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Chronological files

Throughout most of his career, Calika kept copies of the memos, letters, reports, and studies that he wrote, either for his signature or that of senior Bank officials. He maintained these copies in a personal file in chronological order.Occasionally he included copies of incoming letters and memoranda. Some drafts of speeches or proposed remarks are in the file, as are copies of minutes or other official documents.

The documents in these files are largely duplicates of those in the official files of the Bank, but their chronological arrangement allows the user to follow issues as they unfolded, from the point of view of a Bank officer. The files are particularly rich for the African period of Calika's career. Calika began active involvement with the region as chief of the unit dealing with the British Commonwealth. His files exist from the latter part of that period; while they contain some information on countries such as Malta or British Guiana, most of the documents relate to Kenya, Tanganyika, Swaziland, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, and Mauritius. During Calika's years in the Africa Department, the Bank decided to set up two local offices (permanent missions), one in East Africa and one in West Africa. Calika monitored the activities in those offices, traveling to them and overseeing the cooperative programs they undertook. The files for the Africa years include, for example, a July 1967 memo on river blindness, memos on the progress of the Agricultural Development Service, and correspondence with partners such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program, UNESCO, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the African Development Bank.

Calika served in the Education Project Department during the years surrounding Robert McNamara's 1970 launch of a new approach to lending for education. Calika's role in the department included hiring and training new staff to meet the new lending goals, and the administrative issues of the expanding department are reflected in the files. The papers from Calika's period in Latin America are thinner, with the year 1975 entirely missing and the papers from 1979 very thin.

The Calika papers are particularly useful to researchers interested in the history of the Bank's relationship with Africa throughout the 1960s. They also help a researcher follow the internal administration of the Bank's effort to expand its role in education.

Records of President A. W. Clausen

A. W. Clausen became World Bank President in July 1981 and served a full five year term. Shortly after he became President, Clausen established a Managing Committee to provide overall administrative and programmatic control of the Bank's activities. The records of the Clausen presidency are best approached through the official files of this Managing Committee, which provide comprehensive documentation on virtually all issues before the Bank during those years. Both Clausen's personal records of the Committee as well as the Committee's official records are part of this sub-fonds.

Clausen was President during the world debt crisis of the early 1980s, and throughout the files are documents about the issues of debt management and the Bank's programs of sectoral and structural adjustment. Discussions of a multilateral investment insurance program began during the Clausen years, which culminated in the establishment of the Multilateral Investments Guarantee Agency (MIGA) after Clausen left office. Both the Special Assistance Program for countries coping with the global recession and the Special Facility for Africa to provide policy reform assistance in sub-Saharan Africa were launched during Clausen's tenure, and the Clausen years saw a growing emphasis on programs in agricultural and rural development and environmental management, among others. Evidence of Clausen's personal interest in these issues can be found throughout the records, but particularly in the extensive set of alphabetical subject files that show Clausen's involvement with issues and organizations. Clausen's views are also evident in the chronological file of his outgoing correspondence during his entire time in office.

The country files and the itinerary files on official trips are good sources of information on the Bank's relationship with and the economic situation in the member countries. The records include photographs of Clausen's visits to countries and to World Bank projects.

Benjamin B. King files

Benjamin King retained a copy of papers he wrote and correspondence he drafted, both for his signature and for the signature of other Bank officials. Although there are gaps in the records, the chronological series provides a good overview of the interests of King and the issues with which he dealt as a staff member of the Bank.

The first part of the chronological file, dating from 1952-1967, includes items relating to King's missions to the Gold Coast, Germany, and Norway and contains notes on the status of operations, planning and procedures, currency, lending resources, and external debt. King also wrote notes on the General Training Committee and a 1955 draft curriculum for the Economic Development Institute, which King joined in 1957. The second part of the chronological file includes papers on the economic work in the Bank; comments on economic reports; drafts of the Charter of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); materials relating to external debt in Iran, India and Pakistan; a study of the feasibility of using computers in the Bank; and a paper on allocation of funds to the International Development Association. The final part of the chronological file includes memoranda and letters to members of the Research Committee and to external research institutions commenting on research proposals and reports. After King was appointed as Director of the Development Economics Department in 1978, the file includes documents on personnel, recruitment, plan, project evaluations, comments on economic reports and clearances for publications. Of particular interest are a March 1979 memo on the Department and King's summaries of the Board meetings he attended The subject files are clearly a fragment of a larger file, because they include only files with subject headings A-E. Many of the same issues found in the chronological file material area found here, including investment criteria, creditworthiness, terms of aid, program lending, and the use of computers. Two files on the Bernard Bell study on India and an agriculture file on India are useful supplements to the official records on the Bell study and to the Bernard R. Bell files. The External Debt Review Committee was established at the end of 1967 to investigate the collection, processing and use of international debt statistics by the Bank. King chaired the Committee in 1967-1968, and his subject files contain memoranda regarding the Committee meetings, the operations of the External Debt Section, material relating to a questionnaire on statistics, and comments on the Committee report.

The country files contain Economic Committee documents, interspersed with some original material of King's regarding economic missions and economic reports.

W. David Hopper files

The small correspondence series from 1986 includes files on many of the countries in the South Asia region. The files include correspondence with leaders in the countries and internal Bank memoranda on projects, planned or in operation. This is clearly a fragment of a larger chronological series that was maintained for Hopper by the office staff.

The bulk of the sub-fonds consists of the office correspondence file from Hopper's period as Senior Vice President for Policy Planning and Research; it is arranged chronologically. The series apparently was begun by L. Richard Meyers, who was Special Assistant to Hopper, as the early files are marked DM Chron. The topics in the records include poverty and family planning programs focusing on women, the Bank's new environmental initiative, appreciation and criticism of the Bank's environmental role, especially with regard to rain forests and indigenous peoples, agricultural development, including genetic research and application of developmental agriculture in Africa, and administrative details of the new Policy Planning and Research Department.

The series on the Senior Management Council and the series on the Personnel and Administration Committee both begin with a set of minutes, followed by agendas and reports and memos. The series on the SMC also includes a set of monthly financial reports. Records are missing for several months in both series. The topics in the records include personnel policies, the Disaster Recovery Plan, security, long-term facilities planning, and information resources management.

The file unit on the work of the Operations Managers Review Group contains six items on the selection of operations managers.

Zmarak Shalizi files

The records are largely electrostatic copies of correspondence and papers, filed by the type of function that generated the records. The majority of the records date from 1992-1995 when Shalizi was chief of the Transport Division.

The records are arranged in four sections. The first section has administrative records; the conference files include the background readings for a 1991 seminar for Bank staff on air quality in urban transportation.

The second section is records of research projects funded by the regular budget, trust funds or other special funds. Four of the research proposal files consist primarily of reviews of proposed Bank positions on taxation policies and on poverty lending in the urban sector, 1980-1991, and three additional files concern Bank transport sector policy and performance reviews, 1992-1995. The chronological file consists principally of notes and correspondence regarding the review of taxation and poverty policies found in the research proposals. The papers and a small quantity of correspondence were written by persons other than Shalizi and sent to him for his comments or use. The topics range from road pricing to automotive emissions in developing countries to railways to informal gold mining and mercury pollution in Brazil. The publications are primarily those produced by the Bank, although a few others from sources such as the Journal of Transport Economics and Policy are included. The principal topics are railways and transport-related air pollution; some correspondence related to the publications is included.

The third section consists of records of operational support for projects. One of the four files consists of country studies of taxation in Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Indonesia, and Malawi. This is followed by three files of correspondence, arranged chronologically, commenting on projects and studies, proposed and ongoing.

The fourth section is records of research projects funded by the Bank's Research Support Budget. The majority of the files relate to Shalizi's 1989-1991 project on a "Practical framework for evaluating mineral payment/taxation schemes" and are linked to the taxation files found in the second section. In the publications file is a copy of the project document on "Trade and transport in West and Central African States" dated April 1993, while the files of original research data include two papers co-authored by Shalizi, "Contract Policy and the Variability of Government Revenue form Mining Projects" (1990, with R. Conrad and J. Syme) and "The Role of Extraction Charges in Mineral Contracts (1991, with R. Conrad and M. Engers). The research files also include three files on the project on taxation in developing countries, one file on a framework for tax policy analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa, two files on uniform rates of effective protection and efficient taxes, and three files on an analysis of the tax system in developing countries as applied to Pakistan and Mexico.

Ernest Stern files

The majority of the subfonds consists of chronological correspondence records sent and received by Stern from the start of his World Bank career in 1972 to his retirement as a Managing Director in 1995. The subfonds also contains speeches given by Stern while serving in various positions from 1973 to 1995 and records relating to committees in which he participated.

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