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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist
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Subject File of the External Funding Coordinator, Program Management Unit, Policy and Review Department

These files were maintained by Zamarak Shalizi, in the office of the Program Management Unit (PRDPM), Policy and Review Department (PRD) which came under the Office of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV). Found in this series are: copies of completed Trust Fund project description forms (Trust Fund Summary of Characteristics) for agreements concluded in 1991. These forms include the title of the project, the donor and the beneficiary countries, the effective date andduration of the project, and the project's sector; copies of Initiating briefs for Trust Fund projects (1991); copies of documents describing cooperation between ESMAP [Energy Sector Management Assistance Program] and the Regions; and several ESMAP reports including that of a commission to review ESMAP in the 1990s. The series also includes minutes of meetings of the Funding Coordinators' Group (1990 - 1991) of which Shalizi was a member and some administrative correspondence. DECVP reported to PRESV.

Work Program and Budget Records for Fiscal Years, 1988-1992 Maintained in the Policy and Review Department

The earliest work program and budget records in this series are the FY 1988 mid-year review records for the Policy, Planning and Research Staff (PPR). PPR, created after the May 1987 Bank reorganization, brought together existing departments from different parts of the Bank (principally the Economics and Research Staff [ERS] and the Operations Staff [OPS]). budget files maintained by Richard Woodford, Program Coordinator, Office of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR) and Ziaddin Choudhury, SVPPR contain copies of PPR organizations' FY 1988 mid-year review reports; the FY 1988 PPR mid-year review report submitted by SVPPR to the Planning and budget Department (PBD) of PPR; and PBD's memo of June 29, 1988 to President Conable giving preliminary findings of PBD's review of the Bank's planning and budgeting system. PBD had responsibility for budget analysis and monitoring of work program and budget performance for the entire Bank. DECVP reported to SVPPR.

Budget files maintained by Gregory Ingram, who joined the SVPPR staff as Principal Adviser, Policy and Research, along with the Woodford and Choudhury files contain: budget and work program guidelines, submissions, reports, and memos (FYs 1989-1992); FY 1989 and FY 1990 capital budget guidelines and requests from PPR organizations for office technology and other equipment; mid-year review submissions from PPR organizations for FYs 1989 and 1990 and retrospective review submissions and drafts for FY 1989; PBD's draft mid-year review report of the FY 1989 budget forwarded to the President's Council for review; documents assembled for the PPR FY 1989 work program review meetings with PBD; and the FY 1990 PPR budget plan (management contract) developed after the Bank's FY 1990 budget was approved by the Board.

After PPR became Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRE) in 1990 and the Policy and Review Department (PRD) was created in PRE, Ingram (PRDRA) and Woodford (PRDPM) had continued responsibilities for budget (management contract) and work program coordination for PRE. Their files and those of Zmarak Shalizi (PRDPM) and Ziaddin Choudhury (PRDPM) contain copies of PRE organizations' submissions for the FY 1991 work program and budget; FY 1991 mid-year review submissions from PRE organizations; and the PRE FY 1991 mid-year review report. There is a small amount of information concerning funding of special grant programs after FY 1991. DECVP reported to PRESV.

Audit Reports Maintained in the Policy and Review Department

The series includes the 29 March 1989 report of an audit of the administrative expense budget of the Policy, Planning and Research Complex (PPR) by the Internal Auditing Department (IAD). The purpose of the review was to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of policies, procedures, and controls over formulation, implementation, and monitoring of the PPR budget and to provide recommendations for changes. Comments of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR or PPRSV) comments on the draft report (16 May 1989) is with the IAD final report. DECVP reported to SVPPR.

Also in the series is a 9 September 1991 draft report of the results of an audit of the Geneva Office which reported directly to the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV). Found with the draft report is a 3 May 1991 memo issued by PRESV to PRE organizations that transmitted the preliminary IAD work program which included the audit of the Geneva Office. The Geneva Office later reported to DECVP.

Correspondence and Other Records of the Program Management Unit (PRDPM), Policy and Review Department

This series contains correspondence and other records of the Program Management Unit (PRDPM). The correspondence is in two parts. The first part is a chronological file that consists primarily of e-mail printouts received by PRDPM from October 1990 to May 1991. A few printouts of e-mails sent are included. Most of the e-mails were widely distributed to managers throughout the Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRE) complex. The few that are PRDPM specific concern the distribution of computers and the development of the Information Management and Technology Plan for PRE. The second correspondence segment contains memoranda and e-mail printouts both sent and received by PRDPM from April to August 1991. Filed among the correspondence are PRDPM director Zmarak Shalizi's handwritten notes from meetings with PRD and PRE managers. The correspondence primarily concerns the duties of the PRDPM support staff, budget allocations for PRE publications, and planning for the FY 91 retrospective reviews of PRE.

In addition to the correspondence, there are files concerning the development of a records management program and Management Information Systems for units in the PRE complex. These files include records of several task forces Filed under Management Information Services are records of the PRE Information Needs Task Force, February - June 1991, which was established to evaluate the Management Information Requirements for PRE. Included are agenda, notes from meetings, and a draft report. There are also pre-PRDPM records of the Working Group on Measuring PPR's (a predecessor of PRE) Outputs. This group, headed by Nancy Barry, was organized in August 1988 to develop a system of quarterly reports for measuring PPR outputs and activities. The records include the Terms of Reference for the group and the completed questionnaires from each of the PPR divisions. Filed under Information Management Committee Records is some scattered correspondence concerning the Information Management and Technology Policy Committee (IMTPC) which was established to formulate Bank-wide IMT strategies.

Inventories and Status Reports of Major Policy Products and of Annual and Semi-Annual Reports, Policy and Review Department

This series contains Lotus 123 spreadsheet printouts that provide inventories of and status reports on major policy products and on annual and semi-annual reports which had Bank-wide operational/policy relevance. The reports serve as a quick reference to the policy products and reports that made their way to the Board each year; they were generated by the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) through June 1990 and thereafter by the Policy Review Department (PRD). The entries on the reports for policy products cover all policy papers, best-practice papers, and information papers which were destined for the Board. The entries for annual and semi-annual reports cover all regular and non-regular reports that were destined for the Board. For each Bank complex, the products or reports are listed in the order of the Board meeting dates at which the item was discussed. Entries on the spreadsheets show for each item: the name and Bank unit of the staff member with prime responsibility for the item; an abbreviated title of the item; date of the policy brief that initiated the item (if applicable); dates when the item was discussed at various review meetings; and brief comments regarding the status of the item.

Post-Operations Committee Meeting Memoranda of the Review and Analysis Division, Policy and Review Department

This series contains memoranda prepared by staff in the Review and Analysis Division (PRDRA) of the Policy and Review Department and its predecessor, the Policy Analysis and Review Division (SPRPA) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department. The memoranda summarize discussions in meetings of the Operations Committee (OC) that were of interest to the Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRE) staff. The memoranda were written to the files and copies were sent to the Chief Economist and to the headsof other Policy, Research and External Affairs units. Most of the memoranda are post-meeting memos that summarize the OC's discussion on a particular topic, but scattered throughout the series are several pre-meeting briefing memoranda that analyze the document that is to be the topic of discussion at the next OC meeting. One such pre-meeting memorandum, dated April 11, 1990, was sent to Ajay Chhibber in preparation for his briefing for the Chief Economist.

Speech File of D.C. Rao, Director, International Economics Department (IEC)

This series primarily contains copies of the public speeches of D.C. Rao who became IEC's Director on May 1, 1990. The series also includes Rao's copies of two speeches President Conable gave in Mexico City on January 24, 1990 and in Warsaw, Poland on February 23, 1990; Rao's handwritten notes and copies of agenda from various meetings at which he spoke; background data provided Rao to help him prepare a briefing; and rough notes, outlines, talking points,and computer-generated slides for speeches he delivered.

Subject Files of the Director, International Economic Department (IECDR)

This series contains incoming and outgoing correspondence, reports, draft articles and papers, and other records maintained by the Directors of the International Economics Department. Most of the correspondence is with staff in the IEC divisions and with the Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP). The files concern: external access to the IEC's Bank Economic and Social Database System (BESD); data management issues in IEC; the distribution and marketing plans for IEC products (filed under Dissemination Task Force Electronic Data including CD-Rom Project and External Dissemination of IEC Products); the Socio-Economic Data Division's (IECSE's) participation in the International Comparison Project (ICP); intra-IEC discussions on the rebasing of national accounts and on statistical capability building; the methodology for preparing trade data tables; and the 1990 and 1991 work program and budget of the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDI).

Specific documents include: IEC correspondence on drafting its September 1991 report on The Management of Commodity Price Risk and the Bank's Role; copies of computer-generated slides from the January 27, 1992 IEC Seminar on Information Management Opportunities; copies of background papers and IEC staff comments on papers prepared for Long-Term Prospects Paper, 1990; status reports and correspondence regarding the development of the Revised Minimum Standard Model - Extended (RMSM - X) in IECSE; a February 1993 draft research agenda for IECSE (filed under Unified Survey'); and IEC correspondence and comments on the World Development Indicators (WDI) production process.

Files Relating to the Development Policy Group's (DPG) Review of Proposals Discussed at Loan Committee Meetings

The Development Policy Group compiled these files while assisting the Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP) in developing DEC's position on proposals discussed at Loan Committee meetings. Most of the files consist primarily of agenda and minutes of Loan Committee (LC) meetings at which adjustment loans and credits were reviewed, but the files for 1993 and 1994 also include agenda and minutes of the President's review meetings to discuss Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) and Country Strategy Notes (CSNs) and memoranda from DEC staff or from the Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP) commenting on a CSP/CSN. The files for all years include memoranda from the Chief Economist to the chair of the Loan Committee stating DEC's position on a document to be discussed by the Committee; memoranda from Regional staff to the LC chair; intra-DEC memoranda regarding DEC's position on a proposed loan or credit, and minutes of Regional Loan Committee meetings.

Records Relating to Structural Adjustment Lending Maintained by Directors and Senior Advisers of the Development Policy Group (DPG) and to Other Organizations

This series was compiled successively by staff in units responsible for maintaining and reviewing adjustment operations: the Country Policy Department (Assistant Director Sidney Chernick and Vinod Dubey who served as Senior Adviser and later Director of CPD), the Economic Advisory Staff (Directors Vinod Dubey and Enzo Grilli), and the Development Policy Group (Enzo Grilli, Anandarup Ray, Satish Mannon). The records are divided roughly into three parts. The first part relates to the early development of the Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL) program, 1979 - 1984, and includes copies of SAL papers and reports presented to the Board and summaries of discussions from Executive Directors' meetings in which the reports and papers were discussed.

The second part is dated 1982 - 1994 and consists of the working files created in CPD, EAS, and DPG relating to adjustment lending. The files include status reports and progress reports on adjustment lending; correspondence relating to the development of guidelines for the processing of adjustment loans; evaluations of the adjustment lending program from the Operations Evaluation Department (OED); correspondence concerning implementation and assessment of adjustment lending; and comments on the various reports, papers, and evaluations of adjustment lending.

The files in part three contain publications relating to adjustment lending and adjustment lending studies and reports that were forwarded to the Executive Directors, 1980-1992. Included in the files are summaries of discussions from Executive Directors' meetings.

Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC)

The series consists of seven parts. The first part contains correspondence and other records dated May to December 1995 and relating to plans for the issuance of Global Economic Prospects 1996 (GEP'96). Included are intra-IEC memoranda concerning overall plans for GEP '96; various drafts of the initiating brief for GEP '96; production schedules; copies of draft chapters with comments from IEC staff; and copies of DEC Notes regarding GEP '96.

The second part consists of memoranda and other records dated March 1994 to March 1995 and relating to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Filed under "OECD" are: Ahmed's correspondence with OECD staff and with Bank staff regarding OECD and DAC matters, March 1994 -March 1995; and memoranda, letters, schedules dated October 21, 1994 to November 15, 1994 regarding Ahmed's attendance at meetings of the OECD Economic Policy Committee, November 8 -10, 1994

The third part consists of agenda and minutes of meetings of the Departmental Management Team (DMT) which included the Director of IEC, the IEC Division Chiefs and other key staff. The records cover the period April 1990 to June 1997 and include minutes and agenda for the periods when D.C. Rao was Director from 1990 to 1993 and when Masood Ahmed was Director from 1993 to 1997. The files also include some background papers that were discussed at meetings and memoranda regarding follow-up actions from DMT meetings.

The fourth part includes agendas and minutes of meetings, memoranda, and correspondence related to administrative actions and planning initiatives by the DEC Vice President's Office from 1994 to 1997. This includes records related to: budget; reporting of department activities; and DEC-wide initiatives. Other records relate to the DEC Communication Strategy from 1995 to 1996, which sought to develop a cross-department communication policy and strengthen its partnership with the Bank's Office of External Affairs (EXT). These records consist of: correspondence between the DEC Vice President, DEC senior managers, other department staff, and EXT; approach paper drafts; agendas; minutes of meetings; and memoranda. Additional communications between the DEC VP, DEC department managers and staff, and EXT are included for the years 1994 to 1996 on a variety of topics.

The fifth part includes records related to a Bank-wide initiative to create an Information Services (IS) and Information Technology (IT) Task Force from 1995 to 1997 to help upgrade and centralize the Bank's IT Systems. Records consist of: correspondence sent to DMT, IEC Division staff, and DEC senior officials; reports, surveys, and audits of Bank IT systems and architecture; and agenda, minutes, and printed presentation slides related to Bank-wide IT development and management. The initiative proposed an Information Management Group (IMG), and sought representatives from units and departments across the Bank, including DEC and IEC.

The sixth part consists of records related to ongoing IEC collaboration with other national, multi-lateral, and external agencies through: attendance at seminars and meetings; exchange and sharing of research, data, and analysis through data systems, publications, and presentations; and policy advisement for international finance, debt, and trade issues. The records include agenda, meeting minutes, memoranda, correspondence, and reports from October 1995 to October 1996 related to the ongoing interaction between Ahmed of the IEC and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Most records relate to Ahmed's participation in UNCTAD meetings, and exchanging of global trade statistics through UNCTAD produced reports and IEC publications such as Global Economic Prospects (GEP). Other records in this part include agenda, memoranda, and correspondence related to the Bank-funded initiative International Comparisons Program (ICP) dated 1993 to 1997, which partnered with other national, bi-lateral, and multi-lateral institutions to conduct a massive survey of purchasing power parities (PPPs) among countries. IEC played a significant role in providing technical resources to conduct surveys and research, and led data processing and analysis activities. Records of meetings and seminars related to multilateral debt on severely and heavily indebted countries attended by Bank senior officials, or representatives from DEC or IEC are also included. These records consist of agenda, memoranda, meeting minutes, correspondence, briefings for senior officials, and external reports and papers for a variety of meetings, including: the OXFAM international meetings and seminars, 1995; the G-7 Summit-Halifax, 1995; and the G-7 Summit-Lyon, 1996. The bulk of correspondence in these records is internal communications between IEC, DEC, and the Office of the President (EXC) regarding: the content of the meeting and seminars; responses to papers, reports, and speeches related to multilateral debt; and the Bank's potential actions for multilateral debt. Lastly, records from the G-24 Group dated 1995 to 1996 contain external joint G-24 and IMF papers and reports related to various topics on international finance, debt, and trade issues.

The seventh part filed under "Miscellaneous" are memoranda and other records dated 1994 to 1995 concerning: 1) the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), May 1 -2, 1995, including memoranda regarding the drafting of the keynote speech; 2) Back-to-Office Reports and other records from DEC staff who attended the UN Symposium on Trade Efficiency that met in Columbus, Ohio, October 17 -21, 1994; and 3) a memorandum concerning guidelines for the Working Paper Series, December 5, 1994.

Divisional Reading File of the Policy Research Department (PRD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within PRD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations. They include peer review comments and comments on other papers, sector reports, Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) documents, research design proposals, concept papers, and draft Final Executive Project Summaries (FEPS) sent to PRD divisions for review. These and other documents in the series reflect PRD divisions' involvement in research into aid effectiveness, poverty (including theold age security study and HIV/AIDS and STDs prevention and management), and the environment. Copies of Terms of Reference and Back-to-Office Reports for missions undertaken during this period and documents relating to establishment of a Research Advisory Group are part of the series. Also included are copies of reports from Bank Board meetings and DEC Senior Managers Meetings which were usually circulated to the divisions by the Department head or the Division Chiefs.

The documents dated August 1991 - January 1992 were created in the Policy and Review Department, which also had the acronym PRD and was abolished November 30, 1991. The few post-dated documents concern matters pertaining to the termination of that department. This reading file also includes copies of documents sent (4 January 1993 - 23 February 1993) by CECFP [Financial Policy and Systems], CECTM [Transition and Macro-Adjustment], and CECTP [Trade Policy] Division] staff short periods before and after 1 February 1993 when the Country Economics Department (CEC) was renamed the Policy Research Department (PRD). Three small subject files pertaining to a poverty handbook and budget matters are part of the series.

Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

  • Archief
  • 1946 - 2003 (predominant 1972 - 1993)

Records created by the Office of the Vice President (later Senior Vice President), Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP) comprise the bulk of the records in Fonds 14. Prior to the creation of DECVP in 1987, responsibility for directing economic research to provide insights into the development process rested with the persons serving as the Economic Adviser to the President in the 1960s and early 1970s, and later with the offices of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Vice President, Economics and Research Staff (VPERS) whose records are part of this fonds. Files for both approved and rejected research projects in planning and development policy, population and human resources, industry and trade, and sector studies that were maintained in the offices of VPD, VPERS, and DECVP are included in this fonds.

This fonds also contains a small volume of records of the Bank's Economic Development Institute and records of the Bank's representatives to international organizations concerned with the development process: the Berne Union, the Paris Club, and U.N. organizations at Geneva, Switzerland. Also included are records of economist Bela Belassa who served from September 1966 to May 1991 as consultant to the Economic Advisers to the President, VPD, VPERS, and DECVP.

The following officials served during the period 1964 to 2003 in predecessor organizations or positions whose functions became part of DECVP in the 1987 Bank reorganization and as DECVP following that reorganization:

Economic Advisers

  • Irving Friedman: 1964 - 1970

  • Hollis B. Chenery: 1970 - 1972

Vice President, Development Policy (VPD)

  • Hollis B. Chenery: November 1972 - February 1982

Vice President, Economics and Research Staff (VPERS)

  • Hollis B. Chenery: February 1982 - August 1982

  • Anne Krueger: August 1982 - December 1986

  • Benjamin B. King (Acting): January 1987 - May 1987

Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP)

  • Stanley Fischer: 1988 - 1990

  • Lawrence Summers: 1991 - 1993

  • Michael Bruno: 1993- 1996

  • Joseph E. Stiglitz: 1997 - 2000

  • Sir Nicholas H. Stern: 2000 - 2003.

Office of the Chief Economist

Subject File of Dennis N. de Tray, Head of the Living Standards Measurement Unit (DRDLS), Development Research Department

These very loosely organized files appear to have been assembled, mostly in black binders, by de Tray for his personal use. Files (binders) were created for a 1985 mission to Jamaica he participated in to evaluate the effects of structural adjustment activities on major sectors of the Jamaican economy and a 1986 mission to Grenada he also participated in to meet with government officials in the national statistical office to discuss government survey needs and the possibility of monitoring a Living Standards Study. These files include copies of Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs) and other correspondence relating to the mission.

De Tray's Ivory Coast Living Standards Survey (ICLSS) materials, which consist mostly of technical data from the survey (1985-1987), include a Terms of Reference (TOR) and BTO for a 1983 project identification/preparation mission to Abidjan, Paris, and London for the ICLSS. A small number of reports, sampling plans, and prototype questions for the ICLSS are included for the 1983 - 1984 period. Correspondence concerning the French version of the ICLSS questionnaire, recommendations for questionnaire changes, and a report of a mission by a DRDLS staff member to Cote d'Ivoire to collect data from the ICLSS are included for the 1986-1987 period. De Tray also created a file for a 1985-1986 Bank study (RPO 673-84) (folder 1315128) of the determinants of children's nutritional status and morbidity in the Cote d'Ivoire for which he was principal supervisor.

De Tray's Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS) materials include his BTO from a February - March 1986 Technical Assistance mission to Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire to explore the possibility of undertaking a GLSS and to discuss a proposed seminar covering results from the 1985 ICLSS and an earlier 1979 consumption survey. Also included are other 1986-1987 BTO reports from missions relating to the GLSS including a September 17, 1986 report of a mission to Ghana de Tray participated in to finalize plans for the GLSS. Also included is correspondence with and mission reports from a consultant working on the GLSS.

A smaller amount of material is included for the Peruvian Living Standards Survey. BTO reports (1984) from missions to Peru to prepare for the survey and a proposal for a study of Education and Informal Sector Employment (1983) are among the documents assembled. The series also includes an undated draft proposal for an Egyptian Living Standards Survey, a December 5, 1983 BTO from a mission to that country to discuss the conduct of a Living Standards Survey, and some related material. De Tray also assembled some publications and other materials that appear to have related to his membership on the Task Force on the Annual Report on Bank Research. Found with this material is a copy of a paper he prepared in October 1984 entitled The Living Standards Measurement Survey which describes in detail the origin of LSMS at the Bank, the development of the survey design, planned analyses of data collected, and the survey plan for the Ivory Coast where the first LSMS was to take place.

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