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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

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Background Materials, Memoranda, and Drafts of Research Papers

This series contains background materials, intra-Bank memoranda, and drafts of research papers primarily of staff from two Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) units: the International Trade and Capital Flows Division (EPDIT) and the Global Analysis and Projections Division (EPDGL). The records are divided into two parts. The first and more voluminous part (2.33 linear feet) consists of EPD files dated 1977 to 1984 and containing rough working files for research papers. In addition to rough drafts of papers, these files contain intra-Bank memoranda containing comments on drafts or concerning EPD computer usage, analysis of data compiled by EPD staff, and other issues relating to research. The second part of the series contains drafts of research papers dated 1979 - 1990 and generated primarily by EPDIT and EPDGL staff, but there are also four papers written by staff from the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department and threepapers authored by economists from: the School of International Service at American University; Seoul University; and Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. Some of the research papers in this series were issued as Division Working Papers which reported on research work in progress and were circulated only for Bank staff use to stimulate discussion and comment. Others were prepared for presentation at a conference or for publication by the World Bank or in a professional journal.

Records of the Economics and Research Staff, Departments, and Divisions

The files in this series contain correspondence, reports, and publications documenting the economic analysis and research work of the Economics and Research Staff (ERS) and the two ERS departments: the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and the Development Research Department (DRD). Most of the correspondence was sent or received by the Director of EPD and by staff in the EPD divisions, but there is some correspondence of the Vice President of ERS and of the DRD staff. The correspondence concerns commodity price forecasts, economic and social data generated by ERS, international trade, external debt of developing nations, and comments on drafts of the World Development Report (WDR) and on background papers prepared for the WDR. Specific documents and publications include: Back-to-Office Reports from ERS staff attending conferences or undertaking missions to analyze a specific industry; copies of the commodity handbooks issued by the Commodities and Export Projections Division (EPDCE); quarterly reviews of commodity markets; publications on commodities from the Commodity Studies and Projections Division (EPDCS); copies of the 1984 - 1986 annual reports on the World Bank Research Program; the EPD's User's Guide on World Bank Trade Data System issued in October 1985; and a June 1984 draft of the Pfeffermann Committee's Report on Economy-Wide Modelling in the Bank.

Files Relating to ERS Reviews of Documents Disscussed in Meetings of the Loan Committee, the Operations Policy Subcommittee, and the Operations Policy Committee

This series contains five sets of files that the Economics and Research Staff (ERS) compiled while reviewing proposals and developing the ERS position on proposals (for loans, credits, Country Policy Papers, Country Strategy Papers, and Policy Framework Papers) that were considered primarily by the Loan Committee but also by the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) and, beginning in September 1986, by the Operations Policy Committee (OPC).

  1. The bulk of the series (1.5 linear feet) contains country files, dated 1985 to 1987 and arranged alphabetically by client country and thereunder chronologically. The file for a particular country contains, at a minimum, the agenda and/or minutes of the committee meeting at which a proposal was discussed. The minutes include a summary of the proposal but not the complete text. Other documents in a typical file include intra-ERS memoranda analyzing a proposal and containing recommendations regarding the position ERS should support; a briefing note summarizing the ERS position; an ERS staff member's report on the meeting, providing information to supplement the official minutes; memoranda from the ERS staff to Regional or sector staff clarifying the position ERS took on the proposal in the committee meeting; other correspondence between ERS and Regional staff; and some Back-to-Office Reports from ERS staff who took part in negotiations with the client country. Filed under Rwanda/SAVEMS is a small collection of statistical tables (titled Selected Analytical Variables for Economists and Managers), 1985 - 1987, arranged by client country that the Country Analysis and Projections Division (EPDCO) of ERS generated on 28 countries.

Filed at the end of the series are four small collections of files. Many of the items in these files are duplicated the country files.

  1. A set of files concerning Country Policy Papers (CPPs), arranged alphabetically by client country and dated February 1984 - January 1987. For Bolivia and Jamaica, the files refer to Divisional Country Briefs (DCBs) rather than CPPs. The file for a particular country typically includes an agenda for the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) or Operations Policy Committee (OPC) with comments on major policy issues in the CPP that were identified by the Country Policy Department (CPD) and the Planning and Budget Department (PBD); a Postscript of the OPSC or OPC meeting at which the CPP was discussed; and a memorandum forwarding the CPP to the Managing Committee of which the Vice President of ERS was a member. In most cases, the complete CPP is not in the file, but most files do include intra-office memoranda and briefing notes from ERS staff.

  2. A set of minutes of the Operations Policy Subcommittee and, beginning in November 1986, of the Operations Policy Committee, arranged chronologically and dated September 1986 - April 1987. The meetings were held to discuss Policy Framework Papers (PFPs) and most are Structural Adjustment Facility PFPs. Attached to the minutes are summaries of the PFP provided by the Director of the Country Policy Division, but complete PFPs are not found in the files.

  3. Agenda and Minutes of Loan Committee meetings arranged by Region and dated September 1984 - May 1987. Included with the agenda are summaries of the proposed loan or credit provided by the Director of the Country Policy Department.

  4. Agenda and Minutes of Loan Committee meetings and Operations Policy Committee meetings, arranged alphabetically by country and dated April 1985 - April 1987. The OPC meetings dealt with Structural Adjustment Facility Policy Framework Papers, Country Policy Papers, and Divisional Country Briefs. This file also includes briefing notes stating the ERS position on a proposal and post-meeting notes from ERS staff supplementing the official minutes.

Files Regarding the Publication and Dissemination of Research Products

The files in this series contain correspondence, reports, and other records establishing policies and procedures for the publication and dissemination of World Bank research products. The files were maintained successively by the Development Policy Staff (DPS), the Economics and Research Staff (ERS: primarily by Research Administrator Deepak Lal and Policy Advisor Dennis N. de Tray), and finally by Research Administrator de Tray in the Policy, Planning, and Research Staff.

Subjects covered include: the establishment and funding of the Bank Research Documentation Center (BRDC) as the primary depository of research documentation on projects funded by the World Bank Research Program, 1980 - 1984; the selection of topics for the next several editions of the World Development Report, 1985 - 1988; the costs of producing the Bank's main periodicals on research, 1986; and general discussions of the types of publications best suited for the dissemination of information about the research program. Specific documentsin the files include: copies of key documents (Terms of Reference; agenda and minutes of meetings), 1985 - 1987, for the Comparative Studies Coordination Committee and its successor, the Research Coordination Committee; the July 1984 draft of the report of the Committee on Economy-wide Modeling in the Bank (filed under Model Review Committee); a copy of Bela Balassa's August 1987 Report on World Bank Research and the voluminous comments from Bank staff on that report (filed under Review of Bank's ResearchProgram); briefing papers used in an ERS presentation by ERSVP Anne Kruger to the Executive Directors, December 1986; correspondence and intra-DPS and ERS memoranda outlining policies concerning the publication of products of the Bank's staff (filed under Publication Policies); and a copy of the October 1984 preliminary report of the Subcommittee of BRAG [Bank Research Advisory Group] on dissemination of the Bank's research output (filed under Research Dissemination).

Records of the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Development Policy Staff

Sub-fonds consists of records created in the Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD). Many of the records were created by the Director, Development Policy; these relate to the Development Committee; the Policy Review Committee, and commodity policy work in the department. Other records in this sub-fonds relate to specific research projects and, generally, the World Bank's research program. Also included are records related to the external General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP). Correspondence and other records of the Development Policy Staff, Departments, and Divisions are also included in this sub-fonds.

Subject Files of the Research Advisers

This series contains the subject files of Research Advisers Ernest Stern (originally titled Senior Adviser) and, beginning in April 1974, Benjamin B. King. After King left the position in March 1977, Ian M.D. Little and Bela Belassa served as acting Research Adviser until the appointment of Shankar Acharya in July 1979. The files include the advisers' correspondence with President McNamara, the Vice President of Development Policy, the directors and staff of the Development Policy departments, members ofthe Research Committee, and non-Bank research professionals. This series also includes some correspondence of the Research Committee secretary. A file on the early administration of the World Bank's research program, 1971 - 1974, includes a history and description of the research program, outlines of research priorities, and memoranda on the policy of long-term consultant appointments funded from the External Research Budget.

Other files contain: tables and correspondence regarding the research budget and the funding of specific projects, July 1971-June 1973; correspondence on rejected proposals, October 1971 - May 1974, including comments on the project proposals and memoranda explaining why specific research proposals were rejected; agenda (May 1971 - June 1979) and minutes ( April 1971 - October 1974; January 1975 - March 1979) of Research Committee meetings; minutes of Review Panel meetings, 1972 - 1978; correspondence regarding the size and membership of the Research Committee, 1971 - 1979; correspondence regarding research proposals (instructions and deadlines for submitting proposals, memoranda conveying the decisions of the Research Committee, lists of proposals each department planned to submit in the coming fiscal year), 1972 - 1974; comments on drafts of the annual report to the Executive Directors on the research program and memoranda summarizing the response of the Directors to the report, 1973 - 1974; correspondence regarding the evaluation of urban development projects and the financing of these evaluations, 1972 - 1975; correspondence with non-Bank personnel, 1971 - 1974 (filed under Outside Correspondence); excerpts from Research Committee minutes and memoranda on funding the sector research program, 1973 - 1977; and information regarding the Development Policy staff's participation and attendance at the International Meetings of the Directors of Development Research and Training Institutes, OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, August 1972, and in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, August 1974.

Reading File of Bela Balassa

This reading file covers Balassa's work as a consultant for the World Bank from September 1966 to May 1991. Bela Balassa was recruited in 1966 by Irving S. Friedman, The Economic Adviser to the President, as a consultant adviser to the Economics Department of the Bank. Balassa had recently been appointed Professor of Political Economy at The Johns Hopkins University and prior to that was on the faculty of Yale University. Balassa worked closely with Friedman and Andrew Kamarck, the Director of the Economics Department, and later with Hollis B. Chenery after he was appointed Economic Adviser to the Bank President in October 1970.

Through successive Bank reorganizations, Balassa served as a consultant policy adviser and prepared papers at the request of Operations and other Bank units, led Bank missions to developing countries, supervised research performed in Regional offices, and conducted his own research and writing. He served as a consultant in DEC at the time of his death on May 10, 1991.

During theperiod 1966-1970, the series includes Balassa's letters and Back-to-Office Reports for missions to Argentina, Korea, Taiwan, and Israel, letters sent in conjunction with the Development Strategies in Semi-Industrial Countries and Export Promotion in Developing Countries projects, and letters to outside economists invited to attend meetings at the Bank on the Structure of Protection in Developing Countries.

Letters and memoranda for the 1971-1981 period continue to document his duties as Research Adviser to the Economics Department and to the Vice President, Development Policy Hollis Chenery who was appointed the Economic Adviser to the Bank President. Balassa also consulted with Ernest Stern, Senior Adviser, Development Policy and officials of other Bank departments on policy issues and participated in economic or advisory missions. In February 1972 he was transferred to the Development Research Center. Letters and memoranda for the period afterward indicate that Belassa continued to lead or otherwise participate in missions; performed other policy advisory work for Regional Offices, other parts of the Bank, and governments of less developed countries; assisted the Research Committee (later the Research Projects Approval Committee [REPAC]) in panel review of research proposals; provided leadership to the Industrial Development and Trade Steering Group; commented on the quality and distribution of World Bank staff working papers; and conducted his own research and writing

Beginning in 1982, Balassa reported to the Vice President, Development Policy Staff (later Vice President, Economics and Research [ERS]) and to the Director of the Development Research Department. Letters and memoranda indicate his increased involvement in policy advising and operational support both to senior Bank management and Regional Offices and continued participation in missions and in the Research Committee. After the 1987 Reorganization, Balassa reported to the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DEC). A copy of an August 4, 1987 report on World Bank Research prepared at the request of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research is in the file. A number of letters and reports after that date and continuing through 1991 concern Balassa's review of papers in the Policy, Planning and Research (PPR, later PRE [Policy, Research, and External Affairs]) Working Papers series. Included in the PPR/PRE series were World Development Reports and other papers prepared by organizations within DECVP, IEC [International Economics Department], and CEC [Country Economics Department].

Throughout the series are copies of papers Balassa prepared at the request of the Board and Bank offices, copies of research papers and lectures prepared for Bank-IMF sponsored conferences and for meetings of international organizations, reports prepared after returning to the Bank from outside meetings on economic issues and trade policy, and letters concerning his books and other publications.

Fact Sheet, Press Release, and Other Materials Concerning the Publication of the 1996 World Debt Table Maintained by the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDF)

This series documents media coverage of the March 1996 release of the sixteenth edition of the World Debt Tables. Included are: copies of the Bank's press release and fact sheet; a transcript of remarks Michael Bruno, Chief Economist, Nawal Kamel, Chief of the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDF), and Masood Ahmed, Director of the International Economics Department, delivered at the National Press Club on March 11; copies of news clippings; and a list of questions and answers relating to the report.

Evaluation Report for SMART (Software for Market Access and Restriction to Trade) Maintained by the Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains a draft and the final version of the report of the joint Bank/United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) project to evaluate: the development of the SMART [Software for Market Access and Restrictions to Trade] system, the dissemination activities for SMART, and the use that developing countries had made of SMART. These copies of the report were maintained by the Chief of the International Trade Division (IECIT) of the International Economics Department whose staff worked on the project. SMART was a software system to analyze trade, tariffs, and NTBs (nontariff barriers) in OECD [Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development] markets.

International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) Files Relating to the Long Term Surveys of Country Ecoinomics and to the Short-Term Outlook

The Long Term Surveys of Country Economists and Short-Term Outlook were products of the Global Analysis and Prospects Division (EPDGL) under the Economics and Research Staff and its successor, the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP). The Long Term Survey, which was prepared once a year, contained ten-year GDP projections for developing countries and provided key data for the World Development Report. Short-Term Outlook was prepared twice a year for the Executive Board.

Included for the Long Term Surveys are: the results of the second and fourth (1985 and 1987) Surveys and the Guidelines for the second and third (1985 and 1986) Surveys. The Guidelines were sent to Regional Senior Economists and Country Economists and included the Planning Assumptions Committee's projections for the global macroeconomic and financial indicators used in the survey.

The records relating to the Short Term Outlook (STO) include: a January 24, 1989 Statement by the Staff on the Short-Term Outlook which appears to been presented to the Board of Executive Directors; a copy of Stanley Fischer's March 1, 1990 statement to the Board; a summary by Arman M. J. Van Nimmen (EDINU) of the March 1, 1990 Board meeting which was devoted entirely to a discussion of the STO; and a copy of Stanley Fischer's August 2, 1990 introductory statement to the Board regarding the summer STO.

Résultats 4301 à 4350 sur 4667