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Records of the Office of the President

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Annual Meetings

This series contains records relating to President Conable's meetings during Annual Meetings of the Bank's board of Governors. The organization of the Annual Meeting is the responsibility of the Corporate Secretary, so these records are those of the President himself and the arrangements made by and for his immediate office. The records are arranged in 2 subseries. The first subseries contains the President's records for the Annual Meetings, including background materials and briefings prepared by the staff in preparation for general meetings and meetings with country delegates. The records cover only the first three years of Conable's term (1986-1988).

The second subseries contains the administrative files the President's office created while preparing for the annual meetings. The files include schedules for the President and senior Bank officials, files for Mrs. Conable's activities, special guest lists, letters of invitation, travel and financial arrangements for staff, hotel accommodations and related items. Briefings are included in the files for some meetings. The administrative file on the 1987 annual meeting, for example, includes sub-files titled: Part I [country Governors], Part II [country Governors], Africa, Asia, EMENA [Europe, Middle East, North Africa], LAC [Latin America and Caribbean], IMF, Social, VIPs, JS [Joint Secretariat] documents, Speeches, Development/Interim Committee, Briefs, Administration. The series includes a photo of three Bank Presidents - McNamara, Clausen, and Conable - taken at the 1986 Annual Meeting.

Correspondence of Economic Advisor Hollis Chenery

Hollis Chenery served as the Economic Adviser to the President from 1970 until 1972. Reporting directly to the President, he commented on virtually all the significant economic issues that confronted the Bank. The series consists of one file of Chenery's memoranda and correspondence and two files on the Development Research Center of the World Bank.

The correspondence file includes a memorandum by Chenery on research prospects in Latin America in April 1972; a proposal to the Bank on generation of employment in Mexico and a draft study with comments on planning in Mexico; and a draft study on Ethiopia. The correspondence ends in May 1972; an invitation dating from 1973 is also included.

The two files on the Development Research Center primarily drafts of economic studies. The study topics include evaluations of various economic models, Mexican agriculture, and substitution of labor for equipment in road construction.

Memoranda for the record

The Memoranda for the record series contains a set of minutes of McNamara's meetings with Bank staff, US representatives, and other visitors from outside the Bank. The memoranda generally were prepared by the Personal Assistant to McNamara, but there are also some memoranda of conversations drafted by McNamara and reports prepared by members of other departments in the Bank; some of the minutes are copies of minutes of the President's Council or the Policy Review Committee meetings. Background material, including notes and figures in McNamara's handwriting, sometimes accompanies the memoranda.

Meetings with Bank staff involve Vice-Presidents and Senior Vice-Presidents, the General Counsel and his Associate, the Secretary, Advisors and Special Assistants, Department Directors and the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee. Memoranda of meetings with the Staff Association are also included. Topics discussed with staff include the Bank's lending programs and budget, financial operations, organization and procedures, work programs and special studies. Among the latter are papers on capital markets; lending rate; financial policy; preference in procurement; agricultural research; commodities; the mining, urbanization and health sectors; agricultural credit; urban, nuclear power and aviation policies; river blindness; nutrition; population; employment; land reform; IDA policies and world development issues. The meetings also included discussions of McNamara's annual speech to the Governors and other speeches and statements, the preparation of Board meetings and other meetings, questions submitted by journalists, McNamara's trips to East and West Africa, and particular issues such as the increase of IBRD capital, the Development Committee, and the establishment of the Third Window.

Personalities meeting with McNamara from outside the Bank are U.S. Treasury Secretaries and other government officials, U.S. Congressmen, heads of international organizations, bankers, businessmen, economists, health specialists and journalists. These conversations concern the IDA and bond issues, marketing legislation, specific lending issues, and development cooperation.

Chronological file (personal)

The personal chronological file contains material drafted by McNamara or his secretaries between 1968 and 1972. It includes outgoing correspondence, short memoranda to the senior staff and memoranda recording conversations, notes on special issues and notes to himself.

The correspondence consists of acceptances or declinations to speak, comment, serve on committees, join boards, lunch and dine; thank-you notes; congratulations and condolences; recommendations; the President's requests for meetings or support; letters on Bank activities and letters on private matters. Addressees include heads of States and government officials, U.S. Senators and Congressmen, bankers, scholars, publishers, journalists, art dealers and old friends. There are letters and cables to Hubert Humphrey, Edward Kennedy, David Rockefeller, John Kenneth Galbraith, Arthur Schlesinger, Pierre Salinger, Henry Kissinger, Walt W. Rostow, Edward Heath, Lord Mountbatten, and Harlan Cleveland.

The memoranda to the staff are short notes to the Vice-Presidents, the Economic Advisor, the General Counsel, and the Directors of the Development Services, External Affairs and Administration offices on particular issues of concern to their sector or department. Memoranda of conversations record discussions with members of the Board, Bank staff and government officials, including Henry Fowler, John Connally, Dean Rusk, Walt W. Rostow, Daniel Ellsberg and Maurice Strong.

Interfiled with outgoing letters and memoranda are lists of projects President McNamara drafted for himself in May 1968, April and August 1969, January 1971 and December 1972. There also are points for meetings and for the press, outlines of the Bank President's annual speech and notes and figures on the Bank's capital increase, the IDA policies and third replenishment, the budget, the Bank's organization, staff compensation, population growth, the gap between poor and rich nations and nuclear force issues.

Travel files

The files in this series contain Mr. Preston's travel itinerary; briefing books that include background on the country's economy, the Bank's lending program, projects under execution, country profile and map of the country; schedules; meetings with Heads of States and representatives of member countries; minutes of meetings; arrival and departure statements; press statements; and outgoing letters to the government subjects.

The series contains both the files that the President used on the trip and the administrative files created by the President's office, most often by Gisu Mohadjer, an Executive Assistant to Preston, during the preparation for the trips. In some cases, there are Gisu Mohadjer files for a trip as well as files that appear to be the President's copy for use during the trip. Often the Mohadjer file will contain some briefing materials as well as logistical information.

The records include photographs from Mr. Preston's trips to Tanzania, Venezuela, Morocco, and India.

Subject files

Visvanathan Rajagopalan maintained a series of subject files during his period as Vice President, Operations, and as Special Adviser to the President. Some of the files contain information spanning both periods, while others contain information from only one. Some files are purely topical (environment, for example) while others are on a specific meeting (for example, the file on Bellagio III) or a particular type of meeting (Bank senior staff retreats from 1987 through 1992).

Rajagopalan's files on development effectiveness provide useful background to the Wapenhans report controversy. Finally, during his tenure as Special Adviser Rajagopalan served briefly as the manager of the Information, Technology and Facilities Department, and a number of files deal with ITF management issues.


This series contains transcripts of speeches and remarks Visvanathan Rajagopalan delivered as Chairman of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and as Vice President and Special Adviser to PresidentPreston. Most of the speeches concern CGIAR, but other topics range from the engineer's role in sustainable development to safe motherhood; food security; the Bank's activities in environment and infrastructure; integrating women's issues in project, sector, and economic work; the World Conference on Education for All; and malaria control. The series includes Rajagopalan's remarks at his retirement party.

Financial files

This series provides information on financial issues, both internal and external, that affect the Bank. The files include briefings, talking points, agendas, drafts of Mr. Conable's opening remarks for meetings, and correspondence. The file on the debt initiative includes records dating from the Clausen presidency.

Reorganization files

This series consists of the records maintained by Marianne Haug concerning Bank's 1987 reorganization. They include internal Bank correspondence, presentations, and reorganization follow-up reports describing the successes and weaknesses of the 1987 reorganization efforts. This is the fullest set of files in the President's office on the reorganization and its subsequent fine-tuning' in 1989.

Reorganization files

This series consists of the records maintained by J. William Stanton concerning Bank's 1987 reorganization. They include internal Bank correspondence, presentations, and follow-up reports describing the successes and weaknesses of the 1987 reorganization efforts. The files also include correspondence and reports from management consultants in connection with the 1987 reorganization, memos of Stanton's discussions with President Conable, and reorganization reports of the Steering Committee and the Support Units Task Force.

Chronological file

This chronological file consists of copies of the outgoing letters, memoranda and correspondence handled for President Conable by J. William Stanton as well as Stanton's correspondence. The records include social and public relations messages; letters of appreciation for invitations, acceptances and regrets; congratulations; arrangements for meetings; and letters of introduction and recommendation. A few incoming letters are included. Public figures, such as U.S. Senators and officials of the Executive Branch, are among the correspondents.

Contacts - Member Countries files

The Contacts - Member Countries files are the record of President McNamara's meetings with famous individuals, representatives of member countries other than the United States, and representatives of organizations (e.g., Executive Directors, Annual Meeting delegates, heads of States and organizations, government officials, parliamentarians, bankers, businessmen, industrialists, economists, journalists). The files contain minutes of meetings, briefings, questions and answers for press interviews, background material and some correspondence.

Although the minutes were generally prepared by staff from the concerned region or the Personal Assistant to the President, the files contain many memoranda of conversations and notes on meetings and visits drafted by McNamara, some handwritten. Also in McNamara's hand are a number of points to discuss for meetings and annotations on the briefs prepared by staff. Among the items personally drafted by McNamara are notes of, or for, meetings with King Baudouin (1969), Pierre Trudeau (1976), Anwar Sadat (1975), Georges Pompidou (1969), Valery Giscard d'Estaing (1972, 1975, 1979), Karl Otto Poehl, Hans Dietrich Genscher, Helmut Schmidt (1975), Indira Gandhi (1973), the Shah of Iran (1973), Felix Houphouet-Boigny (1969), Takeo Fukuda (1978), William Tolbert (1973), Nicolae Ceausescu (1968), Leopold Senghor (1969), Alec Douglas-Home (1972), Edward Heath (1973), U Thant (1969), Joseph Mobutu (1972).


This series contains fragments of John J. McCloy's correspondence with political leaders and prominent businessmen during his time as President of the World Bank from March 1947 to May 1949. The most substantial bodies of correspondence are with Emilio G. Collado, U.S. Executive Director of the World Bank, 1946-1947; Russell C. Leffingwell, Chairman of the Executive Committee of J.P. Morgan and Co. Inc.; and Bernard H. Baruch, American financier and stock investor.

The correspondence with Emilio Collado consists of letters and memoranda to McCloy regarding World Bank activities, including excerpts from memoranda Collado prepared for U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson and a document entitled "Note Relating to a Debt Limit" dated May 1947. McCloy's correspondence with Russell C. Leffingwell includes substantive comments on topics related to the Bank and its operations, such as money stabilization, sterling devaluation, the Bank's lending philosophy, and the prospects for European recovery under the MarshallPlan. Letters to and from Bernard H. Baruch include: a letter related to an Export Import Bank loan to England; a letter sent by Baruch to John Snyder, U.S. Treasury Secretary, on how to stimulate production in the world; and a copy of McCloy's memoranda to Snyder on lending.

Also included are McCloy's answers to questions from U.S. House of Representatives member Howard Buffet and U.S. Senator Leverett Saltonstall. Finally, a letter from Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder forwarding an August 1947 memoranda by U.S. President Harry Truman is also included. It concerns U.S. Ambassador to Chile Claude Bowers' complaint about Wall Street control over the operations of the Bank.

Country correspondence

The country correspondence files contain miscellaneous correspondence with persons and businesses from particular countries, mostly for the period after Woods' tenure as Bank President. They include invitations, thank you letters,travel arrangements and some printed brochures. In the Pakistan file is a set of material relating to the groundbreaking ceremony for the Tarbela Dam in November 1968.

Travel files

The travel files are for foreign trips exclusively. They include both trips undertaken for specific operational purposes, such as raising funds for IDA and promoting bond issues in Part I countries and encouraging the establishment of development funds, banks and agencies, and trips undertaken for ceremonial activities, such as the groundbreaking ceremony of an Aluminum Smelter in Ghana. Individual trips files may include handwritten notes President Woods took during meetings with heads of state and other dignitaries, speeches, and frequently memoranda to files summarizing the purposes and highlights of important meetings, as well as invitations, acceptance and thank you letters, background or formal briefing papers on the politico-economic situation of the countries visited, itineraries, agendas, programs, flight schedules, information on lodgings and tourist attractions, maps, and newspaper clippings.

Transition briefing files

This series consists of briefings prepared for A.W. Clausen upon his inauguration as the World Bank's President in July 1981 and Clausen's copy of briefings on Bank operations prepared in 1986 for the Presidential transition from Clausen to Barber Conable. The files provide a broad overview of the Bank's structure and functions, as well as the status of World Bank's projects throughout the world.

The 1981 briefings on the Bank itself describe the origins, purpose, objectives, and current status of the various Bank entities, including the Financial complex, Operations, Development Policy Staff, World Bank Group Staff Association, Secretary's Department, Legal Department, Central Projects Staff, External Relations, Compensation, and the Administration, Organization and Personnel Complex. Also included are briefings on the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and on Bank/Fund collaboration.

Regional briefings summarize the history and current status of development projects throughout the world. They are arranged by region, and then by country, and typically summarize the political background, economic structure, development policy, future prospects, and the Bank's role in development. Included are briefings on Europe; Eastern Africa Region; Western Africa Region; Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMENA); East Asia and Pacific Region; South Asia Region; and Latin America and Caribbean Region.

The briefing on Operations prepared in 1986 for in-coming President Barber B. Conable provides an overview of the Operations Policy Staff and the Energy and Industry Staff. It also gives the history and status of Bank operations in EMENA, East Asia and Pacific, South Asia, West Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa.

The series includes background material dating back to 1970.

Alphabetical [subject] files

This series contains President A. W. Clausen's subject files. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports and background materials relating to a broad spectrum of organizations, interests and concerns. They contain general correspondence, internal Bank communications, and external correspondence with the European Economic Community; the U.S. Congress and the Departments of Treasury and State, among others; the United Nations and its many specialized agencies; and various international banksand organizations. The UNICEF file includes photographs of Mr. Clausen with the Bay Area Corporate Committee for UNICEF in 1985.

Résultats 3501 à 3550 sur 3762