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Records Relating to Capital Market Seminars Sponsored by the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and to Other Conferences and Seminars Sponsored or Attended by DEC Staff

This series consists of records relating to the capital markets seminars sponsored by Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and to conferences and seminars attended by staff from EPD or other DEC units. Beginning in 1979, EPD organized annual capital market seminars on private capital flows to developing countries. This series contains files for the seminars held September 29, 1980; September 28, 1981; February 7, 1983; and March 19 - 20, 1984. Included for each seminar are invitations toparticipants and their replies, agenda and schedules, lists of participants, EPD correspondence with participants, summaries of the proceedings, and copies of some of the papers presented at the seminars. There is also some preliminary planning memoranda for the April 4, 1985 seminar.

Files in this series relating to other conferences include: copies of papers presented at the World Bank seminar on Technology and Long-Term Economic Growth Prospects, November 16 - 17, 1988; detailed notes from the World Bank Workshop on Prospects for Growth in Industrial Countries, June 13, 1984, which was chaired by Jean Baneth, Director of EPD; EPD staff member Martin Wolf's Back-to-Office Reports and copies of his papers presented at two meetings on international textile trade, October 29 - 30, 1979 and May 27 - 29, 1980; Jean Baneth's copy of a detailed summary of the Export Credit Agencies Conference, May 5 - 7, 1986; and the participants' package for a seminar sponsored by the Country Economics Department (CEC) on Macroeconomic Adjustment and Growth Seminar, October 18 - 20, 1989. In addition, there are copies of papers and remarks that EPD staff member Joseph Michael Finger presented at a June 23- 25, 1982 Institute for International Economics Conference on Trade Policy in the 1980s and a copy of a 1981 paper, The Outlook for the 1980s with Particular Reference to Trade, by EPD staffers Helen Hughes and Ernest Lutz.

Research Files of the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD)

This series contain files for two research projects conducted by EPD staff. Research Project No. 672-32: The Direction of Developing Countries' Trade: Patterns, Trends, and Implications was begun in 1980 in the International Trade and Capital Flows Division (EPDIT) and completed in 1987 under the Global Analysis and Projections Division (EPDGL). Oli Havrylyshyn and Martin Wolf (and later Peter Miovic) were the principal researchers. The project files include the original research proposal, a request forsupplementary funds, Back-to-Office reports from project-related missions, a status report, copies of Havrylyshyn's and Wolf's articles related to the project, a completion report, and a project evaluation. The second project, which was conducted by Iveta Bebris of the International Finance Division (EPDIF) in 1977 - 1978, was a Comparison of the Reporting of Loans from Financial Markets in the DeBTOr Reporting System (DRS) and the Capital Market System (CMS), 1973 - 1976. The project file includes a summary of the findings and a comparison of data from the two systems for the 26 countries covered by the study.

Background Materials, Memoranda, and Drafts of Research Papers

This series contains background materials, intra-Bank memoranda, and drafts of research papers primarily of staff from two Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) units: the International Trade and Capital Flows Division (EPDIT) and the Global Analysis and Projections Division (EPDGL). The records are divided into two parts. The first and more voluminous part (2.33 linear feet) consists of EPD files dated 1977 to 1984 and containing rough working files for research papers. In addition to rough drafts of papers, these files contain intra-Bank memoranda containing comments on drafts or concerning EPD computer usage, analysis of data compiled by EPD staff, and other issues relating to research. The second part of the series contains drafts of research papers dated 1979 - 1990 and generated primarily by EPDIT and EPDGL staff, but there are also four papers written by staff from the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department and threepapers authored by economists from: the School of International Service at American University; Seoul University; and Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. Some of the research papers in this series were issued as Division Working Papers which reported on research work in progress and were circulated only for Bank staff use to stimulate discussion and comment. Others were prepared for presentation at a conference or for publication by the World Bank or in a professional journal.

Files Relating to ERS Reviews of Documents Disscussed in Meetings of the Loan Committee, the Operations Policy Subcommittee, and the Operations Policy Committee

This series contains five sets of files that the Economics and Research Staff (ERS) compiled while reviewing proposals and developing the ERS position on proposals (for loans, credits, Country Policy Papers, Country Strategy Papers, and Policy Framework Papers) that were considered primarily by the Loan Committee but also by the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) and, beginning in September 1986, by the Operations Policy Committee (OPC).

  1. The bulk of the series (1.5 linear feet) contains country files, dated 1985 to 1987 and arranged alphabetically by client country and thereunder chronologically. The file for a particular country contains, at a minimum, the agenda and/or minutes of the committee meeting at which a proposal was discussed. The minutes include a summary of the proposal but not the complete text. Other documents in a typical file include intra-ERS memoranda analyzing a proposal and containing recommendations regarding the position ERS should support; a briefing note summarizing the ERS position; an ERS staff member's report on the meeting, providing information to supplement the official minutes; memoranda from the ERS staff to Regional or sector staff clarifying the position ERS took on the proposal in the committee meeting; other correspondence between ERS and Regional staff; and some Back-to-Office Reports from ERS staff who took part in negotiations with the client country. Filed under Rwanda/SAVEMS is a small collection of statistical tables (titled Selected Analytical Variables for Economists and Managers), 1985 - 1987, arranged by client country that the Country Analysis and Projections Division (EPDCO) of ERS generated on 28 countries.

Filed at the end of the series are four small collections of files. Many of the items in these files are duplicated the country files.

  1. A set of files concerning Country Policy Papers (CPPs), arranged alphabetically by client country and dated February 1984 - January 1987. For Bolivia and Jamaica, the files refer to Divisional Country Briefs (DCBs) rather than CPPs. The file for a particular country typically includes an agenda for the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) or Operations Policy Committee (OPC) with comments on major policy issues in the CPP that were identified by the Country Policy Department (CPD) and the Planning and Budget Department (PBD); a Postscript of the OPSC or OPC meeting at which the CPP was discussed; and a memorandum forwarding the CPP to the Managing Committee of which the Vice President of ERS was a member. In most cases, the complete CPP is not in the file, but most files do include intra-office memoranda and briefing notes from ERS staff.

  2. A set of minutes of the Operations Policy Subcommittee and, beginning in November 1986, of the Operations Policy Committee, arranged chronologically and dated September 1986 - April 1987. The meetings were held to discuss Policy Framework Papers (PFPs) and most are Structural Adjustment Facility PFPs. Attached to the minutes are summaries of the PFP provided by the Director of the Country Policy Division, but complete PFPs are not found in the files.

  3. Agenda and Minutes of Loan Committee meetings arranged by Region and dated September 1984 - May 1987. Included with the agenda are summaries of the proposed loan or credit provided by the Director of the Country Policy Department.

  4. Agenda and Minutes of Loan Committee meetings and Operations Policy Committee meetings, arranged alphabetically by country and dated April 1985 - April 1987. The OPC meetings dealt with Structural Adjustment Facility Policy Framework Papers, Country Policy Papers, and Divisional Country Briefs. This file also includes briefing notes stating the ERS position on a proposal and post-meeting notes from ERS staff supplementing the official minutes.

Copies of Articles, Lectures, and Speeches Authored by Anne O. Kreuger

This series contains copies of 30 articles, lectures, and speeches authored by Anne O. Kreuger, Vice President, Economics and Research (VPERS). In some cases, the title page indicates at which conference or seminar the paper was delivered or in which periodical it was to be published.

Records of the Economics and Research Staff, Departments, and Divisions

The files in this series contain correspondence, reports, and publications documenting the economic analysis and research work of the Economics and Research Staff (ERS) and the two ERS departments: the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and the Development Research Department (DRD). Most of the correspondence was sent or received by the Director of EPD and by staff in the EPD divisions, but there is some correspondence of the Vice President of ERS and of the DRD staff. The correspondence concerns commodity price forecasts, economic and social data generated by ERS, international trade, external debt of developing nations, and comments on drafts of the World Development Report (WDR) and on background papers prepared for the WDR. Specific documents and publications include: Back-to-Office Reports from ERS staff attending conferences or undertaking missions to analyze a specific industry; copies of the commodity handbooks issued by the Commodities and Export Projections Division (EPDCE); quarterly reviews of commodity markets; publications on commodities from the Commodity Studies and Projections Division (EPDCS); copies of the 1984 - 1986 annual reports on the World Bank Research Program; the EPD's User's Guide on World Bank Trade Data System issued in October 1985; and a June 1984 draft of the Pfeffermann Committee's Report on Economy-Wide Modelling in the Bank.

Secretariat's Copies of Policy Papers and Minutes of Policy Review Committee Meetings and of Staff Review Meetings

The Policy Planning and Program Review Department staff (Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski, Frank Vibert, and Shahid J. Burki) served as the secretariat for the Policy Review Committee (PRC). This series contains the secretariat's set of policy papers and the notices of meetings and minutes of staff review meetings and of Policy Review Committee meetings at which the policy papers were discussed. The policy papers, which were drafted by various units throughout the Bank, were distributed for review at the PRC stafflevel or by the Policy Review Committee as a whole or were widely distributed throughout the Bank for comment or for information purposes prior to consideration by the Executive Directors. The files contain the various versions of a paper as it proceeded through the review process. The policy papers cover a broad range of subjects: sector issues, project costs overruns, the lending policies and practices of IDA, the World Bank's approach to interest rates and credit allocation issues, and the establishmentof the Third Window.

Records Relating to the Committee of Twenty and to Two of Its Technical Groups

The Committee of Twenty (C-XX), formally known as the Committee of the Board of Governors on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues, was established by the IMF in 1972 to prepare a draft for a reformed international monetary system after the United States had announced in August 1971 that it was suspending the convertibility of the dollar into gold. The records in this series were compiled by Frank Vibert while he was working in the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (PPR) in the Office of the Vice President for Development Policy (VPD). The records primarily concern two of the Committee's Technical Groups: the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources and the Technical Group on the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) Link and Related Proposals. The Bank was asked to participate in the secretariat function for the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources, and Frank Vibert with Azizali Mohammed from the IMF formed the secretariat for the Group. Earnest Stern, Senior Adviser in VPD, was part of the Technical Group on the SDR Link.

The series contains copies of IMF and World Bank studies and other documents that were used as background materials for the Committee or that were drafted in response to specific requests from Committee staff; drafts of and comments from IMF and Bank staff on the Bank paper, Capital Flows to Developing Countries, that was prepared for the Committee; and the issues of the IMF newsletter, IMF Survey, that included articles regarding the Committee of Twenty. The files include: copies of President McNamara's correspondence with Ernest Stern and with C. Jeremy Morse, the chair of the Deputies of the Committee of Twenty; memoranda exchanged between Vibert and Stern; intra-VPD correspondence and other intra-Bank correspondence relating to the Committee of Twenty and the Technical Groups; Vibert's correspondence with IMF staff and with the chair of the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources; copies of memoranda Vibert drafted for the chair's signature; and Vibert's copies of Stern's memoranda to the files regarding the SDR Link.

Records maintained for meetings of the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources include: Vibert's correspondence relating to pre-meeting planning, copies of documents provided as background for the meeting discussions, lists of attendees, copies of the Terms of Reference for the Group, and Vibert's handwritten notes form the meetings. The files also contain multiple drafts and comments on the drafts of the Group's report.

Records relating to the Technical Group on the SDR Link include copies of World Bank and IMF documents provided the Group as background materials; copies of statements regarding the SDR Link made by heads of delegations to the Group; notes regarding SDR discussions with the United Kingdom and Germany; and various drafts of the Bank paper Bank Group Uses of SDR Link Resources.

World Debt Tables and World Economic Indicators

The earliest World Debt Tables in the series were prepared by the Comparative Data Division, Economics (later Economic Program) Department. The tables were developed from data received from deBTOr countries supplemented by data from other sources. These tables were periodically updated and supplemented; data used in some updates are part of the series. The Economic and Social Data Division, Economic Analysis and Projections Department of the Development Policy Staff succeeded the Comparative Data Divisionin issuing World Debt Tables.

Included in this series is the first World Economic Indicators report that was transmitted with a November 2, 1973 explanatory memo from Bank President Robert McNamara. The purpose of the report was to assemble data for use by Bank senior staff and the Board relating to major trends in the world economy and to describe major features of the economic situation in developing countries.

Memoranda and Issuances Relating to the Reorganization of 1972

Contained in this series are memoranda and copies of Bank-wide issuances concerning the Bank's Reorganization of 1972 as it affected the Economics Department and, after the reorganization, the Development Policy Staff. The notebook appears to have been maintained first by P. D. Henderson and, after the reorganization, by Alexander Stevenson, the Director of the Development Economics Department (DED). Among the contents are: November 1971 memoranda to Henderson from Economics Department managers with their thoughts on possible future organizational structures for the Bank; copies of December 1971 memoranda from Mohamed Shoaib (chair of the Organization Study Steering Committee) and Hollis B. Chenery to President McNamara with their reorganization ideas; Henderson's notes from the December 22, 1971 meeting of the President's Council; McNamara's January 7, 1972 announcement of a study of the Bank's organization and procedures; Henderson's correspondence from McKinsey, the consulting firm which helped with the study; a copy of the July 13, 1972 memorandum outlining the views of Mahbub Haq and Ernest Stern regarding the Bank's policy function; a copy of E. Lerdau's July 24, 1972 comments on Haq's and Stern's views; the August 10, 1972 announcement of the first phase of the restructuring; memoranda from various managers of the Central Economic Staff (CES) to Henderson with ideas as to how to reorganize CES; Henderson's September 30, 1972 draft of a memorandum from Hollis B. Chenery to President McNamara concerning responsibility for sector development policy; the October 16, 1972 announcement of the Development Policy Staff's organization; and other memoranda further refining the organization and staffing of the Development Economics Department in the Development Policy Staff.

Correspondence and Other Records of the Development Policy Staff, Departments, and Divisions

This series contains the records of the Vice President for Development Policy's (VPD's) staff, departments, and divisions for the period 1978 - 1982. There are a few files that cover the Development Policy Staff (DPS) in general, and these files include a small amount of correspondence with the VPD, his senior adviser, and the Director, Development Policy, but this series primarily contains the correspondence, studies, reports, and publications of four of the DPS departments and of some of the divisions within those departments. Included are files for the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (PPR), the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD), the Development Economics Department (DED), and the Development Research Center (DRC). The EPD correspondence for the years 1978 - 1980 also includes information regarding the Berne Union: Back-to-the-Office Reports from missions to Berne Union meetings; summaries of discussions at Berne Union meetings, and analyses of Berne Union data. The division-level files include correspondence, publications and reports generated by the division.

In addition to the department and division files, there are records relating to the Bank's World Development Report (WDR), 1978 - 1980. These files include correspondence containing input for the report, comments on drafts of the report, and plans for the content of the next report. Copies of background papers for the report and copies of the 1978 - 1980 editions are also included.

The Development Policy Staff ended in 1982, but this series includes DPS publications issued with a 1983 publication date.

Files of the Director, Development Policy, Regarding the Development Committee and Related Committees

These records were compiled by the Director of Development Policy in the Office of the Vice President of Development Policy. That position was held by Ernest Stern from April 1974 to September 1975, Attila Karaosmanoglu from October 1975 to June 1979, and E. Bevan Waide from June 1979 to 1982.

The Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries, better known as the Development Committee, was established in 1974 to advise the Boards on development issues and to coordinate international efforts to finance development. The Interim Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary System, known since 1999 as the International Monetary and Finance Committee, was established by the International Monetary Fund in 1974 to advise the Board on the management of the international monetary system. The Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs, now officially the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development, was established in 1971 to coordinate the positions of developing countries on international monetary and development finance issues to ensure that their interests were adequately represented in negotiations on international monetary matters. The chairman of the Group of Twenty-Four customarily addresses Development Committee meetings, and the Development Committee, the Interim Committee, and the Group of 24 normally meet at the same times during the year.

The series consists of four groups of records:

    1. A general chronological file, 1977 - 1982, contains: a) correspondence between the Director, Development Policy and the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee, the Bank's liaison (Ernest Stern, Vice President of Operations) with the Development Committee, and other Bank managers, including President McNamara; b) copies of draft and final versions of Development Committee documents (agenda, press communiqu?s, reviews of Development Committeeperformance, annual reports, and work programs) forwarded to the Director of Development Policy or to the Executive Directors of IBRD.
    1. Chronological files on meetings of the Development Committee, 1977 - 1980, contain agenda of meetings, copies of Development Committee documents to be discussed at the meetings, copies of President McNamara's statements delivered at Development Committee meetings, and memoranda from the Director, Development Policy or the Bank's liaison with the Development Committeesummarizing meetings. These files include some agenda for and documents considered at meetings of the Working Group on Development Finance and Policy, the Working Group on Access to Capital Markets, the Group of Twenty-four, and the Senior Officials of the Development Committee.
    1. Files on committees and working groups generally contain agendas with copies of the documents to be discussed at the meeting attached, intra-Bank memoranda regarding the committee or working group, and reports and papers prepared by the committee, working group, or task force. Included are records for the Capital Markets Coordinating Committee, 1972 - 1977; the Working Group on Capital Market Access, 1975 - 1978; the Working Group on Development Finance and Policy, 1978; the Senior Officials' Meeting, September 1978; the Task Force on Private Foreign Investment, 1979 - 1981; the Task Force on Non-Concessional Flows, 1980-1981; the Group of Twenty-Four, 1978-1981; and the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary System , 1978, 1980 - 1981.
    1. Files related to Development Committee studies and reports include: correspondence, papers, and a report regarding cofinancing, 1978 -1980; a Bank study of aid groups sponsored by IBRD, 1978; a report on the implementations of the Special Action Program, 1978; the Joint Fund/Bank staff study on The Stabilization of Export Earnings, done at the invitation of the Development Committee and submitted to the Committee in 1978; and reviews of Development Committee performance, 1976 and1978.

Commodity Files of the Director, Development Policy

These files were compiled by the Senior Adviser whose title became in April 1974 Director, Development Policy. That position was held by Ernest Stern from 1972 to September 1975 and by Attila Karaosmanoglu from October 1975 to June 1979. The files include correspondence, reports, studies, publications and policy papers regarding commodities and Bank policy towards specific commodities. Topics covered include Bank policy for financing the production of a specific commodity, Bank policy on publication of information on commodities, commodity price forecasts and stabilization, and analysis of world production and demand for a commodity.

Policy Review Committee Files of the Director, Development Policy

These Policy Review Committee (PRC) records were maintained by the Senior Adviser whose title became in April 1974 Director, Development Policy, positions held by Ernest Stern from 1971 to September 1975; by Attila Karaosmanoglu from October 1975 to June 1979; and by E. Bevin Waide from July 1979 to 1982. A file typically contains a copy of a policy document or issues paper; minutes of the PRC staff review meeting and/or the PRC meeting at which the paper was discussed; and often background materials documenting the development of a policy paper before it reached the PRC including: comments on the draft paper from Development Policy staff and staff throughout the Bank, copies of memoranda between the Director, Development Policy and President McNamara and VPD Chenery, intra Development Policy Staff correspondence, and copies of Back-to-Office Reports forwarded to Stern or Karaosmanoglu.

Director, Development Policy Ernest Stern's Correspondence with President McNamara

This series contains the memoranda that Ernest Stern exchanged with President McNamara while he was Senior Adviser (later Research Adviser) and, beginning in April 1974, Director of Development Policy in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy. The records consist of copies of Stern's memoranda to McNamara or to his immediate staff; copies of memoranda to McNamara from other Bank staff, especially VPD Hollis Chenery, that were copied to Stern; Stern's memoranda to Bank staff that were copied to McNamara; and memoranda and notes from McNamara or members of his staff to Stern. In many cases, Stern's original memoranda to McNamara were returned to him marked with the President's annotations or with a red stamp indicating President has seen. Stern's correspondence in this file predates his official appointment in VPD on November 1, 1972. Stern's memoranda transmit comments on papers prepared by Bank staff, suggestions for topics to be covered in briefing books prepared for the President, drafts of Presidential speeches, drafts of letters for the President's signature, and comments on correspondence received by McNamara.

The correspondence covers a wide-range of subjects: cooperation with the IMF; the establishment of the Development Committee and the Interim Committee; the Bank's response to the energy crisis; and the establishment of the Intermediate Financing Facility or Third Window. Filed at the end of the series are three items belonging to Stern's successor, Attila Karaosmanoglu: two October memoranda Chenery sent McNamara and copied to Karaosmanoglu and Karaosmanoglu's December 31 draft outlines for McNamara's annual speech.

Records of the General Research Advisory Panel and the Special Research Advisory Panels

This series contains the records of the General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP), reports of most of the Special Research Advisory Panels, and detailed records of two of the Special Panels: the Research Advisory Panel on Industrial Development and Trade (ID and T) and the Research Advisory Panel on Income Distribution and Employment (RAPIDE). The GRAP was a panel of outside experts chaired by Sir Arthur Lewis and established by the Bank in 1978 to review the entire research program of the Bank. GRAP was assisted in its work by eight Special Research Advisory Panels which examined and made recommendations on Bank research in specific sectors: Agriculture and Rural Development; Industrial Development and Trade; Commodities; Energy, Water and Telecommunications; Transport; Income Distribution and Employment; Education; and Population. For administrative purposes, the panels were assigned to the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD), and Suman Bery in VPD served as secretary.

The GRAP records include: biographical notes on and Terms of Reference for panel members; a letter of appointment for each panel member; extensive background documents on the World Bank, the World Bank research program, and the Research Committee; lists of assignments for individual panel members; schedules for the October 26 - 28, 1978, March 5 - 7, 1979, and June 6 - 8, 1979 meetings and handwritten notes from the October and June meetings; various drafts of the panel's report and comments on the drafts from Bank staff; drafts and the final printed copy of President McNamara's November 6, 1979 memorandum to the Executive Directors regarding the GRAP report; the final printed GRAP report dated August 13, 1979 (R79-221); a Summary of Discussion at the Meeting of Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA, December 4, 1979 at which the GRAP report was discussed; memoranda to VPD Chenery regarding the responses of individual Executive Directors to the GRAP report and to President McNamara's memorandum on the report; and Bank staff memoranda regarding the GRAP recommendation for a Research Subsidiary in the Bank. Also included are 1979 - 1980 Bank memoranda regarding: planned follow-up to the GRAP report; funding and guidelines for research; and the Development Policy Staff (DPS) work program and budget for FY 81.

The records of the Research Advisory Panel on Income Distribution and Employment (RAPIDE) include: biographical notes on and Terms of Reference for panel members; individual panel members' letter of appointment and correspondence with other panel members and with Michael Beenstock in the Policy Planning Division who served as coordinator for RAPIDE; copies of Bank documents Beenstock provided the panel members as background material, including a number of memoranda concerning the Bank's research on Income Distribution and Employment; a list of specific assignments for individual members; the schedule for the panel meeting held October 10 - 12, 1977; correspondence with the chair of GRAP regarding the work of the RAPIDE members; various drafts of portions of the panel's report; a copy of the final draft, dated April 10, 1978; and comments from Bank staff on that draft.

The records of the Research Advisory Panel on Industrial Development and Trade (ID and T) include: biographical notes on and Terms of Reference for panel members; letters of appointment; background materials including memoranda and reports from Bank staff regarding research on industry and trade; schedules for the July 17 - 1, 1978, October 10 - 12, 1978, November 30 - December 2, 1978, and February 8 - 9, 1979 meetings and handwritten notes from the July and October meetings; various drafts of the panel's report and comments on the drafts from Bank staff; and copies of first and second Interim Reports of the Industry and Trade Research Steering Committee.

Included in this series are draft final reports for all the special panels except the ones on Population and on Education which are filed separately in (see folder numbers 30135058 and 30135060). Also included are copies of the Terms of Reference and the background reports for the Panel on Energy, Water and Telecommunications and a July 13, 1978 memorandum outlining plans for future work for the Panel on Transport.

Subject Files of the Research Advisers

This series contains the subject files of Research Advisers Ernest Stern (originally titled Senior Adviser) and, beginning in April 1974, Benjamin B. King. After King left the position in March 1977, Ian M.D. Little and Bela Belassa served as acting Research Adviser until the appointment of Shankar Acharya in July 1979. The files include the advisers' correspondence with President McNamara, the Vice President of Development Policy, the directors and staff of the Development Policy departments, members ofthe Research Committee, and non-Bank research professionals. This series also includes some correspondence of the Research Committee secretary. A file on the early administration of the World Bank's research program, 1971 - 1974, includes a history and description of the research program, outlines of research priorities, and memoranda on the policy of long-term consultant appointments funded from the External Research Budget.

Other files contain: tables and correspondence regarding the research budget and the funding of specific projects, July 1971-June 1973; correspondence on rejected proposals, October 1971 - May 1974, including comments on the project proposals and memoranda explaining why specific research proposals were rejected; agenda (May 1971 - June 1979) and minutes ( April 1971 - October 1974; January 1975 - March 1979) of Research Committee meetings; minutes of Review Panel meetings, 1972 - 1978; correspondence regarding the size and membership of the Research Committee, 1971 - 1979; correspondence regarding research proposals (instructions and deadlines for submitting proposals, memoranda conveying the decisions of the Research Committee, lists of proposals each department planned to submit in the coming fiscal year), 1972 - 1974; comments on drafts of the annual report to the Executive Directors on the research program and memoranda summarizing the response of the Directors to the report, 1973 - 1974; correspondence regarding the evaluation of urban development projects and the financing of these evaluations, 1972 - 1975; correspondence with non-Bank personnel, 1971 - 1974 (filed under Outside Correspondence); excerpts from Research Committee minutes and memoranda on funding the sector research program, 1973 - 1977; and information regarding the Development Policy staff's participation and attendance at the International Meetings of the Directors of Development Research and Training Institutes, OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, August 1972, and in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, August 1974.

Correspondence Concerning the World Bank's Research Program

This series contains primarily letters and memoranda sent and received by the staff of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and by members of the Development Policy Staff and departments. The series consists of two parts: general correspondence and correspondence concerning research on specific subjects (sectors). Much of the general correspondence is from the secretary of the Research Committee (RC) forwarding to committee members meeting agenda, packets of materials to be reviewed in meetings, and minutes of meetings; establishing informal review panels to evaluate research proposals; requesting or commenting on project narratives, status reports, project abstracts, or completion reports from project managers; responding to requests for research funds from non-Bank economists; and transmitting ideas for the World Development Report (WDR) to the WDR staff.

Other correspondence includes letters from VPD Chenery inviting Bank staff to be members of the Research Committee; memoranda from the chairsof review panels reporting the results of the panels' reviews; memoranda from the RC secretary and from other VPD staff outlining procedures for submission and review of research proposals and explaining why a research proposal was not approved by the RC or what changes were required before approval would be granted; letters from Regional economists or from sector staff transmitting research proposals to the RC; and memoranda from the Director, Development Policy, responding to questions from the Executive Directors regarding the Bank's research program. Beginning in May 1978, much of the correspondence consists of copies of letters sent by President McNamara and by VPD staff to members of the General Research Advisory Panel and the Special Research Advisory Panels. Also included is correspondence regarding implementation of the Panels' recommendations. At the end of the general correspondence, there is a folder containing copies of the FY 1977 annual report: World Bank Research Program, January 23, 1978, and a June 19, 1979 Updating Report on the World Bank Research Program.

The second part of the series, which primarily concerns sector research, includes comments on research proposals, review panels' decisions on proposals, Back-to-Office reports from research-related missions, and correspondence responding to GRAP recommendations for research in a sector.

Correspondence and Files Created for Research Projects in Support of Operations (Operations Policy Files)

The series consists of correspondence of Departments and of other organizational units of the Development Policy Staff (DPS), Central Projects Staff (CPS), and the Regional Offices primarily with the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD), the Director, Development Policy, and the DPS Research Adviser concerning research projects in support of operations. Most of these projects were funded through the Bank's External Research Budget beginning in 1972, but the series also includes correspondence relatingto research funded through Department resources. The remainder of the series consists of: research project files, 1972 - 1974 and sector research files, 1975 - 1977.

The research correspondence for the 1972 - 1974 period includes: research proposals forwarded by DPS, CPS, and Regional Office departments to the Research Committee; reports of reviews of research proposals by Research Committee review panels; memos concerning funding estimates for approved research projects; lists of projects requiring funding submitted by the Departments; research project status reports; correspondence of VPD, Bank Departments, and Regional Offices with outside consultants conducting research for approved projects; Terms of Reference (TOR); Back - to - Office Reports (BTOs) for missions associated with research projects; and research proposals from outside researchers and multi-national organizations and responses to these proposals. Also with the 1972 - 1974 correspondence is a copy of the pamphlet World Bank Research Program - Policies and Procedures.

Found with the 1972 - 1974 correspondence are reports prepared in 1973 at the request of Ernest Stern, (Director, Development Policy), which provided information for the first comprehensive report on the Bank's external research program in 1973. Among these reports is a 28 September 1973 status report prepared by the Director, Policy Planning and Program Review Department, DPS of 58 policy papers underway and planned for FY 1974 - FY 1975 and policy papers added, completed, and dropped. A November 30, 1973 update of this report is also in the files. Also among the 1972 - 1974 correspondence are copies of letters and other correspondence concerning the Task Force on Education and Development (ECIEL) and other research issues coming out of the conference on social research held at Bellagio, Italy in February 1974 and co-sponsored by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, the Bank, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID). Filed at the end of the correspondence for 1972 - 1974 are project files relating to various topics including anthropology, export promotion and preference, growth potential of iron ore from developing countries, and urban transport and the automobile.

The research correspondence for 1975 - 1977, while similar in content to the earlier 1972 - 1974 correspondence, includes for the first time copies of mostly administrative correspondence of the Secretary to the Research Committee, Orville F. Grimes, Jr., including copies of Research Committee review panel announcements and minutes of Research Committee meetings. The 1975 - 1977 correspondence also includes Grimes' memos to supervisors of external research projects requesting input for the Abstracts of Current Studies booklet issued annually; copies of revisions of procedures for preparation and submissions of research proposals and informal guidelines for panel review of proposals issued by the Research Adviser; a copy of a bibliography on foreign aid prepared in VPD and furnished to the Executive Directors (EDS) on 19 March 1976 covering publications dated from 1968 to 1975; drafts of sections of the Annual Report on Research forwarded for comment by VPD; correspondence concerning the formation in 1977 of the Research Advisory Panel on Income Distribution and Employment (RAPIDE), including an informal history of the origins of the Research Committee prepared by Grimes (10 October 1972); and a report prepared at VPD's request by the Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, concerning prospective research in country analysis and identification of areas justifying increased external funding or internal staff time.

Immediately following the research correspondence, 1975 - 1977 are three folders, apparently created by Grimes, which contain copies of grey cover annual reports of the World Bank Research Program for 30 December 1975, 8 January 1975, and 13 January 1977, and an annotated draft of the annual report for 1978. A folder on cotton research precedes the 1975-1977 sector research project files which are similar in content to the earlier (1972 - 1974) research project files. The kinds of documents found in the three 1975-1977 research study files at the end of the series (Kenya Socio-Economic Impact, Private Sector Development Study, Socio-Economic Impact Study) are similar to those found in the earlier research project files.

Berne Union Files Maintained by Development Finance Services, Economic Program Department

The International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers (Berne Union) was formed in 1934 with members from France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Its purpose was to foster international acceptance of sound principles of export credit insurance; to establish and maintain discipline in terms of credit for international trade; to maintain sound principles of foreign investment insurance; to encourage a favorable investment climate; and to exchange information, assistance, expertise, and advice in relation to the commercial and political risks associated with export credit and investment insurance.

The January 1965 to January 1970 files cover the period when Andr Nespoulous-Neuville served as a World Bank observer to Berne Union Extraordinary General Meetings held in January and Annual General Meetings usually held in May of the same year. Most meeting files for the period include correspondence regarding meeting arrangements, provisional and final programs and lists of participants, lists of countries to be reviewed at the meetings, press releases (press notices), minutes of the meetings provided by the Berne Union Secretary-General, and the observer's Back-to-Office reports. Some of Nespoulous-Neuville's reports and other correspondence regarding Berne Union are addressed to the President of the Bank, the Director and Associate Director of the Development Services Department, and the Director, Development Finance Services where he was on staff.

The file for the 20 - 25 May 1967 Annual General Meeting in Wiesbaden contains a copy of a statement made by Nespoulous-Neuville at the meeting on the World Bank's Staff Study of Supplier' Credits from Industrialized to Developing Countries. The file for the 16 - 20 January 1967 meeting in Meg?ve includes a copy of a January 26, 1967 letter from Nespoulous-Neuville to the Secretary-General of Berne Union informing him that the Berne Union President had agreed at the meeting to send the World Bank all documents of general interest to the Bank. Most of the files dated after this letter usually include statistical data and other Berne Union documents not previously distributed to the Bank. The file for the London meeting, June 4-9, 1968 is the first to include a letter of invitation to the observer to participate in country review discussions at the meetings.

Nespoulous-Neuville left Development Finances Services before the May 1970 Annual General Meeting and was succeeded as a Bank observer at that meeting by Ugo Sachetti, the Director, Development Finance Services, which became the International Finance Division in the January 15, 1971 Bank reorganization. Sachetti served as observer through the May 1971 Annual General Meeting held in Washington, DC. Among topics discussed at that meeting were the responses to a questionnaire regarding the availability of export credit insurance to Ghana. Some responses are part of the file for that meeting.


This series consists of numbered publications by the Development Committee on development issues such as environment, assistance to developing countries, trade and development, concessional flows, poverty, market prospects, and structural adjustment.

Substantive [subject] files

This series contains correspondence and background material relating to development issues studied by the Development Committee. It includes the principal body of records on the Working Group on access to capital markets. These files are essential for understanding the initial conceptualizations of the Development Committee as to its area of activity and the extent of its coordinating functions in the field of development.

Administrative files

The series consists of subject files covering the operations of the Committee on a day-to-day basis. These include records of meetings of the Committee President with various members, with the President of the Bank and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (the three together are known as the Troika), and with the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs. There are records of administrative matters such as governance and membership, budgets, work programs,and correspondence with other multi-lateral international development agencies. Other files contain information on topics of interest to the Committee, such as health, environment, and debt issues, while still others are speeches, general correspondence, and the publication of a pamphlet for the tenth anniversary of the Committee.

When this series was in active use, it was the heart of the Development Committee secretariat operations, according to former Executive Secretary Peter Mountfield. It is an essential resource for understanding the scope and operations of the Development Committee during its first two decades.

Annual reports to the Boards of Governors

The series includes the annual reports of the Development Committee to the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a press release on the 1978 report, and the reviews of the Committee in 1978 and 1981 as presented to the Boards of Governors.

Records of sub-committees, task forces, and working groups

During its first years, the Development Committee created subordinate bodies to help manage the Committee itself (the Sub-committee on Administration) and to investigate issues and propose positions (task forces and working groups). In 1979 the Committee decide to abolish working groups, but task forces with a specific limited task and duration might still be established. Thereafter the Committee created task forces rarely, choosing instead to handle most matters within the Secretariat and the Committee.

An ad hoc working group on administration was established by the Committee chairman and met in Paris on 9 June 1975, to discuss the budget and organization of the Committee. This working group recommended the establishment of a sub-committee of the Development Committee, to be designated the Sub-committee on Administration, to consist of ten members to review the budget (see numbered Committee document DC/75-17). Although the sub-committee was intended to be a continuing body, it failed to gain acceptance and was terminated in 1978.

The Development Committee created task forces on private foreign investment (1979-1980), non-concessional flows (1980-1982), and concessional flows (1982-1985) and working groups on access to capital markets (1975-1978) and on development finance and policy (1977-1979). These bodies commissioned papers, held meetings and consultations, and prepared proposals for the Development Committee. The papers and proposals, prepared as numbered documents, provide important overviews of world economic mechanisms as of the beginning of the fourth quarter of the twentieth century. Of particular interest are records of a seminar held by the Working Group on access to capital markets in October of 1978. The seminar brought together representatives of developing countries and market operators and institutional investors, and the report of proceedings shows the divergent points of view current at that time.

Records of meetings of deputies (senior officials)

In 1977 the Development Committee decided, as an experiment, to hold meetings of the deputies to the Committee members in advance of the Committee meetings, in order to prepare for the discussions in the full Committee. After four meetings the experiment was abandoned.

The records consist of agendas and information packets for the four meetings, verbatim transcripts, and numbered documents. Topics covered are the same as those of the Development Committee for the period, including the role of multilateral development institutions, review of the work program of the Committee, a report of the Working Group on access to capital markets, and a Mexican proposal for a long-term recycling facility.

Meeting files

This series consists of the administrative records of each session of the Development Committee. Included are agendas, lists of speakers, attendance, travel and seating arrangements, drafts of statements, records of discussions, and internal and external correspondence relating to the meeting. As an example, the file on the 38th meeting (May 1990) includes the agenda, press communique, seating chart, remarks for plenary, afternoon, and closing sessions, luncheon arrangements, press conference attendance, information for participants, statements, background materials, administrative matters, and the record of discussions.

Master file of numbered Committee documents

This series contains a complete set of official numbered documents of the Committee which include but are not limited to topical papers distributed to members of the Committee prior to meetings, reports of working groups and task forces, records of discussion, and notices of meetings and proposed agendas. Statements to the Committee from the President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund are included, as are communiques from the meetings of the Intergovernmental Group of 24 on International Monetary Affairs. Beginning in 1988 the series also includes official statements made during the year by members and observers. Each document is usually present in English, French, and Spanish versions. The content of the documents is reflected in the titles of the items.

Files regarding revision of the International Finance Corporation's safeguard policy

In 2004 Gloria Davis assisted the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in its review of its environmental and social safeguard policies. This review was triggered by the findings of the 2003 report by the IFC's Compliance Advisor and Ombudsman on the implementation and impact of the IFC's safeguard policies.

The series includes notes from meetings, drafts, printouts of email, and background materials.

Subject files

In 1993 Gloria Davis became the chief of the World Bank's Social Policy and Resettlement Division and in 1997 she became the director of the Department of Social Policy. In these positions she directed studies, authored papers, and participated in major Bank task forces and initiatives. This series of files is organized by subject, principally around major topics in social policy. Within each subject the files are chronological and often include background materials used for studies and drafts at various stages of the writing process.

These files are a rich resource for the study of the social policy debate within the Bank. Through the drafts and comments on them, the user can see the varied influences on the final version of a study and the role that Davis played in the outcome. Because many of the topics overlapped, a researcher interested in one topic might find very useful information in another subject file on a related topic.

Clusters of files are found around topics that were the focus of a working group or task force in which Davis participated; see, for example, the files on participation in development by local communities, on safeguards, and on the fiftieth anniversary of the World Bank. In early 1996 the Bank formed a Task Group on Social Development, which had ten satellite groups to work on specific areas. Davis was a member of the Task Group and deeply involved in the work of the satellite group on social capital. The main files are Task Group on Social Development, with additional files under Social capital - Correspondence. The files include printed email messages, drafts, and background information shared among the group members.

During 2001 and 2003, Davis was one of the representatives of the Bank on a collaborative effort by the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the International Finance Corporation and the World Bank to develop a common framework for environmental impact assessment. The group developed a report, A Common Framework: Converging Requirements of Multilateral Financial institutions. The series includes meeting agendas, draft papers, and comments by World Bank staff members on the harmonization effort.

Another set of files are those Davis assembled when writing her major study, History of the Social Development Network in the World Bank, 1973-2002. For this work she pulled together materials from the 1970s to the present,often in copies but sometimes in originals. The files on the history contain correspondence from readers of drafts or persons to whom she directed questions; in addition, many of the items listed in the annex to the History can be found scattered throughout this series.

In addition, Davis retained her lifelong interest in Indonesia, and a small amount of material on Indonesia is also found in the series, both as a separate subject and in areas such as Social capital. Local level institutions study, which looked intensively at institutions in Indonesia.

Any researcher interested in the development of the social policy in the Bank will find these records useful, particularly those on the Task Force and on the history Davis wrote of social development in the Bank.

Indonesia maps and charts

This series principally contains maps, but it also includes some oversize organization charts and schematic drawings. Approximately half are commercial maps of Indonesia, the remainder are maps created for projects funded by the Bank. Some project maps are hand colored or annotated.

The maps are extremely useful for studying the Bank funded transmigration projects, particularly the surveys undertaken in 1978 and 1979.

Writings not by Gloria Davis

This series contains writings, primarily on Indonesian topics, that were given to Gloria Davis by their authors. Both published and unpublished items are included. Some are papers that were presented at conferences; others are student papers, theses, and dissertations; many are reprints from journals. A few have annotations. The series concludes with the papers from the International Seminar on Settlement Concept as an Integrated Part of Regional and Rural Development, August 23-28, 1987, which Davis maintained as a set.

Indonesia project and research reports (Bahasa)

This series contains project and research reports on Indonesia that were prepared by or for the Government of Indonesia or as part of the regular work of an Indonesian institution. A few are pre-publication versions. They were obtained by Gloria Davis as background for her work on Indonesia.

In a few cases Gloria Davis obtained part of a series of reports in English and part in Bahasa; see, for example, the Survey Agro Ekonomi where working papers 8, 9 and 11 are English and the rest of the seriesis in Bahasa. Similarly, the early monitoring reports of the Baturaja and Way Abung monitoring by Institut Pertanian Bogor are in English, but the draft final reports are in Bahasa.

Indonesia project and research reports (English)

Each project, whether funded by the World Bank or by other donors, requires formal reports. In addition, research reports on Indonesia published by various institutions were obtained by Gloria Davis as background to her work on Indonesia, including a few pre-publication versions.

This series contains project and research reports in English; Bahasa language reports are in a separate series. The first section includes reports from the Government of Indonesia and reports to it by its contractors. The second section has reports of research undertaken by Indonesian institutions. Of particular interest are the reports of a Bogor Agricultural University project established in 1977 to do long term social-economic monitoring of the two transmigration settlements of Batu Marta, South Sumatra, and Way Abung, North Lampung. The third section has reports from projects undertaken by a foreign government, the fourth section has reports from projects and research undertaken by international institutions., and the finalsection contains reports by research institutions outside Indonesia.

Indonesia transmigration sector review files

In September 1984 the Bank began preparing for a review of the entire Indonesian transmigration sector. Gloria Davis led the sector review, and she and two colleagues went to Indonesia in November 1984 on the initiating mission. The final report of the sector review was published on October 24, 1986.

The series consists of a few files arranged by topic, followed by computer printouts of statistical analysis concerning population projections and working files of data and analysis. The working files include information from previous World Bank studies. The series concludes with data and statistics from the Government of Indonesia, primarily dating from 1982 to 1985 but including two items from 1976. Related items from the Government of Indonesia from this period are found in the series of Indonesia project and research reports (Bahasa), and correspondence about the review is found in the correspondence files.

Indonesia projects file

In addition to the large program review of the Indonesia transmigration projects and the later review of the entire transmigration sector, Gloria Davis was involved with or closely followed other projects in Indonesia. This series consists of files on the Second Swamp Reclamation project, a Transmigration Income Survey project, the UN Development Program's Bank-funded Transmigration Management and Monitoring Service Project, and UN Food and Agriculture Organization/World Food Program projects. The files include correspondence, reports, survey forms, drafts, copies of contracts, and work plans.

The three files on the UNDP program are helpful to understand the background of the monitoring service. By 1979 the Bank and other funders were concerned that the transmigration project had grown beyond the capacities of the Government of Indonesia's current management structure. The Bank agreed that the Government could use $2 million of the funds already lent to the Government to establish a monitoring project; UNDP provided a grant of $1.5 million; and the Government of Indonesia made a contribution, all of which funds would be administered by UNDP which would contract with a management firm to provide assistance to the Junior Minister of Transmigration to improve the management of the overall transmigration program and to assist in establishing procedures and training for the staff and establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the development of and benefits of the Transmigration II project. In 1980 the firm of Resources Management, International, was awarded the contract. Gloria Davis was involved in the negotiations for the monitoring program, and reports on the program are found in her file of project and research reports and other correspondence on the monitoring project is found in the correspondence file.

Fiji economic mission

Gloria Davis was a member of the June 1984 World Bank economic survey mission to Fiji, and this series is the set of subject files she compiled before and during the mission. The files contain correspondence, notes she took while in Fiji and while doing research, drafts, schedules, and information obtained from other Bank missions and from governments with projects in Fiji. At the end of the subject files is the draft report she wrote following the mission, Fiji: Equity Issues and Rural Development. Also included are two files of background information.

Although this series is small, Davis assembled a quantity of grey literature on Fiji that makes it a useful supplement to research on Fiji in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Indonesia transmigration program - data and statistics

This series consists of the original data sheets, coded tabulations, and computer analyses from surveys in the areas involved in the first two transmigration projects funded by the World Bank, including Way Abung, Rimbo Bujang, Singkut, Sitiung, Upang, and villages designated only by unit number.

The first group, labeled Data sheets - Original Sit, Up & RB forms, consists of 3-page, 7-part completed interview forms in ten villages identified as Unit I through Unit X. Part 1 of the form gives basic demographic information, part 2 is on agricultural land provided by the government, part 3 is use of other land, part 4 is on water, part 5 on agricultural production (crop yields), part 6 is agricultural inputs, and part 7 is possessions. Names are not included. The survey was taken after May 1978 (the latest date recorded for arrival of migrants) and before the coding was done in September 1978. Included are the coding sheets and data analysis.

The second group of survey data sheets is from 1979. The survey covered the villages of Bataraja-Matapura, Sitiung, Upang, and Way Abung. The folder containing the Upang forms is marked Delta data collected June 79. The form used had 2 pages and asked many of the same questions as the 1978 form. After the initial section of demographic information, there are sections on agricultural land, agricultural production, agricultural inputs, house type, property (agricultural and personal), and information about returns made to Java, comparison of income in Java and in current location, expectations and reality, and problems encountered.

The 1979 data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program. There are cross-tabulations for all villages or a subset of villages, variables broken down by village, and Pearson correlation coefficients.

In 1983, the project completion review team for the Bank's Transmigration I project, led by Gloria Davis, requested that a census of village units be conducted in village units V, VI, VII, VIII,IX, X and XI of Batumarta and Units XII and XII of the Transmigration I extension area. The data was to be collected on about 200 families. The 1979 form was used. No analysis of the data is included.

Because the survey forms appear to be complete, they could serve as a baseline for further analytical work in the same villages.

Indonesia transmigration notebooks

This series consists of notebooks that Davis kept or obtained during surveys of villages in Indonesia involved in transmigration. The first five notebooks relate to villages that she studied for her Ph.D. dissertation, of which the first four are Davis' notes and the fifth is a report written to her.

The next four notebooks are numbered, and the last is annotated very rapid general survey please hold and return. The second notebook is dated 12-3-78, giving the date for the survey. Each reports survey data from the villages of Pulung Kencana, Candra Kencana, Penumangan, Panaragan Jaya, Tara Karya, Bangun Sari, Sidomukti, Purbasakri, Makari, Marga Mulyo, Daya Sakri and Daya Murni. The names of the persons interviewed are not included. The data are date of arrival, originally from, type of migration, how many people were at home and how many migrated, what property is owned here and what property in Java, what type of house, occupation in Java, money brought from Java when migrating, number of times returned to Java, number of people who followed you here, and questions about the land given and purchased, crops grown and productivity of farm, fertilizer use, off-farm work, income here and in Java, expectations as against reality, and biggest difficulty.

The third set of notebooks are numbered 1-5 and labeled Unit Desa I (3 volumes) and Unit Desa II (2 volumes). They contain the same type of data as the second set of notebooks. These villages were organized by blok; in village I the bloks had letters for identification (for example, Blok E) while in the second village the bloks carried both a letter and the numeral II (Blok C II). In these surveys the name of the family surveyed is included.

Finally, 1 notebook marked Way Abung Apr. May 1978 Baturaja Mar 78? and 1 notebook marked Sitiung contain lists of variables and codes to be used in analyzing data.

Indonesia transmigration program subject file

The first Indonesian transmigration program that the World Bank financed (Transmigration I) involved the areas of Baturaja and Way Abung. Transmigration II involved the areas of Rimbo Bujang, Alai Hilir, and Singkut along the trans-Sumtra highway in Jambi province. The files in this series are primarily on those locations, with additional files on topics such as cassava and land tenure. Davis incorporated in the files documents from her previous work on Indonesia, such as a bibliography from 1972, and writings from other Indonesia specialists that she used. The files Baturaja - Way Abung Computer Analysis and Notes include notes that Davis made in 1976.

Some interview notes are included, as are maps, documents from the Government of Indonesia, reports from consultants, and a draft of Beyond Subsistence: A Report on the Agricultural Economies of Way Abung and Baturaja, a study prepared by Davis. The Way Abung file includes summaries based on a brief survey of 240 informants in 12 WA villages and supplementary material from a report from IPB Bogor based on interviews with 90 migrant families. A survey was conducted in the Rimbobujang area, and the files contain information, data, and analysis from that survey.

While most of the files relate to the geographic areas included in the transmigration program review that was conducted between 1979 and 1981, the series also includes a file on a review of the North Sumatra smallholder development project. At the end of the series is a file containing progress reports 3 through 10 on the South Sumatra and Lampung Transmigration and Rural Development Project, prepared for the Government of Indonesia by its consultants.

The files are useful for an historical perspective on the villages and areas where transmigration occurred.

Correspondence file

The series appears to have been established by Davis when she began work at the World Bank. It contains incoming letters and memoranda, almost all relating to Indonesia, some mission reports, notes, and drafts of working papers by Davis and others. Documents from the Government of Indonesia are found in the file, primarily as duplicate copies.

The file begins in 1978, but the heart of the series is the period after the completion of the World Bank's transmigration program review in Indonesia (published in 1981) and leading up to the publication of the Bank's transmigration sector review in 1986. The records provide a good overview of the steps in preparing a major sector review, from the first memos in 1984 outlining the possible topics to be covered, through the data collection phases and statistical analyses, to the drafting and review within the Bank, to the final publication.

Edited conference volume

A Conference on Indonesian Culture was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 3 through August 3, 1976. Gloria Davis edited the papers from the conference for publication in 1979 as :What Is Modern Indonesia Culture? in Ohio University's Southeast Asia Series. The series consists of the conference papers, with editorial changes, sometimes in several versions. Also included is some correspondence with the authors. The publication is not included.

Personal file

The series appears to have been established by Davis when she began work at the World Bank, although it incorporates two papers that she wrote before coming to the Bank. Each file is titled with her name, the subject of the document it contains and usually a date. A file of drafts, primarily of papers Davis wrote in the 1970s, was added to the subject files.

Most of these items are memos or reports written by Davis during her first years at the Bank. They all concern Indonesia, and in them Davis' voiceand opinions are clearly expressed. Particularly interesting are notes she wrote following a visit to Saimen in August 1978, reporting on what residents told her about the Kali Tapan demonstration project.

Dissertation and data collection sheets

Gloria Davis completed her Ph.D. in anthropology at Stanford University in 1976 with a dissertation titled, Parigi: A Social History of the Balinese Movement to Central Sulawesi, 1907-1974. The series consists of a copy of the dissertation and the data sheets that Davis compiled in preparing it.

As Davis describes in the introduction to the dissertation, In early 1973 I began a systematic census of the migrant area [Parigi, central Sulawesi], followed by a detailed questionnaire administered to 1,000 migrants. In this effort I was assisted by a number of school teachers in the various villages, and also by two assistants . . . who together administered about one-half the questionnaires and coded and compiled all the results. In early 1974 the three of us returned to Bali and gave the same questionnaire to 500 Balinese from sending areas for migrants in Sulawesi. The original questionnaires, filled out by hand and including the name of the person interviewed and the location, make up the series. Nine groups were surveyed in Sulawesi and six in Bali. Within each group, each survey sheet was numbered, and they are in numerical order. Appendix B of the dissertation provides an English translation of the survey form.

Because of the completeness of the survey data, the data sheets are an important resource for persons interested in tracing communities, families, or individuals in the survey area; reviewing the early stages of the transmigration program in Indonesia; or replicating the survey.

EDI Task Force Secretary's records

This series consists of records related to the research and consultation undertaken by the task force. This includes the reports on consultations; some items relating to EDI and its programs that pre-date the task force (includinga copy of the Bank's 1976 EDI/20 : Memoir of a Fellowship); memoranda to and from the task force members; interim reprots; drafts; and a copy of the final report to the Board.

Task Force Chairman's Records

This series consists of the records related to the Task Force on Local Financing under Adjustment Operations. The records were created and collected by Salah El Serafy, Economic Adviser in Economic Advisory Staff (EAS), who served as chairman of the Task Force on Local Cost Financing Under Adjustment Operations. The series contains a copy of the final Task Force report which was forwarded to President Conable on December 18, 1990; copies of comments on the final report from members of the President's Council; various drafts of the report; Serafy's correspondence with the Task Force members; hand written notes from Task Force meetings; and background documents including minutes of the May 24, 1990 Executive Directors' meeting at which questions were raised regarding the appropriateness of using credit proceeds to finance local costs for credits to Ghana (Credit No. 214GH) and Nigeria (Credit No. 2139-UNI). It was that Board discussion which led to the establishment of this task force. Also included among the background documents are copies of many of the records, dated from November 1989 to May 1990, of the Task Force on Cost Sharing and Local Cost Financing (also called the Project Cost Sharing Task Force) chaired by Randolph L. P. Harris. The final report of that Task Force which was issued on May 31, 1990, is not in this series, but copies of comments on various drafts of the report are included.

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