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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

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Subject Files Relating to Major Issues of Interest to the Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP)

This series contains files on major issues of interest to the Vice President and Chief Economist and his staff. Most files contain documents compiled by DECVP Michael Bruno and by Mark Baird, Director of Development Policy in DEC, but some are from the administrations of former DECVPs Stanley Fischer and Lawrence Summers. Among the topics covered are: aid effectiveness; plans to relaunch and reform the Economic Development Institute in 1995; planning for the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank; and DEC presentations made to the Board and to President Wolfensohn.

Specific documents include: comments on drafts of a paper on aid effectiveness, prepared by the staff of the World Bank, in collaboration with the staff of the International Monetary Fund, for the 49th meeting of the Development Committee on October 3, 1994; memoranda on research proposals on aid effectiveness; a copy of Mark Baird's presentation to the IDA Deputies at a February 1995 meeting in Paris to discuss the Eleventh Replenishment of IDA; a DEC paper, dated April 1, 1994, on the contribution of research and training (EDI) to the work of the World Bank (filed under 50th Anniversary); summaries of brainstorming sessions, held in 1994 in conjunction with plans for the 50th Anniversary, on future issues facing the Bank; a copy of the DEC information package provided the Executive Directors when DEC made a presentation to the Directors on December 2, 1994 as part of the Executive Directors' Information Program; background notes used to prepare for a strategy meeting with President Wolfensohn on November 22, 1995 (filed under DEC strategy note); DEC memoranda and a February 1995 DEC report regarding the DEC review process of loans and country strategies (filed under lending); an October 1994 DEC Proposal to Restructure Funding of Non-Lending Services (filed under Non-lending Services); comments from Mark Baird and other DEC staff on items discussed at Loan Committee meetings; Michael Bruno's correspondence with the Deputy Director-General and the Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO); briefing materials prepared for President Wolfensohn's July 6, 1995 meeting with the head of the WTO and the IMF; summaries of meetings the Chief Economist and DEC staff had with WTO staff; and comments on drafts of the guidelines for World Bank staff cooperation with the WTO.

Stanley Fischer's Chronological File of Correspondence with Non-Bank Organizations and Individuals (External Chronological Files)

Most of Fischer's outgoing letters and memoranda are accompanied by incoming communications. The majority of the letters in this series concern Fischer's contacts with fellow economists and professional and international organizations outside the Bank. Included are: Fischer's letters accepting and declining invitations to speak or otherwise participate in conferences, institutes, symposia, and professional meetings; his responses to letters suggesting topics for his future research and writing; and his responses to letters requesting Fischer's comments on papers and to letters commenting on his papers and other writing. Some incoming letters and memoranda contain Fischer's annotations regarding the response to be prepared.

The remainder of the series includes: Fischer's letters of invitation sent to academics and other outside economists to participate in informal workshops, seminars, and conferences sponsored (or co-sponsored) by the Bank; Fischer's thank you letters to participants following these events and to officials with whom he met during overseas trips; and occasional memoranda Fischer sent to individuals inside the Bank.

Ronald Duncan's Files on Commodities and Research While Serving with the International Commodity Markets Division (IECCM) and the International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains correspondence, reports, and other records that Ronald C. Duncan maintained primarily while he was director of the International Commodity Markets Division (IECCM) and later the International Trade Division (IECIT) in the International Economics Department. Duncan served as Division Chief in IECCM from 1 July 1987 until 1 May 1990 when he became Division Chief in IECIT. Prior to this he was Divisions Chief in the Economic Program Department's Commodity and Export Projects Division (EPDCS) between 1984 and 1987.

One file in this series, Support to the Regions, documents Duncan's units' support to the regions dating from 1984 when he was director of EPDCS to 1993 when he directed IECIT. Other files concern commodity price forecasting; commodity problems in Africa; the drafting of a paper, Bank Policy on the Financing of Commodities, which was discussed at the October 1989 meeting of the Operations Committee; Bank lending for plantation crops (tea, coffee, and cocoa); and possible researchwork on Eastern Europe. Several files contain correspondence and reports on research in units headed by Duncan. One concerns research funded by IECIT, rather than by the Research Support Budget (RSB). Another contains IEC proposals, 1993-1994, for RSB-funded research, and one updates the FY 1995 status of RSB-funded research projects in IECIT.

Records of the Global Prospects Conferences Sponsored by the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series consists of records relating to the Global Prospects Conferences sponsored by the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department (IEC). Included are verbatim transcripts of the proceedings of the first (April 25 - 26, 1989) and second (April 30 - May 1, 1990) conferences. Also included for the first conference are memoranda of a draft conference outline and a proposed budget. Among the files for the second conference are black-and-white photographic negatives of conference sessions, copies of some of the papers prepared for the conference, a copy of the preliminary conference announcement (December 27, 1989), and marked-up copies of transcripts edited by some of the speakers.

Publication File of Bela Balassa

The series includes reprints of approximately 200 papers and essays authored by Bella Balassa on a wide spectrum of economic and trade issues including development strategy, adjustment policies, tariff policy and taxation, exchange rates and balance of payments, protectionism, and export policy and performance. Most of the papers and essays were initially presented by Balassa at symposia, conferences, institutes, and seminars held in the United States and abroad while he served as consultant to the Bank and as a faculty member at The Johns Hopkins University. A series of papers published between 1963 and 1966 were written while he was on the faculty of Yale University. Also found in the series is a copy of a Le Monde article of 26 April 1990 announcing the award of an honorary doctorate to Balassa by the l'universite de Paris, a copy of a letter Belassa sent to friends concerning the Sorbonne ceremony and other honors, and a copy of an article on Balassa that appeared in the March 1990 issue of The Bank's World.

Pre-Operations Committee Briefing Memoranda of the Policy Analysis and Review Division (SPRPA), Strategic Planning and Review Department

This series primarily contains briefing memoranda prepared by staff in the Policy Analysis and Review Division (SPRPA) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department. SPRPA was the predecessor to the Review and Analysis Division (PRDRA). The memoranda, which analyze documents to be discussed at an Operations Committee (OC) meeting and propose a position to be taken by the Chief Economist (DECVP), were forwarded to the Chief Economist and, in some cases, also to the Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP). Most of the items discussed in the briefings are Country Strategy Papers and adjustment loan/credit documents. Included in the series are several agenda for OC meetings and some post-Operations Committee meeting memoranda summarizing the discussion at an OC meeting.

Front Office Business Plans for Fiscal Years 1991-2000

These copies of DEC Business Plans were maintained by Lesley Davis (Leslie Davis Arnold) who was Program Coordinator for Administration in DEC's Front Office. Prior to the 1992 reorganization, DEC Business Plans were submitted to the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (PPRSV). After the reorganization of that year, they were submitted to the Director, Planning and budgeting Department (PBD). The plans were submitted for all DEC units. The Business plan was a major component of Bank budget cycles and provided information from DEC that would become part of priorities and framework papers presented to the Board. The Business plan also served as the basis for DEC's next fiscal year work program and budget, described each DEC organization's plans for the following two or more fiscal years, described each organization's underlying strategy and work program, and indicated plans for special emphases and topics that cut across department and other organizational boundaries. Included in files aredraft and final Business plans, submissions for each DEC unit, background correspondence, data relating to the preparation of the plans, and copies of monitoring reports. The FY 1998 - 00 [2000] DEC Business Plan was prepared in April 1997 in anticipation of the Bank reorganization by July 1 of that year which would form as major parts of DEC a new Research, Data and Prospects Group and an Economic Development Institute and Leadership Center (EDI) in alliance with the Bank's new Strategic Compact.

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