Fundos - Records of the Office of the President

Daily schedules - Daily schedules 17 IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 16 Contacts with member countries: Brazil - Correspondence 03 Clausen Papers - Inter-American Development Bank - Correspondence 01 Contacts with member countries: Chad - Correspondence 01 Contacts with member countries: Norway - Correspondence 01 Contacts with member countries: Senegal - Correspondence 01 Contacts with member countries: Sierra Leone - Correspondence 01 Contacts with member countries: Togo - Correspondence 01 Liaison files : Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC Fund) - Correspondence 01 Brandt Commission - Correspondence 03 Brandt Commission - Correspondence 05 IDA VI Replenishment - Correspondence 02 Lending Rate Formula - Correspondence 01 PLO Observers Status - Correspondence 01 Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 19 Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 20 President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 27 President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 53 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 9 - October - December 1964 President George. D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 10 - January - March 1965 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 12 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 1 - January - March 1963 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 13 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 15 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 2 - April 1963 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 18 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 19 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 22 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 3 - May - June  1963 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 4 - July - August  1963 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 5 - September - December  1963 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 6 - January - March  1964 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 7 - April - June 1964 President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 8 - July - September 1964 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 11 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 14 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 20 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 17 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 21 President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 16 Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1963 - Africa - Briefing papers Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1963 - Europe - Briefing papers George D Woods - Eighteenth Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1963 - Latin America - Volume 1 George D Woods - Nineteenth Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1964 - Latin America Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1965 - Africa - Briefing papers Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1965 - Europe and Middle East - Briefing papers George D Woods - Twentieth Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1965 - Latin America George D Woods - Twenty First Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1966 - Latin America Briefing paper - OECD/DAC Session - Briefing papers
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Records of the Office of the President


  • 1947 - 1995 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

198.96 linear feet of textual records; 3016 photographs; 9 audio tapes; 1 video tape

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

História biográfica

The President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is selected by the Board of Executive Directors. Although there is no formal rule, the elections have generally followed the nomination of a candidate by the U.S. government. The initial term for the President is five years; succeeding terms can be five years or fewer. There is no mandatory retirement age. The President is supported by staff members in the Office of the President.

The mandate for the President of the World Bank is contained in Section 5 of Article V of the Articles of Agreement for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The President of the Bank is also the ex officio Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Finance Corporation (Article IV, Section 5, of the Articles of Agreement of the IFC), the ex officio President and chief of the operating staff of the International Development Association (Article VI, Section 5, of the Articles of Agreement of the IDA), the ex officio Chairman of the Board of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (Chapter V, Section 32, MIGA Convention), and the ex officio Chairman of the Administrative Council of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (Article 5, Section 2, ICSID Convention). The Executive Vice Presidents of IFC and MIGA report to the President of the World Bank Group.

The specific activities of each President have varied with each incumbent, reflecting his vision of the Bank as a development institution, his management style and the senior management structure he chose.

From its establishment to 1956, the President managed the Bank with a single vice president to whom all department directors officially reported. In practice, the Bank was still a small enough institution for all senior managers to have regular, direct access to the President on an informal basis. This arrangement held through the presidencies of Eugene Meyer and John McCloy and the vice presidencies of Harold Smith and Robert Garner. In 1956 Eugene Black appointed three vice presidents, initiating the management structure of multiple vice presidencies that has continued to the present.

George Woods expanded the immediate Office of the President in 1963 by appointing two Special Advisers and, shortly thereafter, a Personal Assistant to the President. Today's office staff, including assistants, counselors, schedulers, and advisers, traces its development back to Woods' staffing changes.

As the Bank grew more complex, the need for coordination grew. Woods established the President's Council in 1964, consisting of the three vice presidents, the two special advisers, and the general counsel. A similar senior management structure, under varied names and with various functions and authorities, has existed since that time. On occasion the managing body has established subcommittees for areas such as finance or personnel.

The Bank reorganization of 1972 marked the beginning of a system of Senior Vice Presidents to whom vice presidents reported. The reorganization of 1987, while significantly changing the internal structure of the Bank, continued the organization of the president's office, the system of senior vice presidents and (under a new name) the senior management body. In September 1991 Lewis Preston established three managing directors, who in effect served as general vice presidents with authority to make any decisions that did not require a decision by the president himself. Since 1991 the number of managing directors has varied from one to five.

The term of an incoming president has usually begun on the day following the end of his predecessor's term of office. The first transition, between Eugene Meyer and John J. McCloy, was, however, difficult. Meyer resigned abruptly in December 1946, and Harold Smith, the vice president who became acting president, died in January 1947. John J. McCloy was elected by the Board of Directors in February 1947 and took office in March, marking the end of uncertain transitions. By contrast, during the illness of LewisPreston in 1995, the Bank immediately named an acting president, Ernest Stern, who served until James Wolfensohn took over as president.

The presidents and their tenures are:

Eugene Isaac Meyer 1946-06-06--1946-12-18

John Jay McCloy 1947-03-17--1949-06-30

Eugene Robert Black 1949-07-01--1962-12-31

George David Woods 1963-01-01-1968-03-31

Robert Strange McNamara 1968-04-01-1981-06-31

Alden Winship Clausen 1981-07-01-1986-06-30

Barber Benjamin Conable, Jr. 1986-07-01-1991-08-31

Lewis Thompson Preston 1991-09-01-1995-05-04

Ernest Stern (Acting) 1995-02-01-1995-05-31

James David Wolfensohn 1995-06-01-2005-05-31

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz 2005-06-01-2007-06-30

Robert Bruce Zoellick 2007-07-01-2012-06-30

Jim Yong Kim 2012-07-01-

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Each of the first four presidents of the World Bank took his office records with him when he left the Bank. The World Bank Group Archives has no records of the Eugene Meyer presidency and very small quantities of records from the presidencies of John J. McCloy and Eugene R. Black. A larger body of records remains from the presidency of George D. Woods; in addition, the Bank has copies of relevant parts of the Woods papers now at Columbia University. President Robert S. McNamara left some records with the Bank and took others, many of which he subsequently returned to the Bank. Starting with the presidency of Barber B. Conable, all succeeding presidents have left the records of the presidency with the Bank.

During the early years of the Bank some of the presidential documents were filed in the Central File. Researchers interested in the presidencies of Meyer, McCloy and Black should review the Central Files for related records

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Primarily from the Office of the President. More information can be found in some sub-fonds and series descriptions.

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

The records of cover the entire span of administrative and substantive activities of the Bank. Particularly useful is the documentation of public relations activities by the presidents and coordination efforts with outside partners. Briefing books for country visits and for meetings at the Bank's annual meeting often provide good overviews of issues as well as reports on the economic and political situation in a country. Unique materials on major Bank studies and commissions, such as the Pearson and Brandt Commissions and the Task Force on Portfolio Management (Wapenhans Report), are also found in the records of the president's office.

The McNamara, Conable and Preston records include both the records of the president and the records of his immediate staff. Some staff members had specific mandates and their files are key sources for those activities, while other presidential assistants played a more general role in handling topics for the president.

Avaliação, selecção e eliminação

Ingressos adicionais

Accruals are expected.

Sistema de arranjo

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

Records are subject to the World Bank Policy on Access to Information.

Condiçoes de reprodução

Records are subject to the Copyright Policy of the World Bank Group.

Idioma do material

  • inglês

Script do material

Notas ao idioma e script

Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descrição

See description of each First level subfonds

Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

Existência e localização de cópias

Unidades de descrição relacionadas

  • See Central Files (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF) for additional records of the Office of the President, particularly during the tenures of Meyer, McCloy, Black, and Woods that were filed in the Bank's centralized filing system. Beginning with President McNamara in 1968, outgoing records of the Office of the President were not filed in Central Files. Specifically see: Central Files - Administration and organization (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-03) for related records of the establishment of Bank offices and the Bank Group organizations; Central Files - Operations policy and procedures (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-04) for related records of policies and guidelines for lending, economic sector work, and other operations; and Central Files - Membership files (WB IBRD/IDA ADMCF-05) for more records regarding relations with member countries, membership issues, and capital increases.

  • See Records of the Office of External Relations (WB IBRD/IDA EXT) for texts of presidential speeches, public relations materials, photographs and video and audio recordings. Specifically, see Speech reference collection (WB IBRD/IDA EXT-01) and Media relations (WB IBRD/IDA EXT-03) for speeches and addresses by President Eugene Meyer comprising the few existing records related to his presidency.

  • Also see Joint Bank/Fund Library collection on Presidents of the World Bank (WB IBRD/IDA PRES) for clippings, texts of speeches and related public materials on presidents Meyer through Conable.

Descrições relacionadas

Zona das notas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Pontos de acesso de género

Zona do controlo da descrição

Identificador da descrição

Identificador da instituição

Regras ou convenções utilizadas

Internal World Bank Group Archives rules based on ISAD(G).

Disclosure status

Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

12 September 2006

Línguas e escritas



Zona da incorporação

Assuntos relacionados

Pessoas e organizações relacionadas

Géneros relacionados

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