefings and talking points for meetings with Government leaders and representatives of member countries, background information on the country, country strategy papers, and internal memoranda. A few files contain items from the Conable Presidency. Many of the records in the files are memoranda and correspondence of the Managing Directors; however, the records were maintained as the record set of country files for the Office of the President.

The files cover only the first three years of the Preston term. Files on countries during the last part of the Preston years are found in the records of Matthew F. McHugh, who was appointed Counselor to the President in 1993. McHugh remained in the President's office for the first term of the Wolfensohn Presidency and he continued to use and file into the country files he maintained; these records are part of the Wolfensohn Presidential records.

External Affairs

This series is a rich source of information on the liaison and public relations activities of the Preston Presidency. The records are particularly strong on the Bank's efforts to improve relationships with the Government of the United States and the U.S. public. Other files cover efforts to improve internal communications in the Bank and to coordinate with Bank field offices. In addition, McHugh's files on Presidential trips cover travel that is not included in the Travel files of the President.

Records of the Vice President and Special Adviser to the President, Visvanathan Rajagopalan

Visvanathan Rajagopalan was the Vice President for Sector and Operations Policy when President Preston asked him to join the President's staff as Senior Adviser. Rajagopalan held this post for the year 1993, retiring at the end of December. During his time in the President's office, Rajagopalan had 2 principal tasks: manage the follow-up to the Portfolio Management Task Force report and chair the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. In addition he spent a brief period in the summer of 1993 as the acting head of the Information, Technology and Facilities Department.

The most important records in this subfonds are those of the Portfolio Management Task Force. These records are essential to understanding the work of the task force and the controversy that followed its report.

Office of the President -- Lewis T. Preston -- Visvanathan Rajagopalan (Vice President and Special Adviser to the President)

Records of President Eugene R. Black

This series contains the records of Eugene R. Black as U.S. Executive Director at the World Bank, 1947-1949, and President, 1949-1962. They are arranged in five file categories: general correspondence, congratulatory correspondence, honorary degrees, speeches, and travel.

The general correspondence file contains exchanges with U.S. and foreign government officials (especially U.K. officials), private bankers, lawyers, foundation officials and friends, arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent. Among the notable correspondents are U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, U.S. Senators J.W. Fulbright and Hubert Humphrey, British Prime Minister Harold McMillan, and U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammerskjold. The alphabetical correspondence file is followed by one file marked personal action covering the period from September through December 1960; it contains letters congratulating Black on the publication of his book, The Diplomacy of Economic Development, and wishing him recovery from surgery.

The congratulatory correspondence concerns Black's appointment as Executive Director and subsequent appointment and reappointments as President of the World Bank.

A single file contains correspondence on honorary degrees awarded to Black.

The speech file contains letters of invitation and appreciation and, in some cases, the texts of the speeches. Speeches given include commencement addresses, lectures to professional associations and private organizations, and addresses to the UN Economic and Social Council.

Thetravel file contains correspondence relating to tours Black took as U.S. Executive Director and as Bank President to familiarize himself with present and future member countries' economic and political situations and to meet national leaders. It includes letters of invitation, itineraries, thank you notes, as well as letters and memoranda on the purposes and results of particular trips. Two files contain the records of Black's 1948 trip to Indonesia (then the Netherlands East Indies) shortly before it obtained independence, including background material on Indonesia's economy and recent political developments, newspaper articles, UN documents, photographs, and letters from government officials, business executives and Black evaluating the situation in Indonesia. Other travel files contain information on the Bank's role in the settlement of the Suez Canal dispute (1958-1959).

Transition Correspondence

This small series contains President's Conable's correspondence at the time of his appointment as President of the World Bank and for the first few months of his term. The records include congratulations, thanks, job inquiries, and letters from persons advertising their services, and the correspondents include both friends and institutions such as commercial banks. The series provides an interesting view of the type of approaches made to an incoming President.


This series contains primarily photographic prints and negatives documenting some of President Conable's trips abroad, taken by governments or businesses where he visited. The photographs, all in albums, are in predominantly in color, with a few in black and white. The photographs have no identification other than country and date. One album contains photographs taken by the World Bank of the 1990 annual meeting in Washington and includes photographs of U.S. President George W. Bush.

Records of the Special Assistant to the President, Anapum Khanna

Anapum Khanna was appointed as Special Assistant to the President in July 1989 and stayed through the end of Conable's term and into the first months of the Preston term. He succeeded Marianne Haug as the Secretary to the President's Council, and the primary series of records in this sub-fonds are the working files Khanna accumulated while handling Council business.

Office of the President -- Barber B. Conable -- Anapum Khanna (Special Assistant to the President)

Chronological file

This chronological file consists of copies of the outgoing letters and memoranda, both those handled for President Conable by Marianne Haug and Haug's own correspondence. The records begin in July 1985 when Haug was the Assistant Director of the Industry Department, continue through her service as Assistant Director, West Africa Projects, and conclude in May 1990 at the end of her stay in the President's office. A few incoming letters are included. The files for the periods mid-October 1985 through March 1986, October through December 1986, and mid-March through June 1989 are missing.

The files are useful both for their window onto the issues handled in the president's office and also for the glimpse they give of Haug's work as the first woman to serve as an Executive Assistant to the President of the Bank.

Records of the Executive Counselor to the President, J. William Stanton

When Conable became President, he appointed J. William Stanton to serve as Counselor to the President. Stanton held that post throughout Conable's term.

The records of Stanton's office focus on two of the major administrative issues of Conable's Presidency: the 1987 reorganization of the Bank, and the acquisition and retrofitting of the Bank's Washington buildings. They must be read in conjunction with the President's Administrative files and the files of Special Assistant Marianne Haug; for example, the Haug and Stanton records both have series on the 1987 reorganization, which does not appear in the President's files, but the President's Administrative files have the records of the 1989 fine-tuning of the reorganization. Taken together, the entire picture emerges.

Office of the President -- Barber B. Conable -- J. William Stanton (Executive Counselor to the President)

Administrative files

This series contains subject files on administrative and budgetary issues involving the Bank and, occasionally, the International Monetary Fund. The records include management discussion briefs, correspondence, and reports. The files cover important topics such as Paul Volcker's meetings with Conable, the purchase of theI building, press relations, staff issues such as pension and compensation, and fine tuning the 1987 Bank reorganization. The files also include a copy of a lecture delivered by Ibrahim F.I. Shihata, Vice President and General Counsel, in reference to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the legal treatment of foreign investment. Some files contain material dating from the Clausen presidency.

This is one of the few series of records from the Conable Presidency whose content is principally the internal administration of the World Bank. As such, it provides insight into Conable's administrative style and the set of issues in which he was interested. This series does not contain files on the major reorganization that he undertook in 1987; it does, however, have substantive files on the subsequent fine tuning of the reorganization in late 1989.

Records of Economic Advisor Irving Friedman

Irving Friedman maintained these files on the Bank's cooperation with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in developing a supplementary financing scheme. The scheme was conceived as a response to the instability of commodity prices that frequently led to unexpected shortfalls of export earnings in developing countries. The aim was to have supplementary financing cover these shortfalls through soft loans to shield the development programs of the developing countries. IBRD/IIDA supplementary financing would offer longer-term assistance, as opposed to the International Monetary Fund's short-term compensatory financing facility.

The records include correspondence with UNCTAD, memoranda, drafts, handwritten notes by Friedman and others, meeting briefs, agendas, speeches, and official documents from UNCTAD, IMF, and IBRD on supplementary financing. The general correspondence is principally between Friedman, other Bank managers, and UNCTAD officials, especially Raul Prebish and Manuel Perez-Guerrero, Secretary Generals of UNCTAD, and Sidney Dell, Director of UNCTAD. The meetings files relate to meetings of UNCTAD, the UNCTAD Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade, the Intergovernmental Group on Supplementary Finance, the Development Advisory Committee, and meetings within the World Bank. Friedman filed into the file on a meeting both documents that pre-dated the meeting and documents from activities subsequent to the meeting, so researchers will need to read through the sub-series on meetings in order to find all the items about one meeting.

In addition, three files on stabilization of prices for primary commodity products, transferred to the World Bank Group Archives separately from those on supplementary financing, are found at the end of the series.

Presidential chronological files of Economic Advisor Irving Friedman

Irving Friedman served as the Economic Adviser to the President from 1964 until he left the Bank in 1970. Reporting directly to the President, he commented on virtually all the significant economic issues that confronted the Bank. The series, which Friedman called his Presidential chron files consists principally of Friedman's correspondence with Bank President Robert McNamara, but it also includes some correspondence with other Bank managers and one file on a memorandum from Friedman to President George Woods.

Friedman's 1964 memorandum to Woods is a commentary on an analysis by John C. Bullitt, U.S. Executive Director, of the impact on other funders of an accelerated development assistance effort by the United States Government. The files from 1968-1970 cover topics including the Grand Assize and the Pearson Commission, which were convened to help formulate a new development strategy; population planning; the second IDA replenishment negotiations; supplementary finance and debt rescheduling, among others. Also included are analyses of economic news; some reports of the Economic Committee, which Friedman chaired; reports from program studies units in the Bank; and status reports and briefs on Bank economic activities. The file on McNamara's interview consists of background information assembled for him and suggested answer to questions, particularly on financing for the Bank, borrower indebtedness and the Bank as a development institution. In addition there is one file on a commodity study and one file of minutes and matters outstanding from meetings of the Economics Group Directors, chaired by Friedman, between September 1969 and August 1970.

Executive Committee minutes

This series contains the minutes of the informal Executive Committee that started meeting weekly with the President on February 9, 1981. It was composed of the Senior Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the General Counsel. Mattersdiscussed by the short-lived committee include the 1982-1986 lending program, the IBRD general capital increase, the IDA Sixth replenishment, the energy program, the PLO observers issue and staff compensation.


This series consists of two subseries: President Conable's addresses and opening remarks at the Annual Meetings between 1986 and 1991, and a chronological set of speeches during the course of his Presidency. The files include correspondence, drafts, press releases, agendas, talking points, and background information about the organization or meeting to which Conable was speaking. Two speech file folders are empty, and the series appears to be incomplete.

A copy of a speech by Michel Camdessus, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, is included with the 1989 Annual Meeting speeches.

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